MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 990 Coincidentally

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Even though the vast majority of the cultivators present were sword cultivators with decent cultivation, no one could see the result of the sword battle between the two swordsmen. .

Ji Yuan and Rong Yun have been standing quietly in the air without speaking. In this atmosphere, even if all the spectators are in a hurry, no one dares to speak first.

Except for the whistling of the sea breeze and the sound of the waves, the area outside the gate of Changjian Mountain was quiet again.

The headmaster of Changjian Mountain, Rong Yun, kept his eyes closed, and turned around slowly after a long time, but Ji Yuan turned around at almost the same moment, half a point faster than him, and also spoke before Rong Yun.

"Sect Master Rong, Changjian Mountain's swordsmanship is indeed the best in the world. Although the plan is tied with you, the many swordsmanship of Changjian Mountain are more than that. Master Rong has only one or two of them to have such power. When it comes to swordsmanship, it's because someone loses."

Rong Yun was a little surprised. In fact, although he still had spare strength in the end, his mind had been shaken, and he could be said to be unable to do his best. Although the last sword was still equally divided, if he continued, within three minutes, it would be properly There will be signs of a downturn.

It's just a matter of fact, Ji Yuan's words are strictly true, but this kind of truth is a little ashamed in Rong Yun's ears.

"Mr. Ji's words are serious. Why is your swordsmanship limited to this? The famous Tianqing swordsmanship alone has never seen your master use it!"

It turned out to be a draw!

For some reason, all the cultivators in Changjian Mountain were not shocked. On the contrary, most of them were slightly relieved in their hearts. This feeling was born unconsciously and was so natural.

Standing beside Xie Zhi, Lu Min rubbed his big red eyes that were sore and swollen. He felt that his mind that had never healed had been re-created, but the trauma was worth it, and he was willing to do it!

"Mr. Ji, actually, you have even drawn the headmaster of Changjian Mountain?"

Xiezhi grinned and wanted to say something about swordsmanship, but Rong Yun's swordsmanship was already amazing enough, even if he knew that Ji Yuan might still keep his hands, he didn't need to talk about it at this time, it seemed like he was deliberately belittling Rong Yun, but Still added.

"Yeah, Changjian Mountain's headmaster is really good, and he can compete with Jiyuan in swordsmanship to such a degree. It's just that he has studied swordsmanship all his life, and he has devoted himself to it nine times out of ten. "

Lu Min was stunned for a moment, and then a burst of goose bumps jumped from his footsteps to the top of his head in an instant, and his entire scalp became numb.

This sword fight was so exciting, so shocking, and so unparalleled in the world that Lu Min regarded Ji Yuan as a complete sword fairy at this moment, but now Xie Zhi's words woke him up.

Changjian Mountain is undoubtedly the fairy of the sword, but Mr. Jiyuan is definitely not. When it comes to Mr. Ji's reputation in the immortal world, the swordsmanship is certainly a must, but Lu Min can think of it, the reputation is not inferior to the sword There are several kinds of Fa's ability.

It is rumored that Mr. Ji's Samadhi True Fire is so powerful that it is difficult to match the current world's supernatural powers to control fire, claiming that nothing can burn;

It is rumored that Mr. Ji, Lei Fa is strong, and in the battle that Tian Yuzhou cultivator invaded the black desert together, it attracted thousands of demons and beasts, and the thunder and thunder can be called punishment for the sky;

It is rumored that Mr. Ji's words follow the law, and the law of the decree connects the heaven and the earth, which is very wonderful;

It is rumored that Mr. Ji's way of refining tools has reached the pinnacle. In the last Xianyou Conference, it is no longer a secret that friends are invited to refine the Mysterious Supreme Treasure Bundle of Immortal Rope.

It is rumored that Mr. Ji has the ability to change the world and the ability to recreate the universe. At the Dragon Transformation Banquet, he leads the guests on a tour of the world of books and fights against the real dragon;

It is rumored that Mr. Ji's rhythm is outstanding, and the sound of the xiao can cause the phoenix to dance and sing together;

It is also rumored that Mr. Ji was able to write about the world of culture, and what he saw made a book with a wonderful and wonderful pen, and wrote a handed down scripture.

But even so, Mr. Ji is still a very mysterious monk in the eyes of many people.


Lu Min felt a little dry for a while, and some rumors are false, seeing is believing, very good, today I saw Mr. Ji's swordsmanship, and I heard about Mr. Ji's weapon refining method in Jiufeng Mountain before, other... …

When Lu Min was thinking wildly in his heart, the tense atmosphere on Changjian Mountain had obviously eased. Although he had not won, he had not lost.

And Rong Yun's perception of Jiyuan has also improved a lot. He finally felt a part of Jiyuan's swordsmanship. This kind of heaven and earth's broad bearing is definitely not a master who has nothing to do and mess around.

"Mr. Ji, there is really no one you are looking for in Changjian Mountain. We have been fighting swords outside the mountain gate for so long. Presumably Mr. Ji has been looking for the person you said, do you have any eyes? If there is, Changjian Mountains will not shelter."

Ji Yuan slowly put the Qingteng sword in the sheath, and looked away from the reaction of the other monks in Changjian Mountain, and fell back on Rong Yun, shaking his head and sighing.

"Ji really didn't find out who it was..."

Is there really something wrong with the previous inference? Could it be that Lian Ping'er could deceive Lu Shanjun even if she became a ghost, or did she herself receive some wrong information? Could it be that that person just practiced some swordsmanship from Changjian Mountain?

No, not possible!

Only when the doubtful thoughts came up, the spiritual sense in my heart made Ji Yuan understand that the previous inference was correct, and Ji Yuan suddenly moved in his heart, looking at Rong Yun and asked.

"Headmaster Rong, are all the masters of Changjian Mountain here?"

Rong Yun also immediately understood the meaning of Ji Yuan, he was absolutely furious before, but now he is frowning.

"It's not all about that. I have a junior brother who is a single disciple of the deceased uncle, but it is absolutely impossible to be junior brother Ji. He is very talented, and he has already set foot in the realm of Dongxuan. He is my long sword. The top beam..."

Rong Yun suddenly stopped before he finished speaking, and looked at the far side of the sky with Ji Yuan, and Xie Zhi was the same at this moment. They could all feel a sharp edge coming from the far sky, a high sky above. The streamer is approaching.

Ji Yuan's mind is like electricity, and the next moment will transmit sound to Rong Yun.

"Fellow Daoist Rong, let's listen to a certain word first..."

Rong Yun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then frowned, and then nodded again, all the experts in Changjian Mountain behind Divine Sense sound transmission.

"Today's sword fighting has come to an end. My people from Changjian Mountain are all silent and waiting for Junior Brother Ji to come."

Many experts in Changjian Mountain were slightly stunned, looked at each other, but didn't say anything. Instructing the life of a real person, they waited solemnly and quietly.


Ji Qian hurried on the road using the sword escape method, and the speed was of course unusual. Originally, Ji Yuan and Rong Yun felt that he was still far away when he came, and in a moment, he was close to Changjian Mountain.

'Um? The breath in the mountain gate doesn't seem very calm? ’

Although the atmosphere of heaven and earth has returned to peace after the sword fight, based on the realm of Ji Yuan and Rong Yun, but Ji Qian looks at Changjian Mountain from a distance, and can still see some clues. It was the same, extremely neat, and even more faintly felt a sword intent condensed at the door.

When he got closer, Ji Qian suddenly realized that many experts in Changjian Mountain were outside the mountain gate, and most of the sword intent came from them.

'what happened? ’

Doubts arose in his heart, and Ji Qian, who was frowning, subconsciously slowed down the speed of Fei Dun, from stepping on the sword to go forward to stepping on Fa Yun.

At this moment, there is another layer of cloud and mist above the sea and sky. When Ji Qian's figure pierced through the cloud and mist, he finally reached the distance where he could clearly see the gate of Changjian Mountain.

Then, almost subconsciously, Ji Qian immediately stopped Fayun.

'Fate? ’

In addition to Ji Qian's extremely jealous plan, there is a person who he can't see through but with a sneer standing on the cloud and looks at him, and this person is actually Lu Min who has been announced as a demon!

On the Changjian Mountain, from the head teacher Rong Yun, down to the many master swordsmen, all of them were outside the mountain gate, and all eyes were turned to Ji Qian.

Ji Yuan's face was calm, Xie Zhi showed a sneer, Rong Yun was expressionless, and the monks in Changjian Mountain were solemn...

At the moment when Ji Yuan really saw Ji Qian, he understood almost instantly that the traitor of Changjian Mountain was the newly returned person, and at this moment, sensing the sword intent on his body, he suddenly realized what happened to the place where King Sidi Ming passed away. The discordant feeling in the remnants of the Buddha's essence should be a kind of sword In other words, the death of King Sitting Earth and this sword cultivator are also inseparable.

But seeing the scene in front of him, seeing Lu Min, seeing the expressions of Ji Yuan, Xie Zhi, and everyone in Rong Yun and Changjian Mountain, Ji Qian's unpleasant feeling has broken through the limit of psychological tolerance, and there are several kinds of guesses. Possibly, several strains lead to one possible outcome!

'One more step forward, it is a game of ten deaths and no life... run! ’


Without a word of explanation, without a moment of hesitation, Ji Qian almost turned around at the moment when his eyes met the gate of Changjian Mountain, turned into a sword light and escaped, far faster than when he came.

Rong Yun's face was shocked, and many monks in Changjian Mountain looked surprised, but Ji Yuan and Xie Zhi showed such expressions. As long as there is a ghost in their hearts, the situation in front of them is very likely to be dead.

"It's this man!"

Xie Zhi pointed in the direction of the distant sword and shouted loudly, and almost flew out in the next instant.

"He not only destroyed Jingxuanhai Pavilion, but also killed King Zuidi Ming!"

Ji Yuan's reaction was also not slow. At the same moment when Ji Qian escaped, Jian Dun followed, and the voice reached the ears of everyone in Changjian Mountain. At the same time, Rong Yun's reaction was only a little slower, and then the same Jian Dun chased after him.

"The six elders who passed the practice followed me, and the disciples of Changjian Mountain all returned to the mountain gate, and the disciples of Junior Brother Ji's disciples were not allowed to leave the mountain for half a step!"

"Respect the teachings of the Dharma!"

Rong Yun was in front, and six Changjian Mountain Chuan Gong elders were in the back, and they turned into sword lights and went away with Ji Yuan and Xiezhi. If there is another secret, you have to protect him in Ji Yuan's hands.

However, even though they were very entangled in their hearts, seeing the scene just now, those who were more sober in Changjian Mountain understood that it was really what Ji Yuan said.

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