MTL - Jubo-Chapter 52

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It didn't take long for Huang Tong'an and Tong Yangyang to put away the mobile phone in Wang Cheng. There were no servants at the back door of the garden. The servants of the Zhou family went to the front to greet VIPs. To Wang Cheng, the two were stunned first, and then excited.

"You guys, I can hardly recognize you." Huang Tong'an looked up and down Wang Cheng, it was so handsome that he couldn't look directly. I didn't feel this way when I met last time. The child is different, a nobleness and exquisiteness that can't be ignored come out.

Yan Yang swallowed his mouthful, and he felt that Wang Cheng in front of him was very strange. If it was not for the smile on his face, he doubted that the Wang Cheng he had known before was fake, and said with pain: "Before, I thought that losing weight became handsome and finally got closer to you. Now I realize that the distance is not just getting closer, it's getting wider. "

Wang Cheng spread his hands. "I can't help it. My mother wants me to dress like this."

Huang Tongan drew his lips. "If you get cheap and sell well, if you don't like it, give your mother to me. I'd be happy to have such a mother."

"Then I ca n’t be the master. My mother wo n’t agree first, but well, if you can please her and let her be your godmother."

Huang Tongan thinks about it anyway, he doesn't have that blessing.

"Well, what should I do? I suddenly felt that my gift was a bit unmanageable." Minyang Yang found a small gift box from his pants. When he picked his birthday gift, he never thought he was going to such a birthday party. "To I'll keep it for myself, anyway, I don't think you can use it. "

Wang Chengli snatched the gift, "Since it is a gift for me, it can also be taken back by you. Don't even think about it, I can still store it without it."

"I think you should use it." Su Yangyang's expression suddenly became strange.

Wang Cheng stared at him very suspiciously, and instinctively told him that the gift was unusual, so he folded it in front of the two of them. When he saw the true face of the gift, he almost bit his teeth. "Yang Yang !!"

Yan Yang immediately hid behind Huang Tongan, who could not laugh or cry.

Wang Cheng took the men's underwear out. If it was just ordinary underwear, it would be fine, but what's the point of opening a hole in the underwear, "What do you mean by sending this underwear?"

Yan Yang weakly explained: "Do n’t underestimate this pair of underwear. This is something I customized for someone. The material is not ordinary cloth. It cost me 2,000 yuan for this stuff. I keep you safe. It ’s absolutely unobstructed in the sky. It does n’t matter if you do n’t like the hole. You can make up the hole if you do n’t see that piece of fabric outside. ”

"Haha." Huang Tongan couldn't help it any longer.

"Yizhu your sister!" Wang Chengzhen wished to smear him with underpants. If Chu Yifeng saw him wearing this thing, the consequences would be too beautiful to imagine.

Murmured loudly.

Huang Tongan managed to stop smiling. He glanced at the clock on the wall. There was not much time left. He also took out the gift he had prepared. It was a delicate tie clip, which was naturally less valuable than what Wang Cheng ’s mother had prepared for him, but he knew Wang Cheng, too expensive tie clips he will certainly not take out.

Wang Cheng was so touched that he wanted to hug him. The good brother really knew him best, but he was rejected by Huang Tongan. He didn't want to smash the dress on Wang Cheng's body, and the time was near. The two were gone within seconds, Zheng Sure enough, the mother came up to him and said that the opening time of the banquet was about to come, let him prepare.

The banquet started at 7 o'clock, most of the guests have arrived. The hall of the Zhou family is full of people. Men and women are dressed very brightly. They are standing together to talk and look around. Many of them are able to call the wind and rain in their areas of expertise. Big shot.

"Look at that. It's the famous XX group company president and his wife, and the people who talk to them, the Discipline Inspection Commission."

"What is this? Look at the old man who is talking to the owner of the Zhou family. The family is an admiral. An old general who can invite this status. The Zhou family's banquet is really costly."

"No, I just don't know what the grandson valued by the Zhou family is capable. I heard that it was a grandson who had just been retrieved from the outside less than a month ago. He just came back and was able to win the favor of the Zhou family owner. Such a grand banquet, I am afraid that others do not know the same grandson. "

"What's the matter, wait and see."

"Wait, who's that?" One person in the dialogue suddenly pointed in the direction of the gate, staring with an unbelievable expression.

The companion walked along her line of sight and immediately got excited. Walking in front of him was a man who looked as if he was not unsure. In fact, this man was already in his fifties. Every man who mentioned him always would Showing the expression of envy and hatred, this man is Chu Yifeng's father, Chu Li.

Known as the most handsome man in politics, his romantic history can almost be bound into a book. Now I see that this person knows that the rumors are not false, the elegant and charming smile, and the calm attitude always makes the women around him dump it. Known as the public enemy of men.

As long as it is a man, he does not hate Chu Li, because wherever he is, the companionship of the female companions around them will always be attracted to him, and even the idiots will be seen in front of them.

The emperor did not know how many men wanted Chu Li to be unlucky, but when thinking of the Chu family behind Chu Li, no one dared to take action, but Chu Li could not use his normal judgment. Although he was easy-going, but Never left a handle.

There is also a noteworthy young man behind Chu Li. This person is the leader of the younger generation of the Chu family. The promising future of Chu Wenting, unfortunately, the family is married and it is said that there is a lovely son. It is almost impossible to hook up with this tea ship.

"Well, didn't you hear that Chu Li has a son?"

The companion said, "I have heard of it, but who of Chu Li's son has seen it? I only heard that he is a ghost-ridden person, neither political nor military, as if he was following the path of the business world. About him There is not much specific information. Fewer people have met him. "

"Looking back, the Shen family, Wu family, and Luo family are here. Today's trip is really worth it. It's worth seeing so many big people."

"Then you die."


Chapter 190

This kind of voice is almost everywhere in the corner of the banquet hall. The more big people come to participate, the more curious about the protagonist of the birthday party, and soon their curiosity is satisfied. One of the host of the party, Zheng Family The second daughter-in-law came down with a young man.

Mother Zheng is still relatively familiar, but it's different from the young people behind her. At a glance, some people feel that the hustle and bustle around them seems to have disappeared, and only the sound of their breath is left. The center of the world is only He was left alone.

The professional stylist that Mother Cheng invited for Wang Cheng didn't just help him dress and style his hair. The makeup on his face also made a lot of effort.

Wang Cheng ’s facial features are good, and the skin raised by Xiu Shuixiu is also very good. It turned out that without makeup, his own skills alone could make people shine, but that stylist is not an ordinary stylist. A well-known make-up artist has applied makeup to many big stars. Many film stars even wanted to invite him to be an exclusive make-up artist, but they were rejected.

Wang Cheng has never put on makeup. He only knows that the stylist named Spot moved a few strokes on his face. It was completed in less than fifteen minutes, and he didn't feel much powder on his face afterwards. But when he looked in the mirror, he found that he looked like he was born.

His eyelashes were already long, and the spots were just eyeliners on the edges of his eyes. A few strokes made his eyes look like a sea of ​​stars, and his eyes were deeper, facing him. Everyone has the feeling of being sucked into the vortex, and then landing on the ground is top-heavy and almost impossible to stand.

Excellent facial features coupled with the dress made by Master Paul for him, like a person with a light, can't help being dizzy even after seeing the spots that are used to handsome men and women, bluntly Wang Cheng is the most handsome and handsome A handsome person, unfortunately Wang Cheng is not in the entertainment industry, otherwise he could consider making an exception as his exclusive stylist.

Mother Zheng took Wang Cheng to meet the elders, and the corner was exploded. They were discussing who this strange but dazzling young man was. Following Mother Zheng came down to be the protagonist of this birthday party. Imagine that since the protagonist of the banquet was retrieved from the countryside, it should be a more restrained young man. Perhaps there is still a rustic taste in the soil. After all, he has lived in the countryside for more than 20 years. Before they saw him, they thought A thousand species, but did not expect that the other party will appear to everyone in this way.

It ’s hard to want to be the most prominent among a group of people who are not inferior, even if it is considered to be the epic film, but today everyone has seen it, there is a little red in the greenery It is the first time we have seen people who can compare the same good people like green leaves, and they are still so thorough.

"Before, there was a feeling that Wang Cheng should spread his wings and fly high, and the sky belongs to him. Now he is soaring into the sky, only to find that it is not the sky of Shanhai City, and the sky of the world, fat man, I suddenly feel that he is leaving us It's like the distance between the south and the north. "Huang Tong'an said with emotion, how long before this, he had the feeling that things were wrong.

Yan Yang glanced at him, "If you are north-south, then am I not the distance between the South Pole and the North Pole."


"Let everyone wait a long time, thank you very much for taking the time to attend my grandson's birthday banquet. I take this opportunity to announce something to you today." Zhou Shichang was the first representative to speak on stage. It is impossible to ignore his status. When he spoke, the audience was quiet. When he saw him coming out, the young man who let everyone shine was called, and he held his hand to everyone, "This is me His grandson, Zhou Cheng, was also the protagonist of this birthday party. "

As soon as the words fell, a loud noise sounded in the lobby. It turned out to be Zhou instead of Zheng. Does this mean that Zhou Lao intends to train Zhou Cheng as his future successor? The Zheng family had a good idea. No wonder the Zhou family came to hold a banquet. In the future, the Zhou family fell into Zhou Cheng's hands, and the Zheng family's position in the imperial capital became stronger.

Zhou Shichang handed the microphone to Wang Cheng's hands, and Wang Cheng casually scanned the people under the eye. This situation is no stranger. In high school, he has given a speech or lecture on several occasions as a representative. Now he has changed a group of adults. Stress, but not too obvious, is just as good as when reading.

Huang Tongan and Tong Yangyang, who had been with him for three years, knew his expression almost immediately after seeing his expression. Wang Cheng used to complain that his teacher liked to choose him to perform on the stage, but he had to attend again. The feeling of being kicked off the shelf made him always perfunctory, but he didn't show it intentionally, just like he does now.

The two sighed in their hearts and came a few times, and Wang Cheng's voice with a strong ink sounded slowly in the banquet hall.

"On this beautiful evening, everyone came to my birthday party to make me very happy, because your arrival and congratulations made me feel that this twenty-fifth birthday has been a very lively ... cough, lively and meaningful, here I want to especially thank my family. Without them, there would be no me, so I will do my best to not let my parents and grandparents down. "

Huang Tongan and Tong Yangyang have been laughing in the corner. This is a speech dedicated to Wang Cheng, as same as in high school.

There were also people crying and laughing underneath. For example, Zheng Jingen and Father Zheng who came to the banquet had a hunch when Wang Cheng said the first sentence.

"Is he a junior or high school speaker? This is a big man."

Isn't that just a high school speech.

That being said, there is no blame on the faces of the two. As long as those who have eyesight can see, Wang Cheng is actually intentional.

On the other side, Chu Li stared at Wang Cheng, who was making the final summary, and his elegant smile was replaced by interest. "This Zhou Cheng is a bit interesting."

On such an important occasion, when he made such an exaggerated speech, should he say that he was bold, or was he unafraid? But anyway, after this night, he must be famous, it seems that Zhou Shichang has found himself a grandson who is not simple.

Chu Wenting also saw Wang Cheng for the first time. Before, I did n’t understand why my cousin fancy this man. Now I understand a little bit. It feels like seeing a lively cousin ...

Some people admire Wang Cheng, and others naturally do n’t care about his affectionate performances, and even take pleasure in his heart. For example, the three of Zhou Lin, the worse Wang Cheng ’s performance is, the better it is for them. Things.

It's a pity that they should be disappointed. Wang Cheng just pulled down in his speech. After being pulled down by Mother Zheng, his performance was normal. Zhou Shichang didn't get angry because of his sudden blow, instead he introduced him to others with a smile. Man, it seems that Wang Cheng's character is very similar to his taste.

"Chengcheng, a very good speech." Zheng Jingen smiled and patted Wang Cheng's shoulder.

Wang Cheng touched his nose. He always felt that his brother was joking at him. Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered something.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Jingen asked, noting his expression.

Wang Cheng said, "I also sent an invitation to my elder brother because of delays. He said it might arrive later. I asked him to call me. But the banquet has started for more than ten minutes. I don't know him. Are you here? "

Zheng Jingen was a bit impressed by Wang Ning'an. When Wang Cheng's identity had not been determined, he also investigated Wang Ning'an's information by the way of investigation. He was an amazing person, and few people could climb to his current status by his own ability.

"I've seen your elder brother's picture. You gave him his number. May I help you to see if he's here?" Zheng Jingen knew that his mother and grandfather would take him to meet other elders, and offered to take the initiative.

"That's okay." Wang Cheng was afraid that others would neglect his elder brother. He would be relieved if his brother was there.

After Zheng Jingen left, Mother Zheng took him to know the elders without saying a word, such as the Luo family that had made friends with the Zheng family. Although Luo's political foundation was not as strong as Zheng Jiashen, he should not be underestimated. As Zheng Jingen's good friend, Luo Sheng also came to the banquet, thanks to the fact that Zheng's second room could find Wang Cheng.

After that, Mother Zheng took him to meet the people of the Shen family and Wu family. The Shen family was Shen Yuan's family. The Shen family had a high status in the military world and made good friends with the Chu family. Subject, Wang Cheng did not accidentally see Shen Yuan.

"Meet again, Wang Cheng." Shen Yuan greeted Wang Cheng on his own initiative, and the familiar tone made Zheng mother froze.

The person who came with Shen Yuan was Shen Congde, Shen Yuan's second uncle. He had the best relationship with the Chu family, because his daughter Shen Qing was Chu Wenting's wife. It was a bit surprising to hear him say, "A Yuan, you know Zhou Old grandson? "

Shen Yuan smiled meaningfully, "Of course I know, we have met in Shanhai City. He was only a clerk of the company at that time, and I really admire him."

"I also admire Far Brother, Far Brother has been doing well lately." Wang Cheng returned a smile, totally not worried that Shen Yuan dared to speak out of his relationship with Chu Yifeng, otherwise Chu Yifeng would be the first to destroy him.

Not bad, do n’t look at him with his second uncle. In fact, the second uncle came with him, just to supervise him and not let him sneak away. When he returns, he will go on a blind date again. Shen Yuan knows that he is 80% I heard Chu Yifeng say, "The person you want to see doesn't seem to come."

Wang Cheng shrugged. "It's still a long time."

Mother Zheng thought they were talking about Wang Ning'an, because Wang Cheng had just mentioned it, so she didn't ask. At this time, two people approached them, and Shen Congde took the initiative to take Shen Yuan to find Chu Lihe, not far away. Chu Wenting.

The two men walked in front of them. The man was known by Zheng's mother. Tang Tianyu, the boss of the Tang Group, greeted them with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few days, and Mrs. Zheng is getting younger."

"It turns out to be President Tang, I don't know who this lady is?" Mother Zheng laughed, turning her eyes to the pretty woman holding his arm, a little familiar and a little strange.

Tang Tianyu seemed to be waiting for this moment and introduced: "This is my daughter Jiayan, who just came back from abroad some time ago."

"It turned out to be Jiayan. It seemed like you were a kid when I saw you last time. I haven't seen it for more than ten years. I didn't expect such a big change and it's getting more and more beautiful." Tang Tianyu does have such a daughter. It seems that she went abroad with her mother when she was young.

"Auntie is good." Tang Jiayan smiled a little at her.

Tang Tianyu glanced at her in surprise, this is what happened, this expression is completely different from her usual carelessness.

Mother Zheng was more satisfied with Tang Jiayan, pointing at Wang Cheng and saying to the two, "This is my son. He should be about the same age as Jia Yan."

"Uncle Tang is good." Wang Cheng politely nodded to Tang Tianyu, turned his eyes to Tang Jiayan, raised an eyebrow, and smiled: "Miss Tang, this should be our second meeting."

Chapter 191 Falls into a Pit

"Do you know each other?" Mother Zheng and Tang Tianyu both spoke at the same time.

Tang Jiayan was embarrassed. She actually wanted to pretend she didn't know her. She thought that Wang Cheng might not recognize her. He was worried that he would tell what happened that day. He said, "It's not a recognition, it's just one side." , Aunt's son is so good that it's hard not to notice. "

Mother Zheng likes to be praised by her son most. Tang Jiayan's words pleased her immediately and laughed twice. "Don't look at him being cool now, usually he's never like that, but he did inherit me and his father's Advantage, I heard that there are still scouts who want to find him a star.

"Chengcheng, you young people should be more topical. Mom and Tang will go to your dad and your grandfather, and you talk." Mother Zheng made it clear that they wanted to give the two a chance to be alone, and Tang Tianyu was also anxious to let them get along. For a while, it hinted that her daughter followed Zheng mother away at a glance.

Tang Jiayan looked at Wang Cheng, and gritted her teeth. "The last thing was that I was wrong. I shouldn't have scolded you indiscriminately. I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

She was Wang Cheng who mistakenly thought that he was being raised by a rich woman outside the tea house that day, and then scolded him for "little white face". When Wang Cheng and Mother Zheng came to power, she recognized it. She wanted to find a chance to get rid of it, but her father She just pulled her over.

Wang Cheng looked at her when she said this, and she seemed to be reluctant to be three, and she felt funny. "Ms. Tang, I advise you to consolidate your temper next time, no matter how you look down on it, others are not Thank you, bye. "

"What is it, there is no such thing as a gentleman, but it means that you have a small white face, so stingy, and have no weight at all." Tang Jiayan looked at the back of his departure, and was a little angry, and she was still a beauty, so she left her like this .

Wang Chengzheng was looking for the target, and he was patted on the shoulder.

"Are you looking for me?"

Wang Cheng turned back and was almost blinded by the other's smile. Although he had a face exactly like Chu Yifeng, his face was too thick. The two met for the first time. Why did he think he was looking for him, and he did Not looking for him.

Chu Li seemed to see a few black lines crawling on his forehead, and laughed, "Just a joke with you, young people don't take this seriously, I just want to see what kind of person my son likes, Don't worry, I won't do anything extra. "

Wang Cheng is not surprised that he would know, but his words surprised him, "Aren't you opposed?"

"My thoughts don't matter," Chu Li helplessly stretched out his hand. "That stink boy has always regarded me as a transparent person. He can see that my father's figure is already considered good."

As a father, you can be regarded as an emperor.

"Boy, I'm quite satisfied with you. For your obedience, I remind you that the old man in my family is very stubborn. If you want him to agree with you, you can only do things differently. Ordinary methods have no effect. "

"How do you do it alone?"

"Go ask him." Chu Li didn't object, but he didn't plan to help, and the stink boy didn't need his help at all, and he left after the goal was achieved.

Wang Cheng turned to find his elder brother. This time without much effort, across the crowd, he saw that the elder brother was chatting with a group of people about the same age. What surprised him was that his brother was also there, thinking a little I know it must be a matchmaking brother.

The arrival of Wang Cheng did not surprise them, but the people around them were more surprised, but what surprised them most was that most of them knew each other, except for a man who was not inferior in appearance. This person was Wang Ningan. Someone I racked my brains and couldn't figure out who he really was, but he had silently regarded him as someone who couldn't offend.

Not far away, Yu Hongzhi and Yu Jing watched the scene incredibly.

"Hongzhi, you said that Ning'an wanted to plot my shares. What should I say now? The person he knows is much better than our family." Yu Jing originally wanted to go to Wang Ning'an, but found that there was a person beside him, Zheng The most important grandson of the family, Zheng Jingen.

Yu Hongzhi couldn't answer. Where did he know that the person Wang Ningan knew was Zheng Jingen? This explains why he got the invitation from the Zhou family, but he was more worried. If Wang Ningan was not trying to buy Yu Jing's shares, would he not Is it the plot of Shenghui Group?

Time unknowingly passed, the banquet soon came to an end, and the guests left one after another, with fewer and fewer luxury cars parked at the door.

Huang Tong'an had his own gains. This trip was not in vain, but the most rewarding one was probably Wang Ning'an. With Wang Cheng's hand, he knew a lot of people who would never see him. The future has been very helpful, but I also drank a lot of wine.

"Brother, can you stand still?"

Wang Cheng helped him. He had never seen his elder brother drunk. It seemed that the wine was much better than him.

Wang Ning'an blushed and waved his hand, exhaling a thick sip of wine, "It's okay, don't worry ..." So to speak, the weight of half of his body was hanging on Wang Cheng's body. In this pair of appearances, Wang Cheng was totally uneasy about letting him go home alone. Huang Tongan also drank a lot. He didn't drink much, but he wanted to send Huang Tongan home. He couldn't let a drunk man drive. He didn't want to see their headlines in the newspaper tomorrow.

"Chengcheng, do you need my help?" Zheng Jingen sent his parents away. Mother Zheng was going back to Zheng's house tonight. When she came back, she saw that her brother was helping his brother with a tangled face.

"Brother, you came just right, my elder brother is drunk." Wang Cheng saw him like a savior, and he was still thinking about whether he should just let his elder brother stay at Zhou's house for one night.

Zheng Jingen heard his title and shook his head, "Chengcheng, I'm older than Wang Ning'an. Why don't you call my elder brother, what about him?"

Wang Cheng later figured out the way to distinguish the two brothers is one brother, one brother, so that he knows who is who, he did not know that Zheng Jingen would care about this, a little bit embarrassed, "but I'm used to calling him brother."

"Habits can be changed."

Wang Cheng was tangled.

Zheng Jingen smiled. "Okay, it ’s funny. You can call it whatever you want. I'll send you home for your elder brother and tell me the address of his apartment."

Wang Cheng felt relieved, and was very relieved to hand him over to him. He sent the two to the door and told him the address of the apartment.

Back in the lobby, only the servants were packing up the leftovers. After hundreds of people were gone, the lobby seemed empty, and the taste of various wines remained in the air.

Without seeing his grandfather, Wang Cheng found the housekeeper Zhou, and after asking, he knew that his grandfather was tired, so he went upstairs to rest early.

"Uncle Zhou, Grandpa seems to have a few glasses of wine, or I'll go to the kitchen and cook a bowl of soup for him. I heard that I can't sleep immediately after drinking, or it's bad for the liver."

Zhou steward said with a smile: "Master Cheng is just like this. I just let the servant bring a bowl of soup. You should be tired too. Go to rest early." Compared to Zhao Chenlin, who was indifferent to his elders, he was three. The old housekeeper also likes this junior who has not returned to Zhouzhai for a long time.

"Well then, Grandpa has troubled Uncle Zhou to take care of him." Wang Cheng did not insist, and he was indeed a little tired. Although he was not the busiest tonight, but this is the first time for such a high-intensity entertainment. Somewhat uncomfortable.

Farewell to Zhou steward, Wang Cheng was preparing to go upstairs, and suddenly patted his head. Chu Yifeng has not even contacted him until now. He quickly pulled out his mobile phone and there was no missed call in it. This guy really didn't contact him ...

Wang Cheng angrily put his cellphone upstairs.

Anyway, it's his birthday. Even if we can't meet, at least send him a blessing, right? Wang Cheng decided to ignore him and strode back to his room. The hand touching the switch was suddenly caught by a hand that protruded from the darkness. The next second he was dragged in, and the door slammed. Closed.

Wang Cheng's mouth was blocked, and the familiar breath penetrated his mouth and nose. The intimacy of lips and teeth accompanied the flooding mouth. The faint hormones suddenly thickened, lingering around the two people's bodies, and the temperature of the body rose. His body was close to the other, and the hands walking on him seemed as if he could not wait to strip his clothes out.

and many more……

Wang Cheng fiercely opened Chu Yifeng, looked down, and the gown on his body really wrinkled. He didn't want to lose the dress just once. There was heating in the room, so he took off the dress.

The opposite Chu Yifeng saw this, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. "I can't see that you are more anxious than me." Wang Cheng gave him a white look and asked, "When did you come up? How did you come up?"

"Not long ago." Chu Yifeng was sitting next to the bed. The Zhou family mansion hosted a banquet. The number of people was complicated and it was impossible to cover everything. It was not difficult to come in by his skill.

"Yes, your father came to me and talked to me during the banquet. He said that he didn't object to us being together, and that even if he objected, it was useless." Wang Cheng wanted to go to the closet to find a pajamas to wear, Chu Yifeng grabbed Hold his hand and drag him to the bed, and let him sit on himself.

Chu Yifeng touched his smooth thighs and narrowed his eyes, "He knows himself very well."

Wang Cheng grabbed his hand trying to get into the underwear, "Would you come to me tonight just to go to bed with me? Don't forget the Zhou family here."

This did not make Chu Yifeng retreat, one hand was restrained, and the other hand laughed: "What about the Zhou family, the sound insulation of the room is good, you can cry as you like, no one will hear it, and then, You all undressed to seduce me, if I wouldn't let you do what I want or a man? "

Wang Cheng was burned by him, and he was pushed no matter whether he was thirty-seven to twenty-one. Forget it, it is important to solve the physiological needs first.

The door of the room was locked by Chu Yifeng, and the servants went back to bed to finish sleeping. They were not only tired of the owner of the villa, they were also very tired. Most of them fell asleep on the pillows, and the bright lights went out. There are only a few dim bulbs in the corner.

It's already midnight and three nights after finishing it twice. The Zhou family mansion is quiet, and the light outside the window is much less. Wang cost is tired. Now he can't open his eyes and lie on the pillow.

"Don't sleep first, I have something to tell you." Chu Yifeng patted his face, picked up the child who fell under the bed, and pulled out a small box from his pocket.

"Can you say it tomorrow?" Wang Cheng reluctantly opened a line, the figures in his eyes were blurred in his eyes, and now the big thing is not as important as sleeping.

Of course, Chu Yifeng could not answer. Half of his body was pressed on him, and he put the small box in front of him. "This is a birthday gift."

Wang Cheng saw that he was so obsessed, so he woke up a little and copied the small box and opened it directly. The look suddenly stopped. "This is ... the ring?"

Lying in the box is a simple style men's ring. It does not have large diamonds that are shiny and dazzling. The pliers are a low-key and luxurious dark blue gemstone on the surface of the ring. It can also emit dazzling lights in the dim light. Light, the material used for this ring is definitely not a fake gemstone everywhere on the market.

"Why give me a ring? Wouldn't you want to propose to me?" Wang Cheng was thundered by his own imagination.

Chu Yifeng did not answer. He took the ring on his hand, and then pulled up his right hand to put the ring in his middle finger. The size was just right. "Rest assured, marriage proposal will happen sooner or later. Now I will use this ring to remove it. The inside wall is an acronym for your name. "

Wang Cheng stared at the ring for a while, then suddenly raised his head, "When are you going to propose, can you tell us first?"

Chapter 192 Gift List

Wang Cheng got up late, but no one in Zhou ’s mansion doubted that everyone slept late last night. It was considered good to get up at seven or eight. Chu Yifeng left when his servant knocked on the door. It was impossible in broad daylight. Going to the main entrance, fortunately, Wang Cheng's room is on the second floor. Zhou Lao and Zhou Lin got up relatively early. When Wang Cheng came down, they were already at the table, but Zhao Chenlin could not be seen, and it was estimated that they were still sleeping in the room. Wang Cheng called the three in turn and took his seat.

Zhou steward then asked the maid to bring breakfast. Since everyone drank last night, today's breakfast is relatively light. Porridge has oatmeal and white porridge. It is best to eat in the morning. The bun is not a kind of stuffing, but a kind of Compared to this homemade moss roll, Wang Cheng actually prefers meat buns.

After three or two resolving five or six flower rolls, Wang Cheng filled two bowls of white porridge, and his stomach was only half full.

Zhou Lin laughed when she saw this: "Cheng Cheng's meals are really large, neither her sister nor her husband seem to be so big, and they don't know who they are."

Wang Cheng glanced at her, "The amount of food may not be inherited."

"This statement makes sense, but you have to eat so much. Your adoptive parents must have worked hard to support you. Now that you are back at the Zhou family, it's time to repay them. Country people, the most important reward is probably money. , When your aunt writes a check for you, take it to your adoptive parents when you have time. "

Wang Cheng put down the bowl in his hand and looked at her with a smile on her face: "In the eyes of my aunt, family may be measured by money, but please don't think that everyone is like you, in me In the eyes, family relationship is priceless. Although they are only my adoptive parents, the upbringing is greater than heaven. Money can be suspected at any time. If the family relationship is lost, it will not be recovered. Does the aunt understand this?

Zhou Lin was disgusted by his refutation and immediately refuted: "What are you saying?