MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 966 return

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"Friday, give me some random names for this weapon!"

Li Daniu pulled out the 'marquee crystal stick' that was over 800,000 kilometers long from a star, and stirred it twice along the way.

The temperature of the star's core exceeds 20 million degrees Celsius, but it does not mean that the highest temperature above the star is 20 million degrees Celsius. Above the stars, nuclear fusion reactions of hydrogen are happening all the time.

The short answer is a hydrogen bomb explosion.

Generally speaking, hydrogen accounts for about 70% of the total amount of stellar elements. Taking the sun in the solar system as an example, in addition to about 70% of hydrogen, there is also 28% of helium. These two elements are reactants of nuclear fusion, and because of the strong radiation environment above the sun, nearly 600 million tons of hydrogen per second are converted into helium.

The process of the sun glowing and heating is the explosion of countless hydrogen bombs, moreover, the explosion of hydrogen bombs with a very large equivalent.

As we all know, the core fireball area of ​​the hydrogen bomb explosion, the highest temperature can easily exceed 100 million degrees Celsius.

"The high-temperature zone of hundreds of millions of degrees, with an average temperature of 20 million degrees Celsius, and the energy generated by the hydrogen bomb explosion."

Li Daniu touched the still cold "marquee crystal stick" in his hand, but found no damage.

The setting of Infinity Stones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is highly condensed from 6 singularities. Its own mass can even be said to be equivalent to 6 universes, because a singularity explosion can form a universe.

However, this incredible quality of the Infinity Stones is all converted into energy. For example, it is like 10,000 tons of coal, after burning and transforming, it becomes electricity.

Does electricity have weight?

Carriers that store electricity, such as charging treasures, have weight. However, for the Infinity Stone, it is a universe itself, and the gem is just a shell of it, a channel connecting the energy universe it represents.

Using its energy, just like wireless charging technology, crosses the dimensions of the gem universe and the real universe, and transmits energy over.

Therefore, in Li Daniu's hands, this stick is almost as light as nothing. But if other people without Li Daniu's permission want to pick up this stick, they will have to bear the mass of nearly six cosmic energies.

Random weight and indestructibility are the external performance of this weapon. But the weight it represents is as light as nothing and as heavy as the universe. The indestructibility it represents is that after smashing more than a dozen planets, it is put into a star to 'take a bath' without any damage to the body.

After retracting the 'Marquee Crystal Stick', Li Daniu appeared on Friday's body.

"Master, according to the randomness, your weapons can be named: six-color Ruyi stick, LED horse racing stick, bachelor stick, big cow stick, colorful invincible stick, infinite rainbow light, killing Matt stick, kill you 3000, colorful sky punishment , furnace tube, despairing of the author's mathematics, stirring shit..."

"To shut up!"

Li Daniu was angry: "What the **** are you random names? The last one... I used six infinite gems to use the supreme artifact, and you actually think I will use it to stir up shit?"

(ps: There have never been 16 articles in this chapter more than two hours after the chapter was published. But, is it appropriate for you to do this? There is no one who likes more, and the one who likes is definitely clicked by yourself. Wait, between you So I don't care about the name of the protagonist Li Daniu, is it because of your naming level...)

Friday said innocently: "Master, it was randomly generated, I didn't control it."

"I gave you the name of a random weapon. Tell me, what the **** is the name when you are desperate for the author's mathematics? What about your logic algorithm?"

After struggling for a while, a system notification sounded: "The countdown to your journey through the movie world of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" begins..."

"Is it finally over?"

Li Daniu sighed, the fifty years he traveled this time was the longest time he traveled. But in fact, it took only a few months for him to really come into contact with the people in this movie world.

After getting the six Infinity Stones, he went into a long retreat to create his weapon.

"I seem to remember, I'm getting married now?"

Li Daniu suddenly recalled that fifty years ago, in the real world, he was holding a wedding as the king of New Tuvalu, and the heads of state of more than 70 countries on the earth were attending his wedding in New Tuvalu.

"Go back, into the bridal chamber?"

The wedding of the King of New Tuvalu made the whole country of New Tuvalu celebrate.

Because it is an immigrant country, New Tuvalu has many legal holidays, including Chinese legal holidays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so on.

However, there are so many festivals, but none of them can make everyone in New Tuvalu celebrate.

During the Spring Festival, many immigrants from Western countries in New Tuvalu did not catch a cold. In addition to enjoying the statutory holidays, as well as the food and programs of those Chinese immigrants, they don't agree with this kind of festival in their hearts.

At Christmas, many Chinese immigrants have the same attitude.

In the final analysis, it is because all immigrants in New Tuvalu have very strong inherent living habits. These living habits are all endowed by the country they were in before.

It has only been eight years since Tuvalu changed its name to New Tuvalu. During these eight years, New Tuvalu people have undergone earth-shaking changes, but the real New Tuvalu culture has not yet formed.

As the full-name idol of New Tuvalu, the object of all New Tuvalu people's allegiance, the new Tuvalu King who created the country of New Tuvalu, his wedding can make all New Tuvalu People, no matter what country they belonged to before, are celebrated as the grandest festival.

On that day, New Tuvalu was like a statutory holiday, and the vast majority of people did not need to go to work or work. New Tuvalu has grand performances and activities in nine major cities distributed like the eight planets and the sun in the solar system.

Even, many foreign tourists have deliberately chosen to travel to New Tuvalu in recent days.

In the New Tuvalu Palace, the heads of state of more than 70 countries communicated with each other in a super large banquet hall in the New Tuvalu Palace. None of them knew that the new King of Tuvalu, who had just left for a few minutes, had been in another world for fifty years.

Li Daniu changed back into his wedding dress, appeared in the banquet hall, and began to greet the heads of state.

At this time, some heads of state have already bid farewell to Li Daniu one after another.

They are high-ranking and powerful, and they have to deal with countless things every could it be possible for them to be like ordinary people, and they have to have a bridal chamber at night before leaving?

As night falls, New Tuvalu is still a sea of ​​joy, and the heads of state have also left more than half. Except for certain leaders of the Pacific Treaty Organizations attached to New Tuvalu, who cannot be smaller.

After the dinner, Li Daniu returned to his room in the palace.

As the king of New Tuvalu, his real residence is the Royal Palace of New Tuvalu. The king's villa is just a villa.

"Do you want me to turn off the holographic camouflage system on my body?"

In the luxurious bedroom, Lucy looked at Li Daniu with a smile on her face. Her appearance at this time was a very ordinary appearance created by Li Daniu's request.

But in fact, in the past period of time, she has used the technology mastered by Li Daniu to create a body no less than a 'superman'.

For Li Daniu, creating life is no longer difficult.

And the appearance of Lucy's body is the appearance that made Li Daniu drool when she first appeared in front of Li Daniu... figure.

But this appearance must not be seen by others, so Lucy has a set of holographic camouflage equipment on her body, so that her appearance still shows the previous appearance. This is like Li Daniu, his physical appearance is essentially the physical appearance of his previous life. But in the eyes of people in the real world, Li Daniu is just Tarek's appearance, and everything is just the influence exerted by the system.

"I have no opinion!"

Li Daniu confirmed his current physical fitness, as well as his superhuman physical fitness, and couldn't help thinking... Do you want to change the bridal chamber?

ps: Push the book "The Tyrant System in the City", with more than one million words and more than 50,000 collections.