MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-v2 Chapter 1319 Joke of the Year!

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"Hold on to old autumn!"

"Snake up! Yeah! Snake up!"

In Se7en2's voice, Liu Zilang's voice was frustrated, but unfortunately it sounded like a crow noisy.

Snake your brother-in-law!

Li Muqiu's face was covered with black lines.

Jingle bells jingle bells!

The bullet landed on the body like rain, and the starting point of the bursting Mars exploded. The gradual decline of the body's durability gave people a sense of life-thirsty.

I was a fool!


There was no expression on Li Muqiu's face.

When he first heard that Liu Zilang said he wanted to detect the enemy alone, he drove back on his own, and there was a little touch in his heart.

He thought that Liu Zilang suddenly found that he had given him a "good job" to pick up people.

In the end, Li Muqiu found that he was inexplicably upset again, and it seemed that he might be strangled at any moment ...

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Li Muqiu couldn't wait, howling in the voice of the team chat.

Liu Zilang was silent.

Misaka Kotomi thought that Liu Zilang had not heard it negligently. She sat beside her and twisted her little **** immediately, and reminded Liu Zilang loudly:

"Wet and wet! Qiu Shen is going to be choked to death!"

Li Muqiu pumped twice.

Misaka Komei, the second child, had no doubt about him, and also said to Li Muqiu with special concern, "Autumn God Qiu God, haven't you been strangled yet?"

Right now she and Shen Zeyan are on standby for an airdrop.

Shen Zeyan had a good shot of Win94 in his hand, and he could fight with people for a few shots.

On the other hand, Misaka Ginami didn't snipe, and she had just been taken away by Li Muqiu's tiger mouth. At this moment, she can only care about her teammates and relieve their boredom ...

At the same time, where Liu Zilang was.

Da Da Da-!


The sound of gunfire seemed to be nearing the ear.

This is indeed the case.

Seeing the picture under the director's camera, the audience immediately talked about it.

"No! Vic really touched it?"

"Knights is a whole formation. Does Vic want a string of four again?"

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Even with the help of Qiu Shen, but the Pittsburgh Cavaliers are not weak, Vic wants to play RBQ just like Qiu Shen."

"So I'm not convinced by RBQ? What is it like beating us?"


铮 ——!

Suddenly a soft noise.

At this moment, the director's lens suddenly zoomed in and zoomed in. At this moment, everyone saw the grenade in Liu Zilang's hand.

"Oh my God! Vic is about to throw thunder!" On the commentary stage, Lord Rong woke his throat.

Msjoy rubbed his hands and said with a tone of excitement, "If that's the case, maybe Vic really has a chance to give us all the work!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Bai Shaobin shook his head and stared at the camera.

"Knights' four-person standings are very scattered. The effect of Vic is not as good as I expected."

Hearing Bai Shaobin's words, Rongye and Msjoy took a closer look.

Sure enough.

It turned out that in order to take into account the vision of the surroundings, the four-person stand really pulled apart.

If Liu Zilang throws thunder, even if he warms up perfectly, he won't give the opponent time to dodge.

I am afraid that it can only cause a single explosion, and it is no different from a gun attack.

It may even be worse than the latter.

Because if you use a gun to attack directly, you can quickly pull the gun after you knock down one. Maybe you can take another one before the other responds.

But if only one thunder is thrown, the next time you want to connect to the attack, you have to cut the gun. The time to cut the gun is the reaction time of Knights.

In the face of the remaining three guns of Knights, Liu Zilang's situation is still worrying ...

After hearing the analysis on the stage, many viewers under the scene and between the live broadcast eyes widened, staring at the ready-to-go thunder in Liu Zilang's hands, and silently followed the countdown.

However, the countdown is not over yet.

Without any warning, Liu Zilang suddenly stood up and slammed his hands, and the thunder in his hand flew directly towards the position of Knights.

"Uh? What's the matter?"

"This ... is it early?"

"It's over, Vic has made a mistake!"

After the grenade pulls a string, there is a countdown. In general, to complete an unexpected instant burst thunder, you must fully warm up in your hand.

The wave of Liu Zilang was obviously not warmed up enough, and he threw it out without much warming up after pulling the string.

But at the next moment, everyone on the field was surprised to find that the thunder of Liu Zilang was not only not fully warmed up, but also thrown away. It was thrown among the four people, a position that no one could blow up ...


Rong Ye is speechless.

"Vic is a little bit hip today." Msjoy on the side shook his head.

Everyone on the field could not help but sigh.

However, such a grenade as a grenade has always been metaphysical. Although Liu Zilang threw a slipper, it was a pity that it was not incomprehensible, and he could only mourn in his heart.

After all, Liu Zilang was alone at this time. If the grenade burst and one person was not blown down, then he would undoubtedly face the muzzles of all four Knights. The situation is really not that difficult.

Unexpectedly, Rong Ye suddenly exclaimed.

"Wait, Vic cuts his gun!"

"Oh! He rushed up!"

this moment,

To everyone's surprise,

It seems that Liu Zilang, who knew he was thrown out of the air, attacked from below, uncontrollably, holding the M16 in his hand and facing the Cavaliers, the closest Krama among them was a wave of death!


"Well! This wave ..."

"Oh, Vic's marksmanship is out!"

"What happened to Vic? This didn't kill him?"

"I feel like he's slipping a bit."

It turned out that although Liu Zilang's wave of shots maimed his opponent, it was actually Krama who escaped to stay sideways to avoid it.

You should know that in a professional match, you are attacked sideways by a sneak attack. It should be a chance to fall directly to the ground without any response.

Krama escaped to the limit.

In this respect, he responded quickly.

On the other hand, the crux of the problem lies with Liu Zilang. He shot a wave, otherwise the other party would not have any time to react.

Audiences off-site and live-stream also realized this, and immediately made a noise.

At the same time, several of Knights reacted very quickly.

"Sneak attack!" Krama looked at her blood, secretly in her heart.

"Don't go against him!"

"We support it."

The three of the Knights team said quickly.

At this time, try to avoid teammates falling to the ground ~ ~ Otherwise, it is easy to lose sight of each other.

However, Knights never expected that the voxsic from the west and Draedo from the south just ran to the middle, and there was a loud noise at their feet. They both flew together like a sky monkey!

"what's the situation?"

Krama, who was taking medicine, was aggressive.

"It's a grenade!" Just after the TEXQS in the north said something, his face suddenly changed slightly, and without hesitation, he lifted up the SKS in his hand and looked at it!

嘭 嘭 嘭 ——!

A burst of texture-like sniper sounded suddenly.

The next moment, two blood mists burst out of the TEXQS's head uncontrollably, his knees softened, and the whole person fell to the ground with a gun in an instant without control.

But the other person fell,

The gunfire didn't stop.

what's the situation?

Everyone on the court was a bit stunned. On the big screen, the director's footage was extremely fast!

But it's still a bit slow ...

At the moment the picture was given, the last person left of Knights was also the first person shot by Liu Zilang but not killed.

Suddenly there were countless blood mists on his body, and the impact of the bullet directly knocked him out!

Then, almost instantly, the kill at the top right of the screen swept out like water!

Seeing this unexpected scene, the commentary on the stage and the countless spectators off the scene were dumbfounded!

On ... what's the joke?

Say good gun water is bad?


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