MTL - King of Classical Music-~ 301. Ten years 4

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In the evening, Kedori asked Daniel to help him book a ticket to Berlin and rushed back to Berlin overnight. When he landed and opened his mobile phone, he quickly received a call from Karen. After patiently explaining to her sister that she was in a hurry, Kedori bumped back into his apartment.

The sky is already bright.

Bright but glare-free sunlight illuminates from the sky in the east, penetrates the thin window screen and illuminates the bedroom, and illuminates the young man who spent the night at the bedside. After a moment of silence, Kedori wiped his face and got up and began to wash.

In the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, perhaps many people think that Auston Bertel is a very intimate, very bad-tempered person, and the favorite band agent Daniel Duke is more enthusiastic and will take care of people.

But in fact, everything is the opposite of what they imagined.

When I saw Kedori, Daniel was not unaware of his anomalies today. Instead, he directly advised him to rest and rest. It was too tired to run back to London from London overnight. When I waited in private, I was asked with a sharp eye: "What happened, Kedori?"

This problem caused Kdori's throat to stagnate, but did not know how to answer.

Yan Junmei was slightly wrinkled and said straight away: "Emotional problems."

Kdori smiled palely: "Auston, why do you guess that I am out of the matter? Or is it an emotional problem? Actually, I have nothing, but it is too urgent to return to London this time. I am a little tired."

The cold and elegant man shook his head indifferently: "Kidori, Huaxia has an old saying called 'bystander clear, the authorities are lost.' Although I have not tried love, but I can feel your emotional depression and gaffe, my instinct tells me, Do you like a girl?"

Kedori smiled and shook his head: "Auston, you really think too much, I don't like any girl. If I like who, I must tell you and Daniel the first time, you are my good friend. "A pause, Kedori smiled and shifted the topic: "But Auston, why don't you have a girlfriend? Is it... Mr. Bertelm already has someone he likes?"

When Daniel just entered the door and suddenly heard this, he immediately asked excitedly: "What?! He has someone he likes?!"

I didn't look at Daniel with a good breath: "Shut up."

Daniel complained depressedly: "I said, "How can this dead iceberg have someone you like? I see, he has been playing bachelor in his life! No one wants to marry him!"



"You have been very busy lately?"

"No, I am busy."

"Oh, that shut up."



For the first time, Kedori felt that it was the right thing to refuse the invitation of the Royal Orchestra and come to Pok Oi. Although he is far from home, there are many people who care about him. Here, he can also temporarily forget those people in his hometown and those things.

However, the earth has always been so big. When a rehearsal of a certain orchestra, Kedori saw his sister and the man at the door of Bai Ai, his whole person was in the same place, and his eyes were big.

Karen smiled and stepped forward, hugged his brother: "Kidori, how long does it take to go back?!"

Kedori smiled reluctantly: "Well, I will go back to Christmas, Karen."

"You, my parents missed you very much recently, but they are preparing for an art exhibition. They really can't find time to come to see you in Berlin. You have time to go back and see more, you know? You are thinner..."

Karen’s voice seemed to be in a thick layer of water mist in Kedori’s ear, and he couldn’t hear it. He stared blankly at the man not far away, only to see the latter staring at him at the moment. The twilight is calm and self-sufficient, as if nothing has happened.

The heart tightened, and Kedori smiled and looked at Karen. He said, "Karen, I will go back soon. One of our tour in the second half of the year was in London. It was just a few days to go home for a few days. "Don't pause, Kedori asked again: "Right, are you going to Berlin for business?"

Wen Yan, Karen nodded: "Well, the Elder Group intends to open a branch in Germany, so I and Visk may come to Berlin frequently during this time. After the matter is handled properly, we can not often It’s coming. But if you come to Berlin to see you, you used to go home two or three months before you were in college, but now you are not coming back completely."

In the evening, Visk was rushed to the hotel by Karen and opened a room. Karen himself went back to the apartment in Kdori with his younger brother. The two brothers and sisters had not seen each other for a long time and needed to contact them.

When he learned that Visk would go to a hotel outside for one night, Kedori was really relieved, but at this time he did not think that Karen’s sentence "may come to Berlin frequently during this time." What exactly meant it, until he finished the rehearsal of one day, he suddenly saw the handsome blond man standing in the lobby of Bai Ai headquarters, waiting quietly for him.

At the foot of Kedori's footsteps, he subconsciously reacted and turned away, but at this time, Visk had already seen him and reached out and said hello to him.

Kedori clung his fingers and went forward: "Hello, Mr. Elder, long time no see... Karen?"

Listening to this, Visk brows: "You don't have to say honor to me, just call me Visk. This time I came to Berlin alone, Karen didn't come in London."

Kedori turned his head and avoided the man's gaze: "I don't know what you are looking for?"

When he saw that the young man did not pay attention to his own words and still used respectful words to himself, Visk could not help but swear. For a long time, he whispered: "I haven’t seen it for a long time. I can’t see how you have been doing recently. ?"

As he spoke, Visk reached out and tried to help Kedori to pick up the things in his hand. Today, Kedori has a lot of things, in addition to the violin, there are several thick pieces of music. But when Visk’s hand just touched Kedori, he was quickly evaded by the latter.

Visk is a stiff body.

I saw that Kedori lowered his head and let the hair in front of his forehead block his own look. After a long time, he whispered: "Mr. Elder, please don't bother me to live... okay? Karen is not here, we...we don't seem to have any good talk. If you need to book a hotel, I can ask Daniel to help you. His relationship in Berlin is very wide."

Will Visel Elder still have a hotel? !

Looking at the attitude of youth alienation, Visk licked his lips and said: "I didn't want to book a hotel..."

"I will contact Daniel now."


"Please wait a moment, I will call Daniel..."


Suddenly, the sound of the high-pitched voice allowed a group of Bai’s members who had not left before to go all the way. I saw this handsome blond man frowning, and he straightened his hand over the young man’s hand. When the latter has not reacted, take the other side and go outside.

When Kedori was pushed into the car by Visk, he didn't react: how did things suddenly develop like this?

When Visk drove all the way to the apartment in Kdori, Kedori clung to the violin in his arms. For a long time, he finally sighed and said: "Mr. Elder, the last thing. ...Please forget it. It is an accident. I don't have any other thoughts about you. You are my brother-in-law, Karen's fiance, and my loved one."

In this passage, Kedori has already practiced countless times in these months. He thought that he could honestly say the exit and really let go of this accident, but when he really exported, he found that he did not say a word. It seems like a heart is cut, because he knows -

As long as I say this sentence, I really gave up the burgeoning feelings.

Although the heart has long been cut into small pieces by the blade, on the surface, Kedori is very calm. And this kind of calm, but let the always calm and calm, Visk Elder a little rush. Suddenly stopped at the side of the road, Visk turned and looked at the young man on the side, bluntly asked: "You said it was an accident?"

Kedori calmly beheaded: "Yes." Suddenly, he added: "Mr. Elder, many times the external factors are very likely to cause changes in people's emotions. In the circumstances, they are replaced by any I am afraid that I can't help my feelings alone. It doesn't matter if this person is you."

In the end, the anger was already saved in the body of Visk Elder. When he heard the last word, he seemed to be angry and laughed. Visk sneered and licked his lips and whispered a question: "Is it not me, it doesn't matter?"

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Kedori nodded calmly: "Yes, is it you, not...hey..."

The sudden kiss made Kedori stunned, his pale green scorpion stunned, and the man's overbearing scent invaded him, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Wesker directly took the cumbersome items in the hands of the young people to the side, and placed them in the back seat of the car. His hands tightly hugged the young people under his body, and his tongue madly glared at the youthful and round lips, and kept sucking. The soft lips make it red and bright.

Kedori’s resistance further promoted the feelings in the man’s body. His fingers slid into the young man's sweater hem, squatting on the other side of the chest and slamming it hard. This kind of tough behavior made the youth under him gradually give up resistance until the tears went down. Kedori’s cheeks slipped into the lips that the two men touched.

The bitter taste made Wisker Elder wake up.

The ironic anger was also slammed, and he let go of the young man under his horror, but he saw this simple warm youth squinting his hand at the moment, twitching gently. Tears flowed down his fingers and his lips were bright and dripping with a layer of awkward water, but at this moment, Visk had no more love.

What did he do just now...

"Visker Elder..."

The hoarse voice of the youth sounded.

"Why are you always making me impulsive..."

This made Visk slamming in place. He only heard Kedori repeat this way: "Can you stay away from me... Can you leave... Can you stop appearing in front of me? ...Wiesk Elder, I beg you, stay away from me..."

The sound of crying made Visk chilly. When he decided to let the young man let go, he heard the other crying and said, "Why... I like you so much..."

The world has become different again from this sentence.

Visk suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the young man who was lying on his back and crying. At this moment, Kedori also put down the hand that blocked his eyes. The red eyes were watching him like this, his eyes were simple, the color was warm, and his heart that had been frozen for a long time was gradually rejuvenated.

This evening, Visk did not live in the hotel. In the room that was illuminated by the moonlight, it was like a sneak peek. He kissed the young man's back and made the latter sensitively screaming.

At the moment when the two truly combined, Kedori couldn’t help but cry, not because of the intense pain, but because of the guilty feelings in his heart. He bit his shoulder on the man's shoulder and whispered in a low voice: "I am sorry Karen..."

Kissing the tears on the youth's cheeks, Visk sighed: "I have never embraced Karen."

Kdori’s body was stiff.

"We have never taken a kiss... Karen never loves me, and I am the same."

Kdori stunned and looked up at him, only to see Visk whispering lips: "You are my only, Kedori, my life, I love you alone."

"Love" makes this sex|things harmonious and beautiful, as if the fish are in the water, everything is beautiful and beautiful.

They have only seen it four times, but this relationship is not as shallow as anyone. Love is a mysterious and magical thing. Some people can't get along with each other for decades. Some people only have a short glance at each other, which determines their life.

Before this, Kedori absolutely did not believe that he had such a swaying side. His legs were tightly sandwiched by the man, and he heard himself shouting words that he had never dared to think in a shy voice. His heart has never been as complete as this moment, just as the good things of the world are concentrated on this night -

Weisk does not love Karen, and Karen does not love Visk.

They will dissolve the marriage contract, this man will not be his brother-in-law.

One night of indulgence made Kedori unable to lift his fingers the next day. He reluctantly sent a text message to Daniel, and he got a final reply and a sentence, "You have to rest well." After that, he smiled and put down his mobile phone, then drilled back into the bed and got into the arms of the still sleeping man.

The warmth in the man's chest made Cedori gradually fall asleep. He was still thinking about the moment before he lost consciousness -

I don't know when, Visk will break the marriage contract with Karen?

Read The Duke's Passion