MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 1012 1 Conditions for hammering

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After all, Yuhudongtian has Tu Yi able to stop it, but there are places like Yuhudongtian in the world. Most of the monsters in it can rush out without resistance. Compared with the horror of the two wastelands, it is naturally nothing. Also a terrifying movement.

Although there are actually a considerable number of real righteous demons and natural kind-hearted monsters, but in this crazy situation, most of them are hiding themselves, and they are also in a state of panic and fear.

Approaching the mountain market in the Southern Wilderness, the wild boar demon King Du is hurriedly packing up, putting some treasures and ornaments in his cave into the Qiankun storage.

Originally, this King Du was still stable, but the outbreak in the mountains of the Southern Wilderness was so amazing that it was impossible not to feel it, and he no longer dared to stay in the market he was running.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is chaos on the mountain in the Southern Wilderness, it's all in chaos, and the fight is fierce. It is estimated that the world will soon be owned by our monsters. Your Majesty, let's hurry up!"

King Du has been packing up his belongings, carefully putting the porcelain and tea sets calcined by the world's famous craftsmen into the bag, and carefully fiddling with the crystal clear jade. He was very happy to see it, but when he heard the mountain dog's words, he paused and looked at each other.

"Come on, come on."

King Du beckoned, and the mountain dog immediately moved up excitedly.

"I'll let you in!"


King Du slapped the mountain dog with a backhand slap, turned the mountain dog a dozen times in the air, and then smashed it against the opposite wall with a "bang".

"Hurry up and help this king pack up!"

"Uh, yes yes yes!"

Shangou didn't dare to have any objection at all, and immediately helped King Du to clean up. I have to say that Shangou is extremely loyal to King Du, and his fighting ability is also extremely strong. he.

"Mountain dog, fighting to death in this world, we shouldn't be involved in this, you and I will be smashed to death when you encounter a powerful moment, and you still want to develop? This is so agitated. It's very wrong, and the result is good or bad, and many people will die, I don't want to die!"

"Yes, yes, the king is right, then where are we going? Are we going to the Southern Wilderness Mountains to escape?"

"Idiot, what kind of safe haven is the Southern Wilderness Mountain now? This king has his own way!"

Du Dawang still knows how to judge time and time, and understands that the demons are crazy now. If he is sensible, it is best to hide, and his backing in the Southern Wild Mountains must be unreliable, so it is better to find another way. It just so happened that a few years ago, he had already caught up with an amazing person, who was Wei Wuwei.

As a smart demon, after having had limited dealings with Wei Wuwei a few times, and after Wei Wuwei showed his wrist several times, intentionally or unintentionally, Du Dawang understood that this guy who was as fat as himself was actually a terribly smart person. .

Such people will always be prepared, such people will always have a way out, and such people will never say that they are in a position of failure or a position that will cause a major crisis, so more than half a year ago, King Du and Wei Wuwei Ambiguous on.

"Okay, let's go quickly and inform the people at the market to come with us if you are willing."

"Uh, good!"

In the market established by this monster, the monsters who live there are actually used to a relatively peaceful life. Now is the time of panic, so naturally they habitually follow King Du, who is flying with a group of monsters. When he was in the sky, he threw a French coin to the market in the mountains.

The places where Xiangang can be set up have different degrees of aura gathering, but they are definitely the hub for the flow of Qi in all directions. This kind of place is actually not suitable for setting up a sect, because it will appear "unclean", but it is definitely a market of various roads. A good address, even the market of King Du, the wild boar, is a similar place.

This precious French money has been kept in the hands of King Du for a long time. It was not exchanged from the land before, but given by Wei Wuwei.

At this moment, the monsters in the market also subconsciously looked at the original market. At the moment when the French money fell, a faint white light rose from the French money, and then flowed to the entire market like a breeze. Strong, but has a very special aura, as if...

King Du looked up at the sky. It would be daytime, but he seemed to be able to feel the starlight in the sky. At this moment, Jiyuan, who was standing in the realm of Tianhe, also felt all parts of the world, and there was a star in the world echoing the heavenly realm.

"Zhao Daoyou, the world has already echoed, and the rest is up to you."

The original land master of Zhaojiazhuang, such as today's Zhao Tianshen of the River Realm, has already appeared at this time, bowing his hands to Ji Yuan, and making a promise.

"Little God will do his best, Mr. Ji, you are now..."

Ji Yuan just smiled.

"There are people in the southern wasteland, but this black wasteland is more difficult. Ji has to go. Remember to always pay attention to Liangjie Mountain and Qin Shenjun's side."

"Little God must do it! Please be careful, Mr. Ji!"


Ji Yuan took one step and disappeared in the realm of Tianhe. He appeared on the top of Yunshan in the next moment. He glanced at the Yunshan Temple below. Apart from the Taoist Qingsong who was sitting in the Taoist temple, the seven sons of Yunshan, Bai Ruo, Sun Yaya and others were all He has gone down the mountain and joined the WTO, dedicating his strength to the common people.

After Ji Yuan left, Zhao Tianshen started casting spells almost immediately, walking on the Tianhe River, pointing out the rays of light that echoed everywhere below, and every time he pointed away, there must be a huge star power cover falling to the ground.

All sides of Xiangang, and even some special places where Liao is uninhabited, especially the location where the Yuhuai Mountain Treasure Pavilion was originally located, all correspond to the starlight rising from the heavens, as if supported by giant pillars of Qi that are difficult to detect. This giant pillar supports the appearance of the sky, and it supports the number of qi of heaven and earth, and it also calms the restlessness of the qi of heaven and earth a little.

It was also at this moment that the constantly falling starlight fell on some gods who had been prepared for a long time, and their boundaries were greatly relaxed.

For example, Billet Hill, Tingqiu Mountain, which was renamed Tingshan, and Dachenghuang in many places, not only made it easier for the Chenghuang to take action in the Yang world, but also because the underworld had a lot of problems, making it easier for the underworld to deal with it.

With Ji Yuan's eyes, he could naturally see the falling starlight in the realm of Tianhe, and the black and yellow energy he had left in the heaven was also rapidly depleting, but Ji Yuan didn't feel distressed at all. The light flashed, and the sword escaped directly from Yunshan, and the direction was Heihuang.

The Luzhou closest to Heihuang is Tianyu Continent, followed by Nanhuang Continent, and the second is Yun Continent. The three continents are located in the north, northwest, and north-east of Heihuang respectively. Continent and Tianyu Continent are in front, Yun Continent is in the back, and the three continents will obstruct the darkness.

The layout of Nanhuangzhou forms a huge arc to block the southeast direction, and to a large extent it blocks the black wasteland. Tianyuzhou, led by Qianyuanzong and other major sects, has already made a lot of layouts. Yunzhou There are also arrangements in the middle, plus the starlight echoes based on all parts of the world and the islands in the sea.

It seems to be a very stable chess layout, which seals the opponent's chess path.

But in fact, Ji Yuan is very clear that this chessboard is too big, there are too many variables, it is impossible to completely block it, and all parties in the world are not at peace, most of the power of the right path is maintained here, other There are more local variables.

And even if there are no other changes, if you keep fighting like this, the world will be devastated, and sentient beings will suffer heavy casualties.

Not to mention that there is a possibility of a more serious crisis, but Yue Cang and the others are relying on the final decision after opening the barren realm, and Ji Yuan also hopes to take this opportunity to rebuild the universe so that the final decision will be made.

Of course, before rebuilding the universe, there is also an inevitable basic condition, which is also something that needs to be achieved at any cost, and it is the purpose of his sword escape at this moment.

The time when everything happened is almost the same as what Ji Fate estimated. Of course, the other party must think so too. Maybe they can also predict some arrangements and reactions of the right path or Ji Fate, and there will be corresponding small actions, but those Ji Fate have already taken care of them. If it doesn’t go up, all living beings can only seek their own blessings.


Above the Wuliang Mountain, Qin Zizhou and Huang Xingye arrived here together, and Zhong Pingxiu had already been waiting here.

On the mountain where Zhong Pingxiu practiced, the two sides simply saluted and exchanged too many greetings. Although they met for the first time, they seemed to have already known each other. They knew what they were going to face next. After a few words, they began to help Huang Xingye feel the mountain Potential Earth Vessel.

For Huang Xingye and others, this process is relatively natural. They don't need to stay still all the time. Instead, they take Huang Xingye to walk around the Wuliang Mountain, and naturally they inevitably meet Zuo Wuji and others.

Today's Zuo Wuji no longer does any martial arts moves on the Boundless Mountain, or practices any horizontal body techniques. Apart from occasionally giving instructions to Li Feng, he is often standing alone or sitting cross-legged. At this moment, when he sees Qin Zizhou and others coming over, he seems calmer. .

"Zhong Xianchang, presumably this is Qin Shenjun and Senior Huang!"

In the face of the three masters who came to the wind, Zuo Wuji greeted him with a clasped fist, and Li Feng, who was beside him, did the same, but the golden armor did not move at all.

"Lord Wusheng expected it to be good, it's just me."

"I don't dare to be the senior of Wu Sheng, I have only been born for a few years."

Huang Xingye was still joking, but looking at Zuo Wuji, his eyes quickly became extremely surprised. On Zuo Wuji, he could vaguely feel the feeling of being a **** in a human body, but Zuo Wuji could vaguely feel it. It is obvious that there is no human being and God on the body. Could it be that I have seen it wrong?

"Master Wusheng, you have a human spirit born in you?"

When Huang Xingye asked this question, Zhong Pingxiu and Qin Zizhou were startled.

"What?" "Is there such a thing? Zuo Wusheng?"

Zuo Wuji frowned. He didn't know much about human beings and spirits, but he also knew that there was no such thing on his body, so he just shook his head and replied.

"Zuo knows everything about himself from the inside to the outside, and he has no human body or spirit."

Everyone present had no doubts about this, but Huang Xingye was even more puzzled.

"Then Master Wusheng knows that his physical condition is very similar to that of nurturing a human spirit?"

Zuo Wuji did not answer immediately, recalling the years of cultivation in Wuliang Mountain, above the martial arts, perhaps finally worthy of the previous word in the word "Martial Saint".

"Perhaps it's because Zuo Mouru is passing the bridge today, and he has achieved the sincerity of martial arts."

Martial arts are sincere, gain oneself and gain God?

This kind of realm in the martial arts, even two gods and one immortal can't understand, maybe in this world, only Zuo Wuji who has reached this realm can understand?

"Maybe so..."

Huang Xingye frowned slightly, and this could only be the explanation.

"Several senior immortals, and now outside Boundless Mountain, is the world in chaos?"

Zuo Wuji broke the silence with such a question, and Qin Zizhou took over the words and nodded in Yes, the Heavenly Dao has collapsed and the number of qi has been chaotic, and now all continents are in chaos, and a considerable part of the main force of the righteous way is surrounding the two deserts. In this place, Lord Wu Sheng can also go out to Boundless Mountain to slay demons and eliminate demons. "

Zuo Wuji smiled and shook his head again.

"Zuo has a feeling, maybe here will need me more, and it will be the most worthwhile place to fight."

Qin Zizhou frowned.

"Master Wu Sheng, your martial arts have already reached an unpredictable level. The outside world is lacking a master like you. Maybe you can help Mr. Ji. What he has to face is definitely not the evil that the world can imagine. Others may I can't interfere, but Qin feels that Lord Wu Sheng has this power..."

"Yeah, in the near future, I will become the true **** of Wuliangshan Yiyue, with the power of Tianhe and the endless yellow energy hanging down, there is nothing to cross where the mountains of the two worlds fall, it is the most solid barrier in the world, there is no need... …”

"Qin Shenjun, Senior Huang, Mr. Ji has everything in his hands, there must be a good way, and Zuo thinks, I can't go!"

Zuo Wuji interrupted Huang Xingye's words, and after he finished speaking, he ignored the others, and even sat down by the old tree with his legs crossed. This scene was as if Zuo Wuji was a master and an old immortal, while Qin Zizhou and the others were ordinary people. It also made a few people feel very strange.

"Okay, I'll wait not to disturb Lord Wu Sheng."

Zhong Pingxiu broke the embarrassment. He knew that Zuo Wuji was by no means a mediocre person, and it was even less likely that he wanted to hide in Wuliang Mountain because he was greedy for life and fear of death. Since the other party talked about "premonition", even if the chaos is no longer predictable today, it will be up to him. Go, can they still use force to throw Zuo Wuji at Liangjie Mountain?

When Zhong Pingxiu and others left, Zuo Wuji closed his eyes and said, "What are you still doing? Practice boxing!"

Immediately let the dazed Li Feng stand up and start practicing boxing.

Read The Duke's Passion