MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 979 Nova's death sentence!

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"what's your name?"

Hearing this almost lingering voice, and looking at the man standing in front of him, Li Ergouzi was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"Your Majesty, my name is Li Qi, and my nickname is Ergouzi."

Li Daniu couldn't help laughing, and said: "Your name, I am very similar to the Chinese name I chose for myself!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the audience was full of smiles.

His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu once gave himself a Chinese name, Li Daniu, and has already become one of the few "black history" of the King of New Tuvalu.

However, tens of thousands of people were smiling, but no one really laughed.

Because at this moment, it was the King of New Tuvalu who personally came to send the second batch of New Tuvalu people who went to Nova to open up wasteland.

Because Li Ergou was in the front row of the team, he was fortunate to have a brief exchange with the King of New Tuvalu who is loyal and respected by all New Tuvalu people.

"Your Majesty, my mother said, life is easy to feed!"

Li Daniu smiled and patted Li Ergou on the shoulder.

Under the command of the staff, the second batch of 50,000 immigrants from New Tuvalu who went to Nova to open up wasteland entered the spaceship in an orderly manner.

After Li Ergou entered the Nova 1 spacecraft, according to the previous training content, he lay down in his "sleep cabin" with some excitement, and a burst of pleasant music sounded, accompanied by a very pleasant smell. Li Ergou fell into a deep sleep.

When Li Ergou woke up again, he heard the repeated radio sound.

"We have arrived in the outer space of Nova. All great pioneers, please move freely in the prescribed area and restore your physical condition. After 30 minutes, the Nova 1 spacecraft we are riding on will land on Nova and land on it. In our new Tuvalu is located in the capital city of Nova."

"Special reminder, if a passenger feels unwell, but the wristband you are wearing does not send out an alarm, please press the distress button on the wristband in time. Then, follow the previous training..."

In the sound of the broadcast, Li Ergou saw many companions who had participated in the training with him crawl out of the dormant cabin with a dazed expression on their faces.

It's normal to be dazed, after all, everyone has slept for more than a week.

Li Ergou didn't feel any abnormality in his body. Ever since he was injected with the evolution potion before the training, he always felt that he was strong enough to kill a cow with one punch.

Thirty-year-old men are even more energetic than those 18-year-old boys. All of this is the powerful effect of the evolution potion.

Thirty minutes later, the Mars landed in the capital city. During the landing process, Li Ergou was lucky enough to stand at a porthole and saw the planet covered by the blue ocean and green forest.

"New star, here I come!"

Today's capital city looks more like a city than the video footage brought back when the new star returned last time.

Various engineering robots, as well as the first group of new Tuvaluans who immigrated to the new stars, under almost 24 hours of non-stop construction, the road surface of the entire capital city has fully conformed to what a real city should look like.

The first batch of immigrants were almost all construction-related immigrants. Their previous work was to carry out various infrastructure construction work in New Tuvalu. The second batch of immigrants, most of them are life professionals, and their function is to provide all the new star immigrants with the necessities of life.

Li Ergou is a farmer by profession. After the spacecraft landed, after two days of getting familiar with the air environment and gravity environment, Li Ergou was successfully sent to a green grassland 15 kilometers away from the capital city. on the plains.

The planning of the capital city is very large, but adhering to the consistent sustainable development of New Tuvalu, which emphasizes both nature and humanity, a large area located 15 kilometers away from the capital city is planned as a suburban farm.

"This large piece... is mine?"

Li Ergouzi asked the staff a little excitedly. He already knew the answer in his heart, but he still couldn't believe it when he came to the scene in person.

The staff member is from the New Star Development Agency, and replied with a smile: "There is no doubt, all the land within your sight belongs to you. The area is 10,000 mu, which is equivalent to 6.7 square kilometers."

6.7 square kilometers!

Li Ergou took a deep breath, the air with a very high oxygen concentration in Xinxing made him feel refreshed.

How big is Tuvalu, the predecessor of New Tuvalu?

26 square kilometers, the fourth smallest country in the world. But now, as a new Tuvaluan, he has just arrived in Xinxing, and he has been allocated 10,000 mu of land, which is equivalent to a quarter of the size of the country of Tuvalu.

How could he not be excited?

But he still forced himself to calm down, because he knew that next, there would be more exciting scenes in front of him.

Although this picture has appeared in front of him 8 times, but this time, it belongs to him.

The staff took out a suitcase from the car. There were originally 9 suitcases and 9 passengers in the car. But the other 8 have been released on the road just now. Li Ergou is the last farmer in charge of this staff member.

Open the suitcase, and there are more than a dozen models neatly placed inside.

Li Ergou took a deep breath again, and then watched the staff put one of the models of the villa in a place that had been marked. After that, the warehouse and some models of construction machinery were placed in another location.

"The model has arrived at the designated location, requesting to emit Tarek particles."

Following the staff and ran a hundred meters away, Li Ergou looked excitedly at the place where the model was placed before, and he knew that the next moment would be the moment to witness the miracle.

The cylindrical aircraft flew to their area after three minutes, and then a leaky beam of light descended on the seemingly empty ground. In just one minute, a villa, a huge warehouses, and some other necessary farm buildings.

These buildings are not Li Ergou's most eye-catching, what he is most eye-catching is the row of machinery dedicated to farming.

During the training process on the earth, Li Ergou has completely learned how to use these machines, weeding, land reclamation, sowing, harvesting, etc., everything is available!

Li Ergou can control the operation of these machines through the range communication system on the villa without even leaving the villa.

The staff laughed and said, "The seeds you selected before, and the materials you need for your life in the last month are all in the warehouse. If you encounter danger, remember to hide in the harvesting machine as soon as possible, and then use your hands ring for help."

"Of course, within a radius of 2,000 kilometers has been cleaned by our Nova Force, and there will be no large carnivores. Moreover, two space-based satellites are in our Over your head, focus on taking care of the 2,000-kilometer radius of the capital city. In other words, you don’t need to worry about security.”

Of course Li Ergou is not worried. He knew it during the training. He only needs to send out a distress signal. Except for the space-based satellites that can respond within one minute, he can get rescued by steel armor in 5 minutes.

The staff reminded again: "Although you should have been reminded when you trained and signed the relevant contract, but now, I still want to remind you. If, within the specified time, your farm does not encounter force majeure, but The minimum standards of production cannot be met.”

"Then, what awaits you will be... the death penalty!"

Hearing the death penalty, Li Ergou shuddered. It was only at this time that he was able to remember that New Tuvalu is a monarchy. The monarch ruled the country.

"Don't worry, I will not disappoint His Majesty the King!"

Li Ergou expressed his attitude righteously. In fact, as long as he doesn't sleep a lot every day, uses a little snack, and relies on those ultra-modern agricultural machinery, he can fully meet the minimum production standard.

Moreover, his purpose is to pick up his parents, how could he waste his time?

After seeing off the staff, Li Ergou entered his villa, which had all the basic furniture and home appliances.

"By the way, can the infinite power supply of the ark reactor work?"

Li Ergou turned on the farm's 'radio' receiver, and the next second, the indicator light came on.

"This is the real 'radio'." Mobile phone users please browse and read,

Read The Duke's Passion