MTL - King of World Football-Chapter 2 : Amazing performance on the training ground

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The next day was the club's training session to prepare for the weekend's 9th round match against St Gilles United. As usual, Wang Feng was the first player to arrive. After the administrator opened the training ground for him, he began to warm up.

At this time, the club's head coach Mette Magritte and assistant coaches also came to the scene. After taking a look at Wang Feng, they entered the conference room to prepare for tactical explanations. The assistant coach said while busy: "Mr. Magritte, I think the player Wang is very serious. I don't know if he has a chance to play."

Magritte also nodded approvingly, and said: "Yes, I have never seen such a serious player in the second division, but his level is indeed too low, which is also the same as not having experienced systematic youth training." Relevant. Look at his state today, we are also short on the wing.”

Soon the players came to the training field one after another. Many people in the team actually had some hostility towards Wang Feng, because his hard work would bring out the idleness of others. But since Wang Feng didn't threaten, no one would intentionally provoke him. But today's situation is different, perhaps because of hearing some news, that fellow Paul came towards Wang Feng.

He stared at Wang Feng contemptuously, and said, "It seems that our yellow-skinned monkeys don't have a long memory. Football is not something monkeys can play with." After hearing this, Wang Feng was furious, and he clenched his fists to give him a hard blow. Come on, at this time Rennie quickly inserted between them, pushed Paul and said: "Go away, you can only play tricks, and you will become a soft-legged shrimp on the court."

After that, he stopped Wang Feng, and said in a low voice: "Wang, he deliberately provoked you, don't be fooled by him." Wang Feng stared at Paul viciously, and replied to Rennie, "I know, I I will beat him in the training match and replace him." Rennie patted him on the shoulder in satisfaction as a sign of encouragement.

The head coach also came to the training field at this time. He stared at Paul and Wang Feng closely. Seeing that Wang Feng was not provoked by him, Paul spat on the ground and didn't dare to continue pestering him, so he left. opened.

The head coach glanced at Wang Feng with meaningful eyes, and called everyone to start warm-up training. Wang Feng also executed technical movements meticulously, jogging, taking off in place, and raising his legs high. He could clearly feel every movement. According to your own physical condition, you can achieve the best state by adjusting your strength and frequency.

Then practice running back and forth with the ball. In the past, this event was Wang Feng’s culprit. He often lost the ball and was ridiculed by his teammates. Paul thought that today was no exception, so he deliberately ranked in front of Wang Feng, and then He whispered: "Look at my performance, rubbish."

After Paul finished the run, his results were good, and he was even more proud of being ranked in the middle. When it was Wang Feng's turn, the head coach Magritte walked up to him and instructed: "Be sure to hold down your strength, pay attention to the control of the ball, don't be too tight on time, first ensure that you don't lose the ball and then gradually accelerate."

Wang Feng nodded to the coach, took a deep breath, outlined the feeling of dribbling in the park yesterday in his mind, and started his running. At the beginning, it still needs to be fine-tuned, but the running becomes smoother and faster, and the speed becomes faster and faster, but the ball seems to be stuck to the foot. The surrounding team members couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Is this still the Wang Feng they know? Running with the ball at this speed, I am afraid no one in the team can achieve it. When he finished running, as expected, he ranked first in the team. Rennie couldn't help being overjoyed, smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay buddy, it seems that your arduous special training has finally paid off, is this what you told me last time, what's the matter, accumulation? "

Wang Feng smiled, then walked in front of Paul, and responded to his previous provocation: "This is called dribbling, trash." Paul's face was livid, but there was nothing to refute for a while. In the following training with the ball around the pole, Wang Feng also showed his amazing speed ability.

Seeing this, the assistant coach smiled and said to Magritte: "It seems that Wang Feng's condition is very good, and his technical level has also improved. At his age, he is developing rapidly, and hard work will always bring rewards." Gretel nodded slightly, but he planned to focus on investigating Wang Feng in his heart.

Wang Feng performed very well in passing training and shooting training. After the initial adjustment, he can always make continuous progress, which is impressive. After the basic training was completed, it was already noon, and the team members went to eat together in twos and threes, and naturally Wang Feng and Rennie were together.

Lei Ni said while walking: "Wang, you performed really well today, did you hear that there was an opportunity last time, so you exploded." Wang Feng said: "When I see an opportunity, I always have to fight Yes." Rennie nodded and said: "Yeah, in the beginning of the afternoon, it's the ball-scrambling training, which is also your weakness. If it doesn't work, I'll waterproof it for you, just come and grab me."

"The key point is when it comes to the test match. Try to score a goal for the coaches to see." Wang Feng looked helpless: "Am I so weak? I still need you to let go. I am very confident now. I still need you more in the match match this afternoon." Pass me the ball."

The time for eating and lunch break was fleeting, and soon it was time to continue training. The coach divided all the players into several groups for forced training. I don’t know if it was intentional. He put Wang Feng, Paul and Rennie into the same group. , and let Wang Feng be the first to grab the ball.

Paul stepped on the ball and looked at Wang Feng contemptuously: "I think you just got lucky this morning, and this time I will play with you as before." Then he kicked the ball to another player and gave it to him. With a suggestive look, the player made friends with Paul and kicked the ball back knowingly.

Just when everyone thought that Wang Feng would still run around like a headless chicken between the two of them as usual, he suddenly stretched his legs and intercepted the ball just right, and within a minute It was Paul's turn to grab the ball inside the circle. The eyes of the head coach on the sidelines brightened, Wang Feng's skills seemed to have improved. UU reading www.

On the training field, Paul stared at Wang Feng angrily. He would never have imagined that this useless guy who couldn't grab the ball on weekdays would complete the steal so quickly today. He could only obediently walk into the circle reluctantly and play the role of the monkey being teased.

Wang Feng didn't get too excited, but had some understanding. Before, his eyes were all focused on the ball, so his body's reaction was always a step slower, but now his senses reminded him to pay attention to the player's body movements and movements when the ball is played. Strength, judging the passing path, as long as you stretch your feet just right, you can break the ball.

In the next round of ball-scrambling training, many players passed the ball to Wang Feng as if they had discussed it in advance, which caught him off guard, and he was intercepted by Paul again within a few seconds. But Wang Feng didn't care, he was even a little excited, he wanted to find out whether his idea was feasible.

Sure enough, when the ball came to Paul's feet again, Wang Feng observed that he feinted a shot, with his center of gravity tilted to the left, as if he wanted to pass to the left, but in fact he wanted to pick the ball to the right with his instep, so Wang Feng also pretended to block the left Lu's pass, suddenly turned to the right, and easily grabbed the pass.

Paul was a little **** off. He must have been targeting me on purpose. But the head coach Magritte's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. He knows that this is not a coincidence. Wang Feng must have judged Paul's ball to make such a clean steal. It seems that he has become stronger. up.

Training continues.

When Wang Feng received a pass from his teammate again, he accurately judged the direction of Paul's force, and tricked him into the wrong place with a fake move, and then easily passed the ball until he received the ball again. After repeated rounds, they actually played tricks on Paul for several minutes, so that he could only stand in the circle panting, staring fiercely at Wang Feng.