MTL - Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby-Chapter 1175 Shan Fangning: What a log!

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  The incident took place in Europe, Austria, and even the locals couldn’t be found for a while. When they passed by, it would be difficult to find clues for a while, but since the task was accepted, they had to go no matter what.

   "Maybe... it will take a while to check!" Yuan Bin said in a deep voice.

   A group of big living people, it is impossible to disappear all the time, and they will be found out sooner or later.

   "When we find out, we must show them some color, and we will pay a price for messing with Huatian!" Shan Fangning said viciously with a fist.

   "By the way, Brother Yuan, that the one surnamed Tang, do you know her? Are you familiar?"

   Then, she lowered her voice and asked in a low voice.

   "The surname Tang?"

  Yuan Bin was taken aback for a moment, and then said oh again.

   That woman!

  Of course he knew. It was a sensation before, just a few years ago, because of a treasure, he even picked a group of old masters in the country, and his reputation shook the world.

   "I don't know her well, and I haven't met her before. She is the boss's personal bodyguard and is responsible for the security of Shenzhou Biology. She usually doesn't appear in the company."

   He shook his head.

  Actually, he was also very curious, and wanted to meet this legendary woman and see her style, but unfortunately, he never had the chance.

   "That's it!"

  Shan Fangning was a little disappointed, "Brother Yuan, is she... really that good?"


  Yuan Bin nodded solemnly.

   Defeating so many old masters in a row is simply invincible! Terribly strong! He couldn't even imagine how a woman could be forced into such a state!

   "Then... do you think I have a chance to surpass her?"

   Shan Fangning bit her pink lips and hesitated.


  Yuan Bin froze for a moment, opened his mouth, swallowed the words again, and forced an encouraging smile, "As long as you work hard, there is still a chance."

   "I think so too! Sooner or later, I will be able to defeat her!"

  Shan Fangning pursed her lips and smiled.

   "It's good to be young!"

  Yuan Bin looked at her and sighed.

   After chatting for a while, a few more people arrived.

   "Nine, one less!"

  Yuan Bin counted and murmured.

   "Who else?"

  Shan Fangning asked curiously, "Didn't you say that there are only nine gold medals?"

   "There is another one, I don't know the name, it is said that the boss personally appointed him." Yuan Bin said.

   "Boss? Is it Mr. Wu?"

   "No! It's that one, Big Boss!"

  Shan Fangning's peach blossom eyes lit up instantly, and she exclaimed coquettishly, "The richest man Ye! He also knows about this? Does he come to the company often? When will we meet?"

   Seeing her excited look, Yuan Bin smiled, not surprised.

  But any woman will feel the same way when she hears that name. She is so rich, handsome, and versatile, so she is naturally very popular among women.

   "He seldom comes here. If you want to meet here by chance, there is basically no chance, unless, ah, you can be selected to be his bodyguard, but this chance is also rare."

  Yuan Bin shook his head.

  Dan Fangning was immediately discouraged, her red lips curled up, and she sighed.

   Oh, no matter what your status is, you can see it whenever you want.

   "If only I had the chance!"

  She sighed again and muttered to herself.

   A few minutes later, someone walked in from outside. She raised her eyes and didn't pay much attention. She was just a very ordinary-looking young man, judging by his age, he was only twenty-three or twenty-three.

   "Chen Mu!"

  The young man stood still, reported his name to the person who greeted him, and handed over his ID.

   "You've got everything done! Come on, sit down! We'll be leaving later!" The visitor hurriedly said politely.

  I heard that this person was appointed by Ye Dong, so naturally he couldn't neglect it.

  The young man nodded, without saying a word, walked to the side and sat down without moving.

   "Like a log!"

  Shan Fangning squinted her eyes, looked at the relationship, and shook her head. She didn't like this kind of wooden man very much. He couldn't even say a word, which was very boring.

  Although he was appointed by the richest man Ye, he is not the richest man Yeh, but just a related party through the back door. It is hard to say whether he has real skills.

  Look at that body, it doesn't look like a martial arts practitioner, he doesn't have much strength, so how could he be arranged?

  Maybe responsible for finding people, or supervising them!

   "Hello, my name is Shan Fangning! What's your name? Chen Mu? Is it wood?"

  She still walked over and said hello.

   After all, for the next period of time, they are all colleagues and need to cooperate with each other.

  The young man just glanced at her, didn't respond, and didn't reach out to respond.

  She froze there, her outstretched hand froze. For a moment, she was a little overwhelmed, and it was even more unbelievable. This guy actually ignored her?

   So crazy!

  She frowned, feeling annoyed in her heart, but she didn't want to explode, so she could only withdraw her hand in embarrassment, and when she turned around, her eyes widened in anger.

So angry!

  How could there be such an impolite person!

  Seeing this, the rest of the people were also stunned for a moment, with slightly strange expressions on their faces.

  This single girl is a young, beautiful, lively and **** beauty. How can a man resist shaking hands with her and treat her coldly? This is not normal.

   "Wood! What a dead log!"

  Walking to the side and sitting down, Shan Fangning bit her red lip and gave her a hard look there, but she was still out of breath.

   But soon, she didn't care, and didn't bother to pay attention to this weird guy!

   After waiting for a while, the group set off. After getting the visa, they arrived at the airport after ten o'clock and boarded the plane smoothly. The flight was a bit long and took ten hours. She slept on the plane for a while.

   When they woke up, they were almost there. Brother Yuan and the others were still chatting about which direction to investigate, while that log was sitting by the side with his eyes closed, very out of gregarious.

"This guy…"

  She curled her lips, becoming even more dissatisfied.

   It looks like he has no skills, he doesn't fit in with others, and he is not active. What the **** is he here for?

   "Brother Yuan!"

  She gets up and walks over to join the discussion.

   "Brother Yuan, you just... leave him alone?"

   After the discussion was over, and the plane was about to land, she leaned close to Yuan Bin, said in a low voice, poked her finger secretly, and pointed to the side.

  Yuan Bin was startled, then smiled wryly.

  What does he do?

  He was appointed by the big boss, so he can control it, as long as it doesn't cause trouble, he can do anything.

   "He belongs to the boss, what should I do!"

   he whispered back.

   "It's... okay!"

  Shan Fangning hesitated, feeling a little helpless.

   "Go, Wood!"

  When the plane came to a complete stop, the whole group got up, but before Mu Mu got up, she thought she was asleep, so she walked over and pushed.

  When she turned around, the young man who was sitting suddenly opened his eyes, blinked, and suddenly became a little more energetic, and his whole body became more alive.

   "Are you there!"

   He murmured, stood up, looked around, saw a bag that seemed to be his own, picked it up, and got off the plane.

Read The Duke's Passion