MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 231

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After the end of a heated and enthusiastic Encore "Carmen Fantasia", in the thunderous applause of the audience, the last tour of this year's Vai love was finally brought to a close.

The concert was over, and the audience under the stage was leaving the scene in an orderly manner, while reminiscing about the enthusiasm of the previous performance, while the media reporters standing on the second floor rushed to start their love. The lecture hall ran.

In general, for these world's top large orchestras, an interview will be held whenever their concert ends. Usually the conductor, chief, music director of the orchestra, plus a few more important musicians, to answer the reporter's questions.

At such an interview, journalists usually ask questions about the arrangement of the music and the selection of personnel in order to write the manuscript. But today, just watching these reporters run faster than one, I want to know... Today it is absolutely impossible to be a moderate and ordinary interview.

There is only one goal for all of them - the chief of Wei Ai, hehe!

However, what disappointed these reporters was that when they sweated and panted and ran to the lecture hall, they finally got the best shooting position. After waiting for half an hour, they didn’t wait until 戚暮what!

What the hell! Say the good chief came out behind the command? ! How to become a direct agent of the love agent Tuckman!

Sitting in a high chair, the brown-haired orchestra agent Mr. Tuckman smiled and removed the sign in front of him with the name "戚暮" and said: "Today, I feel a little uncomfortable. So I will replace him to answer the question. If there is any need to ask questions, everyone can raise their hands and I will name them."

Reporters: "....................."

Who are you cheating! ! ! ! Just Xiaoqi is still so energetic and performing, now suddenly the body is not good? ! ! !

It seems that I noticed the murderous eyes of reporters' laser rays. Mr. Tuckman easily resisted with his own skin-like skin, and then explained honestly and sincerely: "Hey, the weather in December is really weird, How did Xiaoqi catch a gust of wind and caught a cold? Just sneeze several times in a row!"

Reporters: "................................."

Your excuse is really have to believe it! Simply say that when you step down, you accidentally twisted your foot, which is a bit more convincing. Okay! ! !

All in all, no matter what, the reporters present have thought about "avoiding and not returning to their own problems." They also thought that "they are perfunctory on this issue with extremely high means", but they never thought of it. This party simply won't play!

Still thinking about the interview? A photo can't be taken! As for the year-end award? It’s good enough to go back and not be killed by the editor-in-chief!

In the lecture hall on the second floor of the Friends of Music Association building, dozens of reporters were crying and sullen, and they directly wrote "Little Seven, we want to see Xiaoqi" on the face. So... Where is the party Xiaoqi?

Spacious and bright gold | In the back of the hall, a deep red hard solid wood door was gently pushed open, giving a "squeaky" sound. At this time, the people who were laughing and joking in the background looked at them, and they saw a slender and thin hand peeking out the door. The people came lightly and quickly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Love everyone: "!!!!"

The bright and smooth leather shoes were wiped clean by its owner. Wearing a long black trench coat, I had already removed all the camouflage that had just been removed, revealing a cold and beautiful face.

Masters and Dorensa are good friends for many years. They often communicate and learn from each other's orchestras, so the members of Wei Ai are very familiar with you. But being familiar with it doesn't mean that the members of the love team at the moment can watch the big wolf hall and the emperor's place steal their rabbits.

Bai Ai once came to the Golden | The hall has performed several times, so I am very clear about the architectural structure here. After he opened the door, he saw a few familiar members of the loved ones. Then he didn't think much. He nodded directly to them and said hello. Then he walked up to the left room and went ready. Find your own youth.

But what surprised him was that he had just taken a step and there was a young and handsome male musician in front of him.

There was a faint glimpse of the sly scorpion, and the eyebrows were slightly convergent, and whispered, "Is there something?"

Richard, the first violin group of Vivian, stood in front of the stunned, and finally managed to blame the other party "why suddenly appeared here, what is the intention," but at the moment he raised his head When Li Li saw the cold and indifferent eyes of the man, he trembled and subconsciously stepped back.

Richard: "qaq"

闵琛: "?"

Love everyone: "!!!!"

On, Richard! Say the captain of the "guardian small seven squad"!

After diligently swallowing his mouth and calming down, the brown-haired Irish violinist trembled and whispered: "Bai... Mr. Bertel, who are you looking for? Here... Here is the post of Wei Ai...Backstage, ordinary people... People can't just come in."

The voice was too small, as if it was stuck in the throat, so I didn't hear it for a while. The handsome and narrow eyebrows squatted, and he leaned over and asked quietly: "What do you just say?"

The sound was like the coldest snow in winter, and there was no ups and downs, but it made people (Richard) feel a cold wind passing by, scratching his cheek like a knife.

Richard scared almost **** and sat down. He shook his head and immediately reached out to the door of a room somewhere: "No...nothing! I mean, Xiaoqi is in the chief lounge...Yes! He is Inside! If you are looking for him, you can go now!"

I hate iron and not steel, and love everyone: "Hey!!!!"

He looked at Richard and the members of the Victorian team behind him. His glance was a fluttering look, but he just left his face "I am really wrong with Richard" and "said to protect the little seven." "Wei Richard your captain will soon be dismissed." The lovers of the people have stood up straight and stretched their fingers to the direction of the door.

"Small seven is inside!!!!"

闵琛: "..............."

In the backstage of the bright and tidy concert hall, when he walked up to the chief lounge, behind him, the members of Wei Ai lost their faces, grief and angrily crying, and lamented how they met. The enemy suddenly became discouraged.

The man who stood tall and clear, walked calmly to the gate of the chief lounge, but at the moment he was about to knock on the door, he suddenly turned around and looked at the different dimensions of the look. Love members.

The love of the people is shaking: "Ah! Just inside, Xiaoqi is inside!"

Gently shaking the head, licking the thin lips and slightly hooking, the cold and indifferent look also dissipated cleanly. He looked seriously at these members of the love and love, and then bowed slightly, and said sincerely: "Thank you, take care of him."

As the voice landed, everyone looked at the man in front of him with amazement. Until the door was pushed in and disappeared completely into their field of vision, members finally exclaimed: "Just... is Mr. Bertelm thanking us?!"

"Really! Just now Mr. Bertelm is thanking us for taking care of Xiaoqi!"

"Hey, do we really care for Xiaoqi? How do I feel that Xiaoqi is taking care of us..."

"Hey, this doesn't matter! But just now Mr. Bertelm is thanking us!"

"In fact, Mr. Bertley is also a very good person. How do I suddenly feel that Xiaoqi and Mr. Pat Leme are together, and I am very happy? Mr. Pat Lem is taking care of us, then he is right. Xiaoqi is definitely very good!"

"That is, I also think that Mr. Bertley is actually quite good. He is also very good with Xiaoqi..."

"Hey! Friends, say ‘Guardian Little Seven Squad’?”

"Richard, shut up, you are a timid guy!"

Richard Nei Niu noodles: "qaq"

It’s not that he is timid! Let you, you dare to speak to the demon commander! ! ! !


The warm, dim light illuminates the spacious chief lounge, and I just put "Itis" gently into the crimson box, and suddenly I heard a soft knock on the door. After he said "please enter", he turned around and saw the man who had not seen him for several months.

In an instant, I felt a move in my heart, and I smiled. "It turned out that you sneaked into the background, eh? I said why you are not in the seat today, you have not been able to go to the concert hall."

The man lifted the stepper and took the door with him. The lounge is not large, but it is fully equipped with a thin layer of wool carpet on the floor, making his footsteps unspeakable.

He shook his head: "I didn't hide in the background."

Hearing words, he said: "So why didn't I see you in the concert hall?"

There was a glimpse of a glimpse in the eyes, and I raised an eyebrow: "Guess?"

He gave a scorn from his nose, and he smiled softly: "There is nothing to guess, I don't guess."

At this time, you have already walked to the side of you. The young man was leaning on the table casually and looking up at him. The beautiful white hands touched the crimson violin case. The bright red and dazzling white seemed to burn his eyes and make him look pale. A dark one.

The sensation could not help but pull up the young thin hand. In the horrified gaze, he whispered: "When you played Carmen, you were a bit too heavy when you plucked the string." Gently rubbing the scorpion on the fingertips of the young man, he sighed: "This is your personal habit. I can't change it, but I don't like it. If I encounter a song that requires a lot of plucking in the future, after the performance. Your fingers will be hurt."

When I heard this, I finally believed that this man was really in the concert hall and had heard his performance.

Feeling the faint warmth from the fingertips, smirking and decapitating, promised: "Well, I will be a little lighter in the future."

Outside the window is the winter wind that whizzes past, but the window is a warm, dim yellow. When he walked out of the lounge with his violin case and the gong, they just opened the door and saw that the members of Wei Ai were all around the door, blocking the door with water and venting. ·through!

When I saw the two of them coming out, the poor Richard was pushed out by the members again, and looked like tears and tears: "I...we really didn't listen again..."

戚暮: "..."

闵琛: "..."

Love everyone: "....................."

When he and he left the backstage together, they had just left their forefoot, and they loved to start talking about what they had said in the room just now, and they said it for ten minutes!

One member said with such a feeling: "Hey, how can the sound insulation of our concert hall be so good?!"

What Wei's members don't know is that they were too guilty. No one even noticed that the youth was full and round, fresh, red, shiny and bright. Even if the pink on the cheeks has been covered up, the lips that are full of water are completely unmaskable.

While leaving the background, he slammed on a man's foot and secretly wondered how he loved it.

He is accepting this foot with peace of mind, and estimates how many feet he has tonight to be able to dissipate his shy and restrained youth.

When they were about to walk out of the backstage of the concert hall, they walked to the front and observed whether there were any reporters ambushing around them, and they wore hats and masks, and they planned to sneak up.

After all, all the reporters are now gathered in the lecture hall for interviews. Therefore, in the lobby of the first floor of the Friends of Music Association, except for the very few viewers who have not left, there is almost only the shadow of the staff.

I have never done this kind of sneaky behavior and looked around at random, then turned and prepared to tell my young people, and I can safely leave. At this time, I just just put on my hat and I am going to step up and keep up.


Read The Duke's Passion