MTL - Juvenile Medical God-Chapter 4104 Self-improvement

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The more the derivation is made, the more Qin Lang has a feeling of breathlessness, because the result of the deduction is quite unfavorable to Qin Lang. This mysterious powerless world is probably an eternal practitioner, and may not be able to The existence of victory!

Indeed, Qin Lang has full confidence in his own incompetence. Even in the face of any opponent, he has confidence in any Dafa, and the facts prove that Qin Lang’s incompetence is truly supernatural. The Supreme is not on the Tao, but it is not the eternal way. Even if you do not go to the extreme, it is not the eternal way. Qin Lang is now very clear about this. But is there really a eternal way to exist? Qin Lang is not sure, but the emergence of this world-free mysterious powerhouse, but let Qin Lang see the possibility of the eternal way, then this means that the other party may be an eternal person who practices the eternal way, how can such an opponent Victory?

Qin Lang does not have much confidence in this. This is because the eternal way is what countless monks dream of, and is also regarded as the ultimate method by countless monks. After all, eternal is eternal and immortal, that is true invincible!

Since it is truly invincible, how can Qin Lang win?

This truth is actually very easy to understand, but to understand is one thing, accepting it is another matter, after all, this matter is no small matter, if it only involves Qin Lang himself, even if there is no way to beat the opponent, then Qin Lang chooses Escape can be done, but the key is that Qin Lang lost, it is not that he lost alone, but the entire system of the universe has been lost, then the consequences can not imagine, the entire system of the universe collapses, all the creatures will disappear , including people around Qin Lang, even himself...

"The way of eternal... the eternal way... I have a clue to the eternal way, but I can't think of it like this!" Qin Lang couldn't help but sigh, knowing that it would be such an encounter, Qin Lang should make another plan. It is.

Regrettably, after many rounds of deduction, Qin Lang knew that he could not escape. Since the mysterious powerhouse without the world has appeared and shot twice, it means that it should always peek at Qin Lang and peep at this. The cosmic hierarchy, then Qin Lang even if it is difficult to get out alone, not to mention that he did not even think about going out alone.

Just how can I cope with this guy?

Also, this world-free powerhouse is so good, why do you want to hide your head and tail? Neither does it show its true body to Qin Lang, or even let the world's strongest know what it looks like, what does this guy want to do? Is it true that it is not only hostile to Qin Lang, but also to the one who has no world power in Tianyi, but also distrusts it.

Third party?

In the minds of Qin Lang, there is such a possibility that if this mysterious power is not a monk without a world, nor is it a monk of this cosmic hierarchy? Although outside the system of the universe, there is no endless world, but who can be sure that there is only such an accident, only such a system of the universe? Just like the once-world world, is it true that in the universe, there is only a living planet like the Earth World?

Although Qin Lang has such ideas and speculations, but it is only an idea. What is the origin of this "eternal person"? Qin Lang is actually not clear, but he will try his best to figure out all this because of this relationship. There are too many souls to survive and die.

No matter what, the defense of the eleventh level of the universe was once again fixed, and the entire system of the universe was re-improved, and even the defense of the second layer was perfect. However, the destruction of the world without the world still exists, but the leader is replaced by a guy called the broken army, and the mysterious eternal is still peeping, not knowing what it is waiting for.

"Yeah, what is this eternal being spying on?" Qin Lang thought. "This guy is so concerned about this cosmic hierarchy. There should always be some plots, but what is it trying to figure out? Strength and cultivation?" The strength of this guy has gone beyond the margins. It does not require any strength and cultivation at all. At least there is no need to peek into the cultivation and strength of Qin Lang. So, is there a resource for this cosmic hierarchy? The strength and resources here. , what can enter the eyes of the Eternal?"

Although Qin Lang seems to have grasped a lot of clues, but there is no way to know what the real goal of this eternal person is, but Qin Lang can not choose to sit still, so even if it is almost impossible to win this time, Qin Lang still makes this time. A wise choice: self-improvement!

No matter where Qin Lang is, no matter what kind of power he has, his bones are still the unyielding spirit of the Chinese people who are "successful in winning the sky". Since even ordinary people can make a rhetoric that is determined by the people, then it is the strongest in this cosmic hierarchy. Big big master, Qin Lang will be scared by a eternal person?

Do not! Not like this!

No matter what the origin of the opponent is, no matter how powerful the opponent is, what Qin Lang is doing now is to constantly strive for self-improvement, constantly making up his own innocence at night, and let the entire universe hierarchy be filled with the power of incompetence, full of people’s victory. Strong will!

The people of the flesh and blood of the district dare to scream at the people to win the day. Then these monks with powerful powers say that they are still afraid of the destruction of the army without the world, and what are the so-called mysterious powers?

Even if the opponent is eternal!

Even if the opponent is an eternal, even if the opponent can not be defeated, Qin Lang will also take the opponent out of two holes! This is the spirit of the Chinese race! This is the fighting spirit of the Chinese Dragons!

After thinking about this, Qin Lang’s whole spirits broke out in an instant. Because of the incomprehensible relationship, the supreme practitioners of the entire universe’s hierarchy also sensed the arrogance of Qin Lang’s battlefield. At this time, the monks who have mastered the epoch of the epoch can surpass the destiny of the universe, but this powerful spirit and will of Qin Lang still makes them feel very excited, quite a feeling of pulling the sword and worrying about it!

These incompetent monks responded with Qin Lang and further enhanced the momentum of Qin Lang. At this time, this made Qin Lang’s supreme Taoist cultivation further, truly integrated with the entire universe, and could get the entire universe. More than 80% of the power bless! Even, it can be close to 90%, or even 100%!

Read The Duke's Passion