MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 952 time gem

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"Li, why did you think of asking people from the Nova Corps to open that cosmic ball?"

On Li Daniu's spaceship, Xingjue asked very puzzled, he didn't believe the excuse Li Daniu just said in the Nova Corps.

"Friday, did you find surveillance?"

Li Daniu didn't answer directly, but asked. At this time, they had already left Xandar Star of the Nova Empire in a spaceship. After discovering that the power gem had disappeared, the scene was extremely embarrassing.

People in the Nova Corps suspected that the Guardians of the Galaxy had taken the Power Gem, and because they wanted to conceal this fact, they came to the Nova Corps to borrow the Power Gem. However, Xingjue and others thought that the people of the Nova Corps wanted to occupy the power of the power gem, so they got an empty shell of the universe ball and stored it near the black hole.

After the embarrassment of both parties, there will be accusations, and after the accusations, there will be investigations.

Soon, the Nova Corps recalled the spaceship parked next to the black hole, and found the imprint of power belonging to Thanos on it. This point has been confirmed by Gamora and the Nova Corps.

Although I don't know what kind of method Thanos used to steal the power gem, but the result is doomed, so the Guardians of the Galaxy left the Nova Corps directly. Of course, before leaving, Xingjue and Raccoon inevitably scolded the Nova Corps.

Friday's voice sounded from the spaceship: "Master, no monitoring was found!"

Li Daniu nodded, and said: "After we touched the power gem last time, my power contained a trace of the power gem's attributes. Before I asked the Nova Corps to open the cosmic ball that shields the power gem's energy. The purpose is to I want to sense where the power gem is."

Xingjue and the others were stunned for a moment. They also came into contact with the power gem at that time, but they never found any extra power in their bodies. Moreover, the universe is unimaginably large, and the place where the Nova Corps keeps the power gems must be very far away from the Nova Empire, because it is next to the black hole.

However, Li Daniu actually said that he could sense the position of the power gem? How did they know that Li Daniu has mastered the soul gem for many years, and the power of the primordial spirit also contains the power of the soul gem. It is a proven fact that the six infinite stones are connected to each other.

The raccoon asked in disbelief: "Li, even if you can sense the location of the power gem, how can you take it away from the black hole?"

Li Daniu shook his head and said: "Actually, I'm not sure if I can do it, but I have to know the location of the power gem before I can make a plan for the next step. Who knows..."

Gamora asked solemnly: "Li, if Thanos has the power gem, are you sure you can defeat him?"

Li Daniu laughed and said: "I don't know how powerful the power gem is. If he really masters the power gem, the outcome between me and's 50-50."

The 50-50 split made Xingjue and others a little relieved. What they were most worried about was completely losing the power to fight Thanos. Even if there is only a 10% chance, they dare to declare war on Thanos, let alone the current 50-50 split?

The Destroyer said excitedly: "Then what are you waiting for? There is a 50/50 split between you and Thanos. If we add our words, wouldn't we be able to destroy him 100%?"

Xingjue and the others looked at the idiots, looking at the excited Destroyer. Even Mantis, who has a very good relationship with the Destroyer, who can even be described as ambiguous, looked at the Destroyer in surprise. She really couldn't figure out where the Destroyer got the confidence to think that she could decide The remaining 50% win rate.

Xingjue looked at Li Daniu and asked, "What should we do now?"

Li Daniu said: "Let's go to Earth!"

Stephen Strange, once a well-known doctor, lost the ability to control his hands due to a car accident and could no longer hold a scalpel steadily. But it was a blessing in disguise, he got the inheritance of Ancient One, the Supreme Archmage on Earth, defeated the Dark Dimension Lord Dormammu who invaded Earth, and became the current Supreme Archmage on Earth, also known as Doctor Strange.

But unlike the previous Supreme Master, he chose to live in the modern metropolis of New York.

As usual, Doctor Strange, who was studying magic, suddenly felt an unusual fluctuation in the New York Temple.

"Kama Taj?"

Doctor Strange was shocked for a moment, and after waving his hand to create a portal, he saw a secret room in Kama Taj, the land of mages, and a smiling yellow man appeared. When the portal opened, the yellow man looked at him.

Doctor Strange didn't go directly through the portal, but stood here and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

The reason why Doctor Strange is so cautious is that the yellow man is standing next to the ball of Agmodo at this time, and the ball of Agmodo is the gem of time.

"You can call me Lee!"

Li Daniu replied with a smile, and at the same time put his hand on the ball of Agmodo. This action made Doctor Strange nervous instantly.

"Do you know what that is?" Doctor Strange was nervous, but said very calmly: "Believe me, you simply cannot bear the consequences of it."

Li Daniu looked at the calm Doctor Strange, and sighed in his heart, this Doctor Strange was not the Doctor Strange he knew. The Doctor Strange he knew would be happy if he saw him appear, instead of being so serious. Most importantly, the Doctor Strange he knew had very limited final achievements because of his intervention.

And this Doctor Strange is the earth's supreme mage who solved Dormammu alone.

"I know what it is, and I know its usefulness. Believe me, I know far more about it than you can imagine."

Li Daniu directly picked up the ball of Agmodo. At this moment, Doctor Strange rushed directly through the portal, created a magic shield with his left hand, and created an energy whip with his right hand, and swung it towards Li Daniu.


There was a piercing sound of rubbing, and sparks of scarlet magic energy splashed everywhere in an instant. Doctor Strange was stunned for a moment, because he saw the magic energy shield in front of Li Daniu. Compared with the magic energy shield he made, the magic energy shield made by Li Daniu was not only much larger in defense area~www.novelbuddy. com~ Moreover, the quality is much stronger.

"Are you a magician too?" Doctor Strange stopped moving, frowned and said, "Or, are you also Ancient One's apprentice?"

Li Daniu smiled, and lightly stepped on the ground with his toes. In an instant, space ripples like broken glass diffused at the speed of sound, enveloping the entire Karma Taj.

"Mirror space?"

Doctor Strange was really stunned this time, because the speed at which the other party built the mirror space was faster and more stable than his construction.

Li Daniu held the ball of Agmodo, feeling the power of the long-lost time gem in it, and said: "I know Gu Yi, but I am not his apprentice, and the ball of Agmodo originally belonged to me Now, I'm going to take it back."

In the plot of the Doctor Strange movie, Li Daniu completely mastered the ball of Agmodo, and Doctor Strange in that world was unwilling to master the ball of Agmodo. Therefore, Li Daniu can say so.

Doctor Strange asked, "How do you prove that?"

Li Daniu smiled and said, "Look at your watch!"

Doctor Strange was moved when he heard the words, and found that his watch had stopped working.

"You paused time?" Doctor Strange angrily said, "Do you know the consequences of doing this? It will produce..."

"Different timelines will be generated, causing the collapse of time rules!"

Li Daniu interrupted Doctor Strange and said, "However, in the mirror space, there is no such influence."

Doctor Strange paused, looked at Li Daniu with a serious expression and said, "Having the method to use it does not prove that it belongs to you, so I will not let you take it away."

Li Daniu shook his head helplessly and said, "Goodbye!"

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