MTL - King’s Landing: The Proud Empress-Chapter 547 King's Landing Reminder

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  Chapter 547 Reminder of King's Landing

  In the drowsiness, Junli vaguely felt that he had arrived somewhere, but he couldn't open his eyes.

  The eyes seemed to be glued together, unable to open them no matter what.

   While feeling drowsy, Junli seemed to hear a voice.

   "I don't have much time to forcefully contact you. There is only one sentence: You have to remember that your life will be in danger recently, so be careful!"

  The voice was very solemn and serious, which made Junli's drowsy head instantly sober up a lot.

  A moment later, Jun Li suddenly opened his eyes. When I found myself still in the tub. Can't help but have some doubts.

  The voice just now was a bit like...

   King's Landing?

   That's right! It is the voice of King's Landing!

  Looking down at the glazed crescent moon on her wrist, it was emitting a bright blue light, stronger than ever before!

   It seems that King's Landing really came just now.

   Just her words...

  Junli couldn't help but recall the dream he once had.

   Is it possible that it is really going to become a reality?

  Jun Li frowned, thinking of that dream, his eyes became somewhat complicated.

   This night, Junli did not rest, but meditated all night.

  Early the next morning, Junli walked out of the room in good spirits, and saw Gu Beizhi preparing breakfast.

   "Are you up? Hurry up and wash up, and eat later." Hearing the sound of footsteps, Gu Beizhi said without turning his head.

   Junli nodded, turned around and went back to the room.

   After a while, after Junli came out, Gu Beizhen had already set up breakfast.

   A pot of green onion millet porridge, a plate of buns, and a few fried eggs.

  It is very simple, but it is also very careful.

   "Hurry up and eat." As he said, Gu Beizhi made a fried egg for Junli and filled a bowl of millet porridge.

  Junli nodded, "Hurry up and eat too."

  The meal passed quickly, Gu Beizhi said, "Stay here with me for two days?"

  Hearing this, Jun Li frowned, "Aren't you going to the imperial city?"

Gu Beizhen shook his head and said, "I'm not going. Anyway, didn't you clean up the hidden clan sub-rudders in the imperial city? After you leave, I will move the people to another place. But don't worry, they will be in the towns around the imperial city." In this way, if the Yin clan takes revenge or something in the future, I can come as soon as possible."

  Junli nodded, "Thank you very much." The Yinzu is indeed a ticking time bomb, and if there is no action now, it does not mean that there will be no action and revenge in the future!

   Gu Beizhi smiled and said, "What kind of words of thanks do we need between us? If you really thank me, then please don't be soft on me." He said with a wink full of power and threw it over.

  Jun Li trembled all over, "Forget it, I still don't thank you."

  Hearing this, Gu Beizhi smiled, and a hint of disappointment inevitably flashed deep in his eyes.

  A moment later, Jun Li was wearing silver-gray clothes embroidered with silver thread, and Gu Beizhi, who was wearing dark blue clothes, was walking on the streets of Lucheng.

  The hidden sub-rudder here was cleaned up when Gu Beizhi came, so Junli doesn't have to worry about being targeted.

   "Do you like this?" Gu Beizhi stood in front of a stall, ignored the surprised eyes of the stall owner, took out a peach wood hairpin and inserted it in Junli's hair, and said.

  The corner of Junli's mouth twitched. Before she could see what the hairpin looked like, she asked her if she liked it. How would she answer this?

"Yes, I like it."

  Hearing this, Gu Beizhi rubbed his chin, "It's very suitable for you, the peach wood wards off evil spirits, and your peach blossoms are blooming again."

   Jun Li lowered his eyes and ignored him.

  Seeing this, Gu Beizhi paid five copper coins directly to the stall owner, and then took Junli away.

   "I know that your jewelry is worth thousands of dollars, but I'm not polite and affectionate, so you can't dislike me." Gu Beizhi said, with a hint of joking in his voice.

  Jun Li knew that he was not joking!

"Of course, this is the first thing you gave me in this world. How could I dislike it?" Jun Li smiled, and did not take off the peach blossom hairpin on his head that was incompatible with his attire, just like that with Gu Bei Zhi walked on the street.

   Along the way, people kept casting strange glances at the two of them. Junli was a little strange at first, but later he realized that it was Gu Beizhi who didn't wear a veil.

  Man in this era either wears a veil or a veiled hat when going out, but someone like Gu Beizhi who doesn't wear anything is definitely more rare than the national treasure giant panda!

  Combined with Gu Beizhi's appearance, from a modern or patriarchal perspective, it is definitely full of charm! However, in the country of women, that is...

too ugly!

   Just like when Qin Muyan was in Beirong Palace, people often said he was ugly.

   Regarding these things, Gu Beizhi seems to be no stranger to them. Walking freely, not caring about other people's eyes.

   Responding to this, Jun Li smiled, and he and Gu Beizhi began to walk stop and go on the street.

   At first it was Gu Beizhi who was shopping, but later it was Junli who was shopping.

   Seeing more and more things in his hands, Gu Beizhi's eyes flashed a look of helplessness, "I heard that women like shopping everywhere the most, but now it seems that it is true."

  Hearing this, Jun Li glanced at him, "Why, did you regret coming out?"

   Gu Beizhi shook his head, "No way. Do you have anything else to buy? If you have anything, go ahead and buy it."

  Jun Li glanced at him, then turned and walked into a jade shop.

  After a day, Gu Beizhi was sweating profusely. I swear in my heart that I will never go shopping with Junli again. So on the second day, when Jun Li took the initiative to look for Gu Beizhi, Gu Beizhi refused without even thinking about it.

   This day, Junli spent playing chess with Gu Beizhi.

  In the evening, after the two of them finished their dinner, Gu Beizhi sent Junli outside her room, and said, "You have a good rest." Then he turned and left.

   Seeing this, Jun Li blinked, feeling a little puzzled.

   Waking up in the morning, Gu Beizhi still prepared breakfast and waited. After breakfast, without waiting for Jun to leave, Gu Beizhi ordered someone to bring over the horse that Jun was riding when he came.

   "Hurry up and go back, I know that in this special period, you can't leave the imperial city for too long..."

  Jun Li nodded slightly, "Then take care of yourself, remember to take care of your body."

  Gu Beizhi nodded, and kept sending Junli outside the mansion before stopping.

   "Okay, I'm leaving first. See you next time. Also, there is something on the table in my room for you." After Jun Li finished speaking, he smiled and drove away.

   Until Junli's figure disappeared from sight, Gu Beizhi turned around and came to the room where Junli lived before.

  There was a long wooden box on the table inside, and Gu Beizhi opened it curiously. When he saw the crystal clear emerald jade pendant inside, he couldn't help being stunned.

  (end of this chapter)