MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 566 you are pretty

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In the hospital, the thick **** smell spread like every corner of the air.

As soon as Yan Mo got out of the elevator, she found a woman standing from time to time in front of the emergency room, stretching her head from time to time. She lay on the wall, tiptoe, and looked forward to what an ordinary child was peeping at.

The blood on Xu Jingjing's body was already half dry, and the color was a little darker than the previous one. But if you take a closer look, you can see that this is not the blood flowing out of her body, but it doesn't know where it came from. .

Yan Mo felt that his appearance was a bit abrupt, he thought of leaving immediately when no one found the stall, but unexpectedly he just turned around and the elevator door behind him opened.

Xiao Jing hurriedly arrived, and as soon as she got out of the elevator, she found a man with a guilty conscience at the door. She asked subconsciously, "Why, how are you here?"

Yan Mo forced a very subtle smile. If he said that he was passing by, would he look idiot?

Xiao Jing ignored him and walked straight to the emergency room.

Xu Jingjing stood upright, her face pale, and she saluted, "Captain."

"How is Ling Jie?" Xiao Jing asked.

Xu Jingjing shook her head. "No news."

Xiao Jingsi wondered if she would open the door and ask, but she was afraid to disturb the doctor's golden rescue period.

Yan Mo is in a difficult position. Will he be a little unfriendly if he leaves now? But if he doesn't leave, there seems to be no excuse for staying here.

Why did he come so hurriedly from the camp?

Yan Mo is also like Zhang Er's monk scratching his head. Why didn't he come to the hospital for a while?

"Sir." Xu Jingjing noticed the man mumbling in front of the elevator and stepped forward, breaking his silence.

Yan Mo kept his back straight, he turned his back to the woman, cleared his throat, and used the most usual tone, "You failed the task?"

Xu Jingjing didn't speak.

Yan Mo's brow frowned slightly, and he turned back to look at the silent woman.

Xu Jingjing stared, her body trembling with a few words.

Yan Mo stepped forward alertly, crouched slightly and leaned in front of her, "What's wrong with you? Injured?"

Xu Jingjing took a step back, still no snoring.

Yan Mo noticed that her eyes seemed a bit red, and how she looked like she wanted to cry.

Xu Jingjing walked towards the fire passage without looking back.

Yan Mo looked around, as if no one noticed their presence.

Xu Jingjing was sitting on the corridor, burying her head in her knees, without saying a word.

Yan Mo sat on the other side of her, coughing softly, "What's wrong with you?"

Xu Jingjing twisted her head proudly, a small woman who looked indifferent and did not ask.

Yan Mo continued to ask, "Is it because your comrades are injured, do you feel guilty?"

Xu Jingjing kept silent, but her body shook unknowingly.

Yanmo strode across the steps and walked down two steps, looking up at the woman who was crying secretly.

Xu Jingjing poked away his hand, "Don't touch it."

Yan Mo smiled, "The soldiers will not be so pretentious."

Xu Jingjing gave him a sideways glance, "I don't."

"What are you crying for?" Yan Mo asked again.

Xu Jingjing's hands clenched her legs involuntarily, she said, "My fault."

Yan Mo listened with a little knowledge and then asked, "What did you do wrong?"

"You're right," Xu Jingjing said again.

Yan Mo was more confused, "What are you wrong, am I right?"

Xu Jingjing wanted to explain, but she swallowed it back to her mouth, her face gradually became red in the eyes, like the feeling of choking, she wanted Feeling powerless and decadent.

Yan Mo fanned her. "Don't worry, say slowly, slowly."

Xu Jingjing took a deep breath, her voice was a little low, "I'm conceited."

Yan Mo Renjun smiled, "Is this why you blame yourself?"

Xu Jingjing nodded. "I'm overrated."

Yan Mo sat back to her side, "It's a bit tiring to talk to you, and I have to complete every sentence for you in my head."

Xu Jingjing could not help breaking her tears and smiled, "Tough work."

Yan Mo looked at the blood on her face, "Would you like to wash it?"

Xu Jingjing wiped it casually, "No need."

Yan Mo watched her hands wipe her cheeks in silence, and the blood on her face was wiped away little by little under her fingertips. It used to be just one or two blood spots. The whole face was flushed.

Xu Jingjing noticed that the chief seemed to be laughing, a little dazed, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yan Mo raised her hand and wiped the blood on her face. "Originally, the blood that could have been wiped only with a light wipe, now you have completely wiped it off. A large area is red, like a opera. "

Xu Jingjing looked at the man near him, his hands were very light, stroking like feathers.

"Well." She felt strange. Why did he touch his face, but his heart beat uncontrollably? It was as if his hands were pounding his heart.

Yan Mo was content with the blood on his fingers and said, "Don't be sad, this is the battlefield. You can't blame yourself for being inadequate because your comrades are injured. You just need to remember that you are in Make every effort to complete the task. "

"Sir." Xu Jingjing stood up, "I will work hard."

Yan Mo pursed his lips and smiled. "Your women's special squad has just set up. It should be a good expression of yourself, but the material must be against it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Believe in yourself and be ashamed."

Xu Jingjing raised his eyes. The sunlight in the corridor was shining in the corner of his eyes. Some of them were dazzling, but they were like an addiction, making people want to look uncontrollably.

Yan Mo reached out and shook in front of her eyes. "Is this moved by me?"

Xu Jingjing hurriedly lowered her head, and their shadows overlapped in the corridor.

"Well, I'm going back." Yan Mo looked at his watch, but it was one o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Jingjing blurted out when he saw that he was about to leave. "The captain is here."

Yan Mo paused. "I know she's here."

Xu Jingjing asked again, "Did you see?"

Yan Mo thought about it, why did he see their captain? He didn't seem to have any particular desire to meet.

Xu Jingjing saw that he didn't talk suddenly, and he didn't follow him either. The two eyes were as big as small eyes and small eyes, and the atmosphere was solidified.

Yan Mo's eyes were a little sour. He covered his mouth and coughed. "There is still something in the camp, I'll go back first."

Xu Jingjing felt that something was wrong. In the past, the chief always used excuses to jump in front of his captain. Why didn't he take the opportunity to show himself today?

Yan Mo stepped out of the fire passage and stiffened his body stupidly. He even had no attempt to see his own little Jingjing?

Why is this happening?

Why did my little Jingjing's thoughts like the flooding river run dry?

No, no, it must be the way I opened it.

Yan Mo retracted the fire awkwardly awkwardly, and then shoved the iron door with a lofty ambition.

Xu Jingjing listened to this screaming opening of the door, looked for it, and saw that the sergeant stood aggressively at the gate, and was struck by the bounced iron gate in front of his head. Then he took a step and walked up the stairs. Get off.

"Well." Yan Mo rolled to the bottom of the stairs like a bowling ball, his head was a little dizzy, and his eyes alternated between black and white.

Xu Jingjing stood in front of him, waving his hand, "Sir?"

Yan Mo sat up stupidly, with a woman, two women, and three women standing in front of her, all of them overlapping women. He was a little flustered. Would so many people look at him a little ashamed?

Xu Jingjing squatted in front of him and noticed a bright red flowing from his hair. He quickly took out the paper towel and wiped it. "You're bleeding."

Yan Mo clearly saw who was talking, blinked, and smirked, "You are beautiful."

If it was Xu Jingjing who dared to say such frivolous words to her before, she would definitely punch her with a merciless fist, but now, inexplicably, she suddenly jumped from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, her face red and red, as if she had a head Fawn happily jumped up and down in her heart.

This feeling is unprecedented!

Yan Mo held her little face and smiled more like a fool.