MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-v2 Chapter 1359 It ’s okay to be mad, and to be carried by Qiu Shen!

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Objectively speaking, Rongye's solution is good.

Perhaps what really makes people speechless is his poisonous milk constitution.

As soon as the circle brush was brushed on the mountain, a lot of people were unlucky, and the safety zone was brushed on the mountain in an instant.

Isn't it special poison milk?

In Y city, Liu Zilang and his team of four looked at each other.

"Is this circle aimed at us?"

Li Muqiu asked with some toothache.

"I think it's against you." Liu Zilang pouted. "We all follow you."

"We don't remember this pot!" Li Muqiu was unwilling.

He was thinking about talking about it again.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Gao Yunyang suddenly said, "Don't make a noise, can you be as mature as me?"

Both Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu were surprised.

After a while,

Liu Zilang said sincerely:

"Sorry, I can't sleep."

Gao Yunyang: ...

Your uncle!

I'm letting you mature

Not to make you fall asleep like me!


Host the commentator.

"Oh, I didn't expect Rongye to guess."

Msjoy smiled and said, "That lap can be a nightmare for players in City Y. Before the next wave of drug contraction, all teams in City Y must run poison."

"I didn't expect it to happen." Rongye shook his head with a bitter smile, and then continued:

"Of the four teams in the city, there are cars on the OMG side, but they are stuck by the European and American Gates in the puzzle building area north of Y City, and they can't get away."

"It's the most painful to have a car, and it's like a person dies and spends his money."

Msjoy also smiled and nodded, "That is only 20 seconds left before the next wave of poison contraction. This is the third wave of poison in this game. Most of the players on our field ca n’t afford it, Can't eat for too long. "

"It's true." Bai Shaobin nodded slightly, his gaze fixed on the small map at the bottom right of the screen, and frowned slightly:

"But it seems that Se7en2 has started to move. In their direction, I feel a bit toward the sound of gunfire."

"Does Se7en2 want to fight at this time?"

Msjoy wondered, "They should know that their biggest enemy at this time is not the player in City Y, but the hill in the north security zone."

"Yes, but I think that with the style of the Se7en2 team, if they can eat black, then I don't think they will mind eating black before leaving."

Hearing Rongye's analysis, Bai Shaobin looked at Liu Zilang and his party under the big screen guide.

He said with some disapproval, "I don't think their advance lineup is like a fight, it's like someone is doing bad things, and the rest are helping out."

"Blow off?"

Rongye and Msjoy looked at each other.

But soon, the two knew what Bai Shaobin called a "bad thing."

For a moment, the two cast an instant admiration for Bai Shaobin.

Under the large-screen guide lens, Li Muqiu Gao Yunyang and Shen Zeyan fired after the four of them approached Se7en2.

The indiscriminate confrontation between OMG and Gates, who were facing each other, was a fight.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that in the rain of guns and bullets, a wretched figure touched it quietly.

Immediately after,

He quietly drove out a bouncing.

After a while, he went back and forth to drive a motorcycle.

As soon as Li Muqiu saw that the throttle of Liu Zilang riding his motorcycle was twisted in the rain of guns, he couldn't turn back, and he raised the speed and ran towards the direction of Guangming Ding north.

He glanced back, suddenly a little shrewd, "What about the car?"

"Isn't it for you?"

Liu Zilang never looked back.

"But Bounce can only be two people."

Li Muqiu really wanted to pull Liu Zilang, and made three fingers in front of him to tell him that we have three left.

Liu Zilang smiled slowly and said slowly, "If I were you, I wouldn't ask such questions now."

"Stupid is still asking questions, smart people are already ..."

"Ha?" Li Muqiu froze slightly.

When he looked back, he found that Shen Zeyan had been sitting in the back of the bouncing hug AWM squarely, looking like a schoolboy.

At the same time, Gao Yunyang sprinted at a speed of 100 meters.

next moment,

He "jumped" into a bouncing.


The bouncing engine roared!

Li Muqiu was a little dumbfounded, and suddenly she blew an exhaust behind her bouncing.

"See you."

Gao Yunyang's forefinger and **** were put together, and he put a gesture on his forehead towards Li Muqiu.

Immediately after,

He followed Liu Zilang.

At the back Li Muqiu suddenly felt stupid.

See you?

Hemp eggs!

What if you do n’t see me back?

咻咻 咻 ——!

He had just thought of it, and OMG and Gates who had provoked them together held his head for a while, Li Muqiu hurriedly bent over and ran away.

Seeing this picture under the director's camera, the water friends in the live broadcast room immediately laughed out loud.

"Vic stealing a car is too real."

"You are stealing a man?"

"Distressed me Qiu Shen, I was beaten by a professional household."

"It's okay to be crazy together, to be carried by Qiu Shen!"

"Smile to my death, why is Qiu Shen hurt every time?"

"Speaking of reason, I think this wave should be the place that Qiu Shen took the initiative."

"I feel the same way, Qiu Shen just did n’t want to go in the face of the car at all ~ ~ But this wave is also good, the Se7en2 with the car is much better. Side should still pick up people. "

"You must be picking up, you can't really throw Qiu Shen down?"


It is naturally impossible to leave Li Muqiu.

However, Se7en2's plan on their side is not Liu Zilang to pick up people, but the bouncing car that Gao Yunyang drives behind to pick up people.

Because for Se7en2.

With a car,

It's a lot easier to get out of town.

But this is only the first step.

After taking the first step, their next wave must still take root in the safe zone.

In this case, Liu Zilang's galloping motorcycle is undoubtedly the most suitable for this task.

What's more important now is to make a breakthrough in the safety zone, rather than go back to pick up people.

"Oh! Se7en2 is fast."

"Yes, Vic, who is ahead of him, is almost at the foot of the mountain."

"There are a lot of teams around Guangmingding, and now we are looking for a breakthrough."

"Oh, Vic is in front of SKK in this direction."

"No, right? Meet SKK again?"

"It's over, SKK can't be considered a breakthrough."

"But SKK's formation on the mountain seems to be scattered, and this wave may be uncertain."


To the east of Guangming Ding, on a mountain slope.

SKK's assaulter, Billy, squatted behind the tree.

Suddenly there was an excitement in his eyes, and his gaze kept drifting in one direction.

next moment,

A motorcycle appeared in his vision.


Read The Duke's Passion