MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-Chapter 4 Gun Shake?

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Chen Zhifei, who crawled behind the bunker, heard the approaching footsteps on the opposite side, Zhengjue's life was bleak and his future was bleak.

Suddenly, a figure flitted past him, slamming into a straight face and touching someone from the opposite corner!

Bang bang bang! !! !!

Da da da! !! !!

All of a sudden, gunfire rang and smoke filled.

It's just a breath. In the blink of an eye, the victory and defeat have been divided, and a killing tip appears in the lower left corner!

"Vic123 knocked down JJ2B with a UMP9 submachine gun!"

Look down!

子 The three people beside Liu Zilang stopped, but they quickly reacted.

Yes indeed!

We also have a teammate!

"Okay! The prodigal son!"

Pu Taizhuang, who was sitting next to him, slammed Liu Zilang's shoulder in excitement, and shouted at the screen, "Hurry up and make up this B cub!"

"Don't! Don't!" Chen Zhifei, who was desperate, reminded him quickly, "Pull me first! I'm going to be cold, let the kid crawl first."

The clinker Chen Zhifei's words just fell, and a dense gunfire sounded suddenly on the left side of the low wall.

Bang bang bang!

After a burst of fire, Chen Zhifei, who had only half of his blood left in the ground, hit two shots and was directly cool ...

"Luo Shiba used M16A4 to kill Contra in the water!"

Hey, your uncle! !! !!

Chen Zhifei, who was hoping to burst into tears, couldn't help but swear, then turned and shouted at Liu Zilang, "Kill him! Kill this grandson!"

However, this time Liu Zilang did not obey, because he was out of blood.

The person who turned around on the opposite side took M16A4 bursts to kill Chen Zhifei, and then shot Liu Zilang who was squatting behind.

If it wasn't for Liu Zilang's response to cancel the rescue in time, and evaded sideways, I'm afraid that this **** skin would be gone.

Seeing the blood volume of Liu Zilang, Pu Taizhuang calmly commanded, "Don't hurry, the prodigal hits the blood first, and he will make up for the one that you just fell down, even if he dies, he will drag two into the water. "

Ji Ranmao and Chen Zhifei also nodded, "Yes! There is no loss for one, and two for the money!"

Obviously, the ideas of these three buddies are all fate.

After all, Liu Zilang played this game for the first time. They can remember the reaction when they just played this game. At that time, their minds were "Who am I?", "Where am I?", "Who is playing? I?".

To be honest, just before the wave of close-ups to the gun Liu Zilang was able to kill the person opposite, it was enough to surprise them.

But if this makes them have higher expectations for Liu Zilang, it is obviously impossible.

Uh ...

Hey! Oh! Oh!

After hitting a first-aid kit, Liu Zilang took a chance to quickly probe and directly make up for the person who had just been knocked down by him.

The moment he finished making up, he shrank back very quickly.

的 The person holding the gun opposite felt only a flash before his eyes, and before his time to fire, his teammates became cold!

what's the situation?

This scene is also Pu Taizhuang's eyes brightened, "Yeah, prodigal son! This hand is fast!"

Chen Zhifei was out of the bad breath for a long time, "make up beautiful! Let these grandsons make up for me!"

Qi Ranmao was looking at the screen, and was a little worried. "G Gang G should have just jumped to a four-man squad. There are three left, and that guy's teammate should be here soon."

Facts quickly proved that Ran Maozhen's analysis was not wrong.

After Liu Zilang had killed the person on the opposite side, the person hiding behind the wall on the side did not scurry up. Instead, he continued to pull the gun line to the left and formed a encirclement trend with the two teammates who came over to the right, not to hide Liu Zilang Opportunity behind the low wall.

Liu Zilang frowned slightly when she saw the movement across.

The almost innate sense of smell and consciousness made him quickly perceive each other's intentions, and then he saw that while holding the two people who may appear on the right at any time, he quickly pulled back and came to a small two-story building behind him. in.

Uh ...

"Entered the building!"

"The opposite consciousness is good."

嗯 "Well, it should be a veteran, he was very fast when he just added JJ!"

"Don't call me JJ !!!"

"What's your name 2B?"



I said at the end, the voice in the opposite side laughed again, without any tension.

Obviously, even though Liu Zilang showed good consciousness on the opposite side, they had three people.

You know, FPS shooting games are different from MOBA games. As long as you play LOL, you need to be equipped with strong operations. But in FPS games, each additional person has one more gun, and the difficulty is not as simple as 1 + 1.

Under normal circumstances, as long as it is not the "huluwa save grandpa" and want to "one show three" with the output of three guns, the difficulty is really not ordinary!

三 The three people across from me obviously don't think that there is such a great **** hidden in this low score, so they are really not nervous at all, and even have fun to laugh at teammates.


下 Downstairs on the second floor.

He listened to the movement in the building next to the wall. After the three of them had determined the position of Liu Zilang, they first threw two mines on the second floor.



On the second floor, the window flickered, and after two explosions, everything was quiet.

"It doesn't seem to be bombed, what should I do?" Someone asked.

"No matter, we three can't beat him?" One answered.

"Yes, I rush first! First floor first!"

He finally said this sentence, and it was just the black baby who had just squatted downstairs holding S686 and died.

I decided to do a good job and put the opposite into action soon.

娃 Heiwa, with a first-class head, held the S686 shotgun first, and quickly opened the door to enter the room, and the other two quickly followed.

"Nobody in the toilet!"

"No bedroom!"

"I don't have any of this!"

"On the second floor! Let me go first!"

"Go up and rush straight, don't block the corridor!"

"no problem!"

After the exchange, Heiwa rushed straight upstairs again with S686, but when the two wanted to keep up, they only heard “咣 当”!

A thunder hit the wall first, then bounced, and finally rolled down the corridor.

Uh ...

not good!

的 The two men behind Heiwa quickly retreated!

The black baby who ran ahead was also in a sudden burst of heart, but at this moment he wanted to step back and it was impossible, so he could only rush forward.

As soon as Xu went upstairs, a figure appeared in the corner.

Heiwa saw a joy in his heart, even if you play so hard at such a close distance, but under the spray, all lives are waiting!

However, the next moment, before the black baby rushed forward, the figure jumped out of the corner!

Huh! !!

Da da da! !! !!

In a small space, dense bullets pass quickly!

In a hurry, Heiwa had no time to throw two shots at the jumping figure.

The next moment, he found himself already on his knees!

Uh ...


"Okay! The prodigal son!"

I saw Liu Zilang's strafing shot in the air, and the three people around Liu Zilang who were thrown down at a short distance couldn't help but widened his eyes, his face was incredible!

I did not wait for Liu Zilang to speak, but suddenly there was a "bang" in the corridor.

It turned out that the thunder thrown by Liu Zilang had exploded.

虽然 Although this thunder did not kill the two downstairs, he divided the offensive on the opposite side, making the leading black baby out of touch with the two behind.

I heard the thunder, and the eyes of the three beside Liu Zilang changed.

They would like to ask if Liu Zilang fell to the ground for the first time to play this game.

I want to know that when I saw Liu Zilang throwing thunder on the wall, Chen Zhifei beside him couldn't help but remind him.

He is afraid of another "Oolong Thunder" similar to Pu Taizhuang.

But the three did not expect that Liu Zilang actually used the wall to knock the thunder bomb down the corridor.

This is clearly a "geometric thunder"!

Uh ...

Da da da!

The fire tongue of the UMP9 muzzle spits again, and the black baby who was knocked down is instantly replenished and becomes a box.

Liu Zilang, who entered the state, did not respond to the doubts of several people, and saw that he quickly leaned sideways to the corridor and quickly licked his bag.

Soon, a sprayer appeared on Liu Zilang's hand, just the S686 just used by Heiwa!

The next moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor!

It turned out that Heiwa didn't cut the perspective after death, and reported to her teammates that Liu Zilang was licking the bag. The opposite side naturally would not let this opportunity go, and the two quickly attacked.

"Hurry up, don't lick! The opposite is here!"

When the boss Chen Zhifei heard the footsteps in the headset, he immediately reminded Liu Zilang.

子 Liu Zilang's complexion is still very calm ~ ~ I saw him quickly leave the staircase, while retreating, while loading S686.

The next moment, the two of them appeared in the corridor, and shot directly at Liu Zilang in the corner!

After Liu Zilang flashed sideways to the wall, his blood was red after he had hit two shots. The three beside him instantly became nervous!

At this time, I saw Liu Zilang behind the wall throwing S686 in his hand!



At the same time, he could clearly see that the two men had rushed across the wall behind the wall.

Uh ...

I'm done!

志 Chen Zhifei, Pu Taizhuang and others are not hopeful about the blood of Liu Zilang who died after being shot!

But at this moment, I saw Liu Zilang suddenly tilted his head sideways!


I ca n’t wait for my teammates to see it, and his head shrinks back quickly!

Then, a burst of gunfire came!

Xun turned out to see the figure subconsciously firing at the corner, but the bullet was completely avoided by Liu Zilang, who was quickly gathered.

next moment!


As if the scene was reappearing, the gunfire across the face was only a slight meal, Liu Zilang tilted his head again sideways, and threw it out extremely fast!

之间 Between the electric light and the stone fire, the only two people on the opposite side fell to the ground instantly!


There was a chilling sound coming from my ears!

After killing his opponent, Liu Zilang, who finally relaxed a little, turned his head, but saw three roommates looking at him like monsters.

Old 幺 Ran Mao 佟 suddenly widened her eyes, her throat knot rolled down, and she trembled, "This is ... gun shaking?"

Uh ...