MTL - Jubo-Chapter 90

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It took four beeps to be picked up, but the voice from the other end of the phone was not the sound of Wang Ziyu, but the voice of a man.

Chapter 307 Yao Wu Yang Wei

What is Wang Cheng doing at this time?

He was on his way to pick up Chu Yifeng from the airport, but halfway through he received a call from Wang Ning'an. It turned out that Wang Ning'an had also heard about things on the Internet. He didn't surf the Internet very often and would know what He Ping told him. In order to learn more new knowledge, He Ping spends an hour or two sitting in front of the computer every day to search for news. He does n’t gossip, but the news spreads too fast on the Internet. The search page also displays popular search content. Carefully saw Zhou Cheng's Mingyu, only to find it.

Wang Cheng doesn't know about it yet, but he didn't worry about Wang Ning'an. Those photos are strictly not exceptional. Unless the other person is stupid enough to pass on the photos, it will be another matter. Even he can see the demise, not to mention that there are only more people on the Internet and professional people.

Chu Yifeng returned to the country so soon not because Wang Cheng told him, but Xie Wenzhi told him.

After Zhou Shichang said that he would be removed from his post, he was ordered to continue that day. Wang Cheng ’s main post was in a branch office, so Xie Wenzhi got the news the first time. He did n’t tell him the reason, but Xie Wenzhi felt that there was That's why I told Chu Yifeng.

Chu Yifeng immediately knew what must have happened. After calling Wang Cheng, he knew that their relationship was known by Zhou Shichang.

Wang Cheng gave the driver's seat to him and climbed to the vice seat. The car drove out. He pulled out his mobile phone and went online to check what Wang Ningan said. At this time, the post had been deleted. He could only see some discussions. Topic, did not see related links.

Chu Yifeng asked what he was looking at.

Wang Cheng told him something on the Internet, "Nine out of ten such stupid things were done by Zhao Chenlin, every time he did this trick." Unfortunately, he guessed wrong this time, and the real stupid person was Zhou Lin.

"Your grandfather was dismissed from your post. What are your plans next?" Chu Yifeng asked.

"Of course I found the person who sent the photo to my grandfather, and although he lost his job in the branch, the elegance still belongs to me. My grandfather gave me the elegance long ago. I don't know if he will regret it now." Wang Cheng touched his nose and smiled slightly.

Chu Yifeng raised his eyebrows and was about to speak, and Wang Cheng's phone rang again. The caller this time was Pan Zhihai. It turned out that some people had spread the news of Wang Cheng being kicked out of Zhou's house by Zhou Shichang this morning. Now the headquarters is also spreading. When Pan Zhihai received the news, he was a little worried. As a result, if the chairman Wang Cheng is replaced and Zhao Chenlin is replaced, the elegance may change again.

Pan Zhihai's worry was not unreasonable. Just thinking in the morning, Zhao Chenlin came here in the afternoon, and he regarded himself as an elegant master, and put up the uncle's score in the company. He also said that the elegant will be taken over by him again and let Pan Zhihai do well Psychologically, he was the first person to be fired at that time, and Pan Zhihai was so nervous that he couldn't help but call Wang Cheng.

"Is Zhao Chenlin still elegant?" Wang Cheng asked.

"He's still there. The entertainers who were suppressed by Zhou Shao are now tying him up. Everyone has heard about you." Pan Zhihai said that Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng had nothing to do with it. This kind of thing is in the entertainment industry. It is very common, but everyone thinks that the old chairman cannot accept this kind of thing, so they believe the rumors.

"Wait, I'll go now." Wang Cheng hung up.

Chu Yifeng spontaneously changed the destination to be elegant. This is the first time he came to be elegant. As the object of a scandal with Wang Cheng, his appearance almost surprised everyone. At this time, you should not try to keep the distance to prove that the relationship between the two is innocent. ? Or are they really the kind of relationship everyone guesses?

As soon as he walked into the company, Wang Chengcheng heard a loud noise coming from inside. When he walked over, he saw a group of people who were arguing. Everyone saw him coming, and the voice gradually quieted down. The following conscious response.

The center of the noisy is Zhao Chenlin. When he saw him, Zhao Chenlin seemed very proud. He looked like "you are out of luck", but when he saw Chu Yifeng, his expression was slightly hesitant, and he smiled unwillingly, "It seems The relationship has been exposed but it is different, and now they are starting to enter into the right and right. "

Wang Cheng glanced at him, and skipped him looking directly at the others. "What are you all doing here? Are you going to have a party? Why don't you invite me?" Everyone he saw bowed his head.

"Zhou Shao, you came just right. When Zhao Shao came to the company, he had to intervene in my work and said some excessive words." Pan Zhihai saw Wang Chengdanding's appearance, and his mind was slightly fixed.

"What an overstatement?"

Pan Zhihai glanced at Zhao Chenlin, who looked angry. "He asked me to cancel He Ziyu's work schedule tonight. He said that he had something to do with He Ziyu at night. He also asked me to give him the company's artist list. He will take over the elegance, and he wants to get acquainted with the company's artists first. "

Wang Chengzhen was ridiculed by his self-righteousness, and suddenly stretched out a kick to the chair under Zhao Chenlin, the latter did not expect that he dared to act in front of everyone in front of him, in case he was too surprised to drop a dog to eat **** in public, and immediately became angry. Jump up.

"Zhou Cheng, you mean ..."


The herringbone didn't have time to say it. Chu Yifeng's legs fell on Zhao Chenlin's body faster than Wang Cheng's. He made a sound and kneeled on the ground with his legs heavy. He couldn't help screaming. The crowd was startled. Taking a step back or two, he looked at Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng in horror.

Zhao Chenlin felt that his legs were about to break. He didn't see who was doing it at all. He thought it was Wang Cheng again. He raised his head and tried to scold others but smashed into a pair of calm eyes. A chill rose from his feet. .

"Zhao Chenlin, which onion do you count? Do you think the entertainers of our company can call you to drink? You don't look in the mirror." Wang Cheng looked at him coldly.

Zhao Chenlin wanted to scold him, but when he thought of what he had just done, he just endured it again. He didn't want to admit defeat in public, and he hated, "Chou Cheng, don't be proud. You have been kicked out of the Zhou family by your grandfather. Sooner or later, it will be mine. I will definitely hide all the artists you value, so that they will never have a day of fame, and the employees you value, I will fire them, and you will only be good now. "

This remark made everyone's heart out, and what they were most worried about was this situation.

Wang Cheng said, "I don't want to be proud of you, are you stupid? I said earlier, you don't deserve it. If your grandfather really cares about you, then he should have told you that elegant is my personal asset. "

Zhao Chenlin froze, roaring, "You bullshit, how could grandpa give you elegance?"

"Whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me. It ’s the case. Now, please leave elegant, do n’t let me have the chance to take you out. You know, I ’m in a bad mood now and need a little vent. If you want to be my vent Subject, I will be happy to complete you. "Wang Cheng pinched his knuckles and sneered on his face, threatening.

Zhao Chenlin looked at him in horror. He believed that Wang Cheng could definitely do it, but his legs hurt, and he couldn't stand now.

Wang Cheng said to Pan Zhihai, "Look for someone to lift him out, so as not to get the company's floor dirty."

"Yes, Zhou Shao." Pan Zhihai was also surprised that the elegance turned into Zhou Shao's personal property, but he believed that Wang Cheng would not lie on such things, and his heart was immediately calm.

When Zhao Chenlin was carried out, he was still scolding. Someone was standing outside to watch. When he saw someone coming out, his neck suddenly became longer. The gossip in the entertainment circle spread quickly, and everyone about Wang Cheng was slightly All I heard was that Zhao Chenlin thought to revive Xiongwei, but this situation seems different from what they thought. Is the rumor false?

Zhou Lin was told that her son was injured in Ya. He hurried over to see his son being held up, his mouth cursed, and many people came over to watch, and the reporter photographed this scene. Will occupy the headlines of entertainment newspapers.

When Zhao Chenlin saw the backing came, she immediately complained to Zhou Lin, who thought that Wang Cheng had hurt him, but this was not the place to speak, and immediately he was helped to the car.

"Mom, you must take revenge for me. Zhou Cheng said that the grandfather had given him the elegance. Isn't this true?" Zhao Chenlin was a little bit reluctant to the elegance. Before he was robbed by Wang Cheng, he He was still thinking about taking it back, but if his grandfather gave the elegance to Wang Cheng, he would never have another chance.

"It's true, so you don't have to think elegant anymore. Right now Wang Cheng is suspected of being abandoned by your grandfather. This is your great opportunity. Don't affect our plan because of this little thing." Zhou Lin said that she was only later Knowing this, she was also very angry, but no matter how angry she was, she could not change this fact.

"Is that the case?" Zhao Chenlin was reconciled. "My leg was still injured by them. The Emmer president kicked me. I don't want to simply let them go."

Zhou Lin stepped on the brakes and immediately turned back and asked, "Didn't Zhou Cheng hit you?"

"No, is there a difference?"

"Of course I do." Zhou Lin shouted, and he was almost furious. "If it was his hands, you would have to swallow it anyway. He is different from Zhou Cheng. We ca n’t move. You better Don't provoke him, or your mother won't save you. "

Zhao Chenlin didn't understand, but Zhou Lin obviously didn't want to explain to him.

Chapter 308 Investment and Introduction

On the second day, the news that Zhao Chenlin went to the elegant scene really appeared on the newspaper. There was also a scene of Zhao Chenlin sitting at the elegant door in shame. Most of the people who saw the newspaper could not believe it. thing. When Zhou Lin got the newspaper, she was so torn in half that she had taken care of the newspaper yesterday so that they should not report what happened yesterday. At that time, the other party promised well and dare to lie to her?

Zhou Lin called the other party to ask about this. The person in charge of the newspaper told her that the president personally ordered it. He had already set the headline for the day, but the president suddenly asked him to put the news on him. There is no way. Zhou Lin didn't know if Dad had seen the newspaper on this day. To prevent any incident, she called Zhao Chenlin and asked him to return to Zhou's house for dinner tonight. While Dad's impression of Zhou Cheng was getting worse, this The time is when they feel good about it.

Zhao Chenlin and Wei Wei made an appointment to go to Feise at night, and it was a bit reluctant to hear this. He has been very happy outside recently, and is much happier than that when he stayed at Zhou's house. If he returns to Zhou's house, he will go back there again. This kind of painful life that must come back at ten o'clock in the evening, but he dare not say this, otherwise the mother will definitely scold him.

Wang Cheng knew that the photos were related to the Zhou Lin family, but he didn't expect to involve Shang Weiwei. He told his brother about this and Zheng Jingen said he knew.

The surface of their family seems to be impassive, but they are actually very mobile.

Wang Cheng was fired by Zhou Shichang, which is definitely not a trivial matter to the Zheng family. The Zhou family now supports the Zheng family, but once the power of the Zhou family is changed, Zhou Lin will definitely not support the Zheng family anymore, so Zhou The successor of the Clan Group is also related to the future of the Zheng family, and Wei Wei didn't know he was about to face a calamity.

No need to go to the company, as long as Wang Cheng has time to go elegant, personally arrange the company's artists, and actively participate in the planning, and his presence has finally reassured some disturbed artists, as for those who came to Zhao Chenlin to show off their strength His artists, they soon found that they had fewer announcements, and could not help but regret it.

Pan Zhihai knocked on the door and walked in, putting the documents in his hand on Wang Cheng's desk. "Zhou Shao, this is the fund application submitted to me the day before yesterday. The TV series invested by the Zhou Group some time ago, and now the funds have been used almost."

"Then apply, what's the problem?" Wang Cheng picked up the documents and said.

"But it was rejected."

Wang Cheng raised an eyebrow, opened the file, and the consent application below was really empty. "Why was it rejected? Who rejected it?"

"I heard that it was Manager Zhou. This one was originally responsible for her. Maybe it was because of the last thing, so this time the other party deliberately made things difficult for us."

Pan Zhihai carefully looked at Wang Cheng's face after he said, "Someone also conveyed the words of Manager Zhou, saying that since Elegant is Zhou Shao's personal assets, it is not related to the Zhou Group. Manager Zhou also said that he would undo the next few An investment in film and television script, one of which is a masterpiece of He Ziyu's preparation for the film industry. "

"I thought Zhou's group was her only in a few days?" Wang Cheng laughed out loud, suddenly thinking that Zhao Chenlin's brainlessness may not have been formed, but may have been inherited.

"Zhou Shao, what do you want to do now? Now there are already elegant outsiders who don't have the support of the Zhou's Group. Without the previous ability, the company's artists are a little shaken." Pan Zhihai said with anxiety. Once the elegant problems, those already small Famous artists will definitely choose to change jobs for their own future.

"You don't have to worry about money." Wang Cheng said, "There is no investment from the Zhou Group, and there are other companies, not just the Zhou Group." What he did not say is that he still has the Dongwang Group, although before He borrowed a large amount of money from his elder brother, but the money for making a movie was still available. No matter how bad he was, he could also pull Chu Yifeng to invest.

The projects invested by the Zhou Group are not small, and the news that Wang Cheng was kicked out of the Zhou family was confirmed as soon as the funds were withdrawn. Everyone said that the elegance was over, but it was soon discovered that although the Zhou Group withdrew the investment funds , But the filming team did not stop at all, because new funds were soon added.

Because the name of the new investor was not disclosed, everyone is not sure about it. All I know is that the artist ’s schedule is the same as usual. The filming of the TV series, the filming of the movie, the filming of the movie, and the recording of the record are all performed as usual. Nothing was affected by this because of this matter.

This situation surprised Zhou Lin, who was prepared to wait for elegant problems. What can Wang Cheng be able to withstand such a large loophole?

However, Zhao Jiansheng told her, do n’t forget the existence of Emer, Chu Yifeng is Wang Cheng ’s lover. How could he sit idly by and ignore this matter? The strategy of canceling the investment to Wang Cheng ’s trouble is actually not very effective, on the contrary It will also harm the interests of the Zhou Group, and it will be bad for people to know that they seek power for their own gain.

"What are you afraid of? I've already thought about the excuse. I won't leave the handle." Zhou Lin has been exhausting the pain of Wang Cheng. She also wanted Wang Cheng to taste the taste, but he didn't expect him to lose Zhou. Group, with Emmer behind, is just a lucky one.

"Anyway, be careful." Zhao Jiansheng always felt that things were not so simple. Whether Wang Cheng's attitude was calmer, he probably couldn't care less about the Zhou Group. At noon, Wang Cheng received a call from Wang Ning'an. Wang Ning'an asked him to eat at Gu's old house at night. Although Wang Cheng was not the grandson of Gu Shouzhuo, he was also a family with his father and mother, and he had a great deal to play in clarifying the relationship with the Wang family. So Wang Ning'an wanted to introduce him to Gu Shouzhuo. This incident was also nodded by Gu Shouzhuo. Wang Cheng has a little curiosity about this old Mr. Gu, because in the strict sense, the elder brother and his situation are similar, so he wants to know if Mr. Gu old is sincere to his parents, brother and sister. Gu's life was good, so he agreed.

"Bye brother, don't mind adding another pair of chopsticks?"

Wang Ning'an was helpless to hear this saying, "Now many people in the Emperor are paying attention to you, do you dare to walk together openly?"

"It's better to be exposed. Anyway, everyone knows, why should I cover it up, then it's called a problem." Wang Cheng didn't care.

"Then you are free."

This was agreed, and Wang Chengxing gleefully notified Chu Yifeng of the good news.

However, there are not too many reporters following Wang Cheng recently. Everyone wants to dig more news breaking points from him. Seeing that he left with another gossip subject, his keen sense of smell told them that there must be a problem, so the reporter followed them. When I came to the Gu family, I saw the quaint old mansion. The sighted reporters recognized that this was the home of the person in charge of Gu's family. The brain hole suddenly opened, thinking that the Gu family was the new investor Wang Cheng was looking for, although he felt itchy. However, the ancient house can't get in, so they can only stay outside and wait for them to come out. However, some reporters have reported the news to the agency. The newspaper began to edit the story based on their own minds, involving the Gu family. It will definitely make headlines again tomorrow.

Gu Shouzhuo is a kind and kind old man like Zhou Shichang. If there is any difference, Zhou Shichang can always make people feel a majesty, but Gu Shouzhuo is like an ordinary old man. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes are obvious and his eyes are soft. I seem to have laughed recently Frequently, he hardly ever saw his face.

"You're Ning'an's brother? Sure enough, he is a talent."

Gu Shouzhuo didn't seem to know, or he wasn't in an accidental rumor about Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng, looking at Wang Cheng's eyes were love and black.

Wang Cheng smiled, "Grandpa Gu has won a prize."

Gu Shouzhuo smiled, "I do n’t need to be humble. I really think you are very old, much better than most young people. It is a blessing for him to have a grandson like you. Of course, I also have a grandson like Ning'an. My blessing. "There seemed to be some pride in the words.

Wang Cheng felt relieved when he heard that his elder brother was taken seriously.

"This is the old grandson of Chu Lao. When I meet with Chu Lao, I often hear him mention you. Young is very good." Gu Shouzhuo has met with Father Chu many times because his company has contacts with the country. Every time I heard him show off how powerful his grandson was, it was the first time I saw him today, and it was really outstanding.

Chu Yifeng smiled indifferently, "Gu Lao has won awards, and Grandpa often mentioned you, saying that you have contributed a lot to the country, and let us learn more from you."

This sounded flattering, but Gu Shouzhuo was very happy.

After dinner, the guests and the guests were happy. Afterwards, Wang Ning'an only talked to Wang Cheng about the business. He heard about the elegant situation, so he gave him a portion of the money he borrowed from Wang Cheng. This money was not his recent income. It was lent to Gu Shouzhuo.

Wang Cheng didn't want to, "Brother, I don't really lack money right now, elegant is a bit of a situation, but it is resolved, Zhou Group does not invest in me, I still have Dongwang Group and Aimer."

"Really don't need it?" Wang Ning'an stared at him, afraid he didn't want it because of him.

"Don't believe you ask Boss Chu, he invested me in a movie and TV series." Wang Chengli carved Chu Yifeng into the water.

Don't ask Chu Yifeng, Wang Ningan believes him.

"All right, but if you want to pull investment, you can always find me." Wang Ningan said. Wang Cheng nodded, "I won't forget you, then we go back."

Wang Ning'an watched them leave before returning to the ancient house. This scene was also captured by reporters squatting outside. Wang Ning'an had never been entertained with gossip, so the reporter did not know him, so he decided to report back to the agency to check his identity. Looking back at the direction the car was leaving.

Chapter 309 Gu Li

The next day's newspaper headline was unsurprising and Wang Cheng's headline was attached. On it was attached a Wang Cheng and his gossip object standing in front of the Gu family gate, and a man came out to pick up their photos.

The man was wearing a pair of casual clothes, a slender figure, and a handsome appearance. There was a touch of indifference between the eyebrows. The whole man looked like a gentle and elegant temperament, but what made people more interested was the ancient house behind him. The emperor was the only one. Building, that is the house of Mr. Gu Lao.

Then everyone's focus was crooked again.

Someone found the relationship between Wang Cheng and Wang Ning'an. It turned out that Wang Cheng hadn't acknowledged Zheng's family. The relationship was said to be very good, but it had nothing to do with Mr. Gu Lao.

Because Gu Shouzhuo has never disclosed this matter, only those who know it are niche, but he was able to find it after an investigation. Soon, someone knew that Mr. Gu Lao had found more than 50 years when he was about to spend his 80th birthday. Former missing son.

The Gu family is a big family. Although the brothers have separated, the relationship is still there. The Gu family's incident was reported a year or two ago. Mr. Gu Lao has no descendants, so everyone is guessing from which branch he will choose the heir. As a result, a grandson suddenly emerged. Everyone couldn't help thinking of Wang Cheng. It seems that this experience is the same. The brothers have such a similar plot. If they are the parents of the two, it is estimated that they can wake up with dreams, but for the Gu family For the branch, this is definitely a tragedy.

So the reporter started to inquire about the Gu family branch. They wanted to know what they thought of the matter, which was extremely bad. They didn't have to think about it and knew that they must have felt itchy.

This is just the tipping point of one of the incidents.

The newspaper also pointed out an important key point, that is, Wang Cheng, a young man from the Zhou family, seemed to have a strong backer.

It's almost enviable and envious. It seems that all good things have been taken up by the Zhou family. They only need a backing, but he comes several times. Forget about Zhou Lin's reaction after seeing this news. After reading the newspaper, the three branches of Gu's family were all furious. Everyone felt that Wang Ning'an had deliberately asked reporters to take this scene, in order to expose Wang Cheng. The relationship with him is so that everyone knows that he is not only the grandson of Gu Shouzhuo, but also his brother Wang Cheng. In addition, it seems that Wang Cheng's current situation is not good for him, but no one dares to look down on him. Zhou family, he also has the Zheng family as the backer, and I heard that the Chu family seems to be on his side too.

Wang Ning'an has excellent abilities, and even the best talents in Gu Ping's branch can't compare to him. There are so many backers behind him. Gu's shareholders will support anyone who doesn't even think about it.

"I said Brother is working on this idea." Wang Cheng was holding a sandwich in one hand and the newspaper just out this morning. He was happy after reading a few lines. It was exactly the same as he guessed yesterday. He knew that Brother It is impossible to call him over for no reason, such a good thing as killing two birds with one stone is simply awesome.

Chu Yifeng took the newspaper out of his hand. "Don't read the newspaper while eating, it will cause indigestion."

Wang Cheng shrugged.

Today he does not have many work schedules. He now spends a lot of time every day, so most of the time is spent in elegance. With him joining, Pan Zhihai's work is much easier. After the news spread, the original reason was to avoid weeks. The partners who want to break the contract with the Shi Group have also dispelled this idea.

There are not many things about Chu Yifeng. Without Wang Cheng, Emer will still cooperate with the Zhou Group, but Chu Yifeng will not show up in person anymore. David was transferred from Italy the day before yesterday. Now he is responsible for everything.

When Feng Yifan saw David, he thought it was true. The president of Emmer would be responsible for the cooperation plan of the two before because of Cheng Cheng. Now Zhou Cheng is dismissed from his post. Emmer has not turned his face down. People are polite.

Wang Cheng left for work early in the morning and returned to Binhai Garden. David said that he liked the food he cooked very much, so he personally made lunch for their company.

David was holding the meal he sent, and almost moved to tears as he ate, and no one has ever given him a meal until he came out to work.

"Boss ..." David subconsciously called his boss, Wang Cheng suddenly glanced at a threatening look, suddenly caught a bite in his throat, coughed a few times before swallowing, he smiled hehe: "Cheng brother, Your cooking is getting more and more delicious, especially this braised chicken wings, which tastes great, can you eat braised chicken legs next time? "

Chu Yifeng glanced at him and said, "Should I come to serve you every day in the future?"

David wanted to say yes, but he knew that if he dared to say it, the boss would immediately send him back to Italy, he would n’t, and his brain turned quickly. He thought of a compromise, Just drop me one when the boss sends it. "

Wang Cheng smiled at him.

After eating, Wang Cheng packed up his chopsticks and prepared to go back. As soon as he got up, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He took it out and found it was a strange number. He didn't hang up after three beeps. The lunch box has an answer button.

"Hey, is it Chengcheng? I'm Baby Qian." Baby Qian's tentative voice came, with a little nervousness.

"I'm Wang Cheng, why do you have the time to call me, aren't you taking the exam, isn't it something happened to the light rain?" Wang Chenggang heard her voice, but didn't respond, and suddenly remembered that if nothing happened, Qian Bao It's impossible to call him, and the first time I think of Wang Ziyu.

Baby Qian hesitated for a few seconds, "Yes, no no, hey, yes ..."

Wang Cheng couldn't help crying and said quickly: "Slow down, don't be nervous, what happened to Xiaoyu?"

"Okay, I'm not nervous anymore. Actually, I don't know what to say."

Qian Qian grasping the hair in her head was almost tangled up. She considered this for several days and discussed it with Milli, but finally decided to talk to him better.

"Then you think slowly, don't worry, I don't have anything right now, you can take your time." Wang Cheng heard that she was not particularly anxious, and guessed that it should not be something else that was important, and she was slightly fixed.

"That's it ..." Baby Qian went to Wang Ziyu's class to find her a few days ago and couldn't find her. Later, she called when she was a boy.

When I heard the voice of the boy that day, her first reaction was that Wang Ziyu's mobile phone was off, because if it was a friend she knew, they could not have known it, and the other party should not be so rude, just pick up someone's phone. As soon as the other party heard that she was looking for Ziyu, he said that Prince Yu had some trouble to walk away.

When Qian Qian heard that, it was OK. It was not long after class. Why did Ziyu stay with a boy and immediately asked them where they were? After learning that they were rushing past after the library, only to find out that the boy was so surprised. Gu Li, a famous school of Beijing University.

Beijing University has four major campuses, Lei Yanze ranked first, and Gu Li ranked fourth.

Although it is at the end, it is also a well-known school grass. He is a graduate student. Since he began internship in the company last year, it is difficult to see him in school.

Baby Qian had no immunity to the handsome guy. After seeing Gu Li throwing away all his doubts immediately, his behavior was restrained a lot. Wang Ziyu saw her flushed, and sat with nervous expression on her back. Talking to Gu Li in his position, he was also stingy.

After separating from Gu Li, Qian Qiang was normal. After returning to the dormitory, he told Milli and Pang Chunjuan. All three felt that Wang Ziyu had something to hide from them. After questioning, I realized that they were not together for the first time. .

Wang Ziyu first met Gu Li more than half a month ago. At that time, Gu Li had to go back to school because his tutor asked him to talk about his dissertation. As a result, he encountered Wang Ziyu who was just entangled by two boys. A boy confessed to her and said that he would not let her go if he didn't promise to be his girlfriend. Gu Li came forward to help her out and Wang Ziyu thanked him very much.

Gu Li had to go back to school three or two times because of a problem with the thesis. When he met the second time, Prince Yu almost stomped. Gu Li grabbed her in time. After two or two times, the two became familiar. But Wang Ziyu didn't tell her roommates about it.

Gu Li has moved back to school two days ago and is said to be preparing to live until the dissertation is completed.

The reason why baby Qian did not find Wang Ziyu that day was actually because the two had already made an appointment to go to the library. Wang Ziyu was eager to learn. It was common for him to go to the library. Gu Li went to the library because he wanted to consult the materials in the library. About together.

I think that since it has been discovered, there is nothing to hide. After that day, Gu Li asked Wang Ziyu to go out from time to time, and Wang Ziyu agreed.

After all, this was an emotional matter for others. Baby Qian could all see that Prince Yu was excited about Gu Li. They started teasing a few words and didn't pay special attention. Until last night, Gu Liyu Prince Yu went out, and the two stayed up all night. Without returning, Baby Qian called her, but the phone was turned off, and the three were in a hurry. They were afraid that something would happen. They even wanted to ask Gu Li's mobile phone, and they were afraid that it would spread to Wang Ziyu's reputation.

Until eleven o'clock, Wang Ziyu called back and said that they encountered a robbery on the way back. Both her and Gu Li's mobile phones broke down. Gu Li was injured. They went to the hospital to spend After a while, she was afraid they were worried, so she borrowed the phone to report their safety first, but because they had already passed the gate, they would not be able to return to school, thinking that the lonely man and the widow would spend the night outside, and if this happened, It ’s definitely not good for Wang Ziyu ’s reputation, but Wang Ziyu is not willing to call her brother at this time. Qian Qiang can only tell her to be careful. When you go to the hotel to open a room, you must open two, and the door must be locked. , Prince Yu agreed.

The next morning, Prince Yuren returned well, but because Gu Li was injured to save her, she felt guilty. After class, she went to the cafeteria to have a meal and then sent Gu Li in person.

Wang Ziyu is obviously more and more interested in Gu Li. Although it seems to be a sympathy, Milli always feels that something is wrong, but they are not good at asking Wang Ziyu's personal affairs, but Wang Cheng can, so he called him This phone.

Chapter 310

Chu Yifeng found that Wang Cheng's face was ugly, and he was in a good mood at the beginning. His face changed after hearing the phone call, "Is there something wrong with your sister?"

Wang Cheng remembered what the baby Qian just said, and he suddenly became angry. "What can she do? Now she has learned to fall in love. She even spends the night with a boy. Although there is a compelling reason, she is unbound. Do n’t you think that the girl of Chicken Power ca n’t go out with the man alone at night? It ’s so late! ”

Chu Yifeng can understand his mood, "It's good if people are fine."

"It's all right, do you know who the guy who went out with her is?" Wang Cheng was also relieved, at least people were fine.

Chu Yifeng knew that he was going to talk badly. If something happened, people wouldn't sit here anymore, so he just said, "Who?"

Wang Cheng said angrily: "That guy is Gu Li."

"Gu Li? Gu's?"

"I'm not very clear. Baby Qian said that Gu Li is one of the four major universities of Beijing University. He is a graduate student. He rarely returns to school this time. This time he went back because of thesis. Gu Li Bacheng is the Gu family. "He thought of Gu family as soon as he heard that Gu Li, and he never believed in such a coincidence.

Chu Yifeng suddenly thought of one thing, "Will it just happen to be Gu, if he is the Gu family, with your sister?

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