MTL - Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby-Chapter 8 Father Su: This guy is not bad!

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  Chapter 8 Father Su: This guy is not bad!

   "My parents are coming!"

  Su Yuqing put down her phone, looking a little flustered.

   Ye Mo was shocked and his hands shook.


   "Yes! He said the gate of the community."

   "What then?"

   "Go away! It would be bad if my dad saw you." Su Yuqing said anxiously.

   Ye Mo stood up and walked towards the door.

   He was also a little panicked. His relationship with Su Yuqing was very special, and he didn't know how to face Su's father and Su's mother.

   hurried downstairs, Ye Mo walked to his car.


   As soon as I pressed the key and started the car, I saw a black Mercedes-Benz coming from the other side of the road.

When    approached, the car slowed down, adjusted the angle, and wanted to park in the parking space.

   But because the car next to him was parked too close, the car could not drive in, and it was suddenly stuck there, in a dilemma.

"Do you need help?"

  Ye Mo watched for a while and walked over.

   The car window rolled down, and Ye Mo saw a middle-aged couple. No matter their dress or temperament, they were quite rich.

   "Young man, watch for me, I'll reverse the car."

   The middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat smiled at Ye Mo and shouted.

"it is good!"

   Ye Mo nodded.

  The middle-aged man immediately started the car and fell backwards, but maybe because of lack of skill, he still couldn't fall out.

   "If I tell you not to drive, you won't listen!"

  Middle-aged women kept ranting.

  The man didn't dare to refute, his face was embarrassed.

"Let me do it!"

  Ye Mo couldn't take it any longer and smiled.

   "Good good! Young man, come and drive!"

  The middle-aged man was overjoyed and got out of the car quickly.

   After Ye Mo got into the car, he successfully parked the car in the parking space.

   "Young man, thank you so much!" The middle-aged man walked up, thanked him repeatedly, and handed over a pack of cigarettes.

   "I don't smoke!"

   Ye Mo waved his hand, "It's just a job!"

   "Young people are too modest!" The middle-aged man laughed and put the cigarette back, "It's good not to smoke, healthy! Is that your car? Not bad!"

   said, he glanced at the Lamborghini Urus not far away.

   To be able to buy this car, the property is definitely not ordinary.

   "Ah! Yes!"

   Ye Mo nodded.

   "We're still talking, come and get something!"

  The middle-aged woman opened the trunk and took out bags of things.


   The middle-aged man hurriedly walked over and mentioned the things on the ground, but there seemed to be too many things, and the two of them couldn't bring them up.

   Ye Mo shook his head and walked up.

   "Let me help you!"

   "Oh! How embarrassing!" the middle-aged woman said embarrassedly.

   "It's alright, isn't it far?"

   Ye Mo smiled.

   "Not far, not far, just in that building, Building No. 4!" the middle-aged man said.

   "Number Four?"

  Ye Mo was stunned for a moment, and he snorted in his heart.

   Take another look at the things in your hands, many of which are supplements, and some baby products.

   "Oh! That's not far!"

   He quickly calmed down and said calmly.

   He carried something, followed the two of them into the building, took them to the elevator, and quickly said goodbye and left.

   "Hey! This guy is really good, handsome and enthusiastic!"

  In the elevator, the man sighed.

   "Yeah! He's a very nice guy. Looking at his car, his family must be very good." The middle-aged woman said with emotion, "It would be great to have such a son-in-law!"

   said, she sighed deeply.


The    man followed with a sigh, frowning so much that he frowned, "How about two children! Who doesn't mind, even if our daughter looks like a fairy, it won't work! It will be difficult to find such a good son-in-law in the future!"

   "Alas! This child... let her not give birth, but she wants to give birth... just disobedient!"

   "When did she hear what we said! She was born, and there was nothing she could do. Well, it's almost here, don't make a face!"


  The elevator has arrived.

   The two of them walked out with their things in hand and knocked on the door.

   "Dad, Mom!"

   After a while, the door opened, and the person inside was Su Yuqing.

   "Why did it take so long to open the door?"

   Mother Su was a little suspicious.

   "Coax the baby!"

  Su Yuqing said.

   Actually, she was checking to see if there was anything left by Ye Mo.

   Mother Su snorted, but didn't have any doubts.

   "Mom and Dad, why do you bring so many things, can you lift them?"

   "Your mother has to buy so much... Fortunately, there was an enthusiastic and handsome guy who helped us to the elevator. Otherwise, we really couldn't get it." Father Su walked into the room and smiled.

   "Enthusiastic handsome guy?"

  Su Yuqing was startled.

   "Yeah! Thanks to him, he helped me park my car. Don't say, he is really handsome, with the style of your father back then." Father Su smiled.

   Su Yuqing snorted in her heart.

   They didn't bump into Ye Mo, right?

   "He also drives a Lamborghini, not a sports car, but an SUV! He should also live here, do you know him?" Father Su said again.


   That is definitely not Ye Mo.

   Ye Mo is a little white-collar worker, how can he drive such a luxury car!

"do not know!"

  Su Yuqing shook her head, secretly relieved.

   Back home, Ye Mo took a bath.

   He began to seriously consider doing short videos and live broadcasts.

   "People have to have something to do. Besides, it's also for the two babies."

   Soon, he made up his mind.

   "First you have to find a venue, then buy equipment..."

   He checked the Internet to see if there were any handmade workshops for sale, and also checked the brands and prices of various related equipment.

"this is not bad!"

   There were a lot of studios transferred, so he found the biggest one, got in touch, and rushed over.

After    read it, he was satisfied and took it straight away.

   Next, is to buy all kinds of equipment and materials.

   He was busy until the afternoon before he got it done.

   "Make gold utensils for the baby first!"

   He first thought of the longevity lock.

   But after seeing various styles, he was not satisfied, it was too old.

   "Be special, be different!"

   "Dragon and Phoenix...Dragon and Phoenix...By the way, one is a dragon and the other is a phoenix!"

   Soon, he had an idea.

   He took a blank piece of paper and started designing.

   After a while, two drawings were released.

   still looks like a traditional longevity lock, but one is coiled with a nine-clawed golden dragon, and the other is surrounded by a golden phoenix with spread wings.


   After slightly modifying the details, he started making.

   When he acquired the skill of handicraft, he had already mastered various craftsmanship of gold ware and was quite proficient in making it.

   He did not use the method of casting, but pulled the gold into extremely fine gold wires, and then weaved them.

   This is the most complicated production process for goldware!

   At the beginning, his speed was still a little slow, but gradually, he felt that his hand became more and more skilled, and his skills had improved significantly.

   He knew that this was due to an increase in proficiency.

   He also became more and more energetic, until late at night, and made the Panlong Golden Lock.

   He wasn't sleepy at all, so he continued to do the other one.

   When I finished it, it was already past four in the morning.

   "Just finish the video before going to sleep!"

   He drank a few bottles of Red Bull and started editing the video.

   This is even simpler. It took more than two hours to complete the editing. He created a Douyin account and uploaded it.

   Then, he lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

   (end of this chapter)