MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-v2 Chapter 1351 Friends of the dead do not die!

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Supported by Shen Zeyan and Gao Yunyang.

As for the "pig" who died before the teacher died at this time, the metaphor of crushing the camel's last straw may not be appropriate.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to replace the guest and guest as the last camel that crushed the straw.

Host the commentator.

"Oh! Se7en2 has already reacted. They are all deployed now."

"Yes, we can see that Ze Shao and Sloth have touched from the flanks. Are the three remaining in this wave going to join the group?"

"I feel a bit difficult. The strength of Se7en2 is obvious to all, not to mention that the game on Se7en2 is still complete."

"Well, after all, when the desert map was played in the mansion, Se7en2, which played an incomplete match with the two teams of the GRF, was struggling."

"Look! Seems to realize this too. They want to know the current affairs manager is Junjie, and leave their feet with oil."

"Do you want to run straight out of the airport?"

"No, they didn't run out of the airport. They turned to the boiler room?"

"Go to the boiler room? What do you want?"


Hearing Rongye's words, everyone in the field looked at each other a little.

Just then, Bai Shaobin suddenly came over.

He looked at the game screen and groaned, touching his chin. "At the beginning of the boiler room, there was a team of people. It was the Japanese SST team, the previous team of Menhera sauce.

"You said, would you like to join other teams to play Se7en2 like you did last game?"

Hearing Bai Shaobin's speculation, Rongye and Msjoy looked at each other.

Rong Ye nodded, and slightly nodded:

"Well, if you say that, it doesn't seem impossible."

Facts soon proved that Bai Shaobin was right.

In the game, the four players fought and retreated, all the way back towards the boiler room.

Actually, my heart is very bitter.

If there is a choice, the ghost will continue to consume here with the abnormally complete team such as Se7en2 in the unfavorable starting position.

It's a pity they have no choice at all.

Several people in the C building started, but watched as Liu Zilang and Li Muqiu drove along the airport highway for a while, desperately destroying all the tires one by one.

In this case, it is simply unrealistic for them to run on only one leg.

So Evermore decided to take the plunge and go to the boiler room to "borrow soldiers."

Although they said in the last game, they and GRF failed to kill Se7en2 in the mansion.

But at the time, they fled after Se7en2.

In this game, they didn't want to chase Se7en2 everywhere, as long as they could unite the team in the boiler room to drive back this life-demanding Se7en2.

Then they are already satisfied ...

It's a pity Evermore is countless, but he missed it.

Not every team is GRF.

They are not flattering sweethearts, and they are all dads.

Suddenly, the barrage rolled up at a certain moment during the live broadcast of domestic official events.

"Well? That's wrong!"

"Behind, seems to be hit by someone in the boiler room?"

"No, right? Didn't the white team say they just came for help?"

"You ask for help? SST is not South Korea."

"Actually speaking, the relationship between SST and Se7en2 is better. After all, Menher sauce is from SST. Is it a **** family?"

"Haha, my maid is OK."

"If you say that, it won't hurt you."


咻咻 咻 ——!

On the grass of the barbed wire railing between the C-shaped building and the boiler room, the three were dumbfounded by a bullet that suddenly came from the boiler room behind them.

The youngest honest man in the team, Loki, shook his lips and turned his head to look at Evermore. "Pigs, aren't there any people here to help?"

Evermore's eyes twitched.

He was shot shortly on his knee.

Hearing Loki's indifferent question, he couldn't help glaring at him and said angrily, "How do I know that the boiler room team is so unreasonable."

"Ah? I thought you already talked to them," Loki said subconsciously. "Isn't this a GR with us ..."


Before he could finish speaking, he suffered a blow from the back of his head.

Evermore stared at him with a hate for iron and steel, quietly glanced at the referee standing behind him, turning his head and staring at Loki.

This baby has thick eyebrows.

How can you be a fool?

Loki responded, and quickly covered his mouth.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a "little doudou" suddenly flew in the direction of the boiler room, rotating and constantly zooming in his field of vision ...


Loki exclaimed.

Turning around, the two teammates next to him have long been running towards the sides.

I was a fool.


At this point Loki was too late to run again.

However, while this life was on the brink, he suddenly flashed a flash of lightning in his mind, remembering the man behind him who was chasing his own team ...

So in this flashlight, Loki actually found a pan from behind with a ghostly look.

Qi Shen Dan Tian.

The moment he was about to hit his face in front of the grenade, he pulled out suddenly.

Life or death ...

It's up to this pot!

The moment he pulled it out, Loki's heart lightened and he closed his eyes slightly subconsciously.


The next moment, he suddenly remembered a crisp sound like Xianle in his ear.

Hit it! !! !!

Loki opened his eyes at once, and the joy of the rest of his life in his heart suddenly overflowed with expressions, wishing that he could cry three times, "Mama, I did it."

But he hadn't had time to shout ~ ~ but the ecstasy on his face was froze, and he turned subconsciously to look at Evermore sitting beside him.

Besides Evermore

The pig king is the one that responds most quickly.

The moment the grenade appeared above the forehead, his whole body suddenly became a thriller!

At that moment, there was no time to say much.

Subconsciously, he immediately ran away.

However, after running, Evermore found something wrong.

Just now he was panicking, but turned his head in the direction of Se7en2 to the north.

It's almost rushing to people's faces now.

So Evermore was anxious, and a tactic lay down on the grass.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a look on his side.

He turned his head and found Loki staring at him in horror.

In that look ...

Wrong, uneasy, remorse ...

and also...


With some confusion, Evermore wanted to read something more from that look!

There was a loud noise in my ear!

He exploded, his heart suddenly beating.

The next moment, Evermore suddenly turned his head suddenly.

On the monitor screen, I saw that my character "biu" lying on the grass suddenly flew out like a disconnected kite and threw himself to his knees.

After a while, the look on Evermore's face suddenly freezes!

All the doubts in the previous mind were all at this moment, and suddenly realized ...

I realize your uncle!

Quickly seal the smoke to save labor!

Evermore just wanted to burst out!

Suddenly, on his knees, a pair appeared on the ground in front of him.


Read The Duke's Passion