MTL - Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby-Chapter 1149 Yu Hongmei: I can live if I kill him

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One o'clock.

   Outside the hotel, there is a street.

A burly, bearded Caucasian man in his thirties came out of the convenience store with two bags of food and drinks in his hand. With a snap, he opened a can of cold beer and drank it happily Take a sip.

   Staggering again, he walked forward and came to a car.

   There is another person inside, with a thinner figure, who is partnered with him to follow up, that is, to monitor the movement of the hotel.

   "I said, what are we going to do about this matter? I've been staring at him for a few days? It's almost four days! When will we do it? It's not an option to keep staring at him like this! Maybe he will leave in a few days."

  The man got into the car, threw his things into the back seat, took a sip of beer, and muttered.

  The other person turned around, found a bag of potato chips, tore open the package, and grabbed a handful.

   "Is there any way, there are too many bodyguards, Raytheon and those people are all elites, it is not easy to strike, if I knew it, I would have done it two days ago, there was still a chance at that time, but unfortunately I missed it."

  He shook his head and said helplessly.

  At that time, everyone wanted to observe first, so no one did anything.

  The amount of reward offered this time was huge, and it attracted a large number of mercenaries and bounty hunters. They have gone a lot these days, but there are still at least seven or eight groups of people, and there may be twenty or thirty groups on the first day.

   No way, the bounty is too tempting!

  However, it is also very difficult. After all, the target is the richest man in Huaguo. His net worth seems to be 200 billion U.S. dollars. He is one of the richest people in the world.


  The burly man drank another sip of wine, crossed his legs, and sighed, "I said, I can't think of a way to sneak in, then arrest him, and take him out, wouldn't it be fine?"

   "It would be nice if it were this simple!"

  The lean man sneered.

  The defense of this hotel is perfect, at least they can't find any loopholes, and the other groups must be the same. If there is a way, they have already succeeded, and they won't wait until now.

   "Didn't you hear that there is a master next to the rich man! Just that girl, the former legend of Thor, it's not easy to sneak in. Once she reveals her secrets, she will die."

   "That girl!"

  Hearing the words, the burly man was taken aback for a moment, then shuddered, and fear appeared in his eyes.

  Of course he has heard of it, a legendary figure, extremely terrifying!

   "So, wait first! See if there is a chance!"

  The thin man smiled, then buried his head, ate potato chips, raised his eyes from time to time, and glanced towards the hotel.

  The target's defense is very strong, there is Thor's elite, and that terrible woman, but it doesn't mean that there is no chance, it's just that they need some more ruthless weapons, and it's not easy to get them for a while.

   When the weapons arrive, they can strike while the target is out of the house. This kind of armed raid is what mercenaries like them are best at.

   After completing the task and getting the bounty, the rest of their lives will not have to worry.

While he was having a sweet dream, suddenly, there was a roar of a motorcycle engine behind him. He turned his head and saw a dark motorcycle driving up from behind. On it sat a black-haired man in a tight black leather jacket and a helmet. woman.


  His eyes lit up, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flicked back and forth on the **** and graceful figure.

   This girl has a pretty good figure!

  He whistled and was about to tease him.

   At this time, the burly white man on the co-pilot looked up, and frowned suddenly, but he felt that the woman outside looked familiar. This motorcycle and this dress seemed to have been seen before.

  But, where have you seen it?

  Thinking about it carefully, his face changed completely. It was afternoon. In the afternoon, he saw this car passing by, and he paid special attention to it.

  The same woman reappeared. He instinctively sensed the danger and was about to speak out to warn, but it was too late. The woman in black outside suddenly took out a micro-punch, pointed it at the window, and fired a shuttle.

  The window exploded immediately, and the two people in the car were beaten into a sieve in panic.

  The woman didn't stop, put away her gun, stepped on the accelerator, and left quickly.

   At the same time, the same scene was staged in several other places on Sifang Street.

  Another location in New York.

  An old apartment building.

Da da da!

The leather boots stepped on the floor, making a crisp sound. A curvy and enchanting figure in a leather jacket stepped on a pool of blood, walked among a pile of corpses, bent down again, and picked up a piece of paper on the ground with his slender hands. mobile phone.


She put the mobile phone to her ear, pursed her plump and **** red lips, and a wicked smile appeared on that enchanting and charming face, "I'm sorry, your people can't answer the phone, they... all dead!"

   As she spoke, she turned around and cast her eyes on the corpse on the ground.

  These corpses were all covered with worms, and in a short while, most of the flesh and blood were eaten away, revealing the white skeleton.

   Against the backdrop of the bright red blood, this scene looked extremely eerie.

"Who am I? Is this important? The important thing is, Mr. Richard, I will come to you in a moment, you have to be prepared! Find more people to protect yourself, so that my little baby Only then can we get enough to eat!"


  She smiled, hung up the phone, her face suddenly turned cold.

   Gently tossing the phone away, she lifted her foot, stomped heavily on the **** heel of her shoe, crushing it to pieces.

   "All... burn it!"

  She looked around, her eyes were indifferent, some of them were only piercingly cold, and then walked away, she said to the two servants standing at the door.


  The second daughter respectfully responded and stayed.

  When she came to the door, she stamped her feet on the blanket, wiped off the blood, and then went out. She didn't worry about leaving traces, anyway, it would be cleaned up later.

   "Master, it's all done."

   Sit in the car, and a subordinate reports.

   "I've said it all, don't call me the hall master, it's all over, the blood flames are gone, call me the boss!" Yu Hongmei shouted displeased.

   "It's...the boss!"

   "Is it all done? Good! That's the only one left!"

  Yu Hongmei sat down, tilted up a pair of slender legs wrapped in leather pants, and took the iPad handed over by her subordinates. It showed an address on it, which was a manor in the suburbs, and it was also the last target.

"Tsk tsk! This old man is quite courageous! He even dared to offer a reward to catch him. It seems that he doesn't know how powerful he is at all! At this age, he should die. I will help him! Kill him , I can live!"

  She murmured, her coquettish eyes narrowed, revealing a murderous intent.

Read The Duke's Passion