MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 473 Promise your single kill

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"Zoom in, it's definitely a big move, it's really the mid-single Kalmar!"

Zhuo Yunhai's heart is also a little bit awkward. Since s5, Zhu Zhenzhong has been called "the world's first" coach. From the tactics to the management of the players are all lol cards.

"If this sk is caught once, it will be difficult to hit!" Han Xing said.

But Zhuo Yunhai and Haha are not so optimistic. A professional player, a professional who specializes in sk, and Zhu Zhenzhong's character will never use such a game to practice the lineup, especially in the situation behind a game.

"The female gun assist has indeed appeared. When the main e, the consumption power on the line is very fierce, but it is not without weakness. It only appears in the hands of the professional team. It must be different. Kalmar, the only one really wants to play a functional mid-order. "

Anyway, after the defeat in the first game, sk zoomed in. What was the effect of this lineup, at least no one has used it in the previous World Series.

When Zhang Qiu saw the female gun, he could not say anything more. At this time, he could not interfere with the team's judgment.

The blue square ng is disabled: 1. Star Wars Dragon King 2. Future Guardian 3. Wild Huntress

The red square apapko is disabled: 1, Dark Heads 2, Wandering Mage 3, and Life Master

Blue square ng red square sk

Order: Time Assassin vs. Mechanical Enemy

Smasher: Berserker vs Blind Monk

Zhongzhong Road: Mechanical Pioneer vs Apocalypse

Shooter: Explorer vs. Ice Shooter

Auxiliary: Rising of Thorns vs Bounty Hunter

老 The old ball returned to the lounge has a lot of snacks, Ye Xuanxuan is quite happy, female gun assisted! With such a good bottom line, Olaf has gone a few waves.

"Old ball, what are you doing, a frown, only the Kalmar, self-defeating half of the martial arts, this coach is nothing great!"

Zhang Qiu shook his head, his face was silent, the female gun assistant had appeared in Hanbok rank, it was very fierce, but there were some problems, so it did not attract his attention, and sk took it out obviously to think about the solution to the problem thoroughly , And the biggest problem is that this lineup has changed a lot, and Xiaobai ’s experience is still insufficient!

One season of experience is enough for the average person, but Xiaobai is facing the top bottom lane in the world!

Sk's choice is really two birds with one stone.

As for the only Kalmar, it means that Zhu Zhenzhong is going to play really. This sk is a complete body that relies on the whole. From the beginning of the Nakano core carry to the current multi-point flowering, the biggest change is the vitality of the mid lane, controlling the overall situation The real core is not necessarily to kill the opposite, but rhythm is the ultimate challenge.

This is also what he has been doing for Li Mu from the spring to the summer. Lol evolved to the present. The improvement of the players and the level closer, it is no longer possible to win such a top game by a gap all the way, it must be played by all members. Sometimes, the strongest way to learn to drive the whole, you must learn to choose.

It is impossible to win a world championship by relying on one person.

Lulu, Kalmar, Lisangzhuo, and so on, this season, but the old ball is still afraid to say that it has become, despite the tacit understanding of the Wolves, and the ability of Li Mu, but always feel bad Point, and it is clear that the tuning of Zhu Zhenzhong's sk is already completed.

For a moment, a choking pressure struck. This was beyond the scope of the coach's on-the-spot command and it was up to the players themselves.

"Old ball, old ball, what's wrong with you, shouldn't Zhu Zhenzhong be poisoned when he shakes hands with you?"

Zhang Qiu could not laugh or cry, shook his head, "It's okay, I hope I think too much."

In fact, at this time, the audience of the LPL is still quite optimistic. Everyone is most afraid that only taking some output heroes. Functionally, it is really more comfortable, and lck is there to question Zhu Zhenzhong. At this time, do n’t let only bring Team, what stuff!

However, in general, both have maintained an expectation for the game. From the intensity of the first game, both sides have hope.

Summoners from both sides enter the canyon.

"Brothers, come quickly, let's welcome the first semi-finals of the first World Championship of new friends!" Only said.

The members of sk all smiled. Yes, it was only a moment when morale reached its peak. The failure of the spring season and the rise of the summer season. Of course, the understanding of coaching tactics and intentions is of course only willing to make sacrifices. A more scary sk, everyone is the main character, everyone wants to carry the team.

When I came up, Xiaobai wanted to put her passive seeds a little deeper. As a result, the female gun slowed down by an e, followed by ice, and Xiaobai immediately flashed. This was to be stuck, not a flash.

"This is a big loss, Xiaobai has to be more cautious."

"Xiao Bai's talent is really rare, but there is a lack of processing experience, he should rarely encounter this pair."

"What a loss!"

It's still very important in the early stage of Jie La's flash. More importantly, the speed of pushing the combination of ice w and female gun e is really a bit scary.

"Olav is still faster to brush the wild, but the blind monk of clib is the king of rhythm, be careful." Haha said, there is no word, the blind monk of lck, our team really had to eat thanks to .

The upper lane was a bit fierce. In the fast push line, three minutes, the tank went directly to the middle lane, first to help the middle lane build a little advantage.

"Olav was really fierce. When he saw that Kalmar was a little bit ahead, he sprinted and chased. Kalmar speeded himself up. Victor also followed qa to receive the death ray e. Kalmar had only one fifth of his blood. This wave is okay, unfortunately, Kalmar pinched his skills without flashing, just hit a flash. "Han Xing's face was sorry.

Haha nodded aside, but Zhuo Yun's face was expressionless. This was impossible. At the time, Olaf and Victor were both unskilled, their health was okay, they would n’t pay, and they might not even have blood bottles. Come back home.

Although Kalmar has teleports, but does not intend to waste here, this wave is actually a bit loss.

Seeing Olaf appearing on the middle road, the blind monk went up, entered against the field of grass, and walked into the grass on the other side of the road to squat.

This wave of clib is very patient and did not move. After all, it is an Ike and it is too flexible.

"Super act, Olaf should come over, try!"

Clib said, he watched a lot of tank games, how to say it, he is a discounted version of himself, more like a less mature self before, sometimes a glutton, will likely find opportunities on the road.

He said while pressing the b key to return to the city, this is just an attempt, he will not waste too much time.

Ike sees Rambo a bit forward, chasing a set of three rings, but w is empty, he can't stun Rambo.

留 "Stay, I'm here!" Tank roared, this is a chance. If you can kill Rambo once on the road, the life will be much better.

008 also felt this way, Lambola went into the grass and Aike followed directly, but for a moment, the blind monk set up, Huang Wen's Rambo hit back, opened the q skills, Huang Wen changed to red temperature barbecue, overloaded Lambo Ping a Increased damage!

An instant burst erupted, and Ike fell to the ground.

One blood burst!

拉 Olav has not arrived at this time, but can only run backwards, this can not fight, Ike is resurrected, the first time to teleport online.

This wave is a bit lossy. The head of the elder brother was given to the blind monk. In this way, the blind monk does not need to be too embarrassed in the wild area.

North American commentary also shouted, this wave of blind monks turned over, completely judging the opponent's line and psychology.

"If Olaf doesn't come, Ike won't go up, w will be empty, and it will be closed after hitting the third ring. In fact, it should be pulled away. There must be no luck for sk, especially not yet. The position of the blind monk. "Zhuo Yunhai said.

This is a loss. It is difficult to kill Rambo. The key is that Rambo has not paid any skills.

I am a blind monk again, the world's first jungle is about to explode.

Other commentaries are really exaggerating this wave. The blind monk has patience and good judgment. Really, don't lose your vigilance because you won him in the first game. This is the sk of the double champion of s!

CThe ability of clib to call this sk engine has also been demonstrated.

Olav went directly to the middle without doing anything, tank had a little benefit "thick-skinned", this is what the old ball said, and let him persist, never question

Do not doubt your own style, you must make progress and change, but you cannot lose confidence.

Brother Lu Zhongfa should be more careful, but Ike can still be stable. Olaf went to the middle again. When the tank had no direction, he went to look for existence.

After Olaf went around, Kalmar's position was a bit forward. This break was very good. Throwing an axe directly hit Kalmar's flash. If this position is slowed down, Kalmar will be dead.

"This wave is not bad, and it flashed Kalmar. Is half-blooded Kalmar going to go home?" Haha said, at this time, Kalmar came to the middle of the river to get back to the city, but the line came over, Kalmar wants to get rid of this wave.

"The blind monk is stealing the W4 of the Wolves. This wave of wolf kings still have to be a little stable, only to seduce, not to make a flaw."

After playing f4, I saw that Li Mu had no action, and the blind monk went to steal the stone man again. It felt that this Olaf had no advantage.

在 At this moment, Kalmar in the middle is dead!

The audience was surprised, followed by cheers.

Single kill? ? ?

Yes, single kill!

Killer kills only!

Slow motion for playback, Victor seems to be aware that the blind monk is nearby, stuck for a while, and actually when the blind monk q Stoneman is officially, Li Mu ’s Victor suddenly presses forward, at this time just rose to level 6, then df two Even, the flash sprinting together, the death ray big shot at the same time a qa shot, an instant set to send only Kalmar back to the city for free.

Lingering clouds and flowing water!

此时 At this time, the live broadcast room of lpl boiled instantly.

I am really the wolf king, and said that single kill is single kill!

LSome old fans of lol are already in tears, because in the past they were killed by singles. Various killings have finally come back.

This wave, the Wolf King is mighty!

The yak forced to come true!

Everyone is shouting, cheering, too long morale, the lens gives only, only frowned slightly, this wave of opponents is really fast, and he just cut the screen.

"Thumb fingering, I understand this feeling!" Zhuo Yunhai admired, the people who really faced Li Mu for the first time have suffered from this loss, and shot it in an instant, df Erlian didn't really have a way.

I ca n’t change my head, but how to make a little money. Of course, morale is more important. Olaf ’s flash of Kalmar is still very important.

Yuyou in the ward smiled at this moment, shaking his head uncontrollably, the master was still the master.

Heyou closed the notebook, "Doctor, I'm ready, we can go in."

The lingering parents try to calm themselves down as much as possible, but the bloodshot in the eyes cannot hide this.

Xiaoyou smiled slightly, "Parents, it will be fine, really, just like before, I believe I can!"

I came to the operating table, and the doctor who was already ready began to inject anesthetic into Yoyo. Yoyo's heart was still calm. She has always been like this. She wants to end soon, open her eyes and go to him.

Come on, master, I will also work on it.

Li Mu doesn't know the situation at all.

Although there was a wave of single kills, the teammates only roared a few times. Li Mu asked Xiaobai to go to the place of the stone man. The blind monk did not appear to make up the line. It may be down the road.

As soon as Xiaobai entered the wild area, he found the blind monk who was pk with the little stoneman. The big stoneman had been killed. Xiaobai immediately went up to deal with the vines and weakness, and ez also arrived. The half-blooded blind monk fell to the ground. The flower that Jie La had sprayed was dead.

I screamed one after another, the Wolves have an advantage, God, my heart is almost choking!

But Rambo teleported down the road, is this going to cross the tower?

"No ~ ~ Kalmar also teleported, hurry up!"

Both the middle and upper roads were on the PG signal. Xiaobai and Xiaoye immediately retreated, but were chased by Frost and the female gun. Frost and arrows spurred the female gun bounty and forest bullets and rain to slow down. Xiaobai and Xiaoye were teleported to Lamborgon. On the retreat, the only Kalmar arrived, and re-accelerated the group. Finally, Rambo arson feasted and killed Jela. Fortunately, Xiaoye ez turned over and retreated to the second tower.

"It's okay to die, no loss, ah, what is Rambo doing? Do you want to kill the second tower?" Haha was surprised, but Rambo did the top barbecue directly, and then Kalmar speeded up and got off the double. The group also came, Han Bing a w million arrows Qi Qi received the residual blood ez head.

Rambo had topped the tower twice, and the blood was gone. Olaf was driving down, sk retreated, and ng one tower, their line of soldiers were gone, but Frozen took the lead to the top of the tower, two times, and the third time. When it was about to fall, a treatment was pulled away, Rambo gave a flash, and the female gun with residual blood raised the last defense tower. It was just right, the blood that the ice treatment lifted.

The three remaining bloods left the towers in perfect alternation, and Olaf who came over was blocked by Kalmar and watched a pile of remaining blood retreat.

Instantaneous situation becomes a 2: 3 head ratio.

哇 "Wow, this wave of sk is really fierce. Ike on the road is developing and the middle is pushing the tower. If you only kill one, it is not very profitable."

The audience also gave a burst of applause. The exchange game between the two sides was really fast, and sk's dual teleportation game also showed results.

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