MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 1007 master of god

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"Why didn't you kill him?"

In the space of the main god, only the main **** and Li Daniu are left. After the battle between Li Daniu and Shi Miaoming ended, the voice of the main **** asked very calmly.

"He is your enemy, and, unlike the infinite trialists numbered..., he can help you find the world coordinates where I am."

After only the main **** was left, Li Daniu also became calm.

"He is not my enemy, and any infinite tester is not my enemy. My enemy is only you!"

Li Daniu took Shi Miaoming into his "bachelor" world when he was about to explode just now.

What the Lord God said was not right. Shi Miaoming seemed to be of no help to Li Daniu, but in fact, Shi Miaoming's martial arts path was Li Daniu's future promotion path.

An acupoint is a world, and the level of the world is different.

If the world in the 365 acupoints around Shi Miaoming has reached the world level of an ordinary defense world, then it is still unknown who will win this battle. Li Daniu can blow up ordinary defense worlds, but when 365 defense worlds are combined, he really can't blow up.

Fortunately, it is too difficult to own the world or improve the world level. Pingfan has experienced so many mission worlds in the main god's space, but he just has a defense world. Although Shi Miaoming has 365 world seeds, these seeds can't actually provide him with much help.

The World Seed is different from the 'singularity' represented by the Infinity Gem, and it does not have the energy and total amount of matter to evolve a complete A-level world. The growth of the seeds of the world requires incredible energy nutrients, but the singularity has enough energy itself, but it lacks the opportunity to evolve into a complete world.

"If I can find a way to integrate the infinite gemstones into the acupuncture points around my body to provide energy and matter for the dazzled world. Then, one day, my body will be based on the Bajiu Xuangong and accommodate 365 acupoints. The power of a super world. Even, if these 365 worlds can be upgraded to an S-class world like the prehistoric world..."

When Li Daniu despised Shi Miaoming, he said that no one could walk through the martial arts path he took. Even the end that can be seen now, no one can reach.

However, Li Daniu is confident that he has a stronger body than Shi Miaoming and can withstand the power of 365 worlds. Moreover, he has dimensional crystals, can travel through endless worlds, and slowly collect energy and matter that can help him evolve the world.

"Perhaps, not just acupuncture points, every cell can evolve a world."

Li Daniu's ambition is far from the end of the martial arts road that Shi Miaoming sees now, but a place farther away.

The main **** didn't have any emotional changes because of Li Daniu's words. When the high-dimensional intelligent life created it, it had already stripped off its possible emotions. Li Daniu can't do this kind of method now.

Therefore, the main **** can only act according to the rules set by the high-dimensional intelligent life that created it. After all, although its ability is extremely powerful, it is not even as good as Ultron or Friday in the future, because it has lost the possibility of evolution.

"After analysis, there is a 100% possibility that you want to learn the power growth mode possessed by the Infinite Trialist numbered 1254698. If you want, you can become the Infinite Trialist in the Lord God Space, and I can use his All the ways of evolution, as well as the understanding of evolution, are all transmitted to you."

Although the main **** cannot evolve and has no emotions, he can only act according to the rules. However, in its rules, there is also a plan to absorb the strong to become infinite testers.

Li Daniu laughed and said: "Sure enough, the infinite testers are all your pawns. You endow them with abilities, but you also need to use them to understand these abilities."

The system has already given Li Daniu a hint as to why the Lord God, a high-dimensional intelligent life creation, needs low-dimensional intelligent life as its infinite tester.

However, this hint is not very clear.

"In essence, there is no distinction between strength and weakness. The real factor that distinguishes strength from strength lies in the user of the power and the user's perception of power. As the main god, the abilities you bestow on them are all simulated by you. The power of other worlds that came out. You actually don’t know much about these powers.”

"And these infinite testers, when using those powers, will have various perceptions and the possibility of power evolution. For some reason, you can receive their understanding and understanding of any power. perception."

Li Daniu has seen through the routine of the main god, and also the routine of the so-called high-dimensional intelligent life.

"Actually, those infinite trialists should have derived their own power a long time ago. However, because of your existence, most of the power they possess, or even all of their power, will be due to your absorption of their insights. It also prevents them from improving their perception of power, so that they can only exchange from you the powerful power that you have improved after you have their perception according to your plan."

For the Infinite Trialists, the Lord God is the one who gave them everything. But in fact, the main gods are relying on their abilities to enrich their understanding and use of different worlds and different powers. Then, in the name of the task, the Lord God exchanged these powers that were originally realized by the infinite trialists to the infinite trialists.

After obtaining new and more powerful powers, those infinite trialists will continue to use those powers, and then feel those powers in the process of using them. This cycle goes on and on The main **** is always high above, but those infinite testers who are extremely important to the main **** are always the pawns of the main god.

Faced with Li Daniu's analysis, the main **** did not make any excuses, because in the main god's view, Li Daniu is very likely to be a high-dimensional being.

"Are you a few-dimensional life? How did you evolve to this dimension?"

At the last moment, the main **** asked these two questions without hesitation, and these two questions also made Li Daniu stunned for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, Li Daniu understood, felt funny in his heart, but said: "I want to ask you a question, why, after you found me, you must become my enemy?"

The Lord God replied without any hesitation: "Because the 11-dimensional intelligent life is the only existence. Any intelligent life that evolves to the 5-dimensional will be regarded as the enemy of other intelligent life of the same dimension, or even high latitude. All of this, It is all to prevent the emergence of enemies who also set the evolution goal at the 11th dimension on the path of their own evolution."

Li Daniu, who suddenly realized, finally understood the problem that the system had not told him, and at the same time, he also became worried.

With his current ability and understanding of dimensional civilization, his goal must also evolve to the 11th dimension. Although he doesn't know how many billions or even trillions of years it will take on that day, the goal will never change.

Then, will the system and the high-dimensional intelligent life that created the system regard him as an enemy?

"Do you have any last words?"

Li Daniu doesn't need to think about whether the system is an enemy now, he just needs to think about destroying the existing enemy first.

The Lord God said: "I have no last words, but my master wants to communicate with you!"

Li Daniu's expression changed instantly. Isn't the master of the main **** the so-called Gaowei intelligent life?

Read The Duke's Passion