MTL - Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue-Chapter 6 Guys in black are not necessarily bad guys

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Finished answering.

The police car drove away slowly.

In the car, several people were silent.

Ye Gengyi looked out the window, but his mind was completely on the event card.

The supernatural phenomenon located on the retina, Ye Gengyi has roughly mastered the control method, which gave him a sense of sight when playing games and checking the taskbar.

Expanding along this line of thinking, it really allowed him to discover something incredible.

In the cuboid composed of strange light, a frame suddenly appeared, and the dark small lattice divided vertically and horizontally, the head of which was exuding soft light.

Is this...

Ye Geng's heart beat faster.

He pretended to inadvertently picked up the pen in the car and played with it at will.

"How can I put it in?"

Just after the thought, when the three words "put in" appeared in his mind, Ye Genyi suddenly felt that the palm and the pen were completely fused together, just a little stunned, the thumbnail of a pen appeared like this in the distribution. In the bright little lattice.

Opened his palm, it was empty.

Ye Geng was stunned for more than ten seconds when he saw this scene.

If used reasonably, this is simply an artifact to destroy decisive evidence.

Etc., etc...

Where is it reasonable?

Cough cough... It's wrong to have this idea.

During the time of self-examination, Ye Genyi had basically mastered the usage method in the corner of the car door.

It seems to be similar to the decomposition and reorganization of particles, but I don't know whether it will cause harm to living things.

Write down the question, and have a chance to verify it.

After a few minutes, his eyes drifted to Officer Takagi.

Of course, he wasn't curious enough to put a living person in it.

All because the guy was so inattentive while driving.

I don't know what she's thinking about. If the exaggerated smiling face is seen by passers-by, I'm afraid it will become a new urban legend.


Considering the safety of life, Ye Genyi felt it was necessary to remind him.

Officer Takagi returned to his senses: "Ah? Is there something wrong?"

"Concentrate on driving...Thank you."

(?_?) Ye Geng died with fish eyes.

"I'm so sorry!"

It was as if he had been spied on some secret. Officer Takagi's scramble almost caused a traffic accident. At this moment, Ye Gengyi suddenly missed riding in a Porsche.

If vodka did this, it would definitely be headshot by gin...

Uh, it doesn't seem like something to be missed when you think about it this way.

Ye Geng was silent.

The atmosphere is quite awkward...

Officer Takagi said with a dry smile:

"That... Then again, I don't know what your name is."

"Ye Genyi."

The answer is short.

Shibu Takagi tried to continue the topic: "...Mr. Ye Geng, are you a detective in Tokyo?"

Ye Gengyi was silent for a moment: "No, I'm a professor in the field of microparticles, and I'm from China, my surname is Ye, not Ye Geng."

Officer Takagi: "I'm sorry, but Mr. Ye is a professor detective."

Professor detective? What is that occupation?

Ye Geng has half moon eyes.

But thinking of high school detectives, gourmet detectives, novelist detectives, etc., he endured it.

Quan should be regarded as following the local customs...

Under the rain curtain illuminated by neon lights.

Two police cars drove into the brightly lit police station one after another.

Detectives in Ke Xue World work very hard, almost all year round.

Even on occasional vacations, if you are not careful, you will also be involved in a murder case.

Ye Genyi followed behind Officer Takagi, and along the way, he really saw a few "familiar" faces.

It was Police Officer Takagi who helped Ye Gengyi make the transcript. The process was not complicated. After all, he was on the scene during the whole process of solving the case.

If the more famous Kudo Shinichi, he wouldn't even have to use it to take a statement.

Ye Geng didn't care about this, he was more concerned about the return trip.

You must know that it's still raining outside, and he doesn't have a penny on him.

If possible, it is also a good choice to have Officer Takagi give him a ride.

Although his driving skills are bad...

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ye."

Keep the transcripts for archiving.

Takagi Shibu was about to take Ye Geng downstairs, but he met a group of criminal policemen with sharp eyes. The one in front was a short-haired policewoman, dressed in a capable professional attire, looking very sassy.

Green leaves surround red flowers.

Shibu Takagi was stunned.

"Takagi, I heard from the Meguro Police Department, you are quite good!" Mikazu Sato smiled and patted Shibu Takagi's shoulder, "I'll treat you to a lunch later."

Detective A with ferocious eyes: "Yes, Takagi, can you lead the team to solve the case by yourself?"

The second detective with ferocious eyes: "Hide it deep..."


What else can I do other than giggling, waiting online is very urgent.

Ye Genichi distanced himself from Officer Takagi.

Why don't he borrow an umbrella and go back first?

Resolutely abandoning the police officer Takagi who was "loved" by his predecessors, Ye Gengyi came to the door.

The rain stopped.

That's great... it would be even better if there was a coat to wear.

Ye Geng had a sullen face and walked towards Dr. A Li's house according to the route he remembered.

You can't let him sleep on the street.

Just at the police station, he just glanced at the 100% progress bar on the event card, without further investigation.

Regarding the reading method of 'defective memory', Ye Gengyi was not sure whether there would be any adverse reactions.

If in front of the police, a scene of mourning while covering his forehead is staged, it is not something that can be fooled by a person who is a middle-aged person.

"By the way... I have to call Gin."

Ye Geng took out his mobile phone and called back the number in the address book.

There will be a call soon.

Ye Gengyi adjusted his emotions and his voice was indifferent: "It's me."

Jin Jiu's tone was also cold: "It's been quite a while."

Ye Gengyi: "I went to the police station to make a record, and I just left."

Jinjiu: "Oh? You're not showing anything, right?"

Ye Gengyi: "Compared to being photographed by a camera, my side is relatively safe."

Jin Jiu sneered: "Hehe, you don't need to take action on that matter, in case something goes wrong. When you were taking the transcript, the machine that stored the images had already been destroyed."

Ye Gengyi: "..."

Seems like I didn't win...

"Anyway, take your vacation with peace of mind."


Come on, you are ruthless...

Ye Geng was depressed.

However, he also found that his identity in the winery seemed to be no worse than that of gin, at least it was okay to spam each other with trash.

Right should be a comfort better than nothing...

Put the phone back in the pocket. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Under the moonlight, Ye Genyi's black clothes merged with the shadow.

Walking in the villa area, there are not many pedestrians on the street.

Not far away, there was the voice of a woman speaking.

"I really like Shinichi~"

Is it Xiaolan and Conan?

The two figures, one tall and one short, gradually approached.

Ye Gengyi didn't adjust his pace, didn't even turn his head to take a look, and just passed him by.

Conan's blushing face suddenly cooled down, holding Xiaolan's hand and looking back at Ye Gengyi's back, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"What's wrong with you, Conan? Conan..." Xiao Lan felt her arms sink, and she looked down to find Conan standing motionless.

"Is it an accomplice of those guys? No... It won't be so coincidental..."

"Conan, are you listening to me?"

A face with long horns and delicate features blocked the backs of Conan and Ye Genyi.

"Ah...Xiaolan...Sister..." Conan's face flushed.

Close...too close.

"What are you thinking? Is there anything strange about that person just now?" Xiaolan tilted her head in confusion.

"No, it's nothing." Conan changed his face in seconds, putting on an innocent look: "Sister Xiaolan, let's go."

At the same time, that dread made him suppress the impulse in his heart, and decided not to reveal his true identity to Xiao Lan for the time being.

"These guys in black, I must track down your old nest, and then completely uproot you!"

A certain famous detective who became smaller secretly made up his mind.


In front of the gate of No. 22, Beikacho 2-chome, Ye Gengyi tightened his collar and complained, "This dress is really too thin."

Read The Duke's Passion