MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 483 Female guns prohibited!

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The room was quiet all of a sudden. Everyone looked at Fa. Except Ye Zixuan, who else dared pat on the chest and said that he could refuse the 16 million signing fee and go to a team with no clear future. Play a job?

Even if Ye Zixuan, she actually knows how powerful 16 million cash is.

At that time, a lot of people scolded Fat Brother, but after all, Fat Brother was a thin camel! He switched to live broadcasting at that time, and the traffic it brought was definitely worth the price, but if he continues to play professionally, if he loses again and again in the Wolves ... After retiring after a season, he may only be worth one tenth Price.

008 smiled again, took a few deep breaths, and pressed down the surging thing in the chest, and then continued:

"Brothers, this World Championship, no accident, it should be my last World Championship." 008 said, "I want to say that this year, no, this may be the most correct decision I have made in my life. They said that I want to be ashamed, I want to be a champion, I want to be famous, no, I just want to win sk once and give myself an account. "

"Go to TM! Fight with them!" Chengfeng broke out, roaring, compared to the brother, their pressure is a fart.

Do them!

The elder brother smiled, "Brothers! Today, let's not leave any regrets to anyone, just let it go?"

"Fuck them!" Li Mu also shouted. Since establishing a relationship with Yoyo, he hasn't exploded in a long time, and must work hard today.

"It's not good to let go!"

Zhang Qiu suddenly stood up and stared at everyone with a fierce expression: "This is what the poor and strangers say. We are still far from this point. Do you all have to listen to what I said? Fuck! Lao Tzu said I do n’t blame you. You played well. It ’s because Lao Tzu ’s brain is bad. The brain is pumping. The dog ’s day is Lao Tzu ’s pot. It ’s not old, not an old wolf. Laozi BP tactics messed up! "

After a slight pause, the old ball went on to say, "Actually, this guy Zhu Zhenzhong has already told us what he is afraid of!"

In the world of LOL, the current situation is actually like a confrontation between the two armies. Moreover, the development of the League of Legends so far is not the kind of courage that can be broken through in the past. If you let the emotions go to play, otherwise Team, maybe okay, but when they encounter SK, they will be beaten!

And Zhang Qiu also wanted to understand, why did Zhu Zhenzhong Ban Kalmar, and why dare to take Kalmar to Only in the second game? It is that SK uses Kalmar to revitalize the entire team, so that teammates wake up, realize, and go crazy!

Zhu Zhenzhong did it, only it did it.

Now it's the old wolf's turn, just like before, but now it's on the world stage.

This is also the adjustment that Lao Qiu has made to Li Mu in the summer season. It is a **** and a horse. It depends on the hammer.

On the other side ... in the SK lounge.

Zhu Zhen Zhonghu faced, and he did not praise them for winning SK. "How could you make such a stupid decision with the big dragon BUff and let Ai take the line in the middle, and the others are on the road, And it was close enough to be driven by an Olaf! "

"Only! How did you direct? Or, does someone not follow the command?"

"Coach, this is my fault, because I played well, so I didn't communicate well." Only said softly.

Zhu Zhenzhong gave him a stern glance, "I will record, never, never, make this again, the same mistake!"

"Yes, coach."

"Very well, they have tightened my spirit. LANG is a very resilient team. The next game will definitely be different! But you are the strongest. To believe this, this requires You are more united, you work better together, you do n’t make mistakes, you do n’t make mistakes! "

"Yes, coach."

"The next game, keep going!"

The fourth game is about to begin.

The live broadcast screen also gave an understanding lecture.

"The victory is here, Wolves cheer!"

"Come on, Wolves!"

"I don't believe it! Wolves will win!"

A lot of cheering pop-ups suddenly popped out, although some people left, but most of them are still there. From the opening of the S2 national service, to now, no matter what the situation, no matter how much setbacks are encountered, in fact, most people Still alive.

Fans, actually never give up.

"Welcome back! Summoners! I am explaining Han Xing, and now is the semi-final of the S6 World Finals, which is played by LANG from our LPL, the top seed of LCK, and the legendary team SO & KO with two consecutive championships- SK team! "

"Hello everyone, I'm talking haha."

"Hello everyone, this is Zhuo Yunhai from evg."

"Poseidon, do you have any opinion on the next matchup? If you are a member of the Wolves, what kind of pressure will you have at this time?"

Zhuo Yunhai thought for a while and said, "I will feel that this is the stage I am looking forward to. I believe the Wolves will feel the same as me. They will definitely not give up, and they will certainly withstand the pressure. Then, as long as it is an opponent, there is no such thing as invincible. It can be defeated, as long as you find a way. "

In this sentence, Zhuo Yunhai was sincere and sent her feelings. It feels that LANG is now facing SK, just like he is facing the old wolves ... He has not won the Wolves, but it has always been a small field. Then still lose the big picture 1 to 2.

But in the end it proved that it can still win.

I believe the Wolves will win another one now!

Han Xing nodded and said, "Although it is the first time LANG has entered the World Championship, I believe today, this is definitely a battle of a lifetime. The score is 1: 2. LANG is now standing on the edge of a cliff and I believe they will win Make your own determination! "

Haha waved his right hand: "Yes, Wolves, come on!"

"The two sides are ready and the game has entered the BP stage."

"This game, the Wolves came to the blue side, the first BAN, the bounty hunter!"

"Finally, the female gun good luck sister has been disabled. SK used this, it was really good luck, and bad luck was given to LANG."

"Yes, this one, a BAN female gun, this is given enough respect."

"Two women's guns won, disrespect, that's three. Fortunately, there is no iron."

Next SK first Ban, disabled Sindra.

"This is the same hand, that is, the old wolf won't get this hero. Coach SK is very determined. The second BAN of the Wolves will give Jess the future guardian. The super super hero who won the order will not be released. of."

"SK's second BAN is Wanderer Mage Ritz, and the Wolves' third BAN is still given to the Dragon King. This, basically, except for grabbing a female gun from BAN, LANG's other BAN positions are basically the same as the last game. same."

SK's last BAN, Snake Girl!

Haha called out for the first time: "The snake woman was BAN, so hurt! Another hero of the wolf king who can turn the sky is locked!"

"It seems that coach Zhu Zhenzhong has really studied the Wolf King and the Wolves. The most important game, three Bans in the singles, will kill all Carry points in the middle of the old wolf."

"This BP is really fierce. It ’s seven inches to hit the snake ... then the problem is coming, the wolf team finally released the hero of the leopard girl! But this one, they came to the blue side and own one The first fight for power. "Han Xing said, the atmosphere was a bit nervous, this is the life and death situation of the Wolves.

Haha took a deep breath and said solemnly: "This is a bit difficult. If you grab the leopard girl, the ice will be released to the opposite side, and Tank's leopard girl, he doesn't play a lot, I don't know if he can be in the world race. Withstanding the test, I feel that the front is completely dominated by Climb, and Tank's jungle is more passive. "

"It's coming out! Wild hunter Leopard female Nedri, the Wolves lock directly first hand!"

"The Leopard Girl is a problem-free choice. This version of the Leopard Girl is the highest priority in the T1 jungle, but the Leopard Girl of Tank feels that it is more not to give the Opposite Climb the opportunity to get the Leopard Girl. "Han Xing said, with this hand, it felt like the Wolves had to choose." In this way, Olaf and the blind monk will let the opposite choose, and see how coach Zhu chooses. "

"Maybe, what they want is more ice!" Zhuo Yunhai said. As soon as the voice fell, he chose the opposite.

Zhu Zhenzhong's tactics directly locked the ice archer Ai Xi and Xing Jiela of Thorns. Throughout the previous game, the effect of ice was too great. Compared to a weak jungler, this man won the line and continued to target the opposite road .

Cheers broke out at the scene, and it's an ice shooter again! Then, Jira, who was stabbed in LANG's hands, was also taken!

Is Jyla not strong? No, in the group stage, Jira is a deserved assistant sister, with a nearly 90% win rate, and is a super assistant hero that needs to be grabbed first-hand.

"Jiela Niubi, no matter how good a hero is, it depends on who is using it."

"Jiela recognizes IDs, and unfamiliar IDs, she will not do her best."

In the broadcast room of LCK, fans from LCK climaxed. This BP can only say that coach Zhu Zhenzhong is too strong!

Ice shooter, there is no need to question these two games. In the hands, this is a goddess of victory, 2V5 has been played, invincible choice, and Jira, lost two games, really is not Jira The problems are firstly female gun assists and secondly players.

Zhang Qiu glanced at Xiaobai. The young man's spirit was good and his expression was focused. He didn't get shaken because he chose Jie La from the opposite side. Very good!

"The Wolves have selected Ember and Kalmar."

"The embers are the things that the Wolves dig out of the box. The key to the night **** ’s signature hero in the summer game is the Kalmar hand ... it may be the wolf king Kalmar." Zhuo Yunhai said at this time, in this regard he There is a right to speak, the BP of the ball, and the Wolves, when seeing Kalmar, the heads of the coaches really hurt.

"It should not be possible. The only thing that the Wolves can compete against SK right now is the mid lane. Feeling this one, we should keep the mid lane." Han Xing said, she was really worried about choosing a team hero for the Wolf King, and then all other lines collapsed. ... Kalmar is really useless.

Zhu Zhenzhong "..." He had a headache. He didn't want to release Kalma as a hero, but he really didn't feel that he dared to take the middle order. There was no such background on the opposite side, and there was no sk strength on the other side. Don't be fooled.

"SK won Victor. In this hand, coach Zhu is very aggressive. At present, Victor is the best midfielder in all the middle singles. At the same time, the crazy fighter Olaf has appeared. Do you want to choose?"

"It really is Olaf, and Olym of Climb is also one of LCK's death gods. He is not weaker than his leopard girl! I hope Tank can be alert and careful."

Haha is uneasy, and my heart is pounding. How do you feel this, the Wolves' BP has been crushed by SK again? The ball BP was not very spiritual and fierce during LPL. How did it become muddy when it encountered SK?

Haha stared at the screen, and then it was up to the Wolves to choose.

With the heroes revealed! Haha's eyes almost stared out of his eyes.

Han Xing stunned, but still quickly said, "Nar, the lost tooth, comes out. Do you want to choose Nal?"

Zhuo Yunhai said: "To tell the truth, Nal is the hero of Baodi."

"But taking out Nal in this kind of life and death situation, wouldn't the pressure be too great for the brother?"

Haha is not worried about the level of Fanar ’s Nal, but in S5, the reason why Fa was almost sprayed out of retirement, even a good team is difficult to advance, because his Nar was in the World Championship, was SK Beheaded.

What did the sentence say ... "I'm the elder brother, I'm shooting every day, Ru Lai's palm shoots the gods!"

So far, even at this moment, in many live broadcast studios of the World Championships, this phrase still comes up from time to time, even if the elder brother had already defeated Mahoon who had blasted him with his narrative, long ago Nal's redemption and revenge have been completed, but destruction is always simpler than construction.

Haha is really worried, will the elder brother suffer big problems when facing SK because of these pressures!

In fact, ~ ~ There are other options for ordering, such as sending another brother to protect the bottom, Bobby!

When Haha was worried, the next bright hero of the Wolves made his eyes widen even more.

"Kiran the Guardian of Time?"

"This is ... will the wolf king use Kieran? Kalmar assists, but is Kieran too soft?"

"Kieran of the Wolf King is indeed a brilliant hero in LPL. The Wolf King can use time to suppress the effect on the line. This hero has a strong ability to clear the line, but, to be honest, this lineup is not very good. Ah, who is the big move used to resurrect? In the case of Ember, the acceleration of Time E is okay, but the big move is really not very effective. "

This choice, even Zhuo Yunhai, was a little nervous. The old wolf's time old man, he has suffered, but post-war research, in fact, as long as it is online, be careful not to be stunned by his double Q during team battles. People, the time old man can play a role that is not as good as expected, "The time old man is a disgusting hero. In fact, the delay time in the early and middle periods is very great. Double Q can clear the troops quickly, E skills accelerate, and big moves are resurrected. Help the team reach the advantage period. When playing a group, it is mainly auxiliary, playing control and helping teammates to accelerate and improve the fault tolerance rate. "