MTL - Kaleidoscope of Death-Chapter 124 Long sword

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After the mosquitoes dispersed, Lin Qiu Shi left the restaurant. However, when they just came out, they found some flying mosquitoes in the corridor. These mosquitoes waved their wings and formed a pale black line in midair, leading to an unknown room.

This is probably the meaning of the line. Lin Qiuishi originally thought it would be more complicated, but did not expect that the South Anhui candlestick misunderstood and directly obtained the correct answer. He glanced at the candle in the south and said, "Do you want to follow the past?"

"Yes." Minnan candlelight looked at the time and determined that the time is still early, "Go."

When they finished, they followed the direction of the mosquitoes and went to the location where the house was located.

Every five minutes, the position of the house changes, and the direction of the mosquitoes is different. They are suspended in the air and connected one by one. Lin Qiushi, the three of them followed the direction of the mosquitoes, but soon, he found something wrong - these mosquitoes were divided into two groups at a certain location, a group of left-facing, a group of right-facing, pointing Different orientations.

"How could this be?" Looking at the mosquitoes in front of the eyes, Gu Longming was dumbfounded. He grabbed a mosquito and trapped it in his hand. When he let go, it quickly returned to where he was. Position, "Why are these mosquitoes forked, is it..."

He wants to understand something. His face looked ugly and looked at Lin Qiushi. "Is there two monsters?"

This seems to be the only answer, but Lin Qiushi always feels that things are not that simple. He said: "Look at it separately?"

Minnan candle slightly sinks: "Well, Gu Longming follows you to the left, I go to the right."

Lin Qiushi nodded, and did not fight with the South Anhui candle. If the South Candle was found to be abnormal, don't come hard. This time, mainly based on collecting information.

When Minnan Candle heard the longevity of Lin Qiu Shi’s heart, he couldn’t help but smile: “My family’s forest grows up, and it’s really gratifying to worry about my age.”

Lin Qiushi: "...I am very serious."

"Well, I know your seriousness." He came over and naturally kissed Lin Qiu Shi's lips. "I will be careful, see you."

Lin Qiu Shi waved his hand at him: "See you."

Just as the two of them talked, the surrounding environment changed again, and the position that was previously turned changed again. This time the mosquito pointed to the location of the bottom cabin.

Lin Qiu Shi and Gu Longming did not dare to delay the time, trotting all the way, trying to find the room where the mosquitoes indicated before the room changed again.

The speed of the two was very fast, and it took half of the time to find the room that the mosquito pointed to at the bottom. When the mosquitoes flying in the air reached the room, they posted a layer on the door. Lin Qiu Shigang was close to here and smelled a strong fishy smell.

The taste was too strong, and it was almost the same as what they smelled in the room. It was unreasonable to suspect that the huge fisherman monster that I saw last night was closed in the room.

After Lin Qiushi approached the house, he did not rush to try to enter, but put his ear on the door panel and listened carefully to the sound inside the house. The room was very quiet, as if there was no living thing, but Lin Qiu Shi still heard a little strange, and the door plate had a subtle breathing sound... This breath was so close to him, as if it was inside, it was just a door away from him. .

Gu Longming stood in the window and looked inside. He seemed to see something through the darkness of the darkness. His face changed slightly and he stepped back two steps. He pointed to Lin Qiuishi and pointed at the room. Some of the horrified nods indicated something inside.

Lin Qiu Shi got up and looked at the window.

Through the gaps in the curtains, he saw a pair of yellow eyes hidden in the darkness, which is the eyes of fish. The pupil is a standard circle, and the white of the eyes is bright yellow. At this time, the eyes are inconspicuous. Peeping out the door.

The eyes of the thing slowly moved. It seemed that I found someone standing outside the door. Lin Qiushi saw that it slowly opened his mouth, with a dense white tooth in his mouth and a blue tongue with a faint glow. .

Wait... yellow eyes? Lin Qiu Shi held his breath. He felt like he had caught something. He quickly took out the phone and turned on the lighting function, then projected the light into the curtain.

The light shines into the house, and Lin Qiuishi finally sees the things inside the house. It is a kind of creature that is difficult to describe. At least Lin Qiu Shi has never seen it before.

It has a huge fish head and a fragile human body. Because the fish head is too large and heavy, it can't stand upright at all. The slender body that completely does not match the head can only lie on the ground, and the most eye-catching. The long spike on the top of the head, the spike looks sharp and sharp... Let Lin Qiu Shi think of the long sword that killed Minotaus in the myth.

The fisherman was attracted by the glare of Lin Qiu Shi, and a strange scream was heard in his mouth. Gu Longming looked at its weird looks and couldn't help but touch his arm. He smiled and said: "What the **** is this?"

"The first thing we saw in the room was this mermaid." Lin Qiushi said, "Do you still have the yellow eyes in the house?"

Gu Longming nodded and motioned to remember.

When it comes to yellow eyes, he is a bit stunned. The eyes of the fisherman’s monsters are not yellow, but the uncomfortable whiteness, but this detail is easily blurred under the impact of the picture, and it is faintly remembered by Lin Qiushi’s reminder. .

"So there are two monsters?" Gu Longming swallowed, "Is this monster's role..." He moved his gaze to the sharp spike on the top of the monster and said that he was similar to Lin Qiushi. If it is, "is it a long sword?"

Lin Qiushi said: "You can guess like this."

At least for now, they didn't find other suitable things on the ship that looked like weapons. In fact, at the moment when he saw the fisherman’s appearance, Lin Qiu-Shi’s mind came out with similar speculation, and Gu Longming apparently went with him.

The voice of the two people talked, but it seemed to stimulate the monster inside. It began to creep in the house with some violentness, and the distorted appearance looked grotesque and horrible.

Lin Qiu Shi saw that it was violent, but there was a kind of unpredictable feeling, so Gu Longming took a few steps back.

The two just stepped back, and there was a sharp thorn on the solid wooden wall in front of it. It was obvious that the thing in the house was actually pierced by the thorn on the top of the head. There are a few holes left on the wall - it is conceivable that if they did not retreat and unfortunately stabbed by a spike, it would be a painful thing.

However, just after Lin Qiushi determined the identity of the things in the house, the time for the change of the room was just arrived. The house in front of them disappeared. Instead, another ordinary bedroom was replaced, and the direction of the mosquito guide changed. The fish was in the same place. The location moved to the deck.

Gu Longming felt sick when he thought of the fish. In fact, he liked to eat fish before he came to this door. But after the scent of fish in the past few days, he now thinks about the taste of the fish and it is conditioned and nausea. I am afraid Even if you leave the door, you have to maintain it for a long time, so that you can see the fish in a disgusting state.

Lin Qiushi said: "Go, go and have a look at Meng."

Gu Longming nodded.

The two left the cabin on the ground floor. When they went up, they saw the candlestick standing on the deck, holding their heads and looking at the black sea. When they heard their footsteps, they turned back: "What did you find?"

Lin Qiushi said: "We seem to have found a long sword."

Minnan candlestick heard a bright eye: "Found?"

Lin Qiushi nodded and briefly described what they saw. He emphasized that he saw a long thorn on the head of the fisherman. The thorn seemed to be strong and sharp, and it seemed to be a good attack weapon. .

The candlestick of Minnan said that in the room where he was looking for, he saw the huge fisherman who ate last night.

"But we have to kill the fisherman." Gu Longming squatted on the deck and sullenly ate Lin Yanshi's candy for him. He said, "I don't think that stuff is better than the fisherman we saw before." Deal with it."

The wound is most worried about the width but the depth. If the wound is deep, it will be difficult to heal. Especially on this ship that lacks medical care, it can be imagined that it is pricked by the sharp long puncture. It is estimated that even if it did not die on the spot, A few days will also die from complications such as tetanus.

Minnan Candle listened to Gu Longming’s concerns and comforted him, saying that you should not worry. When it is really time, everyone will give you a happy time.

Gu Longming: "...still, thank you."

Lin Qiu Shi thinks that this is a paradox. They have to kill the yellow-eyed fish before they can kill Minotaur, who represents the monster. But now the problem has arisen. How can they kill the yellow-eyed fish? Holding the knife in the restaurant and getting it hard?

The three are discussing how to start, but they hear the noisy sound of the location of the restaurant, which is mixed with human exclamations and painful screams.

When they heard the sound, they knew that something was going wrong. Lin Qiu-Shi gave a candle to Minnan and turned to the restaurant. Before he even went in, he smelled a strong **** smell. Lin Qiu Shi looked down and found the blood on the floor. A wounded man lay on the floor inside the restaurant and covered his abdomen with his hand. The wound seemed to be very deep, and it was shining brightly out of the red blood.

Gu Longming stepped forward and said: "What happened? How could it be hurt?" He took off his coat and used the coat as a gauze to start the action and handle the wound for the wounded. He seemed to want to help the man stop bleeding.

Looking at his movements, Lin Qiushi’s heart has some speculations about the career outside Gu Longming.

"He found out that the mosquitoes were pointing in some directions, and we looked at it." The man who spoke was the partner of the man. He had just witnessed the whole process of his friend’s injury as a bystander. His voice shook. Quivering, "But we got there, but the room stabbed a long thorn and poked his body directly."

Gu Longming frowned: "The situation is not very good, it seems to stab the kidneys." There are no medical supplies around them. According to this amount of bleeding, it is estimated that this person is afraid...

Next to a girl said: "I brought a hemostatic spray, can I use it?"

"Try it for me." Gu Longming said, "You can only die as a living horse."

He tried to tie the person's body as much as possible, so that the amount of bleeding in the wound was reduced, and then sprayed more than half of the hemostatic spray, so that the blood was continuously spewed.

"What exactly is your friend stabbing in?" When someone saw the situation stabilize, he turned his attention to the still alive person.

"It seems to be a fish." The survivor replied, "I'm not sure... just glanced at it and it happened."

"We also looked at it in the past." The people were obviously more interested in this fish and left the restaurant.

So after a while, there were only a few scattered people in the restaurant.

"How is it? Is my friend still saving?" The man asked Lung Ming.

Gu Longming sighed and said: "It may be saved early, but..." It is not that they want to go.

So everyone was quiet, Gu Longming looked at the blood in his hand and said: "I will wash my hands first." He got up and went to the toilet.

The person who was stabbed in the abdomen became weaker and weaker. Although Gu Longming did his best, after a few hours, he still had no breath.

At this time, the whole restaurant was filled with a strong smell of blood. It happened that at dinner time, the dead fish package was just on the table, so the stink of the dead fish added the smell of blood, and everyone lost their appetite. Even if there was no feeling of perfunctory, they left the restaurant.

Minnan candle did not move in the same place, Lin Qiu Shi did not remind him, he knows that Minnan candle does not leave, certainly has his own ideas.

Gu Longming became a little silent because of the death of the man in the afternoon. There was no spirit. There was a fork with a fork that poked the noodles in the plate in front of him. It looked like no appetite.

When the people in the restaurant were almost gone, the South Candle was pulled out of his pocket and several plastic bags were taken out of his arms.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Qiu Shiyi.

Minnan Candle: "I don't think the door will make us and the thing hard, the force is too different."

Lin Qiu Shi: "You want to..." He looked at the candlestick in the south and put all the dead fish on the table into his pocket. The stuff was full. "Do you give the fish something to eat?"

“The mythical drunkenness of Minotaur is an aperitif.” Minnan Candles, “Now we have almost understood the meaning of the aperitif.”

The fish that are eaten are fermented in the stomach, and the stomach bag can be tasted. It is really a real aperitif.

Therefore, the South Candle is to use the dead fish to bring Minotaur to the side of the yellow-eyed fish, but I don't know if it can be done, but it is always a try.

After all, this method is more reliable than holding a knife to find the thing.

The southern part of the candle was loaded with dead fish, and when it was carried out, the room where the yellow-eyed fish was located was found again along the trail of the mosquitoes.

At this point, the yellow-eyed fisherman had a lot of small holes outside the room, apparently it was made with the sharp weapon on top of his head.

The candlesticks in the south of the country let Lin Qiushi stand far away, and one reaches out and throws the fish in the hand along the gap in the window.

The dead fish smashed and fell to the ground. The yellow-eyed fish rushed to the top of the dead fish, and took it with a hand to start a rude foraging. It ate fish very fast, and soon took the candle A bag of fish that was thrown away was eaten clean. Fortunately, they had already prepared, and quickly threw in a few other bags of fish.

While it was eating fish, the candlestick was standing next to it, but Lin Qiuishi was somewhat afraid of his injury. After all, the blood of the wounded was still hanging on the window.

The yellow-eyed fisherman ate all the fish, and even the fish head did not have to be left. After eating it, it showed the color of the lameness, so he lay on the floor and slumbered.

"Let's go." Minnan candlestick against Lin Qiu Shidao.

At this point, the sky is already a bit late, although he would like to see what happens here at night, but staying outside is not a wise move.

The three went to find another bedroom that could be rested, lying in bed waiting for the night.

The last rays of light disappeared into the sky with the sun falling over the horizon. Tonight is a night without moons, only the sea breeze that roars, and the dark clouds that hang in the sky like curtains.

Lin Qiu Shi did not sleep very much, looking at the window in a daze.

Minnan was originally lying on a different bed with him. As a result, he fell asleep and fell behind him. The two men squeezed together.

There is no conversation, no eyes, and they seem to have experienced thousands of scenes.

Both are waiting, waiting for the answer after the temptation.

Around three in the morning, their wait finally came to fruition.

Lin Qiushi’s ears caught a roar like a beast, followed by a fierce fighting. They were far from the place, and they couldn’t hear what was going on, but the fighting’s voice did last for a long time. It was not until dawn that it was going to disappear.

"You said who will win?" Minnan candle whispered a sentence.

"I don't know." Lin Qiushi said, "Everyone is the same."

Although most of the things have developed smoothly, there are still some accidents that are beyond their expectations. Not long after the fighting stopped, the ship was crying and screaming. When I heard this moving Lin Qiuishi, I climbed up from the bed and went to the window. He wanted to see what happened outside. What, but the night outside is too dark, he can't see it at all.

Fortunately, the vision of the South Candles played a key role at this time. He saw the fisherman dragging a struggling person to the deck.

"How could this be?!" Lin Qiu-Shi listened to the description of Minnan Candle, and it was incredible. "Today, no one is eating fish in the restaurant -"

Minnan candle brows and said: "Do you... remember the person who was scratched by Jane Qianyuan yesterday?"

Lin Qiushi: "..." He nodded.

Minnan Candle: "He seems to have never been to the restaurant today."

Lin Qiushi’s attention today is on two monsters, but he didn’t notice this: “But is it not a good thing that he didn’t come to the restaurant?”

If you don't come to the restaurant, you don't have to eat fish, so why are you stared at by monsters?

Minnan Candles smiled bitterly: "The place with fish is not just a restaurant."

Lin Qiushi: "..." He immediately thought of the dirty kitchen.

"There are so many fish to eat in the kitchen." Minnan Candle said, "There must always be sacrifices."

Lin Qiushi sighed. He had thought that there would be no more victims tonight, but now he wants to come, he is too naive, and there is no such kindness in the door. The longer you stay here, the more severe the death and injury will be.

The scream of the man gradually fell, and finally only the quiet night.

Lin Qiushi had barely slept for a while before dawn, but I didn't know if he had a bad nightmare to sleep, or he didn't fall asleep at all. He always felt that the thing had been lingering around their room in the middle of the night. He even smelled the disgusting fish smell.

On the third day, the spirit of the three people was not very good. They had not slept too much in the past few days and were bothered by various things.

After a few days of baptism, the people were numb to the bodies appearing on the deck. They skillfully disposed the body and cleaned the deck. It was a look of nothing.

Lin Qiu Shi's attention was not on the deck. He went to the restaurant early and wanted to find traces of mosquitoes. But to his disappointment, the mosquitoes that appeared as a line yesterday were gone.

"Don't be too anxious." Minnan candle looked at his watch. "It's still early."

Lin Qiu shouted, indicating that he knew.

Without the line, they can't find two monsters and can only wait.

At about eleven o'clock, Lin Qiu-Shi's expectation of the picture finally appeared. The npc that turned into a mosquito yesterday appeared again in the restaurant, wearing the same clothes and maintaining the same expression, which is like a fixed-up npc in the game.

This time, instead of the South Candle, someone walked up to the front of the npc and reached for his shoulder.

So the same picture as yesterday reappeared, and the mosquitoes disappeared and disappeared into the restaurant. At the same time, two lines of mosquitoes appeared outside the restaurant and led to an unknown place.

Lin Qiushi three people began to look for the place they were looking for. After a few minutes, they arrived outside a room. Compared with yesterday, the difference is really big, because it can be clearly seen from the outside. The house went through a fierce battle last night, the wooden windows were completely broken, and the locks hanging on the doors were also violently removed.

It seems that these two monsters are indeed playing a fight. However, from the last situation last night, it seems that the giant fisherman took advantage of this battle.

The author has something to say: Monster: Eat my salted fish spurs!

The little red flower is more than three thousand words a day, it will light up one, but I have a lot of small red flowers (proud and chest

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