MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 3 all things bloom

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Jiyuan tried to sleep, but the more she wanted to sleep, the more she couldn't sleep. The time was so long, and the always optimistic Jiyuan was tortured to despair by the loneliness.


A mighty thunderstorm suddenly sounded, startling Ji Yuan.

Listening to the thunder in this state brought Ji Yuan an unprecedented feeling, as if he was in the sky and felt the dance of the thunder.

This mysterious feeling penetrated into his heart like lightning, swept away the fear, anxiety, depression and confusion in Ji Yuan's heart, and calmed his heart.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

It didn't take long for the rain to fall.

Ji Yuan's eyelids trembled, and he heard raindrops falling in his ears, and he could hear the raindrops hitting the ground, rocks, flowers and plants.

Time seems to slow down at this moment.

"pat..." "pat..." "pat..."...

Drops of rain smashed into leaves and ground, transmitting the sound.

The cracking of raindrops caused ripples in the darkness of Jiyuan's heart, each ripples outline a sound source information, thousands of ripples formed a picture, leaves, tree crowns, ground, rocks, houses, rubble, flowers and rain. The fleeing animals, the lines of all things morphed out of my mind along with the sound of rain...

There is no color, but it is three-dimensional and vivid, as if Ji Yuan is touching everything on the earth with every drop of rain.

When the rain falls, listen to all things, and the picture scroll opens up!

This is an indescribable and mysterious experience. Ji Yuan forgot all the irritability, even forgot to breathe, and quietly realized that the closer things are, the clearer they are, and the farther they are, the more blurred they are.

'So I was really still in the mountains, so I was lying in an old dilapidated house in the mountains, is it a ruined temple... The heavy rain came suddenly, and many small animals were running away in a hurry... It's so beautiful! ’

Although she still couldn't move and couldn't open her eyes, there was a faint smile on Ji Yuan's mouth.

The irritability in his heart was relieved, and this unusual hearing also made Ji Yuan wonder if he was getting any benefit from that chess game.

After a short while, Ji Yuan's heart shook, and he finally heard the most anticipated voice.

. . .

In the mountain rain, a group of people carrying large baskets with hoods on their backs are walking fast. This kind of large baskets is somewhat like the bookcases of ancient scholars when they traveled to study and take exams, with a cover cloth on them, but the size is obviously much larger.

Ji Yuan couldn't hear their full appearance, but could only hear the area where the raindrops fell, so what he felt in his heart were the human body, limbs, baskets, and hoods, but his face was hazy.

It wasn't just this big basket that made Ji Yuan a little puzzled. Some of these people were wearing raincoats like scorpions, while others didn't. In short, they didn't look like any modern raincoats at all.

"Hurry up, hurry up, everyone, follow, the mountain temple is in front!!"

"Be careful with your feet, the mountain road can be very slippery in rainy days!"

"Follow up, go to the mountain temple to shelter from the rain and make a fire, hurry up and hurry up!!"

Some people in the crowd kept reminding everyone to be careful, some people kept urging everyone to speed up, and some people would stop to see if the people behind them were keeping up.

After turning around a few big trees and around an upright rock, the leading man finally saw the mountain temple that was close at hand.

"The big guy is working harder, the Temple of the Mountain is here, let's see if anyone is left behind!"

"It's all there!"

"Hurry up and enter the temple, the rain is too cold in this mountain!"

A group of people quickened their pace while talking, and rushed into the mountain temple.

"Huh!! The rain is so evil that it almost killed me!"

The man in the lead was a man with a short beard, and like everyone else, there were drops of water dripping down his body.

After moving his muscles and bones to look behind him, he counted them one by one. There were no less than 12 people in total.

"Everyone put the goods over there, Liu Quan and Li Gui take out our charcoal, let's make a fire!"


"Dry over there, walk away, put it over there!"

"My clothes have to be toasted to dry, so I didn't have time to put on the mink clothes."

A group of people either moved the baskets, or used firewood to make a fire, and some people simply cleaned a piece of dry ground with a whisk.

They are a group of traders. It is common for them to climb mountains and mountains, and it is common to encounter bad weather, so they always prepare dry firewood, charcoal and other things in the basket to deal with the current situation.

The man who led the team was named Zhang Shilin. His parents wanted him to study the books of sages and sages. In the future, he would be admitted to Shilin and be the lintel of the Zhang family. He was not born to study. A hard worker.

As a team leader, I have a heavy responsibility and need to take into account the safety of the entire team. Naturally, there will be some preferential treatment. For example, everyone is busy now, but Zhang Shilin can rub his shoulders and relax. No one complains about this. Zhang Shilin's role is obvious to all. Qualified good leader.

The mountain temple is not big, only a few feet long and wide, and the three walls are still stable. Except for the cornice at the entrance to the outside, there is no leakage of rain, but the two doors have already collapsed and disappeared, letting the cold wind from time to time. can blow in.

The inside of the mountain temple is even more dilapidated, with spider webs and beast excrement everywhere, the incense burner and candlestick on the incense case overturned, the tribute is even more impossible, and even the clay statue of the mountain **** is so broken that the head is missing.

"Hey, thanks to the fact that this mountain temple is still there, if the mountain temple collapses in some year, there will be less place to stay in this Niukui Mountain!"

Ji Yuan listened to the footsteps and conversations of these people.

It turned out that he was in the mountain temple in the mountain, UU reading Niu Kuishan? Should it be a slip of the tongue in Niutoushan or dialect?

In this way, these people may be donkey friends, carrying tools such as open hoods, at least they are definitely not kidnappers.

But the sound was very close, and the temple was not big, so he might be in some corner of the temple, otherwise they couldn't see him.

"Ah, Brother Shilin, there is someone here!"

Hearing the exclamations nearby, Ji Yuan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and finally found me. Next, she should call the police for help and send herself to the hospital. She should save her life.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Shilin hurriedly walked around the statue of the mountain god, and sure enough, he saw a person lying behind him.

The man behind the statue of the mountain **** kept his eyes closed and motionless, with a unkempt face and ragged clothes. He was not just dead or alive.

The young man who first spotted the beggar took a step closer and squatted down, snorted and touched his forehead.

"Brother Shilin, this beggar is still angry, but his forehead is so hot, what should I do?"

What are you going to do? Your brain is so funny? Call the police! !

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't speak now, Ji Yuan really wanted to roar. He hadn't noticed that these people were calling him a beggar.

Zhang Shilin frowned, then sighed.

"From the barren mountains, it seems that this beggar won't be able to survive for long. I'll give him some hot water to see if he can drink it, hey, this **** world!"


"Let's go, let's make a fire..."

The merchants shook their heads and sighed, and walked away one after another.

and many more! wait! what are you doing? why are you going away? Call the police!

Isn't it? No! !

The reactions of these people were completely different from what Ji Yuan thought, making him both dazed and panicked...