MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 2 Ask God to give me a golden finger?

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In the first half of his life, Li Daniu took the most powerful means of transportation, that is, the high-speed rail. As for the plane, he only took the plane.

Li Daniu, who traveled through time, experienced ups and downs that many people have never experienced in a lifetime in just a few hours. Fortunately, Li Daniu can at least get on the plane compared to his life before crossing.

Soon, the excitement of flying for the first time disappeared, and Li Daniu had to start worrying about his future.

This is a plane flying from the United States to Australia, and after arriving in Australia, Li Daniu has to transfer to Fiji, and then he can fly to his own country—Tuvalu.

Li Daniu, who had just arrived, did not ask Burns why he had to change planes several times before flying to his own country. This kind of idiotic question would easily make Burns think that Li Daniu was seriously ill.

So before boarding the plane, Li Daniu searched for some information on the Internet. After reading the information, Li Daniu felt that his **** still hurt a little.

Tuvalu, located in the South Pacific, consists of nine ring-shaped coral islands, with a land area of ​​about 260,000 square kilometers. It is the second smallest island country in the world and the fourth smallest country in the world. The highest altitude is 4.5 meters, the resources are scarce, the land is barren, and only a few plants can grow. It is one of the least developed countries announced by the United Nations.

With a population of less than 11,000, the per capita GDP in 2013 was US$3,880.

The above are all the information that Li Daniu searched on the Internet, which made Li Daniu extremely painful.

There are not as many people in charge of a town mayor!

"Isn't it right?" Li Daniu felt something was wrong after reading the information. He scratched his head and thought hard for a long time. Li Daniu finally remembered that this was not the first time he had heard of this country.

As a creature of nerdy nature, surfing the Internet is an indispensable behavior. Li Daniu, who traveled before, once saw an article called "Ten Smallest Countries in the World" in the circle of friends of a certain friend on WeChat. article. Now that I think about it, the country that is introduced is Tuvalu.

What's wrong is that Li Daniu vaguely remembered that the introduction of Tuvalu at that time said that it was a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the head of state should be the British monarch, and there is only a prime minister elected by the parliament in the country.

So, where did the prince himself come from?

The information on the Internet clearly stated that Tuvalu declared its founding in 1978, Tarek I was the king, and Li Daniu's body was the son of Tarek I, Tarek II.

There is very little information about Tarek II on the Internet, only a few.

Born in 1990, the sole heir of Tuvalu, the poorest prince in the world, studied at Harvard University.

"Did I remember it wrong?" Although Li Daniu had inexplicably acquired English proficiency skills, he was still not used to browsing American websites. At this time, he had many questions and could only turn to a certain degree for help.

I entered a familiar address, only to find that I entered a dating website.


Or a dating site.

"I'm so stupid, Du Niang was hacked?" Li Daniu didn't have time to pay attention to the headline news, and when he was about to switch to another search engine, he accidentally saw the advertisement on this marriage and love website.

"The best domestic milk powder in Huaxia!"


When is this a popular advertising term?

Li Daniu, who felt something was wrong, found a random search engine and entered the word Huaxia.

"The 2012 London Olympic Games came to a successful conclusion, and Chinese President Dong Dada received the athletes' groups."

"Moving Huaxia 2012 Person of the Year."

"In 2012, Huaxia's automobile output ranked first in the world for four consecutive years."

"Could it be that foreign networks call China Huaxia? But who is Dong Dada?"

Li Daniu, who did not believe in evil, continued to search for relevant information. After a while, Li Daniu finally understood that it was not that the information about Tuvalu in his memory was wrong, but that this was not the original earth at all, but an earth in a parallel world. .

"It's hard to travel from 2016 to 2012, and I don't have much advantage of turning stone into gold. You still give me a parallel world? What about the promised prophet?" Li Daniu felt that it was more tragic than traveling to become a king who was about to be drowned. The only thing is that I don't understand the world at all.

The United States is still called the United States, and the United Kingdom is still called the United Kingdom, but when China becomes Huaxia, the changes in this world are really great.

For example, Li Daniu somehow became the king of a country that should not have a king.

Although this country is not as good as a town in Li Daniu's homeland, it is still a country. You can take a plane just after crossing over, which is much better than living in hanging silk.

After Li Daniu comforted himself, he became sad again. Because the four of them flew back to their own country from the United States this time, it was just the airfare, which used up 1/2000 of the entire country's GDP. If Li Daniu was hospitalized, a few people had meals and lodging...

The majestic prince of a family actually sat in the economy class, Li Daniu could only comfort himself, frugality is a traditional Chinese virtue.

Li Daniu's country has only one airport, and this airport can only accommodate 30-seat small passenger planes to take off and land, and the only country that can fly directly to Li Daniu is Fiji.

Li Daniu, who kept changing planes in the midst of sadness, finally arrived in his country, a country where he could still see the whole picture when the plane was about to land.

After getting off the plane, Li Daniu saw the crowd at the airport holding banners to greet him.

"Welcome His Royal Highness Prince Tarek to return home. UU Reading"

The sparse crowd who picked up the plane saw Li Daniu who got off the plane, they all put their right hand on their left chest and bowed down to salute.

Li Daniu was stunned when he saw the banner. Why does it feel like a company leader is inspecting it?

Li Daniu, who had never experienced this before seeing dozens of people bowing down to salute him, didn't bother to complain about such a simple welcome ceremony, raised his head and chest, and waved.

"Go slowly, walk slowly, don't have the same hands and feet, don't have the same hands and feet." Li Daniu roared in his heart with a smile: "Don't let your aura get weak!"

The simple welcome ceremony ended soon, and when Li Daniu was still thinking about whether he should say a few words, he found that the welcoming crowd had already dispersed, leaving only a few people behind.

"This..." When Li Daniu watched a person take out four pairs of slippers and put them in front of him, he became Spartan again. What kind of custom is this?

The three Burns who followed behind Li Daniu took a pair of shoes and put them on very smoothly.

"His Royal Highness is used to the American way of life, so he doesn't need slippers." Burns was worthy of being the prime minister chosen by Tarek I. After seeing Li Daniu's hesitation, he immediately gave a very reasonable explanation.

It was only then that Li Daniu realized that the few left by the welcome crowd were all wearing slippers, while the staff who looked like airport staff in the distance were all barefoot.

"This country..." Li Daniu was really powerless to complain at this time, but he was extremely worried: "Will I be poorer than before? Please God give me golden fingers!"

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