MTL - King of Classical Music-~ Wedge

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Musikvereinsptz, 1, 1010, wien.

Vienna Music Association Golden | Hall.

This is an Italian Renaissance three-story building that stands on the streets where people come and go. The towering upright Ainian-style pillars propped up the slanted triangle arches, all of which were marble-white buildings, which made people feel the atmosphere at first glance.

This is where the world famous Vienna Music Association Golden | Hall is located -

Vienna Music Friends Association Building.

Already near the evening, the front of the building began to stop a beautiful car, one by one wearing a formal gentleman, ladies laughing from each other from the red carpet to the building, the figure gradually swallowed by the brilliant light in the building .

Tonight, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra will present a unique performance in the Golden | Hall.

The conductor is one of the four conductors of the world, Mr. Eberk Dorensa, who is also the chief conductor of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. As long as there is a concert directed by Dorenza, it has always been packed, not to mention his strong combination with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, which is even more exciting.

Powerful command, outstanding orchestra strength, the only thing that makes people feel puzzled is that in the finale of the finale "Blue Danube", the violin chief has printed a Chinese name.


In the order of Chinese is: Lu Ziwen.

Most of the people in the guest have heard of this name, and it seems to be the violin deputy chief of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, another famous orchestra in Vienna. They think about it again, and probably remember that it was a dark-skinned, pretty-looking oriental.

However, being able to become the deputy chief of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra does not mean that he has the strength to lead the Philharmonic Orchestra in the Golden | Hall to perform the "Blue Danube".

The Blue Danube is known as the second national anthem of Austria and is a repertoire of the annual Vienna New Year concert. This piece is not as simple as an ordinary waltz for all music people.

Therefore, the audience who entered the golden | hall have doubts in their hearts, some are curious -

The Chinese people, can you really make this "Blue Danube" perfect?

At this time, there was still two hours from the official opening of the concert.


Golden | In the backstage preparation room of the hall, a handsome black man is carefully smearing the rosin on his bow. His movements were very careful and very devout, so that the white ponytail string was evenly covered with white rosin powder.

This is not the first time Lu Ziwen came to the gold | hall to play, but...

This is the first time he has his own lounge.

If there are no special guest speakers, an orchestra can have only two people in the lounge, command and chief.

This chief can only refer to the chief of the first violin group. Because this identity is both the chief of the stringed instrument and the chief of the entire orchestra, it can be said to be the first person under the command.

Although Lu Ziwen is only the violin chief of the Blue Danube today, he also has his own lounge.

Lu Ziwen has never understood why the Philharmonic Orchestra invited him to be the chief of the Blue Danube.

There have also been cases in the history of concerts with different chiefs, but such cases are still very rare, especially in the absence of any accidents in the original chief, and in the case of the industry's famous name, actually invited Lu Ziwen such a... "Little name"?

Compared with other people, Lu Ziwen is probably a talented violinist, but he also has to admit that he is probably a little worse than the chief violinist of the Philharmonic Orchestra.

Some people in the world have the talent of being extraordinary. When they are born, Mozart began to compose and emerge in the age of 4. At the age of 11, he was known as the king of modern classical music. The chief of the orchestra piano is on the stage of the golden | hall, a world famous.

Lu Ziwen knows that he does not have the talents of these people, so he has to work harder, more than thirty years, and finally to stand in the center of the golden | hall stage as the chief.

This night, for Lu Ziwen, I am afraid it is the biggest opportunity in his life.

If you don't succeed, you will become a man.

Either famous all over the world, or notoriously sweeping the floor.

Lu Ziwen slightly narrowed his eyes and still rubbed the rosin seriously.


Five minutes later, the door of the lounge suddenly sounded a few times. After Lu Ziwen said "please enter," a handsome man smiled into the room and opened the door and said, "Zi Wen, congratulations. ""

Lu Ziwen met with a visitor, and then gladly put the bow back into the box and greeted him: "Is it strange, how come you?" As he walked over, he smiled and said: "I thought you Will wait for the opening in the audience, how did you get into the background?"

Luo Yusen hurriedly hugged Lu Ziwen with a look of surprise and explained: "How did I follow the orchestra here once or twice, and the staff members knew me. I reported your name and they closed their eyes. I put in one eye and came in." After a pause, Luo Yusen said: "Ziwen, how are you prepared?"

After the hug, the **** were still holding tightly.

Lu Ziwen smiled and nodded and said: "There are almost all prepared. Anyway, there is only one "Blue Danube". My pressure is not very big. But this time I must perform this song, this is probably me. The biggest chance in this life, I must hold it firmly. In the case of Yusen, after the concert, I will set a bottle of 92 years of Ou, to celebrate at home."

It was said that Luo Yusen had a glimmer of light in his eyes, and a handsome face showed a hidden color. After he smiled and said a few more words, he said: "For the text, I just saw who is calling the violin chief outside. Is it calling you? Do you want to go out and see?"

After listening to this, Lu Ziwen stunned a bit, and then let Luo Yusen wait in his lounge first, he went to ask the outside staff.

Just when the door was "squeaky" and closed, the smile on Luo Yusen's face suddenly disappeared. He turned his head and looked at Lu Ziwen's water cup next to the violin case. His eyes flashed a little hesitation, but he was quickly filled with the ambitions of Haotian.

"Subtext... can't blame me, it's you... It's your luck, it's blocking the way of others. To blame... just blame yourself, no, this evening, you still have time, you can come back later. Here."

As he said, Luo Yusen took out a small capsule from his pocket and, after a few rotations, poured the white powder into the glass. After the powder in the capsule was finished, it seemed that some of the concerns were not enough. He took out the second capsule and began to fall.

"In the case of Sen, have you got it wrong, where is there... What are you doing?!"

However, in just one minute, Lu Ziwen’s going and returning to the guilty Luo Yusen’s hand, the capsule fell on the carpet. He swallowed his nervousness and quickly explained: "Subsidiary, you listen to me... This... This is Wei C. I am worried that you will be too nervous and uncomfortable after coming to power, so..."

"You can give me the c. I can give it directly to me. Why do you sneak into my cup when I am not there?" Lu Ziwen’s brain flashed through various pictures, and he suddenly remembered listening to some predecessors. In some orchestras, there will be some pickling methods that deliberately make bad because of hatred, and people can't come to power when they are on the scene.

Lu Ziwen dared to widen his eyes and said: "Luo Yusen?! What do you mean in the end? What is the capsule?"

Luo Yusen never imagined that the second capsule for insurance purposes would actually be hit by Lu Ziwen, or that he did not think that the thing was so clever. I know that no one is looking for anything at all.

If there isn't any of these two things, I am afraid that the behavior of Luo Yusen will not be discovered by Lu Ziwen today.

However, it happened so coincidentally.

Luo Yusen’s face is white and still eloquent: “This... this is really just a c, a subtext, I am worried about you...”

"Since you say it is Victoria C, then I will give this thing to the doctor in the orchestra and see what it is!"

Said, Lu Ziwen angrily picked up the capsules that fell on the carpet and wanted to go to the gate, Luo Yusen pulled him in panic. The two men struggled one by one, and Luo Yusen pressed Lu Ziwen to the table on the side with a force. The capsule in his hand fell to the ground again.

Luo Yusen hurriedly snatched the capsule.

Lu Ziwen’s face is completely black.

When things got to this point, he just believed the man in front of him and understood that the things in this capsule were definitely not good. Whether it is laxative or hypnotic, the end result must be that he is unable to participate in this concert!

"Luo Yusen, do you know what you are doing?" Lu Ziwen dangerously picked up his throat and stared at each other coldly. "Last month, we just got together. You have been saying what to do to me in recent years." So you are now... are you doing this to me?"

Luo Yusen's face was white, silent and did not speak.

Lu Ziwen was so angry that he didn't want to swear with this man again. He sneered and snorted: "I really didn't expect that I would really encounter such awkward means in my life, and... still come by my lover. I am taking medicine! Luo Yusen, let's go, I will tell the conductor today, he will give you a result."

"Ziwen! You can't tell the conductor. If he knows that I am doing this kind of thing, he will definitely drive me out of the orchestra!"

Lu Ziwen and Luo Yusen are violinists of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. The difference is that Luo Yusen is 33 years old, but he is still the deputy chief of the second violin group. He has been reprimanded in recent rehearsals and seems very dissatisfied. If the commander knows that Luo Yusen actually did such a small means, he would definitely drive him out of the orchestra without mercy.

Lu Ziwen has long had no good feelings and sympathy for Luo Yusen.

Luo Yusen chased him for three years, until last month he promised to be with this person. Before he tonight, he had said to Luo Yusen many times that he attached great importance to the "Blue Danube" of this night. He worked hard for more than 20 years, in order to be able to play a role in the golden | hall stage as the chief .


Luo Yusen actually made such a shameless thing!

It really made Lu Ziwen's heart cool.

"Luo Yusen, you are self-sufficient. You are not the first person to do this kind of thing in Vienna. You know that this kind of thing is the most shameful in the industry. You will return to the country as a music teacher, Vienna Symphony The resume of the group will help you."

"Subtext! You can't do this to me!"

"Why can't I do this to you?!" Lu Ziwen smirked. "Now, please take me out!"

The voice of Lu Ziwen replied in the entire lounge. The excellent soundproof walls made them unable to hear their voices outside, and they still retained a little face of Luo Yusen. However, how could Luo Yusen really go out like this?

When he just walked to the door, he rushed over and hugged Lu Ziwen. His tears flowed down: "Zi Wen, you are my lover, and what I did did not cause any serious consequences, you will Forgive me once. I love you, son..."

"Do you **** that loves me like this?!"

Lu Ziwen got on the chest of Luo Yusen.

Enduring anger until now, Lu Ziwen finally can't stand it anymore. He is not a good-tempered person himself, just to keep his modest posture in order to mix in Vienna, but now, he still has to endure this kind of sly villain everywhere? !

That is absolutely impossible!

"Your love is really ridiculous and sad. Luo Yusen. I thought I had seen you in the past three years. There are fewer Chinese people in Vienna. We can be together as a mutual comfort. But I didn't expect you to actually It’s such a person! Actually, for the sake of your own self-interest..."

"I am not for my own self-interest!!!" Luo Yusen's angry voice interrupted Lu Ziwen's words. Lu Ziwen’s foot was in his heart, and he was so painful that his face was very awkward. “Lan Ziwen, you still don’t understand it yet?!”

"It's you! It's your own way to block others!"

"You are a person who has no background and no family. Being the deputy chief of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is already your limit. Who do you think you are, do you want to be the leader of the Philharmonic Orchestra?!"

"Whoever makes your dog so good, some people just want to see you suffer, see you can never climb. Yes, I like you very much, you look good, still a Chinese, the most important thing is that you still Deputy Chief, you may take me to climb up."

"But how have you done these years?!"

"You have to be the chief of the Philharmonic Orchestra. What about me? The conductor told me yesterday that he would consider whether to renew my contract with you! You know, who you are climbing, can you have such a good opportunity! Why not!"

"If you can't help me, I certainly want to find someone else. People go to the heights, the water goes down, Lu Ziwen, this world is like this. Today I didn't settle you, you won, but tomorrow...噗Keke..."

Lu Ziwen was also a fierce foot, and he did not hesitate to directly sneak into the lower body of Luo Yusen.

His sneer looks like a goblin crawling out of hell, so that Luo Yusen was a little trembling: "Luo Yusen... You ask... Who was the bed I climbed before I got the chance to play "Blue Danube"? ”

Luo Yusen stunned the painful and unbearable body|body, still struggling: "Yes, you really climbed the bed! You are a debauched female watch!"

Lu Ziwen smirked and smiled, approaching him step by step, his voice was cold: "Luo Yusen, my last regret in my life is that I suddenly looked at you like a shameless little man. You asked me to climb. Whose bed? Well, then I tell you, I climbed into the bed, you climbed, you climbed! You **** to give the old man to climb!"

"Oh, you said that I have no background and no family, yes, I have nothing, but I have never thought of others with a sly mentality like you all day! Now even if I tell you, I have not climbed anyone's bed, I just got this opportunity, would you believe it? Yes, you won't believe it, then you will remember, I climbed into the bed, know?!"

Luo Yusen’s eyes were red, and Lu Ziwen sneered at him and said, “Oh yes, when did I climb into his bed... well, the day after I promised to be with you. You know, Your technique is so bad, your technique is better than you, don't know how much, hey, you are a useless person, nothing compares to others."

"Lu Ziwen..."

"I have no background, no family, you have a background in the family? Luo Yusen, Huaxia has an old saying called a fifty-step laugh. You are like a poor clown, sitting in the sky, thinking that... cough and cough..."

Luo Yusen slammed from the ground and slammed Lu Ziwen's chest with a punch.

"Lu Ziwen!!! You **** dare to give me a green hat, I have been chasing you for three years. Are you really a treasure?! You personally do your best, I can't compare you, I can't compare with you. He??"

As he said, Luo Yusen again hit the chest of Lu Ziwen with a punch.

Luo Yusen has already been stunned by anger, and is simply using his murderous power to throw a punch. Lu Ziwen was unguarded by this punch and the whole person fell to the ground. He tried his best to lick his chest, blood flowing down his mouth, and his face began to turn blue.

Luo Yusen did not find Lu Ziwen's anomaly. He continued to swear: "Lu Ziwen, don't think that you are a good bird. Everyone knows what kind of means you use to get this opportunity. I tell you, every time you and I Say what your **** very much attaches to this concert, I think you are showing off in front of me, giving me a cuckold!"

"Pharmaceutical..." Lu Ziwen shook his fingers and struggled to breathe.

Luo Yusen is still groaning: "Oh, you thought you climbed into the bed, you **** over? I told you..."

"Pharmaceutical...medicine..." Lu Ziwen struggled to rub the carpet with his fingers, but the air in the chest slowly disappeared, and the feeling of tightness of the trachea made him unable to pneumatically bomb. He could only climb **** the ground and whispered hard. "Pills...medicine..."

"I tell you, if you dare to tell the conductor today, I will let everyone in the industry know that you are climbing up... cough, someone else's bed, and have this opportunity!" Luo Yusen still dare not dare To provoke the man, he can only change his mouth immediately, and he is bullied and afraid to say: "At that time, you are a female watch in the industry, you don't want to turn over..."


Lu Ziwen haunted Luo Yusen's leather shoes and struggled to raise his face to look at this sly man. The latter seems to find that the black man is not quite right, looking at Lu Ziwen with surprise.

I saw that Lu Ziwen’s face was blue and black. He grabbed Luo Yusen’s trousers with one hand, and one hand pointed hard to his own box. There was no gas and no air intake: “Give me... medicine... ”

Luo Yusen was scared by Lu Ziwen's expression and took a step back.

For a long while, he realized what was going on.

Lu Ziwen has asthma, because it has been rarely attacked, so Luo Yusen did not mind. How come suddenly... is it so powerful? How can this be...

Luo Yusen suddenly thought of the two feet that he had just squatted on Lu Ziwen's chest!

Could it be that……

Luo Yusen fell back in amazement.

Lu Ziwen had already lost his strength because of breathing, and only his fingers were still squatting on the carpet, and there were many more fibers in the nails: "medicine..."

After a brief panic, somehow, Luo Yusen suddenly calmed down. In his mind, he quickly flashed the words that Lu Ziwen threatened him. After a while, he calmly ran to the box of Lu Ziwen, and found the medicine that Lu Ziwen normally put in his pocket.

Because today is the big day to play, Lu Ziwen has no pockets on the custom-made dress, so he put the medicine in the box that he carried with him.

In the past, his asthma was not particularly serious, even if it was time to rush from the stage to the lounge. However, after Luo Yusen’s two feet were smashed today, just for a moment, Lu Ziwen felt that the whole chest was numb and painful, and the strength of his body was deprived.

Now, he can only rely on another person in the room -

Luo Yusen.

However, just after Luo Yusen took the can of spray, he stood in front of Lu Ziwen with a cold expression. The ruthless gaze made Lu Ziwen suddenly cold and instantly understood the other's intentions.

"Lu Ziwen, this is your life. Who makes you sick, when you are damned, you should die, you know?"

Lu Ziwen struggled to climb to Luo Yusen. He had not caught his trousers and was taken away by him. Luo Yusen said with no expression: "Lu Ziwen, are you not saying that you have prepared 92 years of Ou tonight to celebrate? I like Ou Yi most, then I will wait for you now, you have to come."

Lu Ziwen smothered the carpet and squatted on the ground with little strength.

Luo Yusen flashed a bit of hesitation in his eyes, but in the end he did not hesitate to turn around and left, no longer looking at Lu Ziwen who was lying on the ground and seemed to be dying.

When he left, he took the jar of medicine.

It was simply placed in the pocket. When the door was "squeaky" and closed, the last light in Lu Ziwen's world disappeared completely. Lu Ziwen looked at the carpet in the room and seemed to want to struggle to climb to the door again, but after only two moves, he never responded again.

An hour later, a member of the Philharmonic Orchestra was wondering how soon it was time to play the Blue Danube. The chief had not yet left the lounge. He knocked the door gently but didn't respond, and when he opened the door... he saw the man who was lying on the carpet and motionless.

"Ah, ah! Lu accident! Doctor, doctor!!!"

This night, the concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra did not show the sound of the Blue Danube for the first time. The chief conductor, Mr. Dorensa and all the members of the orchestra regretted to apologize to all the audience. Some viewers who had heard of Lu Ziwen’s performances were sorrowful, and they also shed tears in sympathy.

After everyone left the scene, Mr. Dorensa walked to the most central position in the front row of the auditorium and sighed at the last listener who had never left the scene: "Your recommended land, a good seedling Oh, unfortunately, he had an asthma attack and didn't even board the stage..."

The handsome and elegant face of the man is reflected in the golden | hall light, and the statue is generally sharp and sharp.

Mr. Dorensa’s look with a trace of regret: “I heard that when I was discovered, I have been dead for some time. The nails in the land are all the fibers of the carpet, so I have to break a few nails... oh, When he died, he must be very painful."

The answer to Dorensa is the silence of the man as always.

"Hey, Lu should be your friend, you go see him, probably still in the hospital... didn't leave. He is an emotional oriental fiddler. I really regret that there is no chance to cooperate with him. I should go, you can go see him, see... your friend."

After Dorensa left, the golden gold | in the hall, there was only one man's straight back.

I don't know how long it took, the man's fierce and narrow phoenix was slowly closed, and a tear ran down from the corner of his eye.

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