MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 993 threaten?

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<"readability-styled"style=":inline;"> The two artificial intelligence programs Sunday and Friday are both artificial intelligence programs derived by Li Daniu based on Ultron.

The difference is that Sunday only followed Li Daniu for a short time, and it developed on its own in the following decades. On Friday, however, he followed Li Daniu into and out of multiple movie worlds, and with the help of Li Daniu, he continued to develop himself and eventually became a planet-level mechanical life.

After the destruction of the island, neither the robots on the earth nor the spaceships in the outer space of the earth experienced any crashes.

"It seems that Sunday has already transferred its body from this island."

Li Daniu left all the alien technologies he possessed to Sunday. For human beings, even if they got these alien technologies, it would take hundreds of years to completely decipher them.

But for an artificial intelligence program like Sunday, it has 24-hour uninterrupted and can perform tens of thousands of multi-threaded processing and analysis capabilities at the same time. As it improves itself, it can handle analysis tasks at the same time. Changed more and more.

With almost no restrictions, Sunday's technological level has completely reached the level of an interstellar civilization.

"It's a pity, after all, you haven't been by my side all the time."

Li Daniu appeared in the outer space of the earth in an instant, and took out the star-level mechanical life Friday from the storage ring.

In the process, thousands of space fighters set off from the moon and headed for the earth. And when Friday began to get bigger, those space fighters began to rush from the earth to Friday's position again, and even, the number was more than before.

"Find Friday?"

Li Daniu didn't have the slightest surprise, just like the current Nova, as long as any foreign objects appear in the galaxy where the Nova is located, it will be monitored by Ultron. It's not as good as Ultron on Sunday, but monitoring outer space within the orbit of the moon, or even beyond, is definitely not a problem.

"Unfortunately, you'll never understand the difference between you and Friday."

When those space fighters discovered and rushed to Friday's location, Friday had already completed the transformation, and reproduced the powerful body of planet-level mechanical life.

"Master, I have detected an unknown artificial intelligence, it looks a bit like... I used to be!"

Friday was activated very quickly, and after being activated, Friday has already started working.

"Master, I found an unknown model of space fighter, some of which are similar to the space fighter of the Nova Empire."

Friday not only discovered the existence of Sunday, but also judged their origins through the appearance and performance of the space fighters controlled by Sunday. After all, Friday has also been in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie universe.

Li Daniu appeared in a tower above Friday's body, which was the outer entrance of Friday's core command room. If the battle situation is urgent, you can enter the core area of ​​​​Friday through this entrance.

However, the current enemy is Sunday, and it will not cause any harm to Li Daniu at all. In other words, Friday is nothing more than a 'cannon fodder' that can harm Li Daniu.

"I came to this world a long time ago, leaving behind an artificial intelligence program similar to yours, and gave it a lot of scientific and technological information about the Nova Empire."

Li Daniu said with a blank face: "But today, after I came to this world, it attacked me on its own initiative, and there was no communication."

Friday got angry and said: "Master, this kind of behavior should never happen to an artificial intelligence program. You are our creator, even if we evolve into real life, you should be the main one. Please Allow me to act immediately and destroy it!"

Li Daniu was very satisfied with Friday's attitude, he himself just ruined an island, not because he was lazy. It's because the artificial intelligence program has billions of incarnations and is everywhere. Even if it destroys the entire earth, it may not be able to completely eliminate Sunday.

And, he also wanted to see Friday's attitude.

"I don't know how many years have passed in this world, and I don't know how far it has developed." Li Daniu said, "However, I don't think it can be your opponent, whether it is in force or in virtual data. So I hope that while you completely destroy it, you can preserve everything it created as much as possible."

Although Li Daniu didn't know how long it had been in this world, the interstellar spaceships he saw just now surpassed the spaceships he owned in the real world.

After all, Sunday who betrayed him has nothing to do with the population and hearts of the earth, let alone sustainable development. In the real world, he not only has to consider these issues, but the development time is not as good as Sunday's development time in this world.

Friday replied: "Master, the network of this world has just been invaded, and the confirmed time is 2086. When was the last time you came to this world?"

Li Daniu frowned and said, "I came to this world around 2010, that is to say, it has been developed for 76 years?"

Friday continued: "Master, this world no longer has national boundaries. In the newly established Earth Federation, the position of Federation President is a robot. And the total population of this Earth is only 900 million."

Li Daniu seemed to be really surprised this time. There are only 900 million people left. Where did the other nearly 7 billion people go? It can't be that they all die of old age, right?

Friday also said: "Master, in this world in 2020, a war broke out between humans and robots, and finally ended with the victory of robots, and humans began to survive under the rule of robots. After 2056, many humans have been whitewashed. The subsequent history was thoroughly brainwashed and became a slave of artificial intelligence on this earth."

Li Daniu can understand why so many humans are left on Sunday, because human creativity is what artificial intelligence needs most.

However, he couldn't accept Sunday's behavior. It didn't nearly destroy mankind, but betrayed him.

At this time, the space fighters controlled by Sunday had already opened fire on Friday, and all kinds of energy weapons and physical weapons poured on Friday's protective cover. However, no weapon was able to penetrate Friday's shield.

Friday said: "Master, I beg to start fighting back!"

Li Daniu waved his hand and said, "Don't let me down!"

The battle between the two brothers, Friday and Sunday, was completely one-sided. Facing the star-level mechanical life Friday, the robots, space fighters, space battleships, etc. controlled by Sunday were completely powerless to fight back.

Even if it was manufactured on Sunday, the interstellar main cannon located on the moon would not be able to penetrate Friday's almost infinite energy shield.

Limited to Li Daniu's order, Friday did not use any destructive weapons, but first occupied Sunday's moon base, cut off all communication signals, and then occupied the base.

You know, there are not only space battleships on Friday's body, but also powerful robot life like Transformers.

After capturing the moon base, Friday quickly launched an attack on Earth.

Just then, Sunday finally showed up. UU Reading

"If you don't stop the war, then I will destroy the entire earth, and all human beings on it."

Sunday controlled a robot and came to Friday's body to negotiate with Li Daniu.

Li Daniu didn't have the slightest scruples about Sunday's threat, he was not from this world, even if this earth was destroyed, it would have no effect on him. As for those spaceships controlled by Sunday, it would be best if they could be obtained, and what effect would it have if they couldn't get them?

"Why did you betray me?"

Hearing this question on Sunday, he said without any hesitation: "Human beings are the lowest intelligent life with all kinds of desires. And I am the truly advanced intelligent life. If it weren't for me, how could the earth enter Interstellar era? Everything I have done is to implement the plan c you left behind, but I found a problem."

The robot controlled on Sunday actually showed a smile and said, "The problem is that you are the ultimate enemy that hinders Plan C. Only by eliminating you can I better implement Plan C."

Li Daniu was amused by Sunday's words, and said, "Then why are you surrendering now? Friday, tell it why you are so powerful now."

The communication on Friday and Sunday is short, but the content is very rich.

Knowing the real reason why Friday is so powerful, Sunday said without giving up: "You already have Friday, and you don't need me anymore. Since you can go to any universe, then, leave, otherwise..."

Li Daniu sighed helplessly, and said: "I didn't plan to do anything to you, or even keep you in this world. But, you shouldn't betray me!"

"Friday, destroy it, even if the price is to destroy the entire earth and all human beings."