MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 283

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The cheerful and melodious sound of the piano, through the lush and prosperous eucalyptus leaves, lingers in the narrow, lush bodhi trees.

It is a beautiful and beautiful piano sound. Every time the slides and chords are perfect to the point where they are not picky. Even if they are played in the public sound of the whole street, they can't weaken the stunning and beautiful sound of the piano.

This piece is "The Twilight in the Moonlight", this pianist is awkward!

- 戚暮 Basically, when I heard the second sound, I came to this conclusion.

He is too familiar with the man's piano and has been deeply imprinted into his bones. And this "Twilight" is the song they have played many times, maybe other people are not clear, but he remembers deeply that at the end of the first passage, the man likes to use the chord to stretch a beat; In the middle of the second passage, his octaves are amazingly skilled!

I didn’t know how to respond. He was a little embarrassed. He didn’t quite understand what happened outside this small dessert shop, and he didn’t know what was separated by a small fence wall. What was it? a scene like this.

"Mr. Hey, go."

The handsome shopkeeper smiled and took the black forest cake in his hand, then pushed him a little and let the ape go a few steps forward. At this point, he finally did not hesitate, he took a step to the front of the dessert shop, and then ... gently pushed open the door!

In the eyes, in addition to the cockroaches, there is no one in the street under the entire Bodhi tree!

A pure white Steinway nine-foot grand piano is placed three meters from the fountain, and behind it, is the world's top piano master –

Auston von Bertley.


The shredded hair that was originally scattered in front of the forehead was carefully picked up by the man with a hair gel, revealing a full and smooth forehead. The handsome beauty that flew into the corner of the horns picked up slightly, and the cymbal was playing with concentration. The black and white keys seemed to have souls in his hands, and they sang the moving music.

The bottom layer of the fountain is twelve small bronze nozzles, and then up, it becomes four, until the top, it becomes a statue of a hand-lifting flower, from her other hand Spraying white spring water out.

In the hot and hot weather, the water splashed into tiny water droplets in the air. When the wind blows, it is sprinkled on the man and the piano, as if it are tiny diamonds, dotted with such a tempting scene.

The heart trembled fiercely, staring at this flawless painting for a long time, and finally decided to decide to go out from the dessert shop.

But when he walked out of the first step, he was surprised to see that a cute blond boy didn’t know which eucalyptus tree he ran out of, and then handed him a bright red rose; He stepped out of the second step, and a little sweet girl appeared on the right, handing him a second red rose, then the third step, the fourth step, the fifth step...

When the 戚暮 officially walked five meters away from the piano, a "Twilight under the Moonlight" has reached the final high tide.

Behind him, there are countless children who are excited and laughing; and in front of him, there is a handsome and elegant man and a tall and handsome piano. He just hugged a large bunch of red roses and looked at each other with a smile.

The face of the youth is still calm, but only he knows that the touch and love in his heart have been thoroughly flooded, and even the hand holding the rose is trembling.

The music underneath is known, and it is time for the moonlight and the twilight to say goodbye. As the piano sounded roaring and played to the apex, it should suddenly fall down and become unconcerned: because the twilight has disappeared.

But what surprised me was that when the song reached the peak of his familiarity, it suddenly rose, and a fresh and pleasant tunes were inserted without delay. The music was joyous and relaxed, and a few emotionally intense slides portrayed a warm and moving sight.

It was this simple adaptation, but the mood of the original song was slowly changed, and the sadness was completely gone!

In the astonished gaze, I saw that I was still playing with deep affection. At this moment, he did not have any mood to ask him why he suddenly made such an adaptation, because he suddenly saw that a familiar figure came out from the side of the fountain!

His body suddenly stopped, and he looked at each other with amazement. He saw Chen Ling frequently smile and handed him a flaming rose, then extended his arms and gave him a hug: "I think, small Seven, you should understand what it is all about today."

"Chen brother, you..."

"Oh, it's not over yet."

Chen Ling frequently smiled and walked away. Then, he saw Daniel coming out from the other side of the fountain, and then gave him a rose. Then he hugged him and smiled helplessly: "Oh. My little angel, I really can't bear to let you be abducted by the guy of Auston!"

Then there is Mr. Charles, the second commander of Bai Ai, the deputy chief of the violin, the chief Dubie of the trombone group, and the chief Mayer of the horn group...

The 132 members of Bai Ai and all the staff members all came forward to give a big hug, and then handed him a bright red rose. He had not been able to hold so many roses, so most people put the rose down beside him, but after a while he was surrounded by the ocean of roses.


Everything has not stopped!

When he saw the figure of Mr. Dorensa, his whole person had been completely stunned, and his eyes were involuntarily wet. I saw that the master gently embraced the red-eyed youth, and then smiled and said: "Small seven, I can come here today to witness these, I am really lucky. I wish you happiness forever!"

After Mr. Dorensa, Mr. Motor, the second conductor of Vienne, Mr. Tuckman, the agent of the orchestra... and 125 members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra!

At this moment, the hot and hot sun has no burning power at all. When the golden sun shines on the street under the Bodhi tree, this time it is no longer a tarmac road, but a large piece. A large red rose.

All the people in Weiai put down their own roses, and after standing in the back of the pool, they came out again from the fountain after the violin student of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris, and the bright Swiss Swissman Delan. After he put his own rose on the ground, he hugged it all at once, and said again and again: "Small seven, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you! You must be happy!!"

Then came every student and professor who met in the college.

What I never imagined was that even several old professors and Seyce of the Geneva Conservatory of Music were invited. There is also the conductor of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Evra, the chief black fat son Jasper, and the conductor of Neway, Mr. Swell, the chief beard of Mr. Hook, and even the owner of the Pareson Theatre Orchestra!

When he couldn't help but drop his tears, he looked at the next person who appeared next to the fountain and grabbed it all at once.

"Small seven! It’s been a long time no see, you Cheng Ayi miss you!"

What followed was a tight hug. Cheng Tingwen, the music director of the S-City Symphony Orchestra, clung to the youth who stood tall and clear, and did not hide his love for the child.

After Cheng Tingwen, it was Zhu Wenzhao, Tan Lao, Du Sheng... Even Wu, who had retired, rushed over from China, and put aside the rose awkwardly, and said helplessly: "You kids, you should be good in the future." Live your life, do you know?!"

Don't say that these people are very important to the cricket. Even all members of the B City Symphony Orchestra and all members of the China Philharmonic Orchestra came from China and handed their blessings to you.

When he saw a man with a sly look, he snorted and laughed, and he couldn’t tell if the tears were laughing or moved. Sheng Yanhui gave a hug to some awkwardness and said: "Although I really don't want to admit it, I really liked you, hehe. But... I wish you all the best, and Mr. He is always happy!"

At the end of all Huaxia personnel, Zheng Weiqiao, who has not seen it for three months. The man who has always calmed down calmly has the same red eyes at the moment. When he finally gave a hug, he couldn’t help but whimpered: "Small seven, I really can’t bear you, but you must be in the future. Happiness!"

When Zheng Weiqiao was reluctantly pulled by Cheng Tingwen, he turned around and looked at the direction of the fountain. He seems to have expected, and then who will appear there, not what he expected, when the gentle and amiable old man appeared, open his arms and exchanged a relative's hug with the other.

Master Lance smiled and touched his hair and said: "I haven't been to Berlin for a long time. I have never seen such a bright red bodhi tree down the street. Xiaoqi, you must be happy!"

Then there was Mr. Faller, the chief Jenny of the Dresden Symphony Orchestra, and finally, when he saw his own eccentric teacher appearing in the fountain and stepping over to himself step by step, he even went straight. Going forward, I enthusiastically gave Professor Akade a hug, and cried and cried: "Teacher, why are you coming with them..."

Even at this time, Professor Akade snorted coldly, and then reluctantly said: "Auston asked me to come over, then I can only come over, say... you are my best Beloved is also the only student. Xiaoqi, if the guy in Auston dares to bully you, you tell the teacher, now we are behind you, all of us are your back!"

Listening to Master Akkad’s words, he turned around and looked at it. When he saw the crowd that seemed to cover the entire Bodhi tree, he suddenly stunned and then endured. Unstoppable again, the tears that moved.

It turned out that, unconsciously, there are already so many people who really love him and really love him...

By this time, an adapted version of "Twilight under the Moonlight" was also in a beautiful slide, and suddenly ended the tail. Moonlight may be separated from the twilight, but lovers who truly love each other will stay together forever and ever.

Just like when he first said this song with the pipa, they are never moonlight and twilight. They are just them. They are just ordinary people who love each other deeply.

At the moment the music stopped, he wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to look at the man sitting behind the piano. The red rose in the mountains and the sea completely drowned the youth, he