MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 932 Earth resource sharing

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The establishment of the Mars Convention Organization was not secretive.

Organizations with more than 140 member states are naturally impossible to hide from the public. However, the true purpose of the establishment of the Mars Pact is unknown to the general public.

Therefore, countless discussions have also been triggered. Why does such an organization have only one council member, and the two positions of chairman and secretary-general are respectively the spokespersons of the new Tuvalu, Burns and Castro?

The authority of the chairman and secretary-general of different organizations is naturally very different, but as long as you look at the structure of the Mars Convention Organization, it is easy to see how powerful the two positions in this organization are.

Or you can directly say how powerful the king of New Tuvalu is.

"It seems that someone is fueling the flames."

Ao Chuang made a statistical report on the recent public opinion, and Li Daniu sneered in his heart after hearing this. Due to the situation, those countries had to choose a compromise. But after the compromise, the little moves continued.

Ultron said: "Actually, ordinary people don't know the alien threat we created. In their view, the Mars Convention Organization is to integrate human power to conquer Mars, and we are the only ones in the world who have the strength to land on Mars. Therefore, we Leading the Mars Convention Organization is not unacceptable to everyone."

Li Daniu understood what Ao Chuang meant, laughed a few times and said: "Yes, but there is one thing that has to be paid attention to, that is, they will definitely spread the theory of alien threat."

The cause of public opinion in the international community is naturally because certain countries want to achieve their own goals. However, when they find that this method is not effective, they will naturally want to use other methods.

The announcement of the so-called alien threat will naturally trigger a new round of public opinion, and even cause the prestige of New Tuvalu in the international community to plummet.

Ultron said: "Your Majesty, by that time, we don't need to care about it anymore."

Li Daniu smiled and said: "That's right, how is the implementation of the resource sharing plan?"

The establishment of the Mars Convention Organization is naturally for the sake of global resources, but it does not mean that global resources must be attributed to New Tuvalu. If this idea is really made, let alone other countries are unwilling, even the members of the Pacific Treaty Organization, which only follow the lead of the new Tuvalu, will not be willing.

Therefore, the resource sharing scheme came into being.

Ao Chuang replied: "Your Majesty, according to the resource sharing plan, all Mars Convention Organization member countries must be based on the original value of domestic mineral resources and human resources before the establishment of the Mars Convention Organization. to share."

"So far, we have purchased enough resources to build 30 large transport spacecraft from the member states of the Mars Convention Organization. At the same time, we have recruited more than 3 million human resources, and have established more than 15 in Australia. Spaceship factory. It is estimated that within half a year, the construction of 30 large transport spaceships can be completed."

What New Tuvalu lacks most is undoubtedly resources. Through normal trade, New Tuvalu can obtain all kinds of resources it wants from various countries. However, these resources are not unlimited.

Even though there is a Moon Summit organization to help New Tuvalu obtain resources from many other countries, the resources on Earth are limited.

As long as it is a country with a vision for development, it is impossible to exploit its own country's resources without limit. Even if it is replaced by the rare resources on the moon, it will not be able to obtain all the resources that can make spacecraft.

There are many rare mineral resources on the moon, but not all of them are contained. Judging from the volume of the moon, the resources on it are not as rich as those on the earth.

The most important resource on the moon is helium 3, which can provide reactants for the Ark reactor, but the energy alone is not enough to build a spacecraft.

Moreover, the large transport spacecraft built by Li Daniu is really big.

"If you don't want to save time, you really want to find a mineral-rich planet in the universe and develop slowly."

Li Daniu sighed. In the Transformers movie world, it took nearly thirty years to complete the construction of the star-level mechanical life Friday. It doesn't seem to take long, but in fact, in the Transformers movie world, Li Daniu has the star map of the Transformers race.

Li Daniu knows which galaxy has mineral resources and where the coordinates of the galaxy are. But in the real world, star maps are different. Li Daniu needs to detect each galaxy's environment and mineral resources one by one.

I don't know how much time is wasted just for detection, let alone developing and producing it?

Since he's sitting on the earth, and Li Daniu does not lack the funds on the earth, he naturally chooses to use this method to plunder the resources of the entire earth to serve his dream of an interstellar empire.

Ultron said: "Your Majesty, just building a large transport spaceship does not conform to our interstellar empire plan. We also need to build a matching military force, otherwise it is not enough to deal with the complex environment in the universe."

Li Daniu's interstellar empire is naturally not built on the earth, Ultron is very clear about this. As long as those released exploration spacecraft find a planet that can allow humans to live, it must be a large-scale immigration.

However, since the planet's environment is suitable for human survival, it must be able to breed life on its own planet. Even, it is not weaker than humans in terms of technology.

If you want to immigrate to such a planet, you must use force to conquer it. Moreover, since the plan is to build an interstellar empire, there must only be one voice on the planet.

Li Daniu said with a smile: "There is no need to worry about this, I have other arrangements."

How does he not know that force is very important, but he does not need to use the limited resources of the earth to manufacture interstellar military weapons. Because in his hands, there is Friday, the big killer.

In the world of Transformers movies, Friday's development and construction has always been towards the strongest military fortress. So what he lacks most now is how to let the human beings on the earth immigrate to the spaceship on the planet he discovered in the future.

Ao Chuang did not ask, but said: "Your Majesty, 30 large transport spaceships can immigrate 6 million people at a time. However, we must consider a problem That is the impact on the immigration planet. During the construction process, the materials we need. Even with the help of Pym particle technology, we can shrink the lifeless materials by a hundred times for storage and transportation, but these materials still need to be obtained from the earth. So far, Mars There is a lot of resentment about the 'resource-sharing scheme' among the countries that are members of the convention."

"Complaints?" Li Daniu understood Ao Chuang's meaning very well, and said, "They must have complained, because under normal circumstances, if I want to buy so many resources, they will definitely refuse to sell them, or directly increase the price. But now limited to According to the policy of the Mars Convention, they can only sell resources to me at the previous price. Moreover, although the salary level of those human resources has nothing to do with them, it has put their domestic industry and manufacturing in trouble. Complaints are right. of."

Ultron said: "According to the news sent back by Miller, Russia is plotting to join forces with the United States to boycott our new Tuvalu."

Li Daniu became interested and said: "Since this is the case, let the three mutos go to Russia for fun. Anyway, Russia has a large land and abundant resources. Moreover, when they destroyed nuclear weapons last time, they left a batch, which is just right for them. Muto served as food."

When Ultron got the order, he naturally didn't hesitate at all. The command was issued, and the three-headed Muto, who was located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, rushed to Russia helplessly under the control of the chip in his brain.

At the same time, New Tuvalu officially released an announcement.

"Unfortunately, we have lost the location information of the three-headed Muto. In view of the destructive power of the three-headed Muto and their demanding requirements for nuclear weapons, countries with nuclear weapons are requested to enter a state of combat readiness. If a Muto is found, please Contact us New Tuvalu as soon as possible.”

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