MTL - Juvenile Medical God-Chapter 4106 Reverse the situation

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It seems that this broken army turned out to be an opportunist. This guy is not very good at seeing the situation. He is prepared to go straight, because this guy must be able to lose. The world’s devastating army has repeatedly suffered setbacks, but even more Many non-world monks have joined the majesty of the ruin of the army, because the whole world is vast and has great potential and resources. Therefore, if the guy who breaks the army is not frustrated, there will still be a chance to turn over. It is very clear. This is the point, so once you find something wrong, you want to get out.

"Of course I care about the monks' life and death, but I would rather mind defeating you completely!" Qin Lang sneered, "Break the army, I know what you are beating, you may know where your problem is, you know The destruction of the world without the world can continue to replenish manpower, but I believe that one thing you are certainly not expected."

"What--" The army is very surprised.

"Break the army! You dare to take me and replace it, **** it!" At this time, the broken army felt a strong presence behind him, this guy turned out to be the one that should have been smashed and escaped!

"To Heaven One... How are you... Are you not seriously injured? How could it be restored so soon!" The broken army is screaming, and its cultivation is not inferior to Tianyi, but if it is In the words of fighting spirit, the broken army is worse than Tianyi, and relatively speaking, but the broken army is more "death", so this time the army did not think that Tianyi would actually have a sneak attack, which made it suddenly Some are unsettled, and even some doubt that it is intentional to hurt this guy before the day, which makes it quite annoyed, even want to go crazy! At this time, when Tian Yi shot a sneak attack, how could Qin Lang let this opportunity pass?

Qin Lang did not intend to let go of this opportunity. Although Qin Lang has been paying attention to the mysterious Eternal, he has never had a chance to let him go. Words are a super tonic, he must be able to draw a lot of mysterious power from it, so since the sneak attack on the Tianyi, Qin Lang will of course cooperate with each other to kill a strong world without a world. For Qin Lang, it is definitely quite good. The matter, anyway, will not be a bad thing. After all, the guy who broke the army has been speculating about Qin Lang and the entire system of the universe. After replacing Tianyiyi, he thought of defeating Qin Lang earlier, destroying the entire system of the universe, and establishing It’s not a wonderful work, but at this time, since Qin Lang has already had an opportunity, although it is a close attack with Tianyi, as long as it can kill the broken army, this is of course a good thing for Qin Lang, so Qin Lang immediately took all his shots and broke The army launched a thunder blow, and of course, there was no idleness until the day, and this guy was still laughing at the day: "Break the army." You idiot, even thought could beat me, I want to want to replace, is simply too arrogant, too proud! Now, you're that guy, about to pay the price! "

Then, to Tianyi, he said to Qin Lang: "Qin Lang, you still want to take advantage of me, I know that you want to take the repair of the broken army, but look at the part you help me kill it, give It doesn't matter if you have any benefit."

"Know it!" Qin Lang laughed at this time, but he knew that this guy didn't get along so well. This guy said that he wants to share some benefits for Qin Lang, but this guy can't give Qinlang benefits, it is Prepare to use the power of Qin Lang to kill the broken army and get rid of one of its competitors, but at the same time, Tianyi will definitely rob the Qin Lang of the ruin of the army. After all, Tianyi also knows that he has swallowed up the repair of the broken army. The strength must be further, so both of them are desperately trying to kill the broken army, but at the same time they also want to desperately capture the repair of the broken army.

For Qin Lang, what he is really interested in is the mysterious power and mysterious things in the army. This guy can match the first day, and its mysterious things are definitely different, and there is more than one. As for its cultivation, Qin Lang However, there is not much interest, because this guy’s imaginary power is only able to grow up to nothing. Now the strength of the unspoken thing is quite horrible, but it is still growing, and the reason why Qin Lang has not been supreme. It appeared because it was always prepared to use the unspoken things to deal with the dry objects. As long as the dry objects did not continue to appear, then Qin Lang did not intend to release them. Otherwise, this killer would be meaningless.

According to the feelings and derivation of Qin Lang, the horror evil things like dry objects are inevitably difficult to be killed, and its cultivation will only continue to improve and become more and more evil, so Qin Lang does not know who this thing is. I control it, but anyone who controls this thing will definitely threaten Qin Lang, so Qin Lang must cultivate something that can restrain this guy, and this is the value of the existence of nothing. Therefore, even when it was against Tianyi, Qin Lang did not use Supreme, because the time has not arrived. But there is no doubt that the incompetent cultivation is a great advantage for Qin Lang, but it is not easy to use now.

At the same time, the guy who broke the army was attacked by Qin Lang and Tian Tian, ​​and it was said that he was attacked by the enemy, and the strength of both of them was slightly better than it. It is conceivable that the pressure of the broken army is so great at this time, this guy Although I have tried my best, it is almost impossible to cope with the mad attack of Qin Lang and Tianyi. It is even more so that this guy is purely a sneak attack, and it is a sneak attack, so it is easy to break the army and want to get away. Unless it is the mysterious Eternal shot, it is clear that the guy did not want to rescue the broken army, so the end result is that the broken army was beaten by Qin Lang and Tian Yi. Moreover, just in the moment when the broken army was blown up, Qin Lang and Zhi Tianyi were madly robbing and repairing power, and Qin Lang seemed to get more benefits.

But this is so, this guy is also cheap, but it does not continue to entangle with Qin Lang, but to Qin Lang said: "Qin Lang, since you helped me to break the broken army, then let you get some benefits is no harm But you have to remember that our business is not over yet! Now that you have swallowed up the repair of the broken army, you will soon spit it back to me!"

"Then it will be better." Qin Lang did not agree.

Read The Duke's Passion