MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 493 Love you

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"Old wolf, old wolf realized that there wasn't it. The spider's cocoon came out of the grass, sprinting, instant sprinting, twisting the cocoon, and Jela and Jess came out later. After Jira ’s e, the big move, the clockwork ’s big move pulled Jess and the spider back, and at the same time walked away from Jira ’s big move ... My God ~~~ At this moment, God possesses killer! "

In a second, n skills, but the clockwork escaped, the audience stood up and cheered. They were really surprised by this team and really surprised by this mid-killer.

The whole audience was convinced, three SK players came to catch it, and the squatting overcast man, including spiders present, Climb's spiders, and the world's number one wild king spider!

All the controls failed, and the clockwork, no mistakes, escaped this wave of killing Gank completely!

In the cheers of the audience, haha ​​let out his hoarse throat angrily and announced to the audience of LPL what he knows the wolf king: "Dear viewers, this is our wolf king, the fear of Ionia, the three-year passerby king, No sound for three years, amazing sound, no fly for three years, one fly soaring ~~~~ "

Haha waving his arm openly, he was crazy, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world, a salty fish without dreams, accidentally played a game called League of Legends, and then got a job, Let yourself do what you love most.

witness the miracle!

Aside, Zhuo Yunhai's eyes flickered. This scene, ... he is familiar, even unforgettable. He lost the clockwork to the Wolf King in the same way. Now, this scene reappears, the Wolf King is still that Wolf King!

Ionian fear ...

He hopes that one day he can defeat this man, yes, this is the charm of lol.

Zhuo Yunhai clenched his fists.

The Korean commentator also screamed and mourned. Although they absolutely supported SK, this wave escaped, and they were amazed.

Everyone is enjoying this game and enjoying the audiovisual feast brought by the players from both sides!

The commentators of various regions, various languages, and different ways of exclaiming express the same meaning. This confrontation between the two teams is the strongest BO5 battle ever!

Now, both sides have hope. It ’s hard to say who wins or loses. The Wolves have an economic advantage of 5,000, but SK is a magic team. When they have morale, they can also be beaten by 10,000 economic disadvantages. come back.

Deadlock came to 30 minutes ...

In the middle, both sides were trying to clear the line, but Li Mu suddenly gave a signal to Chengfeng, "Lao Cheng, the vision of the opposite dragon will be broken in five seconds."

Cheng Feng realized in his heart that he immediately walked towards the dragon, counted the seconds, and then passed by.

At the same time, Xiaoye's crazy replenishment in the middle of the road attracted SK's attention. Xiaoye who was too far forward even made SK want to start a group directly, but no one knows, clockwork and blind monk. The dragon has been playing in the dragon pit for ten seconds!

All the audience of lpl are afraid to breathe. This is really a dare to fight against Nakano. At this time, they are still thinking about stealing dragons!

Yes, the old wolves and matures have done countless times, this is their favorite method.

The wolf's brothers all watched this familiar scene one by one, but this time in the World Championship, as if they were fighting themselves.

At this moment, they are together.

Fifteen seconds ...

SK reacted, Only yelling Baron Nash!

The five quickly approached the Dalong District, but Xiaoye led the team, and after the brother's meat was broken, he kept holding SK's approach ...


Baron Nash made a scream, Li Mu and Chengfeng stole the dragon!

"Killer, Tank, these are brothers for four years, and their tacit understanding can't be reached!"

The Wolves have a certain chance of winning, but no one dares to say that they will win. At this time, whether it is the great gods of the major live broadcast platforms or the live commentary, the backstage analysts are silent because they are at this moment They all stand together. Metaphysics is definitely unbelievable, but no one touches it at this time.

With the big dragon BUff, the Wolves' play style changed suddenly and started ...

Haha was stunned, and the team that most admired the regiment suddenly used the operating routine at the last moment!

Moreover, the Wolves are operating very well. With the blessing of the big dragon Buff, they continued to draw blood to SK, calmly expanding their advantages. There is no doubt that the Wolves have their strongest state ever!

Take the dragon and grab the monsters, but SK is very resilient, Super's Jess snatched the red Buff hit by the ice to the blood!

The Wolves are constantly pulling in the highland tower in the middle. SK has pushed the highland tower several times to open a group. However, whether it is Jess's acceleration gate and Kalmar RE's twin-turbo acceleration pursuit, or Ember's big move, both are being wolves Pulled away.

"We were fooled by the Wolves and coach Zhang for a whole year, two seasons! The operation of the Wolves! Wow! What is this!"

"Fantastic BP, betting on Killer in the last battle, clockwork demon, this ancient middle order, really, everlasting! On the contrary, SK now, Kalmar has stabilized several hands at the crucial moments without being beaten by the Wolves offensive wave, but With Wolves operating, the lack of core output from SK has become acute. "

"Yes, this is destined to be a horrible bo5. The coach Zhang must have realized that the team fight is the most late!"

"Wolves are stable, after all, SK! Crystals don't blow up, so be stable!"

The audience is really nervous!

Waves of confrontation, pull, Wolves and SK are fighting the rhythm, grab the rhythm.

After more than 37 minutes, the dragon was about to refresh. The focus of the two sides turned to the dragon area again. Obviously, SK could no longer lose the second dragon. Five people held the group from the middle. The vision of the dragon was necessary. To compete.

However, the Wolves obviously didn't want to take the dragon directly, and after operating for so long, it was time for a wave of rhythm.

Four people hid in the grass on the back of the blue square BUFF on the blue side, wanting a cloudy wave, but put Xiao Ye on the middle of the road with a person alone. For a time, SK was paralyzed by the position of Xiao Ye. No one will lone the most important ADC in the late stage in a position that no one can support. Only guessed that the Wolves will perine them, but no guess that the position will be in their own wild area. Look, he guessed it should be waiting in the grass at the entrance of the upper river for them to make a vision.

When the Wolves rushed out from the field entrance behind a tower, the SK side was obviously a bit confused, and the one who had taken the front line to clear the line failed to recover, and was slowed down by the iced W. He could not Do not single out with Frost.

However, the clockwork did not chase the four people SK pulled back, but instead supported the ice, and an E-skilled defense put the ice on it!

Desperate, he was slowed down by the ice to know that he could not run away, and the back road was broken. His only hope was to change AD from AD. In this case, 4V4, they could still hold the dragon.

When the clockwork came over, he even hoped that the first action of the clockwork was to hit him. In this case, his damage could drown the ice, but the clockwork did not hit him, but he gave the shield in the essence!


Ember's fourth bullet hit out, and there was more than a hundred blood in the ice, and the Imperial City PK survived!

Moreover, after being chased by Nami for a W, his blood volume increased again.

With this wave of killing, the Wolves rushed to the dragon.

Victory seems to be right in front of you. The more such moments, the more nervous everyone becomes ...

"Will SK come?" Tangtang's nervous hands didn't know where to put it, and once they put it on top, he hid it underneath to go to the corner of the clothes.

Guoge took a deep breath, pretending to be calm: "Give up, no vision!"

But in his mind, there was nothing but a lying trough. Li Mu and Bai Qi, as if grabbing a bowl of instant noodles in a bedroom yesterday, in an instant, they were on the international arena to defeat the world's strongest team. ?

Lying down! !! !!

"It will win, it will win."

On the square, You Xiaoxun missed something.

Sima Yi looked at her, and her face was too sweet. Listening to her murmur, he suddenly snorted and said, "I'm relying, you say I'm going to ask Li Mu for a hundred signatures before it's too late?"

You Xiaoxun glanced at Sima Yi, "I want to accompany you!"

"It's time for Ssangyong!" Ye Zixuan has smashed Zhang Qiu's baby tactical book cover ...

The surface of Zhang Ball is very calm. It should be crazy. The front has been crazy, but his hands have been sneaking sweat on the trouser legs.

Zhang Shuanshui and Superior Dog are as focused as they are playing ...

In the end, SK did not dare to approach the big dragon area with no vision. After winning the second big dragon without pressure, the Wolves turned to the ancient dragon, and the double dragon will!

LOL is the most stable way forward so far, Ssangyong will!

The middle of five people is advancing forward!

In the face of Ssangyong, SK had no choice. Kalmar's Q hit melee soldiers. It felt painless and itchy. Ember opened a big move in the distance. However, only after firing a bullet, Nami was aimed at him. The tsunami waves released by the location were interrupted.

When SK avoided Nami's big move, the members of the Wolves swarmed up, and under the blessing of the ancient dragon, the Highland Tower was instantly burst!

"The Wolves rushed and blew the horn of victory. The two sides fought wildly in the crystal position, and the blind monk kicked Tianyinbo to Jess. He pressed all the operations in an instant, the second Q passed, and R flashed and kicked. However, the kick was crooked ... Jess backhanded the disabled blind monk, the blind monk and w, then W touched his eyes and opened the distance! "Haha roared, this is his profession, his post, his dream .

At this time, the firepower of the Wolves was aimed at the spider, and Climb immediately flew to avoid the sky. At the moment of landing, the rocket belt pulled back. The ice position was too forward because it wanted to output. Jess's accelerated electron gun Hit the ice violently, hurt and explode, only half of the blood is left in an instant ...

But the Wolves still have the advantage. The clockwork is pushed forward, and SK will not stop it. "Only!"

Kalmar burst into the mainspring with a flame of heart! Clockwork blood drops to half blood! The mainspring slowed down by the flames of the spirit tried to pull back a little distance, but Ember hit Li Mu, a deadly huacai from a long distance below, just released from the bond, and it was Kalmar again! A burst of RQ aura sparkles in the middle of the mainspring, instantly hitting the mainspring's blood volume from half blood to only five hundred, and then the ring of fire erupted, hitting the mainspring to only more than two hundred blood!

With clockwork and blood, losing the suppression of the battlefield, the Wolves had to retreat, SK held this wave!

No, not only to hold it, Jess teleported the blue Buff's eyes, and the home guard rushed out, trying to kill the clockwork!


"Wow, Super! This shot is short!"

Super opened his mouth wide. This gun was flawless in speed position and angle, but ... a little short, the electric gun exploded white light beside the mainspring, but it did not hit the mainspring!

"God, this time sk can still hold, what kind of team!"

"After all, the double crown, horrible, brother, my tears are down, can you withstand it!"

"God, I'm willing to trade my ex-boyfriend for ten years for a victory!"


"Fa brother is off the road, aren't you going home?" Han Xing patted his chest, the shot was too scary!

"Fa brother and six gods are pretended, there are blue and blood, why go home?"

In 41 minutes, Fage continued to push down the road, while on the road, the other four of the Wolves used the cannon car blessed by the dragon Buff to continuously put pressure on the highland tower.

Ember put out a big move and wanted to destroy the gun car, but almost immediately, Nami's big move ... embers only had two shots and the curtain ended, and they were forced to close the gun.

This hand Nami, Niubi!

But this time, SK did not give LANG a chance to hug and break the tower again, spreading slightly to avoid the waves, but scattered but not chaotic, and the formation maintained.

Can this wave of highlands be held up again?

Here comes Bobby! They came with the super soldiers in the middle and inserted the SK formation from the flanks. Instantly, SK was messed up. No one of them could take this Bobby!

Ember wanted to stand up, but he was also stared at by Xiao Ye's ice. After two times of level A, Cheng Feng blind monk drew his eyes to it, and directly dragged a dragon ...

"Ember was kicked to death!"

"The spider hid from the clockwork, but at the moment of landing, in the blind monk Q, the blind monk had revenge and took the spider head!"

"SK's dynasty! It's over ~~~~~!" Everyone shouted.

The defeat was smashed, and the remaining Kalmar, Zyra, and Jess were unable to stop ...

With the explosion of the crystal, Climb, who started freely at this moment, held his head with his hands, his eyes blanked, and bit his nails. Bear looked at the exploded base crystal blankly, super expressionless, and only covered it. Own face.

How much he wants to win ...

"My God, the Wolves won, they really won, and the Wolves have reached the final!"

Ah ~~~~~~~~

At the last minute, everyone is shouting!

Everyone stood up in the battle room of Wolves, but there was no fierce cheering. They just smiled, smiled, and their mouths smiled more and more. They looked at each other in disbelief. This mother-in-law is true. Is it?

"we won?"

"we won!"

"Control, control, this is the semi-final!"

All five are smirking ...

They won sk ...

Should be dreaming ...

Until the staff reminded them, "You should shake hands."

Five people, just sober, cheer up!

Wow ah ah ah ...

008 jumped, the smile on his face converged, he reminded: "Yes, I'm going to shake hands."

Yes, shake hands, respectable opponents!

Then everyone came to the center of the stage and accepted the cheers from the audience. Taosu and the Chinese students rushed to the front, waving the support card in their hands, and a five-star red flag!

The audience chanted the Wolves!

Then the name of Killer, also resounded throughout the audience, a mid lane single that could break the Only monopoly came out!

Shanghai, Zhang Chun's restaurant. At this time, there are people inside and outside the third floor. The TV is too small, but everyone is watching it very hot. In fact, many people are watching with their mobile phones.

At the moment when the crystal broke, everyone cheered and won, the Chinese team won, and the old Li's son won!

It ’s a magical scene, regardless of age, gender or gender!

This is League of Legends.

At the scene in the United States, everyone has returned to the lounge, and Zhang Qiu hugs everyone. At this moment, it is not exaggerating to use any language. As for Li Mu, the old ball jumped directly to Li Mu, and Li Mu suspected it Shake it off.

Ye Xuanxuan also gave Li Mu a big hug regardless of his fierce embrace. Lao Cheng also wanted to give one, but unfortunately he didn't do that.

Li Mu hurried to the side and called Yoyo. At this moment, the person he most wanted to share was Yoyo, master, really not a bravery.

But ... the call never worked.

Xiaobai noticed, was silent for a while, and walked over.

"Brother ..."

Li Mu woke up, "Ah, Xiaobai ... why did I forget you, Xiaobai, how could the phone not work? Do you have a call at her home? I remember you said that."

On the other side, the elder brother couldn't stand anymore. He leaned against him with a spirit. He was really desperate, and the "old handsome" on the side was treating him.

Xiaobai gritted his teeth and stopped talking.

Li Mu jumped in her heart, her brows frowned, "Xiao Bai, what's the matter, you're not going to hide anything from me, you know me, I can't hide my heart, tell me, I'm anxious!"

Xiaobai shrugged helplessly. He had prepared some excuses, but at this moment, he couldn't say anything at all.

"Brother, please calm down first. Actually ... this is the case ... You have undoubtedly saved Yoyo before. She actually returned to China to find you and took a circle ... Yoyo did not return, not because her parents opposed it, but It was her old illness that recurred. She was waiting for surgery in the United States. Today is the day of surgery. She won't let me say. "

The lounge was also quiet, Xiaobai returned to the sofa, found the backpack, and took out a letter.

"This letter ~ ~ was originally intended to be given to you after the finals." Xiao Bai had never wanted it, but Zhao Youer insisted very much, and he couldn't help it.

Li Mu was dumb, even if he faced the strongest opponent, he did not hesitate to shake his hand.

The letter was opened, and the font was familiar to Li Mu. It was beautiful, and his dog crawling body could never touch it.

Dear Master:

"When you saw this letter, we were already under different skies, did you know that when we met for the first time, when we were at the school gate, I knew you liked me and your eyes couldn't hide.

Xiaobai has already told you, you are my life-saving benefactor, it's really embarrassing. In the end, you go around or fall into your hands.

Brother Li Mu, in fact, I always wanted to call you that, no matter what the result, you are the world champion in my heart. I have so many words to tell you, but I do n’t know where to start ...

Li Mu ... don't forget me so quickly.

Love you yoyo. "

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