MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 963 Unparalleled Universe - Friday!

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The combined volume of hundreds of thousands of spaceships does not have much advantage over Friday, which is almost the same size as the moon and has a diameter of 3,500 kilometers.

But war is never just about size.

The fleet of Thanos is slowly approaching Friday from 36 directions. If it is not in the universe, it is difficult to determine just the attacking direction of these fleets.

Friday's voice sounded from the tower, at this time, only Li Daniu was in the whole tower.

"Master, it is estimated that in 3 minutes, the enemy will enter our attack range. And they want to attack us, it should be 3 minutes and 50 seconds later."

The time difference of fifty seconds is a distance of about a thousand kilometers for a spacecraft with a speed of tens or even hundreds of Machs.

"It's really not challenging."

Li Daniu sighed, and said: "The strength of Thanos itself is far behind me. Now, his fleet is also far behind your strength. It seems that there is really no way to continue playing."

Friday said: "Master, based on your description of Thanos' strength, I think it is very likely that he chose to forcibly break through my fire blockade, break through my protective shield, and land on my body when he was at a disadvantage. Attack."

Li Daniu laughed and said: "Don't worry, with me here, he can't hit your body."

In the communication system, Xingjue also yelled.

"Li, what's the situation? Why does the interstellar main gun I control have such a long attack range?"

"Friday, is there something wrong with your system?" The raccoon shouted: "I know the attack distance of the interstellar main gun of the other space battleship, but why, our attack distance is farther than theirs?"

Gamora, Destroyer, and others were also puzzled. Although they know that Friday must be very strong, until they sit in the fighting position and start to control the weapons on Friday's body, they can pass through Friday's prompts and feel the real strength of Friday.

But this kind of power has surpassed their understanding of weapons, so they can't believe it.

Li Daniu's voice echoed in the communication system: "Did you forget that the analysis on Friday said that the victory rate of this war is 100%."

Gamora said with some concern: "But, if Thanos lands on Friday with the power gem, then..."

"Thanos is mine!"

Li Daniu interrupted Kamora's words, but this kind of tough interruption made Kamora and others feel a strong backing at the same time.

The raccoon has been staring at the holographic projection screen in front of him, the space battleships belonging to the Chitauri, and the various combat spaceships attached to those space battleships.

On the holographic screen, the data about the attack distance, energy level, lock information, etc. given by Friday made the raccoon's two little hands unable to help but put them on the fire button.

"Come on, let's kill them!"

The sudden roar of the raccoon opened the prelude to this cosmic war.

On Friday's body, thousands of interstellar-grade main cannons lit up at the same time. Between breaths, these interstellar-class main guns, which can only be deployed on real space battleships, fired thousands of thick energy beams, and the targets of these beams were those fleets rushing towards Friday's body from more than 30 directions .

The moment these light beams appeared, sirens sounded on those fleets at the same time. However, facing Friday, who was still outside their attack distance, and these energy beams approaching the speed of light, in addition to turning on the hard steel shields, There is no way.

There is no medium for sound transmission in the vacuum, and one can only see that under the attack of these light beams, a series of spaceships were directly broken and turned into nothingness.

Yes, like kebabs, all the spaceships above the path of the light beams were reduced to nothingness.

With just this blow, tens of thousands of spaceships were directly destroyed, among which there were even more than 50 space battleships.

All of these destroyed space battleships were the leading space battleships. And those space battleships that escaped this catastrophe are all hidden behind the fleet of their own race.


Xingjue and the others yelled in the communication system, and destroyed tens of thousands of enemy spaceships in an instant. This kind of victory can be ranked in the forefront of any interstellar war in the interstellar era.

Because when the spacecraft is flying in the universe, the positions are very scattered. To achieve such a victory in one attack, the number of fleets required is not low. Moreover, it also involves defending against the opponent's attack.

But now, the star-level mechanical life, Friday, has done this very easily.

It's like on the earth, all countries launch intercontinental missiles at the same time. A planet-level Friday is itself equivalent to a powerful 'space fleet'.

"It will take three minutes for the main gun to cool down, now activate the secondary gun attack mode!"

The main cannon that fires energy beams that penetrate a distance of thousands of kilometers is naturally impossible to chug and chug like a machine gun. However, Friday's body is too big, and decades of construction have left his body full of weapons.

Thousands of star-level main guns are nothing compared to Friday's body?

"The enemy has locked us, and the energy shield is turned on, and the energy is 100%."

Energy shield technology is not uncommon in the interstellar era, although there are many excitation principles. However, the basic nature is similar.

If you want to break the energy shield, you must either attack more than the defense strength of the energy shield at once, or consume the energy supply of the energy shield.

The moment the energy shield on Friday's body was opened, Thanos' fleet also opened fire at the same time. Because of the different races and civilizations they belonged to, these fleets had various weapons. In addition to energy attacks, there are actually live ammunition attacks.

Moreover, those live ammunition turned out to be the most powerful nuclear weapon on earth.

It's a pity that after these nuclear weapons exploded on the energy shield, they only consumed the energy of the energy shield, and there was absolutely no way to break through Friday's energy shield.

(ps: Refer to the movie Independence Day, where Earthlings attack alien spaceships with nuclear bombs.)

When those energy attacks hit the energy shield, they also didn't have the ability to break Friday's shield.

"I don't believe it anymore, your energy is endless."

On one of Chitauri's space battleships, someone roared out, and at the same time ordered to continue the attack, increasing the energy intensity of the attack.

The attack of hundreds of thousands of spaceships caused ripples in Friday's energy shield. But that's all there is to it.

At this time, Thanos' fleet was a little closer to Friday.

"The enemy has entered the 'torpedo' zone and detonated the 'torpedo'!"

When Xingjue heard the name torpedo, he always felt something was wrong. Did you make a mistake? This is an interstellar war. You actually named the weapon torpedo?

But in the next second, he was stunned by what he saw.

Among the dozens of fleets of the Thanos Allied Forces, flames like a starry sky burst out suddenly. From the distance of Star Lord, those flames were as tiny as fireflies.

But in fact, it was the explosion of one space battleship after another.

"Friday, when did you 'bury' the torpedo?" Star-Lord exclaimed, "Why didn't they find it?"

Friday replied: "I didn't bury them in advance, but just now, I opened a small portal beside them and fired the torpedo. Fortunately, they were attacking us at this time and did not open their own protective cover."

The raccoon yelled, "Who can believe that you can still attack when you open the shield?"

The words of the raccoons are also what the intelligent races of the Thanos fleet are trying to say at this time.

The war planet, which has fully opened its protective shield, is still able to attack? Who would have thought?

Before they came, they had already determined that on the side of the Guardians of the Galaxy, there were no reinforcements, and there was no separate fleet of spaceships.

But now, they lost at least 100,000 spaceships in an instant.

All of a sudden, all the spaceships stopped attacking, opened their own protective shields, and prepared to open part of the gap to attack again when the protective shields were opened.

But at this Friday's body's indestructible protective shield suddenly had tens of thousands of gaps.

In the next second, energy beams shot out from these gaps again. Compared with the previous interstellar-class main guns, these energy beams are much weaker, but the consequences they cause are not worse than those interstellar-class main guns at all.

Tens of thousands of spaceships whose energy shields did not meet the standard were directly destroyed, and the energy remaining of the remaining hundreds of thousands of spaceships also dropped to about 50%.

"Continue to attack, and they won't have much energy left."

In the command system of the Thanos coalition forces, the voice of ebony throat suddenly sounded, but all the intelligent races who heard this order raised a question at the same time, that is, how many energy blocks can be stored in a planet-sized war fortress? Or, what about other types of energy?

But the cruelty of Thanos forced these intelligent races to continue to attack.

Their targets were those gaps in Friday's shield.

But when they just determined the attack position, those gaps disappeared at the same time, while the same number of gaps appeared again in other positions.

"don't want!"

Millions of exclamations in different languages ​​have almost the same content, but after this exclamation, tens of thousands of spaceships were destroyed again.

Now that the war has come, not only the intelligent races involved in this war, but also other intelligent races that pay attention to this war, such as the Nova Empire and the Supreme Stars, have finally seen the power of this war planet.

And this power is far beyond their imagination.

Thanos' throne has always been floating above this interstellar battlefield. At this moment, the **** in his eyes almost gushed out.

"Such a powerful war planet should belong to me!"

Thanos, stand up from the throne!

Read The Duke's Passion