MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 6392 Why bother

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Today, there are only a few thousand rank nine Dayan Immortals and a thousand two-star devouring Demon Sovereigns, and they can still bear it.

But with millions of two-star Devouring Demon Sovereigns, how much can other powerhouses share for them?

When the million devoured the devil, he lost half of the rank nine Dayan Immortal, and this time he would probably be wiped out.

"It's a pity!" Jian Wushuang sighed in a low voice, and when the horn sounded again, his figure moved into the air outside the city in an instant.

In the third wave, the Devouring Demon Lord of 10,000,000 stars was a 100,000-point treasure.

Now the sixth wave is a million treasure points. Although it can't be swallowed alone, half of it can still be won.

Now that he has accumulated almost 100,000 again, if he can get half of it this time, counting the bonus from the coach, he can almost be exchanged for candle dragon wings.

This treasure is of great help to him. Not to mention the increase in speed and defense, the increase in the field of beast gods alone can make him even stronger. I am afraid that he will really have the combat power of a half-step emperor by then. .

The increase in the divine body, coupled with the strong defensive power of the candle dragon's wings, really wants to fight the tens of thousands of stars, and he is sure to fight.

At that time, this primitive star, he can really walk sideways.

At this moment, Jian Wushuang even had an evil idea, swallowing all the Dayan Immortals of this primordial star, and he could take another step.

This idea just leaked out of his mind, and he quickly rejected it. Let’s not talk about the feasibility of this method, let’s talk about the trial of Primordial Star now, it is estimated that it will be difficult to fight around like the first stage.

Now that the Qishen Temple has opened the treasure house, and invested so many treasures, how can they still be like what they used to be.

Not to let him mess around.

Jian Wushuang has always believed that there are some strong people who survived from ancient times in this temple of Qi, otherwise the inner world would not be running in such an orderly manner.

There are too many hidden secrets, and they will only know the real Qishen Temple when the Primordial Star is out.

The horns hummed and echoed in the ears of really everyone.

The sixth wave of Devouring Demon Lord.

This is a hurdle, the hurdle of rank nine Great Evolution Immortals, and the threshold of some top Great Evolution Immortals.

Because after passing this hurdle, the days of the top Dayan Immortal will not be too good, and even the next few waves of the Peak Dayan Immortal are difficult to survive.

At the beginning of the seventh wave, it was the three-star Devouring Demon Lord, the Devouring Demon Lord with top-level Dayan Immortal combat power.

It is also 100,000 at the beginning, until the next 10 million.

What kind of concept is the tens of millions of top-level Dayan Immortals, and the powerful Daojun may fall.

But that time was also the craziest time to earn treasure points.

Dozens of treasures!

What imitation eternal treasure is not exchanged casually, those cherished treasures can be exchanged.

Can exchange half of the treasure in the treasure house.

The immortality of the physical body, the increase of the divine body, and the enlightenment of the source are too many treasures, and it is possible to ascend to the sky in one step.

How tempting is this, how can it not make people crazy.

Tens of thousands of devouring Demon Lords, all towering and ten thousand battles, overwhelming the sky, covering the sky and the sun, the evil atmosphere disturbed the atmosphere of everyone.

Jian Wushuang stands in the void, and people are like sword shadows, standing in this world.

Looking back, the 100,000 cultivators, no matter how weak or strong, all had very solemn expressions on their faces. Although they were tens of thousands, the lustre in their eyes made Jian Wushuang understand what it means to have no regrets.

To fight to fight, to die without regrets.

"Kill..." Someone whispered, and everyone slowly followed.

In the end, everyone roared out.


The killing intent soaring to the sky is no weaker than the Ten Thousand Devouring Demon Sovereign.

Lian Jian Wushuang followed and shouted, and at this moment the killing intent infected everyone.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Jian Wushuang rode as a thousand, and pulled out the divine sword behind him, smashing ten thousand enemies with one sword, and rushing into the tens of thousands of devouring demons first.

In addition to him and Tear Heaven, and those Half-step Daojun, Extreme Dayan Immortal, also rushed into the army of Devouring Demons.

The 100,000 Great Evolution Immortals lined up and slammed into the Devouring Demon army head-on in the form of a large formation. Life and death had already been put aside, and now there is only madness in their eyes.

Chi Chi!

At the moment when the two sides fought, countless Devouring Demon Sovereigns lost their lives, turning into pitch-black mist and drifting between the heavens and the earth.

In the early stage, everyone mustered up their courage, and when they really collided, they did not lose much, but in the face of the constant stream of Devouring Demon Lords, they gradually couldn't stand it.

This is a two-star Devouring Demon Lord that is comparable to a nine-turn perfection, but it is much stronger than a one-star Devouring Demon Lord.

The Great Evolution Immortal's line soon began to collapse. The first thing that could not stand was the 6,009-rank Great Evolution Immortal. Although it formed a battle formation, it was a pity that the crazy operation of Yan Li was too much to bear. In the end, the big formation collapsed, and the tens of thousands of two-star Devouring Demon Lord rushed into the big formation.

Six thousand nine-turn Dayan Immortal, facing the tens of thousands of two stars Devouring Demon Sovereign, just a face-to-face, blood claws slashed, and most of them fell in an instant.

Many Dayan Immortals with weaker divine bodies and fleshly bodies were directly torn apart by a claw, and their corpses split apart.

Devouring Demon Sovereign even more unscrupulously grabbed those broken corpses and bit them.

"You guys, **** it!" A golden-armored expert also blocked a gap with his claws in a flash.

However, unlike those Devouring Demon Sovereigns, his sharp claws turned into golden dragons, with a majestic atmosphere, one person could beat ten thousand demons, and the tens of thousands of two-star Devouring Demon Sovereigns he could kill with his own power were defeated.

It's a pity that it was a little too late. UU Reading just took a few breaths, and this group of Devouring Demon Sovereigns slaughtered the Nine-Rank Dayan Immortals cleanly, and no one survived.

"Destroy me!"

Not letting go of the corpse capital, this is the reverse scale that touched Dayan Xian.

In just a short while, the tens of thousands of Devouring Demon Sovereigns were torn into thousands by the Golden Armor.

And he was badly injured!

Mo Long's golden armor had black blood all over his body, his hair was already messy, and his face was covered in blood.

Although he looked down on the weak Da Yanxian, he felt that these people were using their arms as chariots, but when those devouring demon lords tore apart the same kind and devoured them, he couldn't help rushing over.

In the first two waves, he also killed a lot of Devouring Demon Lords. In addition to the bonus of the general position, he gained a lot of treasure points. After exchanging a set of innate treasures, he can be regarded as returning to the peak. The foundation of his, he is no weaker than those half-step Daoist monarchs.

"You guys, why bother!" Looking at the mutilated corpses on the ground, there was pity and pity in Mo Long's eyes.

It's just that countless battles are taking place on this battlefield.

The top-level Dayan Immortal is also falling, and the peak Dayanxian is even more physically damaged, the divine body collapses, and the source is almost extinguished.

Those who can really compete in the battlefield are those extreme Dayan immortals and half-step Daojuns.

And Jian Wushuang and Tear Heaven Daojun are like two suns, shining in the deepest part of the tens of thousands of devouring devils.

These two-star Devouring Demon Sovereigns can't hurt Jian Wushuang at all. Even if millions of Devouring Demon Sovereigns are besieging him, they are still as calm as ever.

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