MTL - Jubo-Chapter 63

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I wanted to find my son, but when I heard that he was in the study office, he didn't dare to bother him.

"Dad, why did you lend the study to it?" Mother Zheng remembered that the old man didn't like people to enter his study casually, even his family.

"You can't let him work in the bedroom," Zhou Shichang said.

After hearing this, Zhou Lin was very jealous. Zhao Chenlin didn't feel much, because he never worked in the office, rarely in the company, and even more impossible at home.

Mother Zheng suggested: "Dad, maybe you should have a study for Cheng Cheng. Isn't there a lot of room in the house?"

Zhou Shichang nodded. "Then leave it to you."

"Dad, get a study for Chen Lin too. He has worked very hard recently. He is very serious in his work and asks us if he doesn't understand." Zhou Lin said quickly.

Mother Zheng laughed: "It's a good thing to go forward, but don't be like before, Chen Lin is no longer young, it's time to think for myself, and give me all the things in the study, and I will be the only one in the family. It's free, and it's a bit uncomfortable to get things done. "

Zhou Lin had to smile. It was so settled.

Wang Cheng opened his laptop and logged in to the chat software. The account was applied for in high school and has not been used for a long time. There are only a few friends from Huang Tongan and Tong Yangyang. Wang Cheng sent a text message to Chu Yifeng using his mobile phone and asked He was busy, and the answer was not busy. When Wang Cheng was telling the truth, he texted him to apply for a number, and then added him as a friend.

Five minutes later, a message reminded him that someone wanted to add his friend. The account name was Chu Yifeng's English name Leon. After adding each other as a friend, Chu Yifeng sent a question mark.

Wang Cheng turned his expression and sent a bright rose to the past.

Chu Yifeng returned a series of ellipsis.

Wang Cheng almost smiled with cramps on his face, and his fingers typed a sentence on the keyboard. "Boss Chu, I suddenly discovered that you also have a very cute side."

"My dear, can I be more cute and want to see it?" When Wang Chengzhuo wondered how to reply, Chu Yifeng suddenly jumped out of the message of Chu Yifeng's video with him, so he quickly understood the function of the chat software. I accepted, and after a while, Chu Yifeng appeared on the screen, and his figure was in the small box in the lower right corner.

"In your grandfather's study?"

"Your eyes are really poisonous. My grandfather lent me the study." Wang Cheng curiously looked at the background behind him. "You turn the lens around and let me see your office."

Chu Yifeng let him take a look.

After reading it, Wang Cheng only came to a conclusion that it was bigger than his grandfather's office and also luxurious. "Enjoy it, and say business, are you really not busy right now? It will take some time for what I want to say. Takes you an hour or two. "

"I'm really not busy, you say it." Chu Yifeng nodded with a smile. At this moment, someone knocked on the door and walked in. The other party did not find that his boss was having a video with his lover. Zhangkou said, "Boss, this is a cooperation agreement with MK. Today, I met with their manager, but There is a problem, they are not satisfied with the conditions we have opened, and hope to reconnect with you ... "The other party's speaking speed is very fast, but it happened to be Chinese or Chinese, Wang Chengdu heard.

"Boss Chu, are you really not busy?"

Wang Cheng lay on his face in front of the camera and smiled so proudly that he was disassembled by his men as soon as he finished speaking. This was a tragedy.

The sudden voice startled the man who walked in, and before Chu Yifeng spoke, he responded with extreme sensitivity and said sorry. He waited for a while and then quickly exited the office. Remember to take the door and go out He gave himself thirty-two likes.

He heard Wang Cheng's words. Although he didn't know why the boss was busy but he said he wasn't busy, there was nothing wrong with doing this, and the person who could let the boss put down his hands was definitely not an ordinary person.

Wang Cheng said, "Your employees are smart."

Chu Yifeng lifted a leg, and his handsome face was not completely embarrassed. He said calmly, "Dear, who am I for?"

"For me." Wang Cheng raised his hand and said touchedly, "When I'm done, if you haven't come back, I will go abroad to find you."

"Before you come, remember to exercise your English."

"OK! OK! The villain will never live up to the expectations of the boss." He did not say that Wang Cheng also had this intention. During the two days of work at the Zhou Group, he saw many foreigners. English is clearly in the company. If he didn't learn the second language well, he would come to the door with a translator, and then he would not dare to see the picture.

Gossiping, Wang Cheng talked to him about business.

This matter is related to the report he was going to make. Wang Cheng made a report when he was at Huaying Real Estate, but he discussed it with others, so it was easier to do it, but the report Xie Wenzhi asked him to do was not. Similarly, he only said to make a report, but did not say anything, so Wang Cheng was going to start with the business of the Zhou Group, but he only looked at the information, and the actual situation was not very well understood, and there was only one day for him to understand. That's why I found Chu Yifeng.

Nowadays, there are not many restaurants going abroad from home. Wang Cheng has never been exposed to this knowledge. He only knows a few things, so he needs someone to help. Chu Yifeng, whose career focus is abroad, is the best candidate. .

"The Chow Group's catering and hotels are now mainly on the high-end line. It is difficult to enter the foreign market for several reasons. The local market and management personnel are important, but these are easier to solve. The most important problem is cultural. Difference, if you do n’t solve this problem, you will probably lose your money. If I am not wrong, the senior management of the Zhou Group is also worrying about this problem, right? ”

It is said that a man who works hard is the most perfect. Wang Cheng was fortunate to have met. Chu Yifeng, who talked eloquently, had a kind of pointing spirit, and his charm was suddenly bursting.

"I haven't touched these yet, but the information I found should be correct."

"There is a way to maintain the high-end line of the Zhou Group." Chu Yifeng erected a finger, and the words turned, "I test you and give you a hint. Five years ago, a professional painter in the F state called Alger At first, Nong, who was unknown, only sold a few hundred francs, which was cheap, but he only painted one each year. Now he can sell up to one hundred thousand francs. Do you know why? "

"Why?" Wang Cheng asked curiously.

"He has a highly respected teacher in the painting world. This teacher once praised Algennon at the auction as the best qualified of all his disciples, and he can draw better disciples than his paintings."

Wang Chengyi clapped his hands. "I know, his teacher can draw good works, and his vision will not be worse. With his golden mouth, the words of gold are equivalent to helping Alfa Gennon plate a layer of gold, right, so you mean, In order to continue to follow the high-end line in foreign markets and succeed, the Zhou Group needs to choose an alliance that also follows the high-end path in foreign countries. With high-end alliances to help propagate, it can first lay a high-end in the hearts of those foreigners. This will make it much easier for the Zhou Group to enter overseas markets, is that so? "

Chu Yifeng showed a Confucian-teachable smile, "smart."

"I see, but I'm afraid this alliance is bad. Please." It is absolutely impossible for a colleague to agree unless his head is flooded.

"Choosing a good cooperation company is an important issue that cannot be ignored. If it fails, it will be more difficult to enter the foreign market in the future. However, since the Zhou Group intends to continue the high-end route, the consumer groups it targets are rich people. Just shrink a lot. "

Wang Chenglian nodded again and again, "So the company that chooses to cooperate is best oriented to the upper class, which is more conducive to promotion, right?"


"I understand. Boss Chu is Boss Chu. Once you get out of the horse, you know that there is wood." Wang Cheng got a general understanding, and the figure on the screen immediately patted him.

Chu Yifeng's eyes were very useful. "Any other questions?"

"It's temporarily gone. If I have a message, I'll send it to you. Let's do this first." Wang Cheng still has to make a report. He doesn't have time to talk to him for too long. He knows that Chu Yifeng is also busy, so he actively ends the video.

With Chu Yifeng's mention, Wang Cheng's next report will be much easier. Combining past data and contacting now, he will analyze the direction of entering the foreign market, but because he is not yet a foreign company I know very well, so I can only write a rough plan. Two hours have passed. The document has been written with thousands of words. Wang Cheng re-read it again and repaired it. The report is more streamlined. From his own standpoint, he also hopes to see a concise and clear report. Mother Zheng came up and told him to eat. It turned out that it was already 12 o'clock.

Chapter 221

After having lunch, Wang Cheng wanted to go into his grandfather's study room and write a report. Mother Zheng dragged him into the yard without a word, and asked him to accompany her to take a walk with Father Zhou, and the combination of work and rest was the last word.

"Chengcheng, do n’t worry about the report. It ’s not more than half a day. Young people do n’t always stay in the study. This is bad for your health. Right, I discussed it with your grandfather in the morning and decided to give it to the Zhou family. You set up a study, do you have any requirements? "

Mother Zheng kept talking.

Wang Cheng nodded as he listened. "No, you just have to take care of it."

"Well then, mom will arrange your study according to your own thoughts. Don't regret it then." Mother Zheng glanced at her son and smiled meaningfully.

"Uh ..." Wang Cheng thought about it, "as long as it's not a girl."

Mother Zheng resignedly, "Well, Mom knows you are very good."

"Of course."

Zhou Shichang watched the interaction between mother and child and smiled.

In the living room, although Zhao Chenlin had no interest in working from home, it was also good to have a study of his own, just like his own private land, so he actively requested many things, such as what kind of desks and curtains What color, sofa chair he prefers, and bookshelves should be placed in all directions, he does not like wooden, etc., and then put these requirements into a list and give it to Zheng's mother.

Mother Zheng looked at the densely packed words on the famous list, and her mouth slightly tickled. "I can't think of Chen Lin having such an idea. It seems that you are looking forward to your study. Even the sofa and chair should be the best. Make a request, but he didn't ask for anything, and he gave it to me. "

Zhou Lin didn't immediately understand her words, but when she saw the calm face of Mr. Zhou, her face was a little ugly at a glance. Compared with the grandson who would be tossing, it was obviously more worry-free.

"It's a good thing to have an idea. You can be flexible when you think about it. Sometimes creative ideas don't come that way, at least better than people who don't have any ideas." Zhou Lin said unwillingly.

"How do I hear that only people who have no brains need to use their brains more? Maybe I remember it wrong." Mother Zheng chuckled and ended the topic at the same time.

Zhou Lin had to swallow her blood.

Wang Cheng, who returned to the study, continued his "Fenbijishu". The development direction of the restaurant and hotel is only part of the report. Other industries involved in the Zhou Group must also mention it. Fortunately, he has collected most of the information yesterday. Because some were just recently involved, Wang Cheng made a general mention, including the entertainment business that Zhou Lin was in charge of. Zhao Chenlin, now the expensive and elegant media, was specifically mentioned by him.

Although the annual profit of the entertainment industry involved by the Zhou Group does not account for many percentage points in the total profit, in today's society, more and more people are pursuing hedging. If this area can also develop well, it may become a profit in the future. A good gain. Although the negative media that Zhao Chenlin is responsible for is full of negative news, such negative news can be washed away, and Wang Cheng feels that the company has a foundation after all, and it would be a loss if it went down like this.

After writing the report, Wang Cheng checked it again. There was really no problem before he printed the report. There were only five sheets of paper. The concentrated really was the essence. He thought that he needed more than ten papers.

The next day at work, Wang Cheng handed his report to Xie Wenzhi. Xie Wenzhi took the report. A thin copy surprised him a little. Wang Cheng was not his first assistant. Before that, he had not brought other employees before, but he also brought other employees, but Every time they let them write a report, they always have a thick stack when they get it. There is usually a lot of nonsense inside, but there was a smart employee in the past.

The employee thought he had guessed his idea, and then wrote a report with only two papers to him. As a result, the paper mentioned some problems that everyone knows, the problems at this stage, how to solve them, and the future. No mention of development at all.

Who wouldn't if it were just a written report? It is estimated that even the cleaning aunt can write it, there is no depth at all, it will only talk on paper, what use is it for you? The employee was fired.

Despite this precedent, Xie Wenzhi was still willing to believe that Wang Cheng was not the same as that employee. After sitting down, he started Wang Cheng's report.

It was a little careless at the beginning, and the expressions on the back were a little surprised. If a person who had received this knowledge made this report, Xie Wenzhi would not have been so surprised, but Wang Cheng is different. He has never contacted it before, but he can do it. This report shows that he is talented.

Xie Wenzhi turned to look at Wang Cheng who was answering the phone and smiled slowly.

Wang Cheng hung up the phone and came in front of him, "Brother Xie, President Feng asked you to go to his office, and by the way, he brought the materials from yesterday's meeting."

"I see." Xie Wenzhi found out yesterday's meeting materials. Before leaving, he said to Wang Cheng, "Yes, your report is well done." Wang Cheng stunned slightly and murmured in his heart that yesterday he spent The report was made seven or eight hours, and I also consulted with Chu Yifeng. If it is not good, it means that he has no talent at all in this regard, it is too bad, but he is very confident in the report he made.

In the office, after Xie Wenzhi finished his official duties, he put Wang Cheng's report in front of Feng Yifan. "General Manager Feng, this is a report made by Zhou Cheng. I think you can take a look."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised for a moment. Xie Wenzhi made an exception and showed him a report of a little assistant. This report definitely made him very satisfied.

"I know."

"Then I will go out first." Xie Wenzhi calmly exited the office.

Zhao Chenlin, who was a little absent-minded when she first came to work, was called to her office by Zhou Lin on the phone. No outsider was present. Zhao Chenlin lay down on the sofa without an image. If he is seen, his goodwill during this time will definitely be abandoned.

The so-called rivers and mountains are easy to change, and their nature is difficult to change.

As soon as Zhou Lin saw the appearance of her son, and thought of the report she had just seen, she suddenly felt stunned. "You came to me and asked you to come to the office to make you lazy."

"Mom, just let me rest." Zhao Chenlin didn't move, her voice was weak.

"Take a break, do you really want to wait for the Zhou Group to fall into Zhou Cheng's hands before you are happy?" Zhou Lin grabbed the information on the table, walked over to him, and "see what you have done, I put Yazhi in your hands, I want you to do a good job and make a career for your grandfather to see. As a result, the company and the celebrities are both affected by negative news. Are you trying to **** me off? "

Zhao Chenlin picked up a piece of paper and looked at it, saying indifferently: "It is not just a small entertainment company, even if it is compensated, it is only a small amount of money to the Zhou Group. You say it to your grandfather? I think, even if No matter how well I do, my grandfather won't notice. His old man now has only Zhou Cheng, his grandson, and I now wonder if you picked it up, mom. "

Speaking of this matter, Zhou Lin's face was cloudy and uncertain. She had doubted it before, but she knew that with her father's personality, if she was really not his biological daughter, her father would never take her into the Zhou family. Now, she said calmly, "You can just talk to me like this in the future, and you must never go outside."

"I see." Zhao Chenlin threw away the paper in his hand.

"Although your grandfather may not notice the elegance, we still have to be careful. If you let your grandfather find out, he might think you have no talent for management. Now there is one more Zhou Cheng to compete with you, so the elegance cannot Going out of business, Mom will find a way to get rid of the negative effects of the company. During this time, you should be honest with me and stop thinking about being a company star. "

"I see. I have been resting for a while since Zhou Cheng moved to the Zhou family." Because Chen Chenlin is going to go home no later than 10 o'clock, his friends are joking with him. Some people thought he was ready to clean himself, and some people guessed that Zhou Cheng made him very unhappy.

In the afternoon, President Feng showed Wang Cheng's report to Zhou Shichang.

"Although this report is not the best, for an inexperienced person, its quality has exceeded my expectations, and I have to say that Zhou Shao's learning ability is very strong." Feng Yifan knew for the first time that Wang Cheng only had When I was in high school, I was worried that he could keep up with them.

"Yesterday he kept himself in the study, and this is the report. I was worried that he was too anxious and it seemed unnecessary." Zhou Shichang said with a smile.

Feng Yifan laughed: "Chairman, I think we can give Zhou Shao a chance to practice."

The report that Zhou Shichang's eyes fell in his hands turned to the last page, which is exactly the entertainment business mentioned by Wang Cheng at last. "You are right, theoretical knowledge can also be learned in practice. Let Xiao Xie bring here The information is transferred out, I want to see it. "

Feng Yifan immediately knew.

Chapter 222, Rectification

Xie Wenzhi put down the phone, and was a bit surprised by President Feng's request. He thought that the first thing Feng had noticed was the content in the previous part, which suppressed the doubts in his heart. He called Wang Cheng to him and handed him a note.

"Zhou Cheng, go to the reference room on the sixty-ninth floor to get the information recorded on it, and General Feng will look at it."

"Yes." Wang Cheng took the note and looked at it, a little surprised. It turned out to be Zhou Lin's business. Was it decided after reading his report?

It should be impossible. On the sixty-ninth floor, a female colleague led him to a person in the negative management data room, and a male colleague named Zhao Yang, who was not two years older than Wang Cheng. His eyes were a little small and his face was obscene. It's a bit of a chubby in the line of stealing chickens and dogs, will it not be a problem for such people to manage the data room?

"Zhao Yang, Assistant Xie asked him to get some information," said the female staff member.

Zhao Yang's eyes fell on the work card in front of Wang Cheng's chest. It was everyone's work permit. It was his head and name, and the name of the unit. It was an ordinary errand, but he refused to open the data room. Attitude Even tough.

"Without Mr. Zhou's consent, no one can enter and leave the data room at will."

"Which Manager Zhou?" Wang Cheng turned his head.

The female colleague said, "It is Manager Zhou Lin Zhou."

Wang Cheng looked at Zhao Yang with a arrogant and contemptuous attitude with a smile, and said, "Do you mean that General Manager Feng also needs the consent of Manager Zhou to enter? OK, I know, I will fight now Mr. Feng was told by phone and asked him to file a report with Manager Zhou. "

Zhao Yang didn't expect him to lift General Manager Feng, but what about General Manager Feng? The Zhou family name is Zhou, but not the last name Feng. He didn't believe that General Manager Feng could still climb up to Manager Zhou. What a stupid thing to do, just watched Wang Cheng report the situation here.

The female colleague next to me has long been silly.

Manager Zhou is only in charge of a department, but Mr. Feng is in charge of managing all the people in the Zhou Group. Whose authority is not necessary at all.

After the reaction came, the female colleague did not remind Zhao Yang of the idea at all. Someone like Zhao Yang who had no ability but airborne to an idle job, someone in the company had seen him unpleasantly.

When he heard about this, Xie Wenzhi thought he had heard it wrong. He asked Wang Cheng to say it again. After getting the same answer, he wiped his face and passed it directly to President Feng, even he did n’t know. It is the chairman who really wants the information!

After listening to Xie Wenzhi's words, Feng Yifan put down the phone, and his mature face didn't have a look of anger, but smiled. It seems that the chairman's decision to let Zhou Cheng enter the company was extremely correct. He was just surprised in the morning. Now there is a bigger surprise. .

Not one or two people like Zhao Yang who entered the Zhou Group through the back door. This is a phenomenon that many companies can't avoid when they grow larger, especially for companies with complicated internal forces like the Zhou Group. Seriously, the chairman wanted to remove the fangs that had eroded the company long ago, but there was never a perfect time.

Feng Yifan immediately came to the chairman's office.

Zhou Shichang thought the information had been obtained, but saw him empty-handed, Feng Yifan stepped forward and said a few words, Zhou Shichang's face immediately became very ugly.

"Really wrong!"

"Chairman, I think this is a good opportunity." Feng Yifan said with a smile.

Zhou Shichang's somber complexion only lasted for a few seconds, and he laughed when he heard what he said. "You tell Xie Wenzhi and let him get in touch."

"Yes, Chairman."

This afternoon, a big event happened in the company. Two male colleagues had a big fight in the office lobby on the 69th floor. Zhou Lin went out half an hour ago. Now she is not in the company. As a result, it ’s a big deal. The former staff members sighed endlessly, and soon became the talk of the crowd.

"I first saw the arrogance behind the back door. A department manager and a president who had control over the company ’s life and death would feel that the president would report to the manager with a copy of the information. Oh my god, did I cross the line? "Who asked me to take a look and see if I was dreaming?"

"You haven't dreamed of it, and you haven't crossed it. There is such a wonderful thing in our company. Doesn't this wonderful thing often say that he is a relative of Manager Zhao? I think his eight achievements are because he thinks that the Zhou Group is the manager of Zhou. Feng always puts his eyes. "

"You noticed that the handsome guy who came down to help Mr. Feng get the information is the grandson of our chairman. This Zhao Yang doesn't know where he is. He doesn't know that Zhou Shao is also the grandson of the chairman."

"How could I not know, now who doesn't know Zhou Shao, the company has a few called Zhou Cheng. Zhao Yangba achieved that because Zhou Shao was a competitor of Zhao Shao, so it is completely unnecessary to give Zhou Shao face, anyway, he has Manager Zhou and Manager Zhao are standing on their backs. They really won't die if they don't die! "

"I can't wait to see how Zhao Yang will die now. Since he joined the company, he hasn't done anything and will only let us do it. I really think he is a Lafayette." Many of you here have eaten Zhao Yang Angry people are even more unscrupulous in talking.

"I heard that the chairman was very angry about this." Everyone looked at each other, and a male colleague said "go to work", and then fell apart.

After knowing this, Zhou Lin almost ran back and forth to the company. The assistant had told her the detailed process. She also emphasized that the person who offended Zhao Yang was the chairman. On the way, she called Zhao Jiansheng and returned Without scolding someone, Zhao Jiansheng told her it was a big deal.

After returning to the company, Zhou Lin called Zhao Yang to the office first, and gave him a slap without saying a word. Zhao Yang also felt very aggrieved. When he saw Zhao Jiansheng walked in, he complained, and as a result he slapped again. famous.

"You were fired, pack your stuff and roll back to your house." Zhao Yang's eyes widened incredulously, "Uncle ..."

"Uncle or uncle, my parents are miserable by you now, you can roll as far as you can, don't let me see you anymore." Zhao Chenlin scolded politely, the company is now rumbling, even he knows The big thing is not good, but this Zhao Yang is still thinking about himself, it is just a waste. Zhao Yang did not dare to offend them, thinking that he must tell his parents after returning home that it was obviously not his fault, that he also helped them with good intentions, but he did not report them well.

"Parents, what now?" Zhao Chenlin asked worriedly.

Zhou Lin took a deep breath, and what else could I do, immediately send the information that my father asked for, and make up for the mistake first. For the rest, I took another opportunity to apologize to my father, in short, to minimize the impact of the incident.

"This matter now seems to have something to do with them, but if Dad pursues it, their close friends may suffer."

"Chen Lin, you personally sent the information to your grandfather, with a sincere attitude. If you can withdraw from the Jiao, you can remove our relationship with Zhao Yang." Zhao Jiansheng told Zhao Chenlin.

Zhao Chenlin nodded. "I see, Dad, I'll go now."

After going out, Zhao Chenlin found the female colleague who took Wang Cheng to see Zhao Yang, and asked him what information Wang Cheng was looking for. The female colleague just saw the note, so he told him that Zhao Chenlin was choked, Grandpa Why look at the businesses that his mother is in charge of?

Somewhat uneasy, Zhao Chenlin immediately told his parents about it.

Zhou Lin was also a little skeptical. "In this way, you deduct the bad income and some problems first. If your grandfather finds out to ask, you say that the information is not put together. I don't know if there is any, because Zhao Yang is finished. It's okay to hold the matter to his head. "

After Zhao Chenlin left, Zhao Jiansheng took a sharp sip of cigarettes and said with anxiety, "Is this not good? We have annoyed my dad. I was going to let Chen Lin go to please my dad. If this kind of mistake happens again, my dad might Even more angry. "

"Do you want Dad to know that Chen Lin's elegance is corrupted by him, knowing that he is not expected to do business?" Zhou Lin was helpless, and her son didn't argue with her what to do.

Zhao Jiansheng stopped speaking after hearing the words.

On the other side, Zhao Chenlin took the information and said a few good words according to the help of his parents, but his grandfather did not respond. He also ordered a guest, and then he waited for the news, but his grandfather did not let him come down again. Information, thinking that the crisis has passed, Zhao Chenlin felt relieved a lot.

In the evening, the Zhou family.

Zhou Lin and Zhao Jiansheng looked at each other. In the afternoon, they wanted to go up to see their dad, but Secretary Li told them that his dad didn't want to see anyone now, but he had no choice but to leave, thinking that the company had no chance and could always see him at home. I was blocked by my dad's "speak less while eating", now only this opportunity is left, and I can't miss it again.

"Dad ..." Zhou Shichang glanced at his harsh eyes, and Zhou Lin suddenly snorted.

"If you want to talk about the company, you don't need to say anything. I will let you know how things are going. For so many years, it's time for the company to rectify." After hearing this, Zhou Lin and Zhao Jiansheng were shocked and looked like their father. It is necessary to be serious. Since it cannot be stopped, I can only tell the people below to stay safe during this time.

Zhao Chenlin's ugly face is more obvious. He recently said that he would seriously help to do things, not just talk about it. He really knows the company and therefore knows that his parents are doing some work in the company. If the company really wants to rectify, It will definitely affect the layout of parents in the company, all of which is Zhou Cheng's fault.

Wang Cheng suddenly felt a malicious look and turned around to see Zhao Chenlin's undisguised hostility. Shouldn't this guy think he had done this?

In fact, he did not know the grandfather's intentions afterwards. The whole thing, although he played an important role, was considered to be implicated by innocent people, but this grudge must have ended, and Wang Cheng immediately returned a provocative look.

Zhao Chenlin was furious.

His mood was so obvious that Zhou Shichang first discovered it and snorted immediately.

Zhao Chenlin reacted coldly, seeing his grandfather's displeased expression, knowing what he had done, his face was white, and he immediately lowered his head.

"Chengcheng, go upstairs with grandpa." Zhou Shichang stood up.

Wang Chengli immediately supported him, and the two went away.

There were only three members of Zhou Lin's family in the living room. Her face was so dark that she could drip ink. Zhou Lin gave her son an angry look and whispered, "Why are you so upset?"

Zhao Chenlin lowered her head and did not speak.

"Scolding is not going to help now, but think about how to get through the next difficulties." Once the news of the rectification spread, the senior management involved in the company will definitely complain about their husband and wife, after all, this is Zhao Yang Come out, and Zhao Yang is a relative of the Zhao family. Just then, Zhao Jiansheng's cell phone rang, and he pulled out to see the name of the caller, and frowned.

"Who called?" Zhou Lin asked.

"It's my sister-in-law." Zhou Lin snorted coldly, and cut off the call after grabbing the cell phone. "Don't ask, I definitely want to intercede for Zhao Yang. I'll tell you, no one should listen to them next." The phone rang again, and it was another call from Zhao's uncle. Zhou Lin turned off this time. As a result, the person was really persevered and even called her directly. Zhou Lin was smirked. Zhao Jiansheng and his sons were neither. Dare to speak, even Zhao Jiansheng complained about Zhao Yang.

Zhou Lin blackened Zhao's uncle's number, then sent a text message to Zhao's elder brother's mobile phone, telling him that if he dared to call and harass his family, he would be at his own risk, and this would stop.

Chapter 223 Cleaning and Changing Rights

In just two days, major changes took place within the Zhou Group. Many employees were laid off by the company. Many positions were vacated within the company. The number of employees who had not been affected had increased a lot, but the vast majority There were no complaints, because many of these laid-off employees went through the back door, and a few were serious in their work and did not touch the fish in troubled waters.

Some employees were dissatisfied. They were told by their colleagues that they ran to the boss's office and yelled after being laid off by the company. Others went to find the people who helped them through the back door, but none of them could run away. Several employees were fired. Is the top of the company. Because of this incident, people with ghosts in their hearts were trembling and scared, always wondering if they had any handles left, whether the next person posted on the notice board would have themselves. Zhou Lin and his wife were both embarrassed. It was they who suffered the most from the layoffs.

The layout of the two in the company did not start many years ago. After Wang Cheng was stolen, the Zhou Lins always thought that the Zhou Group was theirs. Until the past ten years, the two found that their father had not handed over power to them at all. It was only in the past few years that the plan of layout was started.

The layout is not deep, and those who come in through relationships are the idea of ​​touching fish in muddy water, so they are suddenly stunned, and there is a high relationship with them?

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