MTL - Lady Jiao-Chapter 2

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Pei Jiu said "Yes", "Come in."

He went to the smaller cabin next door, which was a kitchen with something to eat.

Ning'er followed Pei Jiu in, Pei Jiu looked back at her, she was a small ball, her face was much smaller than his palm, she just followed behind him like a little tail.

Ning'er's hair was not combed, it was casually let down, and it was draped softly behind her back. The light in the kitchen was not strong, and even in such a dim situation, Ning'er's skin was still white enough to glow.

Pei Jiu snorted coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Ning'er smiled and said, "I'll help eldest brother cook."

Pei Jiu said: "Before cooking, you have to chop wood, can you chop wood?"

He looked at Ning'er's hands.

Ning'er's skin is as thick as fat, and her hands are delicate, maybe she can't even lift an axe.

Ning'er has never learned how to chop firewood. She had never even touched an axe.

Ning'er said: "I watched Big Brother chop wood, and when Big Brother was sweating, I handed out the handkerchief!"

Pei Jiu said coldly, "No need."

Ning'er smiled and said, "Is there really no need?"

From the first time he saw this woman, Pei Jiu didn't have a good impression of her, he always felt that this woman gave him a very strange feeling, now seeing her playful and bright smile, Pei Jiu felt even more unhappy up.

He said coldly: "You are a girl, don't smile so brightly at men."

Ning'er stopped her smile, raised her eyes slightly, and said indescribably charming, "Oh? Girls can't laugh anymore?"

She laughed again: "I just love to laugh."

Pei Jiu moved his eyes away.


Laugh if you want.

Don't be afraid to laugh your teeth out.

Ning'er has teeth that are as white as jade, and her smile is really beautiful. Ning'er herself also knows that she is beautiful - if she is not beautiful, there will be no beautiful women in this world.

This man is really a piece of wood. Wood, who is not at all tempted by the beauty.

The more woody it was, the more Ning'er wanted to tease him: "Brother Pei, you're sweating, your neck is covered in sweat, why don't you let me wipe it off for you?"

Pei Jiu split the firewood fiercely, with a click, he raised his hand to wipe it for himself: "No need."

Ning'er didn't know anything else, she would be annoying, she dangled in front of Pei Jiu, "Then let me help you carry the chopped firewood inside."

Pei Jiu snorted coldly: "Can you move it?"

Ning'er was carrying a stack, but after walking two steps, the firewood fell from her hands with a clatter.

Pei Jiu looked at Ning'er's back.

She was simply wearing white clothes, the material of the clothes was very thin and clear, but there were seven or eight layers, when the wind blew, her exquisite figure was blown out, and a faint fragrance entered Pei Jiu's nose.

Pei Jiu saw that she was so weak that she could be blown away by the wind.

He said: "Put it there, you go and apply medicine to your wound first, I will do these things."

Ning'er threw the firewood on the ground with a clatter: "Cough, it's really heavy."

She wiped her face with her sleeve, and when she looked back, she curled her lips slightly: "Then I'll go to apply the medicine. Brother Pei, you are chopping firewood here, so don't peek."

Pei Jiu: "..."

Who wants to peek.

If you show him nothing, he won't look at it. When he is short of a woman? Such a flirtatious woman, Pei Jiu didn't look at her.

Ning'er took the herbs that Pei Jiu threw outside and went in. She recognized a few of them, although it didn't have much effect on her serious injury, but the herbs are also rare, this mountain is so big, it is not uncommon to have rare herbs, what is rare is that Pei Jiu is willing to take the time to find them Come.

What an honest man.

Ning'er took off her clothes. Under the faint light, her skin was as white as jade, and the palm print on her left shoulder became more and more obvious.

Ning'er crushed a few herbs and applied them, tore off a corner of her skirt, and strangled her shoulders tightly.

As a result, Ning'er's skirt was shortened by a corner.

She looked out with beautiful eyes, tsk, Pei Jiu really didn't follow that piece of wood.

Really incomprehensible dumb wood.

After Ning'er went out, Pei Jiu had already split the firewood and put it neatly aside.

Pei Jiu fried vegetables, cooked rice and made a soup.

Ning'er held the soup bowl and took a sip of the soup. She narrowed her eyes happily: "It's delicious."

Although in fact the taste was so-so, Pei Jiu just boiled beans in water, but she still wanted to boast a few more words.

Pei Jiu also ignored her.

Ning'er picked up another green vegetable, and after eating, she said: "The green vegetable is also delicious."

Pei Jiu doesn't know how to cook, he usually doesn't live here, he always eats at the palace, but this woman's origin is unknown, he doesn't want to bring her to the palace, and he can't bear to let her go, there are wolves and monsters in this mountain Hu, she looks like a waste, she will be torn and eaten by wolves as soon as she goes out.

Out of kindness, Pei Jiu cooked for her.

This is actually Pei Jiu's first time cooking.

The little woman in front of her was eating very deliciously, she was picking up the rice in small mouthfuls, the bowl was not big, it was the first time Pei Jiu was cooking, and he was afraid that the rice would be overcooked, so he cooked very little, one small bowl for each person.

Ning'er was full after eating less than a third of it.

She has a small appetite and can't eat anymore.

Ning'er secretly glances at Pei Jiu.

He ate quickly but elegantly, after Pei Jiu finished eating, he looked at Ning'er: "Can't you eat anymore?"

Ning'er nodded: "Give me a little less next time."

Pei Jiu snorted coldly, brought her bowl over, and ate up the meal for her.

After eating, Ning'er got up quickly: "I'm going to wash the dishes, Brother Pei, you should rest well."

Pei Jiu didn't stop her either.

Ning'er has never washed a bowl, and since she was a child, she has never washed a handkerchief, so the end result of her pretending to be diligent and busy is that she broke a bowl, and when picking up the pieces, she poked her finger to bleed up.

Pei Jiu closed his eyes: "Are you really a maid?"

Whose maid is so clumsy? If there was such a stupid maid in Pei Jiu's palace, he would be kicked out on the first day he entered the palace.

Ning'er put the injured finger in her mouth: "This..."

Her eyes were wet, her complexion was so white, as white as jade, even though her black hair was casually **** with a wooden stick, it was difficult to conceal her beauty.

Just looking at Pei Jiu pitifully like this actually made Pei Jiu very annoyed.

Pei Jiu just thought it's fine if she doesn't want to say it, Ning'er touched her lips and said, "Brother Pei, I'm sorry. I lied to you, I'm not the maid of the Yuan family, I'm the lady of the Yuan family, my name is Yuan Ning , my father and mother want me to marry my cousin who lives in Beiyuan country, that cousin is too ugly, I don't want to marry him, so I ran out, and accidentally fell into the water."

Pei Jiu said: "Tomorrow I will send you home."

"I don't want it!" Ning'er's eyes were filled with water marks in an instant, "Brother Pei, you don't understand how painful it is to marry someone I don't love!"

Pei Jiu: "..."

Pei Jiu really didn't understand, because he is a man and can't marry.

Ning'er silently said "Cousin, I'm sorry for you", and said pitifully: "My cousin has a cruel temperament, has eighteen concubines, and he is ugly and looks like Yan Luo. He wants me to marry He, why don't you let me die, brother Pei, if you want me to go, I'll hit my head and die here."

Pei Jiu: "Oh."

Ning'er said: "You really don't pity me?"

Pei Jiu looked at her from top to bottom: "I don't even know which sentence you said is true and which sentence is false."

Ning'er raised her hand and swore: "Everything I said is true, if there are any lies, I will suffer..."

She wanted to say "a terrible death", but she didn't say the last word, her mouth was covered by Pei Jiu.

Pei Jiu frowned and said, "Don't swear seriously, I just believe you."

Ning'er's eyebrows were curved, she already knew that she would die in the future, so it's okay to swear.

Ning'er licked lightly on his palm.

Pei Jiu felt as if he had been burned instantly, and took a few steps back: "You—"

Ning'er smiled and said, "You got so close to me just now, Brother Pei, do I smell good?"

Pei Jiu gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you really a lady?"

The Qianjin Miss that Pei Jiu usually sees are all extremely reserved, they would never get close to a boyfriend casually, let alone lick his hand.

This little woman is so courageous, Pei Jiu felt that she seemed to have escaped from a brothel, or - she was transformed from a fox, a vixen!

Pei Jiu said with a cold face: "If you want to stay with me, it's fine here, but - don't be so dissolute in the future!"

Ning'er curled her long hair with her fingers, and bit the tip of her hair with her white teeth: "But I'm such a dissolute person, what if I can't change it?"

Pei Jiu said: "If you can't change it, you have to change it."

Ning'er was smiling, obviously she didn't listen to Pei Jiu's words.

There is no need for Ning'er to be a good woman who is well-educated and reasonable, the rules belong to others, she has managed to get at ease now, but she has to be herself.

It was her nature.

With a cold face, Pei Jiu washed the dishes and never went to see her again.

But the touch of the palm is still very weird.

Pei Jiu still remembered the delicate fragrance he smelled on her body when he approached her just now. The tip of her tongue was silky and hot, it was the first time he touched such a strange thing.

Pei Jiu felt upset and irritable.

He glanced at Ning'er again. Ning'er was dressed in tatters, the hem of her dress was torn, and her hair was only tied with a wooden stick.

Even so, she didn't look down at all, wherever she stood, she seemed to be beaten up.

Pei Jiu washed the bowls and packed things, he still remembered that Ning'er's finger was cut, the bowl was made of rough porcelain, the shards were not very sharp, her hands could be cut by such shards, one can imagine Ning'er's skin is so delicate.

Pei Jiu said: "If your finger is injured, you need to apply medicine, don't put your finger in your mouth, it's dirty."

Ning'er said: "But, I don't have any medicine."

Pei Jiu found out a bottle of Jinchuang medicine: "Come here."

Ning'er walked over.

He carefully sprinkled the powder on Ning'er's injured finger. Ning'er casually looked at Pei Jiu.

This man is very tall, Ning'er has seen many beautiful men, all of them are dragons and phoenixes, but compared with those beautiful men, Pei Jiu is actually better, although he is a villager who hunts for a living, Pei Jiu But Jiu has a good appearance and demeanor.

Seeing her staring at him shamelessly, Pei Jiu frowned: "Have you seen enough?"

Ning'er giggled and said, "No."

Pei Jiu snorted coldly: "Don't look at it. I'll take you to the town to buy clothes."