MTL - King’s Landing: The Proud Empress-Chapter 531 reward

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  Chapter 531 Award

   Immediately stepped forward and said respectfully, "Caomin is the shopkeeper of Louwailou, Wu Ying."

  Hearing this, Eunuch Yu smiled and said, "There is a young master in the building outside your building, called Yunjin?"

   After the words fell, the shopkeeper Wu felt a "thump" in his heart. Could it be that he came to trouble Yunjin?

  Not to mention that she has long regarded Yun Jin as her own son, even the master has told her to take good care of Yun Jin. If these people are here to trouble Yun Jin...

   Yun Jin who was standing behind was also taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting that this group of people came to find him.

  Looking at shopkeeper Wu with a distressed face, Yun Jin stepped forward, "I am Yun Jin, I don't know what's the matter with your father-in-law?"

  Seeing this, Eunuch Yu was startled, and quickly stretched out his hand to support Yun Jin, and said with a smile, "You don't need to be too polite, you are more honorable than our family. How can our family accept your worship."

  Hearing this, Yun Jin was confused. He is more noble than this father-in-law?

  He is just a fatherless man who was a former slave. How can he be more honorable than the father-in-law in front of him?

   Besides, looking at the guards behind this father-in-law, it must be that this father-in-law is not an ordinary person, so how can he be more noble than him?

  Yun Jin couldn't figure it out, and shopkeeper Wu and the others couldn't figure it out either.

   "Eunuch, what do you mean by that?" Yun Jin asked suspiciously.

  Hearing this, Eunuch Yu smiled, "You can call us Eunuch Yu, our visit this time is at His Majesty's will."

   Your Majesty!

   These two words were like thunder on the ground, and the crowd around them immediately exploded into whispers.

  Yun Jin was also stunned, His Majesty's will? What's the meaning?

  However, before he could think about it, Eunuch Yu suddenly took two steps back, took out a bright yellow imperial decree from the guard behind him, and said with a serious face, "Yunjin accepts the decree—"

  Hearing this, shopkeeper Wu hurriedly pulled Yun Jin who was still in a daze, and motioned him to kneel down.

  Yun Jin came back to her senses and quickly knelt down.

  When the surrounding crowd saw this, they also knelt down one after another.

Seeing this, Eunuch Yu spread out the Minghuang imperial decree in his hand, and said loudly, "Mr. Lou Yunjin, outside the building, is kind and intelligent, and has won the heart of the emperor. Now I have specially accepted him as a righteous brother, canonized him as a prince, and bestowed him with the title of virtuous... A mansion for the Prince Shangxian, one thousand taels of gold and one silver each, fifty bolts of silk and satin, ten boxes of jade and antiques..."

  Following the reward that Eunuch Yu said, a guard carried out the reward from behind.

  Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that an ordinary commoner would be named a prince!

  Yun Jin was also stunned, won the emperor's heart?

  He has never seen His Majesty at all!

At this time, Eunuch Yu closed the imperial decree, put the imperial decree in Yun Jin's hands, and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the prince Xian, the plaque of the prince's mansion is already being changed, and the prince Xian can live in it at any time. His Majesty has ordered everything in it." People have been taken care of, Prince Xian doesn't have to worry."

  Yun Jin came back to her senses, looked at the imperial decree in her hand, then at Eunuch Yu, and said dryly, "Eunuch Yu, did you make a mistake? How could Your Majesty know such a small person like me?"

  Hearing this, Eunuch Yu laughed and said, "Your Majesty said it himself, how could this old slave make a mistake. Besides, it is clearly written in the imperial decree. If Prince Xian doesn't believe it, you can open it and have a look."

  Yun Jin pursed her lips, and slowly opened the imperial decree.

  After confirming that it was indeed her, Yun Jin was stunned...

  After Eunuch Yu left with his guards, he left behind a dozen or so guards and more than 20 guards, who were responsible for escorting Yun Jin to Prince Xian's mansion.

   Shopkeeper Wu came to Yun Jin, smiled and said, "Yun Jin, no, Prince Xian, congratulations!"

   After the words fell, the guests who had been watching the excitement all came forward one after another. Congratulations on his face.

  Yun Jin was in a daze, holding an imperial decree in her hand. I don't know how I left the building outside the building, and how I was surrounded by those attendants and went to Prince Xian's mansion.

   "See His Royal Highness Prince Xian—"

  Countless voices rang beside her ears, Yun Jin came back to her senses, and what she saw was that she had already been in Prince Xian's mansion at some point. In front of him, there was a dense group of people kneeling.

"You are…"

   After the words fell, a man who seemed to be in charge stepped forward and said with a smile, "As for His Royal Highness, the servants are all sent by His Majesty to serve you, His Royal Highness."

   "Your Majesty?" Yun Jin was still a little confused about this person who had never met but gave him such a big reward.

  The man nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty is really kind to His Highness Prince Xian. Even those royal princes don't enjoy His Majesty's care."

  Hearing this, Yun Jin was even more confused.

  After a long while, he cautiously asked, "Can I go to see His Majesty?" He knew that ordinary people would find it difficult to see His Majesty.

The man nodded, "Of course. As long as you say a word, Prince Xian, someone will immediately prepare a carriage for you and take you to the palace. Now that His Majesty rewards you so much, Prince Xian, it stands to reason that you want to enter the palace to thank you personally Yes." It may be that Yun Jin, the master, is easy to get along with, so that person is much more comfortable when talking.

  Yun Jin had a look of hesitation on his face, "Shall we go now?" Ordinary people may have a natural fear of places like the palace.

  The man said with a smile, "It's getting late today, Your Highness, you should rest early. It's not too late to enter the palace tomorrow."

  Hearing this, Yun Jin secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Then he was greeted by the attendants and walked towards his own room.

  Everything that happened next made Yun Jin feel unreal. It was an unreal feeling of suddenly leaping from an ordinary person to a master.

  One night passed, when Yun Jin woke up from the luxurious and soft big bed, what she saw was a huge night pearl inlaid on the top of the bed.

  Slightly stunned, he sat up instantly and looked at the unfamiliar room.

  Maybe hearing the sound, a servant came in with a washbasin and said respectfully, "Prince Xian, you are awake."

  Prince Xian?

  Yesterday's memories flooded in like a tide, making Yun Jin slightly stunned, and then asked, "Are you going to enter the palace today?"

  Hearing this, several attendants were taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "Prince Xian, you need to enter the palace today to thank you."

  Yun Jin nodded, but she was thinking about how to make the empress take back the imperial edict.

   Afterwards, dressed up by the attendants, Yun Jin wore a red palace attire, got into a carriage, and walked towards the palace.

   All the way unimpeded, straight to the outside of the study.

   But the carriage stopped at the gate of the palace early.

  Eunuch Yu, who was guarding outside the imperial study room, saw the visitor, hurriedly went up to Yun Jin, and said, "Prince Xian, you are here. Your Majesty is dealing with things. Why don't you wait a while?"

  Hearing this, Yun Jin nodded, just as he was also a little nervous.

  Thinking about this, he saw an attendant suddenly walk out of the imperial study, came to Yun Jin and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, please come in, Prince Xian."

   It’s not far from the end, please leave more comments and less reminders, thank you



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion