MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 488 Just desperately

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Shanghai administration, cheering endlessly, one whole round, no, starting from the second round, accumulated three full rounds, three hours of bungee jumping without ropes, and the moment Xia released, the passion that erupted Continuous cries, shouts, and hugs!

Lovers embrace each other and kiss each other, brothers embrace each other side by side.

It's boiling, blooming in despair, really, at that moment no one believes that you can really win!

After two consecutive games, SK has entered their invincible state.

But the Wolves did it. They broke the invincibility and broke SK's golden cloak.

"Wow!" You Xiaoxun cheered, bouncing and jumping, except for the joy of excitement in his brain, a blank ...

"Sister Xue ... wow ..."

Happiness comes to an end!

When she saw the explosion of the crystal, her brain was blank for a moment, as if she had gone back a long time ago, thinking that the person around him was him ...

It turns out that habits have never changed.

Fortunately, the people around her who were taken away by her excitement were the little sisters of the Student Union who accompanied her ...

You Xiaoxun was silent, and everything in her mind was about her and Sima Yi ...

The first time I knew him was that he was clumsy and said that his mobile phone was lost. It was a stupid way to borrow her phone to call herself, but the stupid the better ...

The first time I called her, he actually told her to play basketball, causing her to spend hundreds of dollars on jersey shoes. If she didn't choose basketball, who would care about such a fool ...

On his first date, he actually took her to an internet cafe to play games. If it wasn't for summer vacation, her cousin taught her to play League of Legends ...

The first time he assisted him ...

The first time I received his gift ... the first time I gave him a gift ... the first time we had a birthday ...

What have you done this time?

Maybe she's right, but really thought about what Sima Yi thinks?

Looking at the big screen and the lively crowd around, an impulse came to mind, and You Xiaoxun suddenly dialed that number, and the phone was dialed as soon as it was dialed out.

"Sima, let's be okay." You Xiaoxun said directly.

The other side was very silent, and this reaction made You Xiaoxun's heart fall.

"Xiao Xun, let's get married."

United States……

Zhou Xuyang and Xu Tian also raised their arms and shouted and waved. Zhou Xuyang sat down for a while and ... Grandma's was just impulsive.

The North American audience around is very enthusiastic. Although they like to watch the king crowned, they also like the Warrior Fighting Dragon. President Zhou's English is very good. He can clearly hear the warm and exaggerated praise of the North American audience.

"The last game is left, BO5 becomes BO1." Xu Tian re-sit back to his seat, Changshu breath, this game is really thrilling, seriously, he has been sitting here from graduation to now It feels like dreaming, League of Legends has changed the fate of too many people.

Zhou Xuyang has returned to calmness. "Calm, sk's bo5 decision in the knockout round is a complete victory record, and they are best at playing the fifth game."

Xu Tian nodded, "We are superior in momentum, but this will not have much impact on sk. The players on both sides are at their peak. There should be no fluctuations. The key is to look at the coach."

Zhou Xuyang nodded silently. Seriously, he didn't really see the coach Zhang Zhang at first, and even looked for someone to investigate. However, he looked away. When he chose time in the fourth game, he wanted to scold others. He seems to have missed the chance to let go, but ... teaches to be human.

The coach is the coach. It seems that in the future, it is necessary to consider the problem of interference with coach tactics.

"But I just rubbed my waist when I watched 008 ... don't get into trouble."

In LPL, I basically knew about the back injury and even played four games. I do n’t know what the situation is now. If it ’s not influential, the Wolves will not forcibly practice the “trumpet”. .

Zhou Xuyang pondered for a while, and suddenly asked Xu Tian: "How is Xiaohai's craftsmanship?"

"What craft?"

"Heirloom acupuncture. Didn't you have two needles for your wrist pain last time?"

"Yeah! It's fierce! After a few stitches, it won't hurt anymore, boss, let me ask?"

"Look what, go." Zhou Xuyang rolled his eyes.

He is not aimed at anyone, but he hopes that LPL's performance will be better, so that his investment will be rewarded. After all, the market is good, everyone is good.

Xu Tianmei trot all the way, how to say, the boss is still a very big person.

LANG lounge.

Everyone was very happy. 008 was holding his waist down. As soon as he walked to the backstage, the superior dog took the physiotherapist and left him back.

He hasn't beaten for such a long time, and when he returns to the lounge, he can only lie on the massage table ... It's not all pain, but the weakness and weakness after another, flapping his will like the tide.

"008 is it okay?" Zhang Qiu was both worried and regretful. In the second game, in fact, Zhang should turn off the water and let the brother rest for an hour ...

People are greedy. They can't take it at the critical moment. It is their nature to choose to throw it alone. However, as a coach, he should master the limits of each player, not use the players to death.

008, whose head was buried in the air hole of the massage table, laughed, stretched out his right hand, and said with an OK: "Relief the coach, as long as I can't die, I will be able to fight!"

It was very easy to talk, everyone couldn't see Fa brother's expression, but everyone could hear it .... Fang brother squeezed his teeth out of his mouth.

Zhang Duanshui twisted his horns with his hands. He only hated why he was so dishy, ​​but if he was a bit useful, he could do it one at a time.

Li Mu rubbing his temples, drinking sweet milk with double sugar, eating chocolate, and the match with Only, it is very exciting and exhausting. The more time you want to keep in good condition during the rest.

Just then, the door of the lounge rang, and Zhuo Yunhai probed in: "Well, is it convenient for me to come in?"

In general, lounges are not allowed for people without a pass.

"It's Xiaohai, come in quickly."

Zhang Qiu enthusiastically pulled Zhuo Yunhai in, "Is there any tactic for Xiaohai ...?"

But only halfway through, Zhang Qiu held his back. Zhuo Yunhai still had an old Zhuo behind him. Ordinary physiotherapy Zhuo Yunhai can do it, but this is really not the case with his two knives. Yes, but happens to be with my dad.

"Fa's waist ... If it's convenient, maybe my dad can help me a little, dad, let's see."

It turned out that the doctor Ye Yexuan had heard about the situation and asked in English. His head was shaking like a rattle. Acupuncture in the United States requires a license.

"Old handsome guy" nodded calmly in response to the question. Yes, not only did the handsome guy have, but also the vice president of the Chinese Medicine Association here. After learning the identity of the handsome guy, the doctor's attitude was 180 degrees immediately. The turn became an assistant.

The old ball expressed his gratitude with enthusiasm, and then patted him on the shoulder of Li Mu, "Old wolf, let's go and smoke outside."

The two went out and came to the designated smoking port. The old ball lit a cigarette and took a sip. There was no need to pretend in front of Li Mu. It was so tense. It was really his mother ’s nervousness and the dog ’s nervousness.

"Xiao Bai and Xiao Ye's confidence is back. It's the last one, his sister, what do you think?"

The real final moment is to win, not only to win, but to win sk and advance to the final!

Seeing that Li Mu didn't speak, Zhang Qiu continued to talk to himself, "I am a little hesitant to continue the time or let you play. I suspect Zhu Zhenzhong will give only the functional single to the team. Now the team's rhythm is more active important."

The old ball stopped talking, Li Mu smiled, took a cigarette and took a sip, then he felt uncomfortable, "Fuck, what's so good about this shit."

If you change the time point, the old ball must go back and teach Li Mu what a man is by the way, but now he is not in the mood.

"You are worried about sk's ability to adjust. After the fourth round, they will definitely adjust. If they are deadlocked in the early stage, they will not be able to play in the future." Li Mu said.

Zhang Qiu nodded fiercely, "Can't underestimate these people, to be honest, as for the overall strength, we almost have to fight."

"Let me come, I've been waiting this day for a long time." Li Mu smiled.

Yes, he waited for this day, really a long time.

The old ball twisted the cigarette **** hard, and patted his left hand firmly on Li Mu's shoulder, repeating: "I see, it's up to you!"

The fifth game is definitely the hardest one, tactical game, mental game, and most importantly, what is the core.

No one knows the outcome, but you must choose your own judgment.

After the cigarettes were over, the two returned to the lounge, and everyone was waiting for them.

008 has also sat up, Lao Zhuo is giving him a painkiller post.

Zhang ball clapped his hands: "Brothers, I don't have much nonsense. In the fifth game, kill SK and go to Los Angeles to play hot and spicy!"

Li Mu took a deep breath and shouted with all his strength: "The Wolves will win!"

Suddenly, everyone's blood rushed into his face, "Wolves will win!"

"Wolves will win!"


The elder brother wanted to yell too, was held down by Lao Zhuo, and he couldn't raise it in one breath. He couldn't shout out, "You don't have to stubbornly, you should lose your temper and be quiet, just be quiet."

"The Wolves will win." The elder brother yelled, um, comfortable, the waist is not so painful, "Dr. Zhuo, thank you very much."

"Although I don't like that you always win Xiaohai, but ... Come on!"

Even the old-fashioned handsome guy has been skinned a bit, and the atmosphere in the lounge has become a bit more relaxed.

The corner of Li Mu's mouth showed a radian of the second quarter. Looking at the mobile phone, there was no news, but he could not hold back to Yoyo. I believe Yoyo is also waiting for his final victory!

He will also tell Yoyo with victory actions instead of shouting slogans.

The fifth game is desperate.

SK lounge ...

Zhu Zhenzhong did not teach the players the same as in the previous rounds, but took the initiative to take responsibility. "Your performance has been perfect. In this round, my BP was flawed, and the other side caught it. I underestimated them to play wild Nidley. "

The third BAN should be given to the leopard girl, instead of feeling like a wild leopard **** the opposite side, and the leopard girl was released as a general's chess piece. His idea is that if the opponent chose not to play well, he got what he wanted. Yes, if you don't choose it, you can let Climb get the coveted leopard woman's dream.

"However, we are SK. We have never lost five times in the international competition. Next, you have to believe in your strength and go all out to bring it out. No one except you can be your opponent. Only, especially you, this one requires you to bear more. Three consecutive championships are waiting for us. There are no ancients before and no one comes after! "

"SK must win!"

"It must win!"

After a short rest period, as the players of both sides re-entered the stadium, the final battle song of BO5-Silver Mark-SilverScrapes!

Only when BO5 reaches the fifth inning, the battle song will appear, arranger: Danny, ProtoShredanoid (Remix)

At the scene, people were cheering in the battle song, and in China, the scenes of the LPL's major offline watching events have exceeded everyone's imagination, indescribable, never had excitement, tension, excitement and Excited!

Zhang Qiu listened to the battle song and shuddered all over. In 2012, the old WOE hit the world championship in Europe. When he faced a strong European team, because of a network failure, that match was fought for eight hours!

During these eight-hour pauses, this silver mark was broadcast live! SilverScrapes!

In the end, they lost that eight-hour battle and lost their dream of reaching the S2 World Championship.

Time passed, and now he is a professional coach with his team members.

"Brothers!" Zhang Qiu took a deep breath. "Get started!"

After the equipment is debugged, both parties enter the disable / select (BP) phase.

In the commentary, Han Xing has calmed down his emotions, and after everyone's sorry, he introduced the situation positively: "The battle song is over and the last BP has begun. Let me introduce it to you again. If you are a viewer friend who just opened the live broadcast, please note, This is the semi-final scene of the League of Legends S6 World Finals. LANG vs. SK. The current situation is 2 to 2 draws. BanPick is in the fifth round. "

"Yes, after four battles, the game came to the fifth game that determines fate. The blue side of this game is SK, the red side LANG, SK's first two BANs have already come out, Riz and Sindra, and L Wolves' first-hand BAN gave the bounty hunter. "Haha went on to explain.

Zhuo Yunhai analyzed: "SK will not give these two heroes to the old wolf. This is the old hero of the old wolf, and the bounty is definitely not to be given to the opposite hero on the side of the wolf team. Next, the wolf team Ban drops With the Leopard Girl, last time, Tank ’s Leopard Girl has proved that this hero is now the most unreliable jungler in the wild, and it is absolutely impossible to give the blue side SK a chance to grab the Leopard Girl. "

Next, SK's last move, BAN lost Olaf!

"Some accidents, Olaf could in fact leave SK for himself." Zhuo Yunhai had a different opinion.

"But Olaf in the last game of Climb was too frustrated. We still have to consider Climb's mentality." Han Xing added from a delicate perspective of women.

And Zhang Qiu's last BAN was given to the Star King, ONly's Dragon King, which is equivalent to Li Mu's Ruiz. During the game, he never lost.

But Zhuo Yunhai's face was dignified. "In this way, Jess, Jella and the ice shooter are all placed outside to see what SK grabs."

With the end of the ban, both parties enter the Pick phase.

"SK grabbed Kalmar!" Haha called out, very surprised!

"Did you choose Ban? Last one, Rider's Kalmar assistant has played confidently." Han Xing said.

"From the perspective of SK, the Wolves' bottom line combination is the vulnerability they are most likely to defeat, so it is indeed possible, but after all, it is coach Zhu Zhenzhong, and there will definitely be changes in the future."

"But in this way, they are giving the ice shooter to the Wolves. Will the Wolves grab the ice?" Zhuo Yunhai said.

"Catch the ice!" Zhang Qiu's eyes widened in the war room. He was actually ready to grab the ice from the opposite side. Now that SK grabs Kalmar, he must shoot the ice shooter. To grab it, the core key of BP is to simultaneously synchronize and adjust your own tactical system while destroying the opposite tactical system.

Ice shooter Aishe is obviously the most important tactical core hero of SK today. After Only conceded the absolute C position, SK's multi-core play is actually more inclined to drag the game to the time period when ADC can take over the game.

As for the second choice ...

Zhang Qiu hesitated. At this time, under the situation that he was not sure whether the position of the opposite Kalmar was middle or auxiliary, he wanted to smash Cheng Feng with a wild hand first. In the case where Olaf and Leopard Girl were both BAN, the remaining In fact, there are only spiders and blind monks in the field. After all, it is Climb. If you choose another field, if you do n’t have enough field efficiency and combat ability in the field, you will definitely be disturbed by him.

"Old man, maybe I'll get you a spider." Zhang Qiu thought about it and talked with Cheng Feng.

"Ball, do you think this one, Climb's goods, spiders and blind monks, which one would he choose?"

"It should be a blind monk."

Cheng Feng smiled, found the blind monk firmly, and clicked it out. "Ball brother, I didn't dare choose a blind monk in the previous round. This round gave me a chance. To be honest, I don't want to see it again today. Climb's blind monk. "

CLimb's blind monk is really Carry, but the BAN position is limited, if the seal can replace BAN ...

"Are you sure you can play?"

"Yes ~ ~ How capable is it?"

"Bet on a career!" Cheng Feng took a deep breath, three-point jokes, and seven points serious. He should not be timid. The team needs him. He knows that if the climber gets the blind monk, the rhythm will take off. One is to get him.

As a jungler, how can he not play blind monks? He is an old blind man, very old!

"Okay, then the blind monk." Zhang Qiu nodded, saying nothing redundant.

In this hand, Zhu Zhenzhong is not surprised. It is best to get a blind monk. After all, Climb feels very hot now, but if there is no blind monk, spider is also one of CLImb's most confident wild heroes. This is the hero pool.

Backhand, Zhu Zhenzhong let SK win the thorns and the future guard Jess!


The voices of the scene instantly filled the whole venue, Jess!

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