MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 288

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It’s like the dark flowers and the spring of all things, all the light will always come slowly after the long dark night.

After receiving an urgent phone call from Daniel, he said nothing about it. He immediately found the nearest flight and immediately flew to London, England. When they rushed to the Royal Hospital in London one day later, the ward was full of people, and he looked carefully and found the handsome and gentle man in the corner.

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in his heart, and after he made a wink, he took Kedori and walked out of the ward. While walking, he asked: "Who are those people, Kedori? How are you?" Mr. Deer just woke up, they couldn’t wait to run over. Is there anything important?”

When I saw you, Kedori was naturally very happy, but after listening to this, the smile on his face was involuntarily pale.

Trying to hide his own loss, Kedori smiled and said: "These are the senior directors of the Elder Group. In the past six months, even though some small things can be temporarily managed by them, some major events have been The delay was delayed. These days, the shares of the Elder Group fell a lot, and Visk’s wake up was a great thing for them.”

The two have already reached the hanging garden at the end of the same floor. They pushed the glass door into the greenhouse and only listened to Kedori. "I heard Karen last night, since Visk woke up, El The German stock market has a rapid increase, which is really a good thing."

Hearing the words, he looked at Kedori in front of him with hesitation, and finally he couldn’t help but ask: "But Kedori... Do you want to return to the original relationship?"

The smile of Kedori’s mouth suddenly froze. After a long time, he gently shook his head and said: “Our relationship has been very good.”

There were so many people in the ward just now. Those men in black suits put the bed tightly and tightly. Don't say anything, even if Kedori was squeezed into the corner. And through the people who could not get through the water, they suddenly saw a pair of sturdy and sturdy scorpions.

It was a pure ice blue, as if he would glance at you gently, you can fall into the hail.

Subconscious, I understand: Originally... Visk Elder is this look.

The dynamic videos on the TV and the still photos on the newspapers and magazines are completely incapable of describing the man’s refusal to stop thousands of miles away. The noble and elegant temperament made him separate from the people around him, and even lying on the hospital bed in such a weak form, it also felt the pressure of the mountains.

Recalling the cruel and cold eyes, biting his teeth and saying: "Kidori, we hope that you cherish yourself. We will always support you behind you, no matter what happens, I, you, Daniel, Bohr, Dolby... All of us are here to support you."

The embarrassing words made Kedori a little embarrassed, and the light green scorpion gradually grew bigger.

"So Kedori, there are so many people who love you here to support you, you must... make yourself happy!"

Other people's love, others can not manage too much. When he and Kedori returned to the ward, they didn't know what method they used, but they found that the directors who had just been noisy had left at the moment.

Hey, it seems to have been chatting with Elder for a while. After seeing He and Kedori returning, he walked up to the side of the donkey. He pulled up his hand and then his voice was flat and his posture was expensive. The man said to the man on the bed: "Viske Elder, this is my lover, hehe."

I didn’t understand why I suddenly introduced myself so solemnly, but when he turned to look at Elder in the hospital bed, he saw the latter staring at him solemnly, then nodded heavily to him. , whispered: "Hello, I am Visker Elder."

戚暮 Somewhat strangely decapitated: "Hello."

Then he did not stay for a long time and left the space to Kedori and Elder. Before leaving, he turned his head and looked through the glass window. He saw it in the pure white ward. Kedori smiled and sat down on the bed. Elder raised his hand and stroked his soft hair. .

There was a sudden thorn in my heart, and I sighed with some dissatisfaction: "Kedori has paid too much for Mr. Elder. I really don't understand... why he will pay himself without reservation, even if Mr. Deer did not respond much to this."

"He really...has not responded?"

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Listening to this, he sighed slightly: "What?"

"Maybe, he just hasn't had time to do anything." Stretching out the **** gently tapped the palm of the youth, and the cold and clear man turned to look at his young man. Rarely seeing the latter look dull, squatting on the lips of the sly, and then said: "I think, Kedori should be able to recover the spirit soon."


"Because... Visk Elder, I really love him."

In 2020, he started his year with a sad tragedy, but ended with a happy ending. Visk Elder was only awake in late October, but probably because he had been dormant for too long, his body recovered very well. He was discharged from the hospital in November and can still work in the company. It is.

By the beginning of December, after Visk Elder had reorganized the slightly embarrassing Elder Group with an amazing wrist, the first thing he did after his return was to retire with Karen Slaughter!

In fact, this remarriage was proposed by Karen Slaughter. In the surprise of women all over the world, the financial woman turned her back on the free single, who was wearing a 24k diamond golden light.

The world's major financial, economic, entertainment media, and even political media have made crazy reports on this century-old retreat. They really can't figure out what is the "golden abacus" Karen Slaughter who made the savvy calculations, gave up such a top bachelor?

Then, after reorganizing the Elder Group, Visk publicly announced his apology. He attributed all his faults to his own side, indicating that his engagement was caused by his own negligence, and that his engagement agreement with Karen Slaughter existed in name only many years ago.

The man is pulling all his faults on himself, and Karen is not even worse. She also interviewed by reporters and said in the report: "I and Visk Elder are both very objective and rational people. It is true that if we combine them, we will develop the future of the Elder Group and my personal, Providing great benefits. However, Mr. Elder and I have no emotional foundation from the beginning. In the past, this is the case, and the future is still the same. Breaking up is probably the best ending for us."

When he saw this interview with Karen, he was preparing for the upcoming year-end global tour.

Although he has his own chief lounge, after he came to Bai Ai, he has been sharing a lounge with him. After all, a man ran to his lounge for three days and two, and he just wanted to see it. It is difficult to get to the other side.

At this moment, when he read the interview, he thought for a moment, then turned to look at the desk behind the desk, and asked aloud: "I just saw Miss Karen. The report said that she and Mr. Elder have no emotional basis. it purely for their own interests before they decide to get engaged?"

Put the signature pen in your hand and lift it up and ask: "Do you know how much the Elder Group's share price has risen after Eld and Karen were engaged ten years ago? How much is Karen's industry? What olive branch is thrown over?"

Hearing a word, he didn’t speak for a long time.

He answered this question himself: "The Bertley family and the Elder Group have cooperated all the year round. Ten years ago, Visk Elder was the most valuable gold bachelor in the business world, and Karen Slaughter It is the youngest beauty financier on Wall Street. The engagement of these two people is optimistic for everyone in the industry, creating extra profit for the Elder Group each year... at least one point."

I took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. I finally understood it: "I finally know what the words of Miss Karen said in the garden downstairs in the hospital. What are the meanings for their benefit? Two people who did not love each other decided to get engaged. For the sake of profit, they decided to temporarily ignore the feelings of Kdori. So for Visk Elder, is it important for his career, or is Kedori more important?"

A thin lip and a hook: "This answer, Visk Elder has told you."

Awkwardly: "Tell me?"

"He has already retired from Karen and is single again. From then on, there is nothing in the world that can stop him from being together with Kedori." His right hand is rhythmically light on the table. Tapping, he said: "In the ward of the Royal Hospital more than a month ago, Visk Elder asked me a word. At that time, I understood that he was really willing to abandon everything for Kedori. ""

The light-colored scorpion slammed brightly, and he simply stood up from the sofa and walked up to the floor-to-ceiling window. He looked down at the squat and asked, "What? It can make you feel that he is willing to go to Kedori, Give up everything?!"

The color of the banter flashed through the shackles, and licked his lips: "I will tell you when you kiss me." He said, and pointed his lips to his face.

戚暮: "....................."

"Miss you a big ghost, you!!!!"

So that day, when he went out in the month of Kyodor, what did Visk Elder say to him?

Probably -

"I haven't seen you for many years, Mr. Auston von Bertlem, you seem to be a lot gentler. I remember that when I last saw you, you never used such a soft attitude to talk to others, even though you I haven't found it myself, but your tone has always been with the pride of the nobility, arrogant and cold. What changed you in the end?"

"Mr. Navisk Elder, what about you? My lover is a very warm person. He has changed me in the past four years. He made me think that everyone in the world is So cute and kind. You said that I changed, but Elder, the first time I saw you fifteen years ago, can

Read The Duke's Passion