MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-v2 Chapter 1307 Treasure Boy Vic!

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On the stage, Liu Zilang walked with a restrained and waved face and greeted the audience off the court.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly darkened.

What's going on?

Who turned off the lights?

Suddenly Liu Zilang raised his head subconsciously, hula, and a piece of clothing covered his face.

After a while, the cheering sound on site was like pressing the mute button!

Nuoda's stadium was silent, and the air seemed to freeze at this instant.

Pedal Pedal!

With her short legs, Misaka Ginmi hurried over from behind, and quickly raised her hand to tear open the clothes over Liu Zilang's head. She lowered her head like a schoolboy who did something wrong, and said:

"Wet ... wet.

Liu Zilang turned his body stiffly, glanced at the "little second goods" slightly with a corner of his mouth, and wanted to hold his head against her head.

Don't ask.

He also knew how the clothes came over.


Take a deep breath.

The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable.

this is not good...

not good...

Liu Zilang turned around with a smile, and took the clothes from the dumbly Misaka Kotomi, and said kindly, "Come and help you dress for the teacher."

"Ah?" Misaka Ginmi froze slightly.

The next moment, her eyes were dark, and her clothes had covered her head.

"Ahhh!" Komiko Misaka shouted under her clothes.

"Wet, it hurts!"

After getting dressed, Koizumi Misaka saw tears in her eyes, and there seemed to be a red mark in front of her forehead under the air of her forehead.

"Not being a human ..."

Li Muqiu shook her head when she saw this.

However, at this time, the audience behind the scene and the live broadcast screamed again after seeing this scene, and Li Muqiu's feelings were completely opposite.

"Wow this action of getting dressed is so warm!"

"Look and see! Xiao Qin Mei is moved to tears."

"Well, I didn't expect Vic to be a warm man!"

"Resolve embarrassment with elegance, treasure boy Vic, love love!"


At this time, if you know that the barrage in the live room is these with a bun on the face, I'm afraid I will scream on the spot ...


In the interview area, all four of Se7en2 played.

The blonde hair waved Taiben and the microphone in her hands, wearing shiny high-heeled shoes, and the translators came over from below.

Thinking of what Liu Zilang said at the end of the interview of the double volleyball yesterday, she could n’t help but laughed at Liu Zilang. . "

"Hello everyone, this is Lech!" Li Muqiu grinned at the camera.

"Wo ... Wo is Menhera sauce!" Misaka Koto said nervously.

After speaking, she subconsciously covered her head.


Shen Zeyan's voice was faint and as brief as ever.

Liu Zilang opened his mouth and was about to connect. The big wave on the side suddenly interrupted with a smile:

"Well, there is no need to introduce this. I believe we have heard enough in the two days of the game. Let us call out his name together."

"Vic !!!"

"Vick Liu !!!"

"Dog Thief Vic !!!"

All of a sudden, the interview table suddenly screamed around, and finally turned into a laugh.

Liu Zilang heard the corners of his eyes twitched, and was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, after looking at the eye book on the big wave side, he quickly gave the topic to Li Muqiu.

"Autumn God, according to the fan question we collected from the Internet, why do everyone say‘ Four people and four ghosts are showing, only Qiu God is being beaten ’.”

The final word of the blonde wave was spoken in Chinese. Although the accent was awkward, but with the crooked expression on her face, her doubts were accurately expressed.

Well, this time Li Muqiu is embarrassed.

"Cough ..." Li Muqiu gave a dry cough and waved his hand straightly, "The rumors are all rumors."

"In fact, from a scientific perspective, the assaulter is indeed a position that is easier to sacrifice, but this is also the fate and mission of an assaulter."

"We use our lives to contribute to the team."

"No picture is not good."

"What kind of spirit is this, eh?"

In the end, Li Muqiu was touched by herself, proudly raising an eyebrow at Liu Zilang.

"Spiritual spirit?" Liu Zilang tempted.

"..." Li Muqiu.

I hit your brother-in-law!

Li Muqiu was about to go violently, and the big wave of blonde hair interjected immediately, "Well, the next question is about Menhera sauce, the only female player in our Se7en2 team."

"Hey, Wo ... Wo's turn." Misaka Koto's bun looks a little shy.

"Well, Menhera played very well in the last game. Whether it was the pan mine or the back that attracted Vic in the smoke, it showed great tactical determination ..."

"No, no."

Misaka Ginmi quickly waved her hands, and she said, honestly, "The pan was so wet that the wok was frightened."

"In the smoke behind, uh, at that time, the nest felt so wet, we must let him go out first."

"..." The blond waved his mouth wide.

What the hell?

What did you say when you said that?

She reluctantly looked at the eye book, and her eyes quickly turned to Shen Zeyan.

Sharp eyebrows, thin, frizzy lips, sharp-edged faces with sharp edges ...

Even the aesthetics of westerners with big blond hair ~ ~ I feel that Shen Zeyan in front of me is indeed a rare "CoolGuy!" (Cool guy)

As for the personality of Shen Zeyan, the on-site director's group clearly heard about it, so the preparation questions are very brief.

"The matchup between Rocky and Satan was very exciting in the last game. Do you still have the confidence to truly defeat them in this game?"

After hearing this, Shen Zeyan blinked in his eyes and said softly, "I'm looking forward to it."

Without Li Muqiu's publicity.

No surprise from Liu Zilang.

Shen Zeyan's answer was straightforward, but it was full of unspeakable strong confidence.

The big blond wave looked at Shen Zeyan with a nod of satisfaction. After turning his gaze to the next Liu Zilang, his face twitched imperceptibly instantly.

It's my turn so soon?

Forget it, sooner or later.

"That ... Netizens have a lot of questions about you in the last game. Here we will find the one that everyone cares about the most and who has the most questions."

"When did you find Vivian when you picked up your car in the finals of the match?"

After speaking, the big blonde wave looked at Liu Zilang with curiosity.

Liu Zilang coughed with a fist, "When she got on the bus ... I knew it."

All of a sudden!

After hearing this, the audience immediately under the scene and the live broadcast uproar!

In the backstage studio, Msjoy suddenly stood up and pointed at the interview broadcast picture on the LCD screen on the wall with a frosty cry:

"I knew it! I knew it was."


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