MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 950 In the name of Guardians of the Galaxy!

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What does the Nova Empire have that can help them destroy Thanos?

The answer is very obvious, it is the power gem that they once handed over to the Nova Empire to take care of.

Star-Lord coughed dryly, and said: "Li, although we gave the Power Gem to the Nova Empire for preservation, you also know how powerful the Power Gem is. Even if we are the Guardians of the Galaxy, or the Guardians of the Universe according to what Raccoon said , The Nova Empire will not be willing to lend us the power gem."

"Who do you call a raccoon? Your whole family are raccoons."

Raccoon Rocket jumped up and scolded: "Have you been swallowed by the power of the gods? Nova Empire is not willing to borrow it, so can't we get the power gem?"

Xingjue retorted: "Really? It's like you stole the energy battery from the supreme star, and then caused us to be hunted down by tens of thousands of space fighters?"

Arguing between two people is the norm, and everyone else is used to it.

Gamora didn't mean to persuade the fight at all, looked at Li Daniu and said: "Li, the strength you showed before, if it is the power you really possess, then I don't think Thanos will be your opponent at all. Do you have the power? Gems, you can easily destroy him."

As the "goddaughter" of Thanos, Gamora has a very deep understanding of Thanos.

"I can enter the previous state at any time, even stronger than before." Li Daniu said with a smile: "Also, you are wrong, I want to borrow the power gem, not to use the power gem to deal with Thanos, my The purpose is to prevent Thanos from getting the power gem."

Li Daniu's words made the spaceship quiet, Xingjue and others looked at Li Daniu, waiting for Li Daniu's explanation.

"You all should know that I have returned to Earth once before."

After the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 1" ended, Li Daniu told Xingjue and others that he was going back to the earth to have a look, and later when he traveled to the plot of "Avengers 2", his identity was that of the Guardians of the Galaxy member. At that time, Thor, who was still on Earth, told the other Avengers Li Daniu's identity.

And Li Daniu, by virtue of his identity of saving the Milky Way, gained the trust of the Avengers.

It's just that because he has experienced the plots of four movie worlds in "Avengers 2", in addition to "Avengers 2", there are "Captain America 3", "Ant-Man", "Doctor Strange" and so on. The plot of the three films.

It took six years to experience these movie plots. Of course, he also used Doctor Strange's Ball of Agmodor, which is the Time Stone, to practice and create a time barrier, which allowed him to practice for 20 more years.

"After I returned to the earth, I got a message. There was a person who wanted to use the space gem and the mind gem to destroy the earth."

When Li Daniu said this, he felt a little helpless.

Because the movie plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" was born about a year after "Guardians of the Galaxy 1", and he stayed in "Avengers 2" for six years (not counting the time gem slowing down time.), so, on the timeline, he should still be on the earth at this time.

In order to correct this timeline error, the "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" he traveled this time is a brand new world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this world, he has only experienced "Guardians of the Galaxy 1". Among them, It has nothing to do with Avengers 2.

In the world of this movie universe, the plots of several movies such as "Avengers 2" are completely developed according to the original plots, without his participation.

"Space gems don't know when they fell on the earth, and the soul gem is the man named Loki, who got it from Thanos. The purpose of Thanos giving him the soul gem is to let him destroy the earth , and get the space gem."

Speaking of this, Li Daniu sighed in his heart. If he had a relationship with the Avengers, it would be much easier for him to get the other Infinity Stones. Unfortunately, the various settings of Marvel Yes…

Gamora suddenly exclaimed, and said, "You mean Loki? That Asgardian?"

Li Daniu didn't expect that Gamora also knew Loki, which saved him a lot of things.

"Yes, you know him?"

Gamora nodded with a complicated expression, and said: "Yes, he looked for Thanos when I was still with Thanos before. I knew at the time that they were going to destroy a planet, but I didn't know that planet was Earth. .”

The earth is the home planet of Li Daniu and Xingjue, so Gamora glanced at Xingjue apologetically, and then said to Li Daniu: "But I know that Thanos gave Loki a scepter that he collected. That scepter?"

Li Daniu nodded and shouted: "Friday."

On the holographic projection screen, the appearance of the mind stone scepter that Loki once used appeared. This picture is not fake, because Li Daniu has a real mind gem scepter.

Gamora confirmed: "Yes, it is this scepter."

Li Daniu said: "This is the gemstone on the scepter, which is the soul gemstone. According to the information I got, Thanos got a weapon called the Infinity Gauntlet. If he collects six infinite gemstones and puts the six All the infinity gems are embedded in the infinity gauntlet, so he can destroy a galaxy even with a wave of his hand."

If this was said by other people, then Xingjue and the others would definitely think it was alarmist talk. But Li Daniu is not only their comrade in arms, he has saved their lives several times, but also has the power to destroy a planet with one blow. Although the planet is relatively 'small', it is a planet after all?

But even if Li Daniu said this, they still couldn't believe it, or rather, they didn't want to believe it.

Xingjue's mouth was extremely dry for a moment, and he said: "Can you really... destroy a galaxy?"

Although the raccoon was also very frightened, he grasped the point of what Li Daniu said.

"Idiot, the point is, is he waving, okay? Do you know waving, just like I am doing now."

Saying that, the raccoon waved his little hand a few times.

Li Daniu said with a smile: "You don't have to be so nervous. Destroy a galaxy with your hands. The premise is that he can collect all six infinity gems. Don't forget that just one power gem can easily destroy a planet, let alone What about six Infinity Stones? That’s not six ones.”

In fact, Li Daniu doesn't know how powerful the Infinity Stones are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Because when he crossed, the Infinity Gauntlet only appeared in the easter egg scene of "Avengers 2", Thanos put on the Infinity Gauntlet, and there was no relevant information in other movies.

If you refer to the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in the comics, then Li Daniu also doubts whether he can guarantee his own life, because in the comics, Thanos uses the Infinity Gauntlet to easily destroy 99% of life in the universe, and can also destroy parallel universes.

(I think the reason why Marvel talks about parallel universes and infinite universes is because they often collapse. What should I do if they collapse? Restart the universe! It’s much easier than writing novels.)

Xingjue's eyes lit up, and he said, "Li, what you mean is that if we can get the Infinity Stones and prevent Thanos from making the real Infinity Gauntlet, then he..."

Li Daniu said with a smile: "Then, I can blow him up easily!"

Gamora asked suspiciously: "But isn't it safe to keep the Power Gem in the hands of the Nova Although Thanos is very strong, he can't destroy the Nova Empire."

Li Daniu explained: "The Thanos you know is the Thanos without infinite gems. But now, we don't know how many infinite gems he has mastered. Even if there is only one, it will make him very powerful."

Seeing that Gamora was silent for a moment, Li Daniu continued: "Before we handed over the Power Gem to the Nova Empire for safekeeping, it was because we didn't have the ability. But now, do you think that if I want to **** the Power Gem, the Nova Empire can stop me? "

Everyone was silent, Li Daniu's strength completely surpassed their previous understanding of power.

"So, it's safest to put the power gems here. Are you willing to help me collect infinite gems and stop Thanos? In the name of the Guardians of the Galaxy, or in the name of the Guardians of the Universe."

After saying this sentence, Li Daniu revealed his true intentions. He has no other identity in this world other than the identity of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Even though he can use his own power to **** all the infinite gems, the result will inevitably be hostility from the entire universe, and even hunted down.

Not just Thanos who wants to get the Infinity Stones, but all superheroes.

No matter how strong Li Daniu is, he is unwilling to face the power of a universe alone. After all, the super heroes in this universe are the protagonists in this universe. When he becomes the 'Ultimate Boss' of this world, who knows if something will happen and the ship will capsize in the gutter?

And saving the galaxy twice, or the Guardians of the Galaxy who saved this universe, is his best cover!

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