MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 1021 how many times

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This unparalleled sense of power is so strong. This kind of power and power cannot be compared with any other power. It makes people fascinated and lost, and even makes people indifferent and cold, knowing all living beings. Suffering, but Ji Yuan found that his heart was not fluctuating.

Turning his head to look at his side, Ji Yuan only had one look, which made Empress Xie Zhi Ducang retreat.

"Ji Yuan, wake up!"


My heart was beating so strongly. It turned out that all the feelings just now were just a heartbeat, and the idea of ​​Ji Yuan fell into a kind of confusion. Standing on the black wasteland, watching the demonic flames rise, I was stunned. Do not move.

Xiezhi always wanted to get close to Jiyuan, but it was difficult to get close at all. Before, he was afraid, but later, no matter how he walked or flew, he couldn't close the distance with Jiyuan.

One month, two months, three months... more than five months have passed, and the chaos of all parties in the world shows no sign of subside. weakened.

But at the Boundless Mountain, everything has become eerily quiet. Since two months ago, the Boundless Mountain has become quieter from time to time. It started a month ago, and this quietness has continued until now.

But it's not that there is no sound, it's just that these sounds are all roars and roars from the wasteland, but no monster dares to climb the boundless mountain.

Zuo Wuji stood quietly on a peak of Wuliang Mountain with his flat stick on the ground.


A loud chirping sound came from the bright place behind the Wuliang Mountain, followed by a dazzling light of magic, and as soon as these lights reached the Wuliang Mountain, many of them fell directly because of this unexpected terrifying gravity. Only some high-level people can land steadily.

"dong dong dong dong dong..."

A thunderous drum sounded in the distance, constantly moving from far to near, the light of Tianshui turned red as the drum sound approached, and a faint rust gas permeated.

Zuo Wuji moved slightly, turned his head slowly, and swept back with a side glance, and saw a behemoth flying close to the Liangjie Mountain, and saw You Xianguang approaching behind him.

"Zuo Wusheng!"

Jiang Xueling landed on the mountain where Zuo Wuji stood. Then she looked forward and opened her mouth slightly. She saw that the two mountains in front of her had turned blood red. Many places are about to fill up the mountain...


Zuo Wuji let out a long sigh and drew Jiang Xueling's attention back to this human martial sage, who spoke in a slightly hoarse voice, speaking very slowly.

"You guys are here? Then I can rest for a while... Zuo's life, it's enough to have a good fight!"

"Zuo Wusheng... Wusheng... Lord..."

Jiang Xueling stretched out her hand, her fingertips trembled slightly, but she did not touch Zuo Wuji in the end, she did not dare to blaspheme this person who is both supreme in martial arts and Taoism!

The dragon girl and the old dragon arrived here slowly, and at the moment they fell, they also saw the last scene.


The old dragon sighed, the dragon girl's eyes were complicated, and she closed her eyes slightly.

"Master Wu Sheng, go well!"

Li Feng's hysterical shouts came from behind, but he was stopped by the silent golden armor. It was a belated "Master"...

It seems to sense that the terrifying person is dead, and the atmosphere in the wasteland becomes violent again...

But this time, Liangjie Mountain is still there!

In the black desert, a small paper crane biting his own bag tie suddenly appeared, avoiding the unknown number of demons, flapping his wings frantically, rushing from a distance, rushing towards Jiyuan, but could not get close to Jiyuan.

"Tweet-tweet-Master, Master-"

"Master!" "Wake up, Master!"

"Master, wake up!"

The little paper cranes shouted and screamed, and the small characters who were so shocked by the breath of heaven before that they dared not move, also shouted in the sleeves of Jiyuan.

Ji Yuan frowned, looked to one side, and then the little paper crane rushed in front of Ji Yuan and flew to Ji Yuan's shoulder.

Seeing the moment of Xiao Zhihe, Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and gradually regained his clarity.

Ji Yuan let out a long sigh, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the little paper crane on his shoulder, then looked at Xie Zhi not far away with a sigh of relief.

"It's really easy to get lost in the power of controlling the world. No wonder Yue Cang and the others always think that I want to dominate the world, hehe..."

Ji Yuan laughed at himself, and the pressure of bringing a Xie Zhi disappeared immediately, the latter took a few breaths and flew back to Ji Yuan.

"You **** scared me to death just now. You almost made me feel like I was out of my body when you looked at me. Grandma, it's too exaggerated. My mind must have been severely damaged.

Ji Yuan just nodded to Xiezhi, but didn't say much. Although the feeling of heaven was suppressed by him, the sense of Tao that gathered the world's qi and veins in one body has been increasing, and he has cultivated for the rest of his life. , it is unknown how long it can hold.

"It's been so long, even Zuo Wuji... hey!"

Ji Yuan sighed with regret, but the faith in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"There is not much time left, Ji has the last son to fall, and Dingding Tianyuan will rebuild the world!"

"The last son?"

Ji Yuan just glanced at Xie Zhi. In the next instant, his figure became blurred. Xie Zhi was stunned for a moment. He realized that Ji Yuan was going to leave, but he didn't mean to take him with him. He subconsciously reached out to grab it, but only caught a Share breeze.

Almost at the same moment when Jiyuan disappeared into the black wilderness, in the center of the sky and the earth, at the center of the intersection of the four oceans, Jiyuan's figure appeared again.

The waves in the sea lifted up, placed them under Ji Yuan's feet, and took him to the sky.

"Friend Ziyu, please show up."

When Ji Yuan's voice came, Nanhuang Zhengdao was silent, and he didn't explain much, but Ziyu Zhenren who was fighting in Nanhuang suddenly understood something, and his heart was intertwined with discomfort and fear, but there was not much Hesitating, but slowly flying to the sky.

"Don't worry, Ji will keep a little of your soul, and there will be an afterlife."

The voice fell, and the purple jade real person in the sky appeared multicolored light, and slowly turned into a huge multicolored rock, and then flew to the sky like the heart of a comet.


Above the zenith, the hole smashed by the evil sun star is healing.

Near Yunzhou, the two warring Golden Crows uttered one after another. Among them, the Golden Crow Divine Bird suddenly flew high into the sky, while the one-eyed Golden Crow Evil Bird chased after it.

One after the other, the two actually flew out of the healing zenith, but at this moment, a toad sounded.


A big red tongue covering the sky suddenly flew over and directly wrapped the Golden Crow Evil Bird.


The sun was so hot that it burned the tongue of the silver toad, but the other golden crow bird turned and flew back, landed on the huge tongue of the silver toad, and pecked down at the top of the other golden crow's head.


The flames of the Golden Crow swayed beyond the sky, turning the sky into a golden flame, and then pulled towards the moon by the giant tongue of the silver toad, and the flame gradually dissipated...

And the zenith is completely healed at this moment.

Ji Yuan's face was calm, and he looked at Wuliang Mountain again. After Zuo Wuji died, he stood still and looked forward. None of the ancient monsters in the wilderness dared to rush to Zuo Wuji's front, as if he was afraid that this person would suddenly wake up again, so romantic On both sides of Wuliang Mountain, the monks of the right way and the army of soldiers are fighting against the demons on both sides.

It's just that there is no second multicolored stone, and it can't fill the gap in the sea. Ji Yuan has little time now, so he doesn't dare to hesitate and speak again.

"The sky reflects the stars, and the immeasurable is divided into two realms. The righteousness lasts forever, and the two realms do not fall!"

Infinite streamers converged in the sky, the collapsed Tianhe Realm slowly recovered, and the gravity in the mountains of the two realms became larger and larger. Huang Xingye gradually woke up. Although he did not recover, he once again dominated the mountains and blocked the wasteland.

Ji Yuan closed his eyes slightly, suppressing a faint sense of dazzling. In the past, his mind was extremely powerful, and his mana always had an end. Now, his mana is boundless, but his mind is unsustainable.


Ji Yuan gritted his teeth slightly, took out the Qiandou pot from his sleeve, leaned against the water wave, drank a sip of wine, and became more sober under the stimulation of the wine smell. Instead, he swept across the world and spoke again.

"Heaven and earth, the number of qi is all here, the number of qi of the immortal way, the number of Buddhist qi, the number of demon cultivation, the number of spirits, the number of humanistic literature, the number of humanistic martial arts, the number of spiritual qi..."

Every time Ji Yuan uttered a sentence, there was a gathering of Qi between heaven and earth to echo his words. The process of gathering Qi was also a process of straightening out the Qi mechanism of heaven and earth, and gradually calmed down the chaotic vitality between heaven and earth.

"Melting the world's qi, at the end of the Yellow Spring, transforming the world into reincarnation, the way to reincarnate—"

rumbling rumbling...

In the underworld, on the banks of the Huangquan River, the sky and the earth are pouring into the sky, and a mighty feeling is born from it, there are infinite psychedelics and infinite brilliance...

And in the first moment of reincarnation, there was a stream of Yuan spirits entering, and a strand of Yuan spirit of Ziyu Zhenren also flew into the underworld in an instant and entered the reincarnation.

This kind of change in the underworld made the ghosts and demons in the underworld stunned for a moment. Then the former became more and more brave, while the latter began to be intimidated by the power of ghosts and gods because the irritable atmosphere between heaven and earth melted...

Similar to the ghosts in the underworld, there are also the demons in the two wastelands. Yue Cang and others have died. And without the support of a huge number of bottoms and backbones, some big demons and demons have become difficult to support, and fear arises in their hearts...

Finally, Ji Yuan looked at a place in the sea, as if he could see Aze standing there.

"Aze, remember what Mr. said to you."

Only A Ze could hear this voice, but he couldn't find where Ji Yuan was, so he could only shout to the sky.

"Sir, Azer will keep it in mind, Azer will not forget it!"

Ji Yuan took another look at all parts of the world, as if he could see many wonderful things in the world. He saw Lu Shanjun, Longnv, Laolong, Laobeg and other close people, and Zuo Wuji, who was standing still, and Yin Zhaoxian. The tablet of the Confucian Temple sees all beings and all things in heaven and earth...

And those close to Jiyuan all felt that kind of gaze.

In the end, Ji Yuan looked at Ning'an County, at Ju'an Xiaoge, saw Zao Niang standing under the tree in a daze, and saw a beautiful phoenix feather under the jujube tree, and the fruit of Linggen was completely ripe. When can save a lot of people.

Ji Yuan smiled and muttered to himself.

"In this way of heaven, I don't want to be someone, even if I am a mortal, it is better than this, but there is still no way of heaven in this world!"

When the voice fell, Ji Yuan had no nostalgia for it, and dispersed to the top of the three flowers. He watched with ease as Hua Guang took away almost all his cultivation. A strong sense of weakness and indescribable pain also struck. The experience seems to keep replaying in my mind...

Ji Yuan threw a boat out of his sleeve, but found that at this moment, he didn't even have the strength to control himself to fall on the boat. The water waves gradually fell, and his body slowly sank into the sea with the waves. Drifting at sea.

The sea water is colorless and reflects the blue sky, and Ji Yuan slowly sinks. Looking at the white sky light flowing with the waves in the direction of the water surface, I feel very relaxed.

The little paper crane flew out, grabbed Ji Yuan's clothes, and brought him to the surface of the water. Ji Yuan closed his eyes, his consciousness was a little blurred, and he seemed to be in a state of wandering.

Gradually, Ji Yuan felt as if he had passed through a layer of water full of bubbles, and his strength recovered a lot. Although he was weak, he was no longer vain and could breathe freely. The solid feeling behind it, it seems to be lying on some slate.

Ji Yuan looked to both sides, and in the blurred vision, he could see the stone monuments standing up one by one. He stood up with support, and he knew where he was.

This is a cemetery, the kind of cemetery in a previous life.

Following a certain feeling in his heart, Ji Yuan walked forward along this slate garden path, the dust on Xingsi Yuyi slowly slipped off, and his body was spotless.

In the end, Ji Yuan stopped in front of a tombstone, looked at the stone monument with a blurred vision, reached out and touched the inscription lightly, realizing that this was the tomb where his parents' ashes were buried together.

"Father, mother, the child is unfilial..."

Ji Yuan slowly knelt down on his knees and stayed beside the tombstone for half a day. He heard a voice from far to near. After a while, Ji Yuan turned his head to look, and an old man came over with a basket and a child.

"Uh, who are you?"

Wearing a costume to visit a grave? The cemetery is a serious place, and the old man felt extremely surprised, but the other party's demeanor was so natural, completely different from those who were playing costume shows, and why did he kneel here?

Looking at it again, the old man actually felt that the other party was so familiar...

The child next to him seemed extremely excited to see an uncle in such a nice-looking dress. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pinched the corner of Jiyuan's clothes, and found that it was very silky and more comfortable than mulberry silk.

But the grandson's movements were discovered by the old man, and he quickly pulled him back, giving Ji Yuan an apologetic smile.

Ji Yuan pinched his fingers, stood up slowly, and nodded to the old man.

"It turns out that it's Qingming, please do it."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yuan had turned and left in the other direction. He knew who this old man was. He was his uncle's grandson. He used to come to pester him every New Year.

'Nostalgic Kong recites the flute and fu, and goes to the village to turn like a rotten Ke! ’

Jiyuan's footsteps gradually accelerated, and the ancient demeanor between the walks reassured the old man that it was definitely not for those who play in ancient costumes. The children around him suddenly rubbed his eyes, because he seemed to see a small red top. Shiratori leaned out from the uncle's shoulder to take a look, and then quickly shrank back.

Ji Demiao watched the man in ancient costume leave, and at his back, an inexplicable kindness was strengthened, and a faint voice came from the back of the ancient costume.

"I was born with vast eyes, but I saw the warmth and coldness of the world based on this. When I woke up, I was hesitant. I didn't know the way forward. I couldn't make a sound. When I cried, I couldn't hear the cry. So, why laugh.

Be calm and calm, and look at the vastness of the smoke in the pot, and suddenly you will be enlightened! hehehe..."

Jumping out of the world, others desperately want to win, but Ji Yuan doesn't think it's magical.

The voice faded away, and the figure in Ji Demiao's eyes gradually faded, and he didn't know if it was presbyopia.

"Grandpa, grandpa, who is that person, is he role-playing?"

"Uh, I don't know why, it feels a little familiar..."

Ji Yuan smiled back, and he had already walked out of the cemetery. The halo in front of him filled and dissipated. He was lying on the boat in the sea.

The reincarnation has been resolved, everything has settled down, and Ji Yuan is no longer the immortal with boundless mana, who has almost lost the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth.

Ji Yuan patted the little paper crane and said a few words in a low voice. When he straightened up and watched the little paper crane fly towards Yunzhou, he lay back on the boat again, feeling more tired than ever, but also more relaxed than ever.

One evening a few years later, I don't know where in the world I am on a small boat on the river.

Ji Yuan, whose temples are frosted and white but even more vicissitudes of life, looked up at the sky, and the sun and the moon were still hanging in the sky.

Ji Yuan returned to the small boat cabin, picked up a jar of wine, and opened the mud on it, and a faint aroma of wine overflowed immediately.

"Mr. Ji is so easy to find!"

A familiar voice came from the sky, Ji Yuan went out of the cabin and looked to the side of the sky. The old dragon and the dragon girl landed on the boat. The former was full of smiles, while the latter smiled softly, and it was hard to hide their joy.

"Uncle Ji, but what kind of wine are you drinking?"

No one mentioned the search for the past few years, and no one mentioned the sadness that he thought he had died at first, but only revealed the joy of a chance encounter.

"It came just right, this jar of wine was brewed by Ji, and now you are relaxed, come and have a drink by the charcoal stove in the cabin."

The three sat down in the cabin, and Ji Yuan poured the wine himself. The aroma of the wine was pleasant, but it looked a little turbid. Looking at the turbidity in the wine, it seemed to be all kinds of scenes, as if seeing the world inside and outside, I don't know how many things happened.

"Good wine!"

"Please use!"


"Thank you, Uncle Ji!"

The three of them talked very happily. UU reading did not need to worry about the world or the common people. They only talked about the past and only chatted about anecdotes.

On the vicissitudes of the temples, I used to watch the autumn moon and spring breeze, and a pot of turbid wine rejoiced to meet each other.

How many things in the past and the present are all in jokes.

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