MTL - Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby-Chapter 1134 Yu Hongmei: It's not the right time

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  Chapter 1134 Yu Hongmei: Coming at the wrong time

   "I don't have one!"

  Tang Yueyao snorted coldly, instead of looking at her, she glanced at the young man beside her.

  Yu Hongmei giggled again, the flower branches trembled slightly, and the whiteness rippled along with it, a pair of coquettish beautiful eyes, flowing with charming waves, seductive.

   This woman...

  Ye Mo's mouth twitched.

   "Miss Yu, if you need anything from me, just tell me! I'm busy." He said coldly.

  Yu Hongmei refrained a little, and smiled lightly: "Of course I came to Mr. Ye to make peace with you, or you can be said to beg for mercy. I hope Mr. Ye has a lot of adults, and don't embarrass me, a weak woman, in the future!"

   "Before I got offended, I can apologize and make up for it. I don't know Mr. Ye, which way do you like me to use to make up for it?"

   As she spoke, she bit her red lip, and moved her slender five fingers a little bit on her plump thighs, then pulled the hem of the skirt, and slowly pulled it up.

  Ye Mo froze for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched again.

   His eyes flickered, and he moved away.

  This woman is evil, but she does have a bit of charm, mature and coquettish, with a variety of styles, which can arouse men's desires.


   Tang Yueyao reprimanded with a cold face.

  She clenched her fists tightly, trying to suppress the anger in her heart.

   "Shameless? How can I be shameless, Mr. Ye is so rich and powerful, what else can I make up for him, and the only thing I can give is myself."

   Yu Hongmei explained solemnly, "Mr. Ye, why don't you look at me? Do you think I am too old and don't like a sister like me?"

   As she spoke, she pursed her red lips aggrievedly, and her eyes were full of resentment.

   "Sister, I am a few years older than you, but I have experience and know a lot. I am definitely more understanding than some girls who don't understand customs. Sister, I can make you have more happiness!"

   She bit her red lips lightly and said flatteringly.

  Ye Mo hadn't made a sound yet, but Tang Yueyao couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up awkwardly, almost exploding with anger.

  What a puzzling girl!

   Let’s talk about her!

  The eyes are all over, just pointing at her and scolding!

   "Who are you talking about?"

   "What? I didn't say who! Miss Tang, you misunderstood!" Yu Hongmei raised her face with an innocent look, and her seductive eyes became clear.


   Tang Yueyao choked for a moment, but she was extremely angry.

   "Miss Yu, I'm not interested in your body!" Ye Mo said, "If you really want to make peace, just do a few things for me!"

   "Are you really not interested? Sure enough, my sister is too old! I don't have much charm!"

  She sighed self-pityingly, "Okay! Tell me, what's the matter? No matter how difficult it is, for you, my sister is willing to go through fire and water."

   As she spoke, she raised her beautiful eyes and looked at them with affection.


Ye Mo couldn't help but coughed lightly, "There are still many of you in Xueyan, there are remnants in every hall, especially Lutang and Hetang, if you solve all these people, I will make the organization of Xueyan disappear completely. "

  After listening, Yu Hongmei raised her slender willow eyebrows lightly, thought for a while, then nodded and said: "No problem, but it will take a little time. The people in Hetang are good at lurking, and many of them hide in dark places, so it's hard to find."

   "You don't have to worry about this. I will give you the list later, and you can deal with it accordingly. Kill it or send it to prison, it's up to you!"

   Ye Mo said.


  Yu Hongmei's face changed slightly.

   This person has already mastered the list of Hetang personnel? Only one person in the organization knows such a secret, and that is the head of Crane Hall.

   Could it be that he betrayed and was bribed?

  This can explain why this person knows their blood flame so well, but how did this person get in touch with the Hall Master of Hetang?

  Also, if the master of Hetang really rebelled, why use her hand to eradicate all personnel?

  For a while, many doubts appeared in her heart.

"it is good!"

   After a while, she suppressed her thoughts, nodded, and when she looked at the young man in front of her again, the fear and awe in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

   This little handsome guy is really hard to see through!

   Even though he is so rich, how can he still have such terrifying strength, even his methods and scheming are so powerful... and this face, so handsome!

  The handsome face in front of me was coated with a layer of golden brilliance by the sun, which was extraordinarily dazzling and unreal like a dream, especially those eyes, which were like a pair of gemstones, crystal clear and bright.

  Perhaps because of the refraction of the sun, his eyes are particularly bright, sharp, and penetrating to the heart.

  She looked a little dazed, leaned forward, and rested her chin with her hands, so that she could focus more carefully.

  She felt her heart beating slightly faster. This throbbing feeling has not passed for a long time. If she were to meet him when she was eighteen or nineteen, she would love her to death.

   But now, she just appreciates it a little, and she just wants to move her heart a little bit!

   "Anything else?"

   She asked casually while admiring the stunning beauty in front of her eyes.

   "Help me deal with some more people, some mercenaries, and bounty hunters. They have accepted the commission and want to arrest me. They have been swarming around the hotel these days."

  Ye Mo said coldly, "There is also this employer, I want you to deal with it together."

   "How to deal with it?"

   "Kill it!"

   "OK! No problem! Do you have any information about him?" Yu Hongmei said happily, her pair of wonderful eyes still staring straight ahead, full of waves, a little drunk.

   "Yes! I will send it to you later."

"it is good!"

  She responded casually and continued to appreciate it with gusto.

  Suddenly, she sensed something, and quickly lowered her head, looking towards her lower abdomen, her mature delicate body instantly tensed up, trembling slightly.

  That coquettish face had a layer of gorgeous red glow.

   "Why at this time..."

  She gritted her silver teeth, murmured, and unconsciously clamped her legs tightly, as if she was enduring something.

   "Miss Yu, what's wrong? Is there any discomfort?"


  She panicked a little, shook her head quickly and said, but her cheeks became more and more red, like the fiery red sunset, the water in her eyes seemed to overflow, it was indescribably charming.

  She bit her red lip with her white teeth and tried her best to endure, but the more she endured, the stronger the trembling became. She couldn't sit still, her graceful body swayed slightly.

   "Go to the toilet!"

  Besides, Tang Yueyao sized her up for a moment, then muttered, "It's so hard to hold back the urine!"

  Hearing this, Yu Hongmei's face became a little more sober, and she glanced away, just wanting to roll her eyes.

  She read it right, this is a girl who doesn't understand style, she doesn't understand anything, she doesn't even have any experience!

   "I... I'm leaving first, ah! Add a contact information first, WeChat is also fine!" She stood up, quickly took out her phone, added WeChat, turned and left.

   It's just that the gait is a little staggering, very awkward and weird.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion