MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 271

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Similar to Bo Yi’s tough orthodox music style, they are also very strong in the public relations of the media. Before selecting the chief of this time, the relevant information of the applicants will not be publicly disclosed, the review process will not be publicly disclosed, and the interview scene will not be disclosed.

The major media in Europe have long been accustomed to the style of the orchestra, and they began to dig into the clues of this recruitment meeting, and wanted to observe some information about the recruitment meeting.

But... If you can find him, does PB's public relations department still eat?

So on May 20, 2020, when all the media reporters were still observing the relevant developments of the Pok Oi headquarters, Daniel and the second conductor of the orchestra, Charles Littis, were at the Berlin conference. The center held a press conference to call all the curious journalists and friends.

Wait until they are all there... Four hours! The senior members of the orchestra headed by Daniel were there to grind their skins and never revealed any important information, so that the original eager journalists poured cold water.


Four hours of youth!

What do you want to accompany us! ! ! !

However, what these reporters did not expect at the moment is that the headquarters building of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra is precisely the most dangerous place. At this moment, a quiet and intense recruitment meeting is quietly launched.

All 20 applicants each have their own preparation room, led by a dedicated staff member, entered the Pok Oi First Rehearsal Hall in the order of drawing, waiting for performance and interview. The 20 people did not know each other's existence, and perhaps only the "back door" learned that there were 20 finalists in the recruitment meeting, but he did not tell him who the other 19 were.

When he was led to the preparation room, the first thing he needed to do was draw lots. Almost none of the members of Bai Ai did not know each other, but at this moment the young male staff member also had a face, and he did not say a word.

This is the chief recruitment meeting, and the results of this recruitment meeting may result in the emergence of the chief violinist in the next few decades. This matter is too great. Even the staff members have to take out the 120,000 points of seriousness and care, and they will not be arrogant.

In this regard, he expressed his approval. So he also solemnly and seriously nodded to the staff member, and then prepared for the lottery. But in the next second, I heard the staff member calmly said: "Mr. Yu, you are the 20th applicant."

戚暮: "..."

After a long while, I asked helplessly: "I seem... I haven't signed yet?"

The staff member bowed and said: "This is the command."


When the staff member left, he cried and put his violin case on the table in the preparation room, opened the crimson violin case, and gently took out the little princess "Itis".

This is probably the second time to open the back door - the first time I told him that there are a total of 20 applicants, but if this is also a back door, then there is no more backyard in the world. No!

As everyone knows, in such a recruitment meeting, the more the last registered applicant, the less dominant.

The first is the energy issue of the reviewer. Each applicant is destined to go through a long interview, which is a pressure on the applicant, and even more for the reviewer. So when you enter the rehearsal room, I am afraid that you will face a group of mentally tired members.

The second is the perception of music. Beautiful music, when you listen to the whole day, will inevitably produce a little tired and numb mentality. Perhaps when the top ten applicants are playing, the members of the Pok Oi team can observe and listen carefully, and when they reach the top ten applicants, their interest will be greatly reduced and their eyes will be more demanding.

Therefore, the embarrassment of being forced to draw the 20th place in the game can be said to be completely disadvantaged at this recruitment meeting.

However, I don’t care about it at all.

He calmly adjusted the strings, gently rubbed the rosin, and then tried the tone in the preparation room.

When the beautiful and melodious sound of the piano penetrated through the thin door panel of the preparation room, I absolutely didn't know that there was a lot of Bai Ai staff gathered at the door, and mysteriously gathered at the door. Eavesdropping on the euphemistic sound of the piano.

When a piece of music was over, they couldn’t help but sigh: "The violin of Xiaoqi is really great!"

"It's really beautiful!"

"I just saw that Xiaoqi is carrying 'Itis', is that little princess with a high voice?!"


The interview review of the 19 applicants lasted for a whole day before they officially ended.

When he was led by the expressionless staff to the first rehearsal room of Bai Ai, he carried his own box and looked at the floor-to-ceiling window next to the corridor.

At this time, it was already in the evening. In the early summer, the beautiful and beautiful Yunxia dyed the sky into a colorful purple color. It appeared pink near the horizon, and the thin and light cotton clouds spread all over the sky. Under such a gorgeous scenery, it is Berlin's lush forest, the majestic Brandenburg Gate, the narrow and beautiful Bodhi Tree Street...

"Mr. Hey, it’s here."

The staff's voice made him awake from the beautiful scenery, and he glanced at the staff and then found that he had reached the door of the first rehearsal room.

There was an indescribable complex emotion in my heart. After thanking the staff member, I walked to the door. His fingers stayed on the doorknob for a while, then he pressed and pushed away without hesitation.

At the moment when the gate opened, hundreds of people in the rehearsal hall turned their eyes to the youth standing at the door. In this regard, he calmly and slightly decapitated, and then gracefully walked slowly onto the stage.

Before Mr. Dorensa and Yu spread, it was said that the recruitment of Bai Ai would be very strange. That is, no matter what kind of members the orchestra wants to recruit, all their members will be present, and hundreds of people will come to review each other. Vote to decide the other party's stay.

Nowadays, in the seat of the first rehearsal hall of Bai Ai, the members of the respective instrument group are filled with the members of the beloved. On the left side of the front row is the first violin group, the second side of the front row is the second violin group, and the rear is the viola group, the double bass group, the cello group, the clarinet group, and so on.

He gently placed the violin case on the table next to him, and then bowed politely to the people under the stage, without a arrogant look. Then he sat in a chair and looked at the crowd under the stage.

I don't know, his recent actions have already made the members of the Pok Oi add a lot to him. Being able to come to the site of the Pok Oi Chief Recruitment, it must be the world famous violinist. Among the 19 members before Yu, there are many famous violinists. When they came to the rehearsal room, even if they restrained themselves, they could not suppress the arrogance and complacency revealed in the bones.

Compared with the fame, in the violinists of the last three or four years, no one dared to say that they can overwhelm the limelight. Compared with the experience, the title of Wei Ai Chief has already killed all the applicants. More than talent, age... These people have no place to compare with others.

However, people are still modest than you!

Oh, it’s really a bottle full of shakes!

After sitting in the chair, he bowed his head and looked at the man sitting in the middle of the center.

At this moment, I put on a low-degree eye and hidden the deep black scorpion behind the cold lens. There is no smile on the handsome face. He really doesn't know the youth on the stage. He just looks up at each other and then asks: "Please introduce your simple information... No. 20 applicant. ”

Speaking calmly, fluent German spit out from the mouth: "My name is 戚暮, I am 25 years old, graduated from the National Conservatory of Music in Paris, and studied under Reed Akade..."

When he finished his basic information, he squatted with one hand and asked indifferently: "You are now the head of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. You also know that your contract has 11 days to come. What made you decide to leave Vivian and come to our Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra? Is it because you think Pei Ai is better than Wei Ai?"

The words just landed, and everyone in the whole place took a breath.

Even the conductor of Char, who was sitting on the sidelines, looked at him in amazement and looked at him. Some didn't understand: Is there anyone in the world who would be so embarrassed about his lover? In the face of the first 19 interviewers, Auston almost didn't bother to talk. How did he get into the shackles and suddenly became so sharp?

Even if Bai loves his own people, he dare not say "Bai Ai is better than Wei Ai". If the outside media knows that Bai Ai’s conductor, Aston Bertley, dares to boast such a seaport, the wind The appraisal has been aroused and it is difficult to calm down.

The sharp and sharp problem made the embarrassment a glimpse. For a long time, he smiled and smacked his lips. He replied in a warm and succinct manner: "No, I never think that Bai Ai is better than Wei Ai."

This answer makes everyone in the audience stunned.

Just listen and continue to say: "Music, there will never be a difference between high and low. Bai Ai and Wei Ai are among the world's top orchestras. Their musical style, musical essence, and musical expression may be different, but never one side is high. On the other side, I will come here because I think that compared to Wei Ai, I can find the music that suits me best and find a band that fits better with myself."

After a pause, the youthful eyebrows gradually spread out. He smiled and said: "I think, Bai Ai should be like this."

On the stage, the youth’s answer ends here.

Under the stage, the commander sitting at the forefront slowly took off the glasses on the bridge of the nose and looked up at the young man who was succinct, and did not hide his gaze.

a long time

Read The Duke's Passion