MTL - Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby-Chapter 1153 Samsung Kim Min Hwan

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  Chapter 1153 Samsung Jin Minhuan

   After six o'clock, Ye Mo went out for a stroll, practicing physical skills, and went to the vegetable market by the way, went shopping, bought a lot of vegetables, and came back to cook for the baby.

   is almost two years old, and there are more things to eat, so he tries to make as many as possible, and keeps changing patterns.

  Laundry and cleaning are now done by robots, so he doesn’t have to be as busy as before. He used to wash the baby’s clothes every day.

  After eight o’clock, he took care of the two babies to get up, washed them, changed their clothes, and fed them again. He was going to take the babies out for a walk first, and then, to meet Guan Xue, go to Renhua...

  Just added some clothes to the baby, and before he went out, he received a call from Chen Youfu.

"What's up?"

  Ye Mo picked up the phone.

  If it's not important or urgent, Chen Youfu generally won't call, and at most send a few WeChat messages.

   "Samsung people are here!"


  Ye Mo was stunned, and said in amazement, "Why are they here?"

   "I just met, and they proposed to inject capital, buy shares, and say they want to cooperate with us. In my opinion, they just like our battery technology and want to get a share."

  Chen Youfu snorted, with anger in his tone.

   Obviously, the Samsung people he just met made him very unhappy.

   "Their attitude is still very arrogant, as if we are taking advantage of cooperating with them." Chen Youfu snorted again.


  Ye Mo murmured.

   Korea's largest chaebol, it's normal to be a little arrogant!

   "I didn't reply. I said I wanted to ask you for instructions, Mr. Ye. What do you mean...?" Chen Youfu said.

   "What is there to cooperate with them."

  Ye Mo laughed.

   First, he doesn't like Koreans very much. Second, there is really nothing to cooperate with. As far as Samsung's technology is concerned, he really doesn't like it.

   "I just said it! I think so too, there is no need to cooperate with Koreans like them, and they threaten us..."

   "Why are you threatening?"

   "It's nothing more than supply cuts and sanctions... Some of our current parts and components are still imported from abroad, and they just use this as an argument."

   Chen Youfu said.

   "That's it!"

  Ye Mo murmured, frowning slightly.

  Dongteng Group has many industries, ranging from various batteries to screens, to various electronic components, and various industries related to lithography machines and chips.

  Although he has controlled a large number of downstream industries and upgraded technology, he still cannot produce 100% of his own products.

   If the confession is really cut off, it will have a little impact, but it is not very big.

   "They are quite loud!"

  Ye Mo sneered, "I'll go there today, I want to meet these Koreans and see how arrogant they are!"


  Chen Youfu hurriedly responded.

  Hung up the phone, Ye Mo stood there, pondering for a while.

   It was originally arranged to pass in the next few days. Since I have something to do now, I will go to Tianhai first to deal with this in advance.


   Korean again!

   He clicked his tongue, a little disgusted.

   It’s not that all Koreans are annoying, like Ms. Song, they are pretty good, but at least a large part of them are quite annoying.

  He prepared his luggage, took the child into the car, and rushed to Tianhai.

One p.m.

  Dongteng headquarters, reception room.

  A man in his thirties, dressed greasy and pink, is sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. He has a very white face, heavy makeup, and even eyebrows. He has an overly feminine temperament.

  He is quite tall, able to support his suit, and has a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose.


  He held the phone in his left hand and a cigarette in his right hand, flipped through it, and found a piece of news about that Chinese man. Looking at the photo on it, he cursed in a low voice.

  At such a young age, how could he be so rich and become the richest man in Huaguo? With so much wealth, it really makes people jealous. The most important thing is that he is handsome, with a perfect face.

  Recently, domestic plastic surgery hospitals have used this face as a template.

  There are quite a few women in China who worship this guy! This also makes Korean men like him very unhappy.

   "To deal with this kind of softie, just a little threat!"

  He picked up the cigarette, took a sharp drag, and sneered.

  The group attaches great importance to this negotiation, because this Dong Teng has seriously threatened the group.

  From the beginning of the screen, it broke Samsung's monopoly on the top screen, and then a new generation of battery technology was born.

  After the research and judgment of their group experts, this battery can cause industry revolution and has huge commercial prospects.

   Then there are chips again!

  At the beginning, when Dongteng entered the chip industry, no one was optimistic about it, and no one cared about it, but suddenly, it exploded, and now it can be produced in more than ten nanometers.


   What's even more outrageous is that they even built a lithography machine, what the hell, what a hell! When the news was confirmed, the entire industry was dumbfounded.

  Some people call this a miracle. Although he is very upset, he has to admit that this is really a miracle!

  The strongest thing Samsung has is semiconductors, which is also the most important industry they rely on for survival. Now it has been greatly affected, and orders are constantly being robbed, not only in China, but even abroad...

  Their group has been studying this Dongteng, discussing how to curb the development of Dongteng, and the final conclusion is that there is no way!

  The lithography machine can be made by one's own strength. The technical strength of this Dongteng is a bit scary, and ordinary commercial methods can't stop it at all.

  If it continues to develop like this, it will definitely seriously threaten Samsung's position in the world.

  Since it cannot be contained, there is only another way to invest in this company through equity and cooperation, and to a certain extent, have the ability to influence the company's decision-making.

   Best of all, get that battery technology.

   This is very important to the group.

  Before he came, he was thinking about how to negotiate with Dong Teng. After much deliberation, coercion and temptation are the best, especially when dealing with the young boss. This is the most effective.

  He squinted his eyes, and reorganized the way of negotiation. There is no problem, and he will definitely succeed. He is just a young guy, not a veteran in shopping malls. That kind of old fox is easy to deal with!

  Before he knew it, he ran out of cigarettes. He touched his pocket and was about to smoke another when he heard footsteps outside.

   is a group of people!

   Is that kid here?

  He frowned, threw the cigarette **** away, stood up again, and simply straightened his clothes. After all, it was an important negotiation, and the Koreans should not lose face.

   At this time, footsteps reached the door.

  The door was pushed open, and the president Chen whom I met in the morning came in first, and then turned sideways, and respectfully invited a person from behind, it was that boy.

  (end of this chapter)