MTL - Jubo-Chapter 87

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? He can't escape and wakes up better. "I was going to wake people up and start, but now I just saved one step.

The man in the suit didn't know that the difference in this step was very big.

The short man realized that they were not a group after hearing his words, and the smile returned to his face. "I know, let's get started."

"Hey, I didn't speak, can you speak English? I'm upset if you say something I don't understand." Wang Cheng twisted his neck without worrying at all, but neither of them noticed anything wrong. The two men he carried up were a little surprised.

The short man took out a small bottle of transparent water from the drawer and gave one of them, "Feed this to him. The customer asked for it as soon as possible, and we have little time."

The man hesitantly took the bottle. The water in it is actually something that can make people estrus. As long as a little bit, it can make the other party react in less than a minute. The medicine is very strong. Even masturbation is useless. Things are a bit difficult to get. Generally, a short man will not take them out, but this time is tight and I have to use them.

They thought things would go well, but when the man grabbed Wang Cheng's hand and another was going to pour the potion into his mouth, the man holding Wang Cheng was overturned without warning and fell so big. To the shooting equipment, knocked things over, another man had not responded yet, Wang Chengcheng punched him in the face, the man immediately threw the bottle and howled.

"What, this kid turned out to be a practising boy?" The short man was scared, and had no time to hurt his potion, and angrily shouted at the man in a suit: "Why don't you say this?"

Where do men in suits know that they only know that Wang Cheng is the young owner of a company called the Zhou Group in Huaguo, and the rest knows nothing, how do they know that Wang Cheng is capable of playing? If they knew, they would have tied him up long ago. It was a moment of negligence, but unfortunately there was no opportunity to make up for it.

Wang Cheng has come to the two.

Chapter 297 Get Out

Wang Cheng did not return to the main house, and the mobile phone was unavailable. Even if he did not know the way, it would not take more than an hour. Besides, they had already opened the road many times. Chu Yifeng, who realized that the call was wrong, immediately called Xie Wenzhi's phone, but was informed. Wang Cheng left after work.

"How's it going? Go shopping elsewhere, should you go out and find him?"

Emily knew that her son regarded Wang Cheng as a treasure, and she would be worried if she could not be contacted for no reason, but she didn't think so much, but when she walked in front of her son, she couldn't help but startled, a cold expression that seemed to kill Is it her son? Even her mother saw it for the first time.

Chu Yifeng didn't answer her question and left without looking back. The murderous back was even shocked by the old Locke and came over with a cane.

"What's the matter with Leo?" Emily's glamorous face finally showed a hint of worry. "It seems that something happened to Zhou Cheng, Dad, I suddenly have a bad hunch, won't something really happen? ? "

Old Locke was silent, "Don't worry about it, nothing will happen."

In the small room, two stout men were tied around the corner of the bed by a large variety of flowers. Although the short man and the suit man were not tied, they were all shrunk in the corner and did not dare to move. They were scared and thought it was easy. Wang Cheng, who can get it, did not expect it to be a fierce angle.

After solving the two strongest men, Wang Chenggong began to stab them both, no matter how begging for mercy, it was useless. The most terrible thing was that every punch that Wang Cheng fell on them made them die alive. I have learned a little skill, but he didn't look good enough in front of Wang Cheng. He surrendered after a while. The two were sweating, and their hands and feet were soft. They could not stand even if Wang Cheng turned his back on them.

Wang Cheng's feet were full of discs, with names on the discs. It should be every protagonist who was filmed. When he saw the equipment, he knew that this was a nest dedicated to pornographic av or Gv. The hero may not be voluntary.

"Where's my cell phone?" Wang Cheng threw away the disc in his hand and remembered that he had been missing for almost two hours. Chu Yifeng was likely to find him everywhere and immediately asked the man in a suit.

The man in the business suit saw him look almost subconsciously, and then reacted after seeing him for a while. Seeing his expression was not good, he quickly said: "Throw, throw."

On the way to bring Wang Cheng, the man in the suit dialed his mobile phone and threw it out of the window, watching with his own eyes the phone crashed into pieces.

Wang Cheng narrowed his eyes.

The suit's eyes were crying, and he took out his cell phone. "You, you can use my cell phone." Wang Cheng snorted, and it rang as soon as he received the cell phone. He glanced at the caller's name. Sure enough, it was Johanna, and his guess was correct. This woman's courage is really not small, but she is a daunting noble. She dared to attack him in Italy. When she was a green onion, he dared to bet. Regarding Johanna's attack on the women around him, except that he didn't care about those women, on the other hand, he didn't take Johanna's attention.

Thinking of this, Wang Cheng answered the call, and Johanna's slightly sharp voice came.

"Hans, how is it going?" Wang Chengzheng was going to tell her the truth. Johanna screamed suddenly, and her voice stimulated Wang Cheng's eardrum through her phone. She thought that the person who answered the phone was not Hans. The next second, Johanna was surprised and a sound of joy sounded.


As soon as the voice fell, Johanna's scream came again. This time, Wang Cheng was prepared to take off the phone in advance, otherwise the magic sound would pass through the brain again.

"Where is he?" Chu Yifeng's voice was a bit vague, but anyone could hear the harshness and coldness in the voice, as if it could freeze people's frost. It was clear that it was almost summer, but everyone seemed to be cold.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Johanna's voice was a little hoarse, as if pinched around her neck. After knowing his intention, her pupils shrank. At this moment, she almost realized that Chu Yifeng was serious about Wang Cheng. Yes, otherwise Wang Cheng would not find her immediately two hours after her disappearance, and her jealousy spread like a vine growing wildly.

"I'll say it again, where is he?"

Johanna was so jealous that she broke free of Chu Yifeng's restraint, but he was actively let go of it, and a loud cough came. Haha laughed: "I don't know, you never want to find him, even if you find it, He's finished, too. I can't get it. Don't think about it. "

Johanna got out, never as deeply aware that she would never have a chance, her character was more extreme, Chu Yifeng could find her here, she must know that she did it, and thought of the consequences that angered him, John Na broke the jar and broke.

Chu Yifeng stared at Johanna with red eyes, and the swirl of rage seemed to ferment around, and the power in his hands was no longer controlled. With a bang, Johanna's hand was broken, and the scream was in the empty house. Echoed from the phone, and was clearly transmitted from the phone.

The consequence of angering Chu Yifeng was not just a broken hand. The next moment, a new round of screams sounded again. This time it may be one foot or the other hand.

"Boss Chu ..."

A small familiar sound suddenly sounded, and Chu Yifeng, who stretched his magic palm toward Johanna's other hand, suddenly stopped, looked around, and finally dropped the mobile phone on the ground, throwing away Johanna like a rag, Chu Yifeng Pick up the phone.

The mobile phone was on hands-free, which was probably accidentally encountered by Johanna when she was struggling. Chu Yifeng knew that Hans was a loyal servant of Johanna and immediately thought of a possibility.

"Wang Cheng, is that you?" Wang Cheng laughed. "Of course it is me. Who do you think I am? This little trick can't stump me. My mobile phone was thrown away, just returned I want to call you, you come to pick me up, I don't know where I am now, you wait, I ask. "After asking the address, Wang Cheng told him, Chu Yifeng told him not to hang up Disconnect.

Wang Cheng was a bit bored, and suddenly there was a flash of light. He walked over and picked up the small bottles that had fallen before. Most of them had been sprinkled, but there was still a little bit. I did n’t know if it was useless. After a few moments, he walked towards the suit man, forcibly opened his mouth and poured in under the horrified eyes of the latter, and a few minutes later, the suit man was flushed with blush.

As soon as Wang Cheng looked useful, he smiled suddenly and said to the short man, "Don't you like to shoot this thing? Let me personally experience the taste of being exploded chrysanthemums today." Live in a suit man pulling a short man's clothes, then walk out of the house while calling the local police.

The strength of a short man was not as strong as a suit man. Now it is not even a suit man who is drinking an aphrodisiac. The house is well soundproofed and the screams are not heard at all. At the time, they chose this place as a base. For this reason.

Chu Yifeng's speed was not slow. Wang Cheng came downstairs, and as soon as he got out of the alley, the car stopped in front of him, startling him.

"Are you driving like this? At least one meter away from me."

Chu Yifeng did not speak, walked in front of him after getting out of the car, and looked up and down to make sure that he had nothing. Suddenly he put him in his arms. "Will I tie you to my belt next time?"

Wang Cheng grinned, resting his chin on his shoulder. "Okay, but I'm afraid I'm too big. Should I cut it into small pieces?"

"How do you let me corpse?"

Wang Cheng was almost drooled. "Fuck, is your taste too heavy?"

Chu Yifeng finally laughed, "It's not as heavy as your corpse." At this moment, the sound of the police car sounded, and the police found the room from the other side. As soon as he rushed in, he saw the scene with the same taste. The clothes of the short man's body were all He was stripped, his lower body was bloody, and the whole man was already breathless, but the suit man didn't care about it at all. After the police broke in, he was still working hard, but all the police were shocked for a while. Seeing that he had not stopped, Immediately, two policemen walked over to pull up the man in a suit, and the picture was quite obscene.

However, the medicinal effect in the suit man's body has not passed yet. When he found someone obstructing himself, he immediately yelled and struggled. The police didn't take precautions. As a result, he rushed to the short man. The police pulled him away again, only to find the suit. The man's expression was a bit wrong, as if taking aphrodisiac.

In the end, four people in the house were taken away, including the disc on the ground. The police later detected Wang Cheng's fingerprints, but they did not judge Wang Cheng as a complicity, but the victim, but the victim ’s force. The value is a bit high.

Later, Emer came forward, and Wang Cheng's part in this incident was directly erased. Even if someone came to this case, they would not know it.

Chapter 298 Returning Safely

After returning to the main house, Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng were watched. Sophie was also there. The little girl learned from Emily that Wang Cheng was gone. She felt like Jo Yifeng had done it to Johanna, and then called Johanna. The phone was always on the phone, so she directly killed Johanna's villa, and saw Johana's tragic situation, which scared her. Johanna broke her hand and foot with brute force. When the villa maid moved her out, Johanna was dizzy, her skirt was stained with yellow, and Sophie approached. Just smelling a scent, Johann knew that Johanna was incontinent. Sophie speculated that it might be Leo's job, so he went to the main house to find someone, waited for them with Emily and Grand Locke without finding them, and they were finally relieved to see the two returning unharmed.

"My child, it's great that you're fine." Emily hugged Wang Cheng, and she was worried for hours after she realized that the situation was serious.

"Mother Emily, Grandpa Locke, Sophie, I worry you, I have nothing to do." Wang Cheng looked at Sophie and Old Locke. Although the latter had no expression, he felt that Old Locke was actually there too. Worry about him.

Sophie hugged Wang Cheng's arm. "Brother Cheng, fortunately you're okay, it scared me to death, but you can rest assured that the bad guy has been retributed, and she will never dare to appear in front of us again."

"I believe it too." Wang Cheng touched her head.

Wang Cheng did n’t have to go to work the next day. Just after having breakfast with everyone, the main house welcomed an uninvited guest. This man was Johanna ’s father, Cara. Cara went out last night and was not at home. When something happened, the servant told him that the murderer was Chu Yifeng. Because the servant didn't know what Johanna was doing, Cara thought that only Johanna accidentally provoked Chu Yifeng to get revenge like him, so he came to discuss it. .

Old Locke asked his servant to bring him in. Yesterday's account should be calculated well. Although he was a little prejudiced against Wang Cheng, he still said what they said. The daughter of a downcast aristocrat even dared to be on their site. Doing such a bold move clearly did not take the Emmer family seriously.

Carla walked into the living room and found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Obviously they should be responsible for it, but he saw that the family's expression was like eating him, and even Emily no longer smiled at him.

"Carla, how dare you come here if that happened!" Old Lock snorted, staring at him with a stunned look.

Cara swallowed. "Mr. Emer, why don't I dare to come here. Your grandson killed my daughter so miserably. Don't you allow me to come to the house to discuss justice. My daughter was fine yesterday. Today, I will always be in a wheelchair. This is done by your grandson. The servants in my villa can prove that they saw your grandson interrupted my daughter's hands and feet. "

He thought that Old Locke might intentionally make such a gesture if he wanted to claim talent first. His daughter was definitely a victim, and he couldn't help but feel a little stronger.

Old Locke saw his thoughts at a glance, "You said my grandson killed your daughter, why don't you think about what your daughter did, and my grandson will fight her?"

Cara chuckled in his heart. Before he came, he was too angry and didn't think about it at all. Now think about it, it is easy to do some radical things with her daughter's personality, and Leo is not the kind of person who will do it for no reason. Maybe it was his daughter who did something that angered Leo, so he would invite his vicious revenge.

"Then what do you say, what did my daughter do?"

"Look at it for yourself." Emily tossed the newspaper the maid had just brought to his feet. This is the latest news. What happened last night has appeared in today's newspaper, and it still makes headlines. Only three people are committing crimes, but many crimes have been committed in recent years.

Cara picked up the newspaper, and at the first glance, Wei saw the head tea. There were two photos on it. They were four people caught at the scene. He immediately recognized Hans.


"Yesterday, your daughter joined them to stun my son's partner and took him to this place in an attempt to harm him. When my son went to find your daughter, she happened to be on the phone with this Hans, otherwise my son would Not to their den of crime, "Emily explained.

Cara's face turned white, and she never expected that the truth would be the case. Now that the newspapers are out, it is 10% true.

Emily also said, "Carla, if I were you, I would immediately ask Johanna for a best lawyer, because your daughter will be charged with kidnapping and murder, and she can only spend the rest of her life in prison pass."

At this time, Chu Yifeng called Fang He's phone in front of him and asked him to take charge of the case. Carla's face changed suddenly. Fang He became famous. If it was him who went out of his way, his daughter had no chance of winning and realized that they were serious. He immediately stumbled away. Emily was right. Now the most important thing is to help His daughter is looking for a lawyer, or else when the news of Fang He is responsible for the case spreads, I am afraid there will be no lawyer dare to take his daughter's case.

However, when the news spread, Carla ’s barrister gave up Fang He ’s name as soon as he heard the name. He asked Carla to ask for another wise, and then, no matter how much Carra raised the price, the barrister was famous. Unwilling to take the case, in the end, I could only hire a little lawyer who was unnamed and did n’t care about winning or losing, so it goes without saying that Johanna was later charged with an offence and she will be removed when her injuries are almost the same. Spend the rest of her life in prison. The happiest thing was Sophie. The woman was finally revenge, so excited that she jumped around like a lunatic. After that day, Sophie came over from time to time to make her family think that Sophie was finally passionate about Leo. After inquiring, she knew that she was Leo's partner, and they scared them into thinking that Sophie was going to grab Leo's partner. She was banned from going to the Emmers.

Sophie later asked Emily's mother to help explain to her family before they convinced her that she was only brother and sister to Zhou Cheng, and finally lifted the ban.

After Xie Wenzhi knew what happened to Wang Cheng, he called and asked about the situation. He was also scared out of cold sweat. Fortunately, nothing happened. Wang Cheng told him not to tell his family, including his grandfather. Lest they increase their worries. Xie Wenzhi agreed, and I was really afraid of what happened to him. In the next few days, I just let him stay in the main house. Anything can be done by phone or video. Anyway, he is here, and after these days of hard work, The company is on track, and employees are recruiting similarly.

After sending away the lively Sophie, Wang Cheng lay on the sofa in the living room without a picture and talked with his family in the country for long distance calls. During this time, he had not made many phone calls with his family. In addition to being busy, the jet lag was also Not quite right, when he was at work in the afternoon, it was already night in China.

Wang Ning'an has told him what happened at home.

In the end, Papa Wang still looked back on the father of Shouhuo, but the two did not live in the old house, and they still needed them there. Instead, Wang Ning'an moved to the old house, and the original apartment let Guan Meifang and He Ping live. The incident was caused by Papa Wang, because Gu Shouzhuo always said in front of Papa Wang that living alone was too lonely, which made Papa Wang a little unbearable. As a result, when several adults clapped, Wang Ning'an had to accompany the old man. Gu Shouzhuo's treacherous and belly black is probably only visible to Wang Ning'an. At that time, he knew that Gu Shouzhuo actually saw that Papa Wang was the best speaker at home, so he started with Papa Wang. When everyone nodded, he became a junior. How could it be against it.

Wang Cheng felt that this was a good thing. With Gu Shouzhuo's care, the branch of the Gu family did not dare to treat his elder brother, and he was able to obtain a patron such as Gu's family for free, and his future was better, because he knew that the elder brother actually still There is a secret.

Wang Ningan's presence was indeed a surprise to Gu Shouzhuo. A long time ago, Gu Shouzhuo thought about the situation after finding his son. If his son was raised by ordinary people, he may not be able to inherit his career even if he finds him back. Therefore, he was mentally prepared, so when he knew Wang Ning'an From childhood to great deeds, and finally engaged in the field of biomedicine, and also showed good talents, he knew he had picked up treasures.

His son failed to meet his requirements, but the grandson fulfilled his grandfather's wish for his father. At that time, he knew that God still took care of him, not only allowing him to fulfill his dream of reunion before he died, but also heirs helped him. He found it, and he could die without regret. However, this news is obviously not good news for the Gu family's branch. The more Gu Shouzhuo favored Wang Ning'an, the lower their chances. A few days ago, the elders of the Gu family branch frequently went to the ancient house to hear the news, and Gu Ping went to find Shen Yuan's grandma, but this time she couldn't see anyone, she only promised to help them once.

Chapter 299 Old and Young Take All

Wang Cheng spent a leisurely day in the main house, and finally saw the invincible charm of Emily's mother, because on this day alone, there were five or six men who came to her in the main house, and some were on the phone. I do n’t know why I did n’t call Emily ’s mother ’s cell phone, but she landed on the landline of the main house.

When the housekeeper Zander saw him in doubt, he offered to explain to him. It turns out that unless Emily travels abroad, as long as she is still in Italy, she will not bring her phone with her. All her lovers know this, so she wants to know where she is. There is nothing other than these two methods, unless you can predict where she will go, but this is not possible, because Emily's mother is a free-spirited person, she always goes wherever she wants, even if she She is a sensual person, but there are too many things that can make her emotional.

"Mother Emily is really popular. I don't know how she maintains it. She's almost sixty years old." Wang Cheng said to himself.

"I know."

Sufi little girl suddenly jumped out from behind Wang Cheng. The voice was quite loud. She scared Wang Cheng and saw his expression. The little girl smiled proudly.

"Sophie, you are nineteen years old and you are a beautiful lady. How can you be like a child and how will you marry someone like this?" Wang Cheng caught her in front of him and told her like an elder.

Sophie pursed her lips and said, "I don't want to marry anyone. Mother Emily said that none of men is a good thing. I want to live as freely as Mother Emily, and live smartly, and then Travel around the world. "

Wang Cheng was shocked by her great dream, and quickly educated, "Sophie, in fact, there are so many good men in the world, you just have n’t met the one that belongs to you, like me, and you Leo brother, do we too? Bad men ca n’t succeed. Do n’t think that way. ”It ’s good to be comfortable, but to be lonely when you are old, and he believes that Sophie ’s family should not be willing to see her game flowers. Sophie is so lively and cheerful The little girl is actually more suitable for finding a man to love her.

"Of course you are not the same as Leo, but you are both a pair." Sophie looked at him with a resentful look. If Brother Cheng was not Leo's companion, she liked him.

Wang Cheng thought she was saying that good men had made up a pair, and coughed awkwardly, "Listen to me, you are different from Emily's mother ..."

"Okay, okay, I know what you're talking about, don't you want to know why Mother Emily can keep her old age? I know, I can tell you." Sophie interrupted him.

As soon as Wang Cheng heard this, she knew that she wanted to divert her attention, and said helplessly: "Then you say it."

The little girl is still young and is coming to Japan.

"In fact, this is the case. Mom Emily has a team long ago. This team has many people including nutritionists, nutritionists, beauticians, psychologists, etc. They will customize a set of beauty treatments for Mom Emily every day. With a healthy plan for the rest of life, Emily followed their plan and became younger. "

In summary, this is the method for rich people. Having such a team definitely costs a lot of money every month.

Wang Cheng was suddenly disinterested. He felt that he had absolutely no perseverance to persist in the same thing for ten years just for the sake of appearance, but Sophie next to him was very excited. She said that she must also remain forever young like Emily's mother. Only a confident and charming appearance can complete the dream faster.

"What are you talking about?"

When Chu Yifeng came over, he saw a helpless face covering his face, one dancing and dancing, as if thinking about something beautiful, and at the same time handing down the suit jacket to the maid next to him, another maid brought a cup of coffee.

Sophie immediately hugged his arm and smiled brightly. "I was talking with Brother Cheng about how Emily's mother was beautiful. Brother Cheng was interested, so I told him."

Chu Yifeng looked suspiciously at Wang Cheng.

Wang Chengchao waved his hand and said silently: "Sophie said she wants to learn from Emily's mother and will not marry later."

Chu Yifeng thought what was happening and laughed: "Ignore her, it is not the first time she has said these things, and her family has advised her many times, but everyone ’s fate is different. She has this idea now and in the future I wouldn't think so if I met my true emperor. "

"No," Sophie retorted, but nobody ignored her.

Wang Cheng didn't tangled in an instant, "Why did you come back so early today and the company's business is done?"

"There are not many things today."

"Oh, are you hungry? Would you like Zander to prepare some snacks?"

Chu Yifeng drank a bitter coffee and put down: "No, I have something to tell you. Today you find a time to tell Xie Wenzhi that we are going to Britain tomorrow."

Wang Cheng was puzzled. "Why are you going to Britain suddenly?"

Earlier, Locke called Chu Yifeng back to say this. Emer also has business in the UK, and the company is not small. The British nobles dare not underestimate the Emer family, so they mostly want to talk to Amer. The Earl family became friends this time because the Duke of Oston's favorite baby daughter was about to get married. The Duke wanted to invite the Emer family to attend his daughter's wedding banquet. Old Locke and the Duke of Auston have some friendship, and the two also have business dealings. Both public and private have to participate, but he is not very suitable for flying recently, so he wants Chu Yifeng to take his place. Chu Yifeng wants Wang Cheng to join him. go together.

The countries where the Zhou Group develops in foreign markets include the United Kingdom, and it is also a country with a focus on development. If Wang Cheng can go together this time, he will be able to borrow wedding banquets to meet more people in your circle, which is good for the Zhou Group.

"I'm going together, too," Sophie said as soon as she was about to go to Britain.

"No." Chu Yifeng denied it without thinking.

"Why?" Sophie muttered.

Wang Cheng said suddenly, "Sophie, if you want to be a beautiful woman like Emily's mother, don't mutter your lips, talk softly, like a real adult who is not surprised, and a lady, You can't embarrass others, otherwise you never want to be that person. "

Sophie thought for a while and thought he was very reasonable, disappointed, "All right."

Chu Yifeng secretly gave Wang Cheng a praiseful look.

Wang Cheng returned a proud expression.

In the evening, Emily also mentioned this at the table. She was also going to the wedding dinner of the Duke's daughter. The person who invited her was the Duke himself, and the Duke would personally send a private jet to pick up Emily. They were going too, and Emily asked if they needed to take them for a ride.

Wang Cheng was almost choked by the soup in his mouth, and his face was stained with soup.

Chu Yifeng picked up the white cloth at hand to help him wipe his face.

Seeing an ambiguous smile on Emily's mother's face, Wang Cheng's cheek was thinner, and took the white cloth and said, "I wipe it myself, you can eat it."

Before going to bed, Wang Cheng remembered what was on the table, and when Chu Yifeng lay down next to him, he asked, "Is this Lord Duke also the guest of Emily's entrance?"

"What do you say?"

Although Chu Yifeng did not answer him directly, Wang Cheng had already guessed it, and it really was, "How old is the Duke?"


"That's okay, it's not particularly old." Wang Cheng couldn't imagine the closeness of an old man who stepped into the coffin and Emily's mother, but Chu Yifeng gave him a merciless blow.

"My mother is a type of food for all ages. As far as I know the Duke of Oston, there are two. Four years ago, one of the two old guys has passed away. The remaining one is estimated to be fast. Now. "


"What about your dad?" Wang Cheng was suddenly curious about Zhu Chuli's love life. Both of his ex-wife had the same personalities and preferences, and shouldn't even have the same taste.

Chu Yifeng knew what he was thinking, and played a note on his mind. "Rest assured, my dad doesn't have the same appetite as my mom. He only likes young women, and loli can't even get his mouth, let alone an old woman. Kiss me? "

Wang Cheng suddenly got up and pressed on him, staring sharply at him, "Will you still be unable to kiss me when I get old?"

Chu Yifeng suddenly wanted to knock on his head and see what he was thinking, "I will not be older when you are old. Will you kiss me then?"

Wang Cheng heard that he was immediately balanced, and yes, Chu Yifeng was five years old, and immediately rolled back to his pillow happily, and said to him, "Of course I don't want to."

Chu Yifeng rolled over and squeezed him, narrowed his eyes and approached him, "What did you say? Say it again."

Wang Chengle was dead, and the legs in the bed were deliberately provoking him. The breathing of the person on his body suddenly became a bit heavy, and he held his neck and said, "Of course I would."

"You are playing with fire and self-immolation." Chu Yifeng gripped his leg, his mouth seemed to warn, in fact, his hands had touched his clothes, although the tight abs was not very elastic, but it felt very texture.

"Where did the fire come from?" Wang Cheng pretended to look around. Chu Yifeng straightened his face and kissed his mouth that was both love and hate.

The next day the king regretted his achievement, because they also had to fly to Britain by the Duke of Oston's private jet.

Chapter 300 Love Enemies Everywhere

The plane landed in the center of the expansive lawn. Wang Cheng saw several people standing below, and the two men in the back supported the man in front, because the wind from the plane's propeller made them almost unable to stand until the plane stopped and the cabin The door opens.

Emily's mother was assisted to go down, and the man standing in front immediately came over with joy and hugs Emily's mother.

"Dear Emily, I have thought about you for a long time, and I'm so happy to finally wait for you to come." Needless to say, this man is definitely the Duke of Auston, with deep features and a tall nose, and is a Western face. A very handsome and gentleman man, he doesn't look as old as his fifties. Such a powerful man would be obsessed with Emily's mother. I have to say that Emily's charm is beyond control.

"I miss you too, dear Allston, it's nice to see you again." Emily was also very glad to see him, and immediately intimate with him, among her lover, Allston absolutely He can be ranked in the top three. Even if he is obsessed with her and is dying, he has always been a gentleman and never forced her.

Meeting in the past with joy, Austen only had Emily's eyes closed and finally noticed Chu Yifeng and Wang Cheng standing beside him. Zhu Yifeng knew him, but Wang Cheng didn't.

"Don't you tell me who this gentleman is?" Auston was more curious about Wang Cheng. He knew what members of the Emer family. An oriental face like Wang Cheng would come with them. In Amy Li and Chu Yifeng's hearts are definitely not ordinary status, can not help but remind him of his daughter.

Chu Yifeng said: "This is my partner Zhou Cheng. He is the heir of the Zhou Group. He will join us to your daughter's wedding banquet."

This introduction is quite long, and it is even more important to point out the identity of the other party?

Read The Duke's Passion