MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-v2 Chapter 1322 They can't eat chicken, let's eat!

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Misaka Ginmi couldn't make it, and Li Muqiu who followed him couldn't see it, and rushed up decisively.

So there was the bullet gun rain on the big screen that was braving the enemy's gun. The audience was a little stunned!

"Autumn ... It's a strange man full of passion at all times!" On the commentary stage, Lord Rong murmured to himself on the big screen.

"It seems that when it comes to iron, Qiu Shen doesn't lose Menhera sauce." Msjoy couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, what do you say?"

Bai Shaobin's gaze fluttered into the room, and he said quietly, "Is there a chance for Loki to fight against Georgia?"

Listening to what he said, he seemed to wish Loki a surprise.

Rong Ye and Msjoy both smiled when they heard.

Obviously, they also know the stories Li Muqiu and Bai Shaobin had to tell in those passionate years ...



In the sharp and violent gunfire, AKM's muzzle danced fiercely!

"Brother, sorry!"

In the room, facing Li Muqiu's fateful offensive outside, Loki knew that it was only a matter of time to fall.

So he gritted his teeth and gave up his teammate kneeling on the ground, and jumped straight from the window.

Seeing this, the audience immediately couldn't help talking about it.

"Oh! The dog jumped out of the window!"

"Haha, I know these sticks are the most unkind."

"Wait, wait! Loki is in this position. Vic is next to it."

"Ze Shao doesn't seem to be on this side, it's bad, won't he really run away?"


Just when everyone was a little worried.

The next moment, the picture under the director's camera shot surprised everyone!


Loki jumped from above.

He slightly supported his hands on the ground, his body suddenly bouncing like a cheetah.

At this point, Loki had only one word in his mind.


Go out and have a chance!

Right now they haven't reached the finals. If they fall here, they are all over!

Loki never expected that his forefoot had just stepped out, but his body got stuck uncontrollably, and the whole person returned.

what's the situation?

Loki looked down.

The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely!

On the ground in front of me, a "boar pecs" drilled out of nowhere, and he was arching his legs fiercely and stuck him on the wall behind him.

If this is a "niche", Loki at this time is equivalent to being nibbled by "boar pecs". As for the identity of this boar pecs naturally.

"Vic is crazy, this dare to keep people."

"Hemp! This guy's heart is too big."

"No, Loki pulled his gun!"

In the picture, Loki draws the gun behind him in a desperate manner.

court death!

He grinned.


Unexpectedly, there was a "bang" gunshot from the field in the short electric light towards Lu.

Loki's muzzle flickered just now,

A dazzling blood mist bloomed on the bright second-level head.

He shook his body in place, fluttered and fell to the ground.

"Se7en2-Wolves killed-Loki with a Kar98K headshot!"

Mission off!

All deserve it!

The next moment, a silhouette flashed in front of Liu Zilang, and Shen Zeyan had already appeared beside him to help others, his face still looked like that of light clouds.

All of a sudden!

Countless water watchers off the field and between live broadcasts were suddenly stunned by Shen Zeyan's timely life-saving shot, and they could not help emitting a burst of exclamation.

"My God! Ze Shao is too timely!"

"Oh, I'm so touched by China!"

"Qiu Ze Shao teammate, why does my teammate throw thunder at me?"

"Don't mention thunder throwing, the teammates of the labor and management team missed one shot and the teammates shot one accurate shot. Is it the wrong way to open the game?"


There was a sigh of sorrow in the field.

Se7en2 also successfully terminated it without any risk and found a foothold in the safe zone.

At the same time, on the south side of the mountain not far from them.

"See it, nobody's gone."

SKT's Mercedes-Benz face complexly glanced at the upper right of the screen and swiped the screen. He pointed to Jin Douhuan, who was silent, "It was killed by Se7en2."

"I want to say that we shouldn't be bothering about that just now." Ted couldn't help complaining in the team.

What he said was that the beginning of the wave and GRF jointly hunted down Se7en2, but they were dragged by Jin Douhuan.

Until now, the two teams were all buried in the hands of Se7en2.

"It's over!" Suddenly Phan remembered something, and said with an ugly expression, "When we finish the game, we must be said."

You know, before the game, they were pulled into a small room by the head coach of the South Korean Division and had a secret meeting. The situation now is really difficult for them.

Brother Mercedes sighed, his eyes turned again to Jin Douhuan, who was sitting upright on the chair.

"What to say?"

Suddenly, Jin Douhuan opened his eyes and glanced at a few people around him.

"It's not as good as humans, and Ganbai is down."

After saying this, he suddenly took a deep breath.

"They won't win the fight, we SKT come to fight!"

"The group they can't win, we SKT will pick up!"

"The chicken they can't eat, we SKT come to eat!"

After uttering these three sentences in one breath, he looked again at the teams next to him, his face full of "I have finished speaking, who has an opinion" look.

Looking at the arc of Jin Douhuan's chin, the three of the team couldn't help looking at each other.

After a long time, Mercedes Benz looked at the third wave of poisonous circle that was about to shrink.

"Well ... I'll get off the bus first."

Jin Douhuan nodded faintly, turned and walked to a safe place.


On the host's commentary stage ~ ~ Rongye remembered the scene just now and couldn't help laughing:

"The cooperation of this wave of Se7en2 is good, Vic's heart is dark enough, and he has rushed to kill none of them."

"That's right, then we're downsizing almost half on the court, and there are only 13 teams and 40 people left."

"Yes, now the next lap is about to be brushed. If it is brushed in the eastern half, I think it is going to enter a very terrible downsizing point."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"If you look at this circle, there are basically wasteland and some slow hills around. We can see that most of the teams are currently gathered in the western half of the circle. If the circle is brushed to the east, you guarantee that you will be with you Don't hit him with an extra team? "

"Well, it really seems like that."

"The good news is that two of our three teams in the Huaxia Division, except Se7en2, are in the eastern half of the safe zone. The teams here are not dense. No matter which side of the next safe zone they brush, they will not suffer too much . "

"Well ... then Se7en2 is a bit hard to say."

"Yes, I think they'd better find another car now in case they need it."


Just as the situation on the field was explained and analyzed, the radiation grid contracting from all around also unknowingly coincided with the boundary of the safe area.

The next moment, the scene suddenly quieted down.


Iced Midnight says

Ask for tickets 噜噜 噜 ~

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