MTL - Jubo-Chapter 43

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No, I have nothing to do with you, yes, I did say that I do n’t want to fall in love for the time being, but I did n’t say that I wo n’t fall in love, not to mention why I must accept you even if I have this idea? "

There are many better people than Wei Wei. Wang Ziyu is not an ordinary little girl. She already knows what kind of person Wei Wei is. This kind of boy is definitely not suitable to be a boyfriend. Even if Wei Wei confessed her love in a high-profile way, She would never agree.

Wei Wei didn't expect that Wang Ziyu would say these words, but it was still in full view. His face was as hot as being slapped, and he was so angry that he couldn't do anything to Wang Ziyu. He immediately turned his finger on Wang Cheng.

"I don't care who you are, stay away from the prince immediately, don't let me see you have any contact and contact with her, otherwise ..."

"How else?" Wang Cheng put the chopsticks in his hand on the table, raised his head and looked at Wei Wei who was angry and looked threatening.

Wei Wei frowned, suddenly there was a feeling of being shocked by the momentum of the other side, and he always felt like he had seen him somewhere, and he quickly threw off this absurd feeling, threatening inline: Otherwise, I make you regret that your intestines are all green, and you do n’t have to inquire about who Wei Wei is, if you are acquainted with it, you will go alone. ”

Wang Cheng took the paper towel handed to him by Milli and wiped his mouth before he said, "I'm so sorry, I really don't know who you Weiwei is, would you mind telling me?" Anyone could hear this. It was Wei Weiwei who didn't really want to know who he was, but everyone wasn't surprised. Wei Wei's name hadn't been known to anyone outside the school.

Wei Wei apparently heard it, and he was about to explode with his beard and stare.

"What happened here?"

The voice of a girl outside the crowd suddenly came in. Everyone looked over and saw a beautiful girl coming in.

"It's the school flower Tang Xin."

Someone called out the girl's name. Wang Cheng found this girl a little familiar, as if it was the beautiful girl he met at the door when she accompanied her sister to Beijing University last time. At the time, she asked if they needed help, but he refused.

Tang Xin is also a junior student. She ranked third in the number of votes she received in the polls at the school. She was second in the last session. Wang Ziyu came to third when she came, but no matter what others say, she Doesn't seem to care about this formally good reputation.

"Tang Xin, don't worry about yourself." Wei Wei frowned when she saw her.

Tang Xin didn't know the reason. When he saw Wang Cheng, there was a slight looseness in his expression. Obviously, one of the protagonists of the incident turned out to be Wang Cheng who had a side with her. Her impression of Wang Cheng was full. Profoundly, someone told her what happened.

"Wei Wei, I don't want to worry much about it, but since it happened in the cafeteria, I have to take care of it, I think you also understand it." Tang Xin is the director of the Discipline Department of the Student Union, and it is her who maintains the order in public places In view of her responsibilities, if she indulges Wei Wei's troubles, she will not have to be the head of the discipline department.

Although Wei Wei was somewhat jealous of Beijing University by virtue of his status, there were a lot of rules that he did not dare to easily violate, but it was a little reconciled to let him pass Wang Cheng like this. He obviously forgot that he was completely in the pursuit of Prince Yu It was his own wishful thinking. He was too confident in himself and always determined that Prince Yu would accept him sooner or later, so he acted very high-profile.

Wei Wei's biggest mistake was to overestimate himself and underestimate Wang Ziyu. Wei Wei's family background is really good, but Wang Ziyu is not a vanity woman, but her rejection was interpreted by Wei Wei as a desire to escape, so he always treats the prince Rain is his woman, even though Prince Yu has rejected him. Now that his woman took another man to the girl's dormitory, the news came to him, Wei Wei's face was blue and white, and it felt like his girlfriend had given him a green hat, and he knew that they were in the cafeteria. He I came here without a word.

Wei Wei wants to know who the man Wang Ziyu sees is. He doesn't think that the other person is better than himself. In terms of family history, many forces behind the family behind him are not equal. What is the money? Money? As for his looks, although he is not a grass school grade, it is not bad, but when he saw Wang Cheng, he felt like eating a dead fly. He is even more handsome than the school grass of Beijing University!

The more Wei Wei thinks, the more unwilling he becomes, and the more Prince Wang refuses to promise his girlfriend, it is probably because he is not handsome enough. Now Tang Xin has come out to stir up the situation and let him leave like this. Where are you going?

Most people can feel his thoughts. Wang Cheng didn't know Wei Wei, and at a glance he could see what he thought, and he couldn't help sneer and stood up.

His actions were relatively abrupt, and his eyes focused on Tang Xin and Wei Wei immediately shifted to him. As one of the protagonists of the incident, everyone was still curious about him. As far as they know, the Prince Hua of the school spent the school period I haven't had any contact with any man. Suddenly, there is a handsome boyfriend who is so angry and angry. Should he have known him before going to college?

Wang Cheng ’s eyes fell on Wei Wei. When he did n’t have an expression, he looked a bit cold and majestic. “Wei Wei, I hope you can stay away from Xiaoyu in the future. Now that she ’s clear I said I would not like you, so it ’s best to be a little self-knowledge, and only stupid people will always use their family background to make a name for themselves. "" What do you think is just an outside school, get out. "Wei Wei was staring at him, but his words were dry.

Wang Cheng smiled. "Beijing University doesn't seem to have regulations that don't allow people from outside schools to come in. Let me get out. You are not qualified."

Wei Wei was so angry that his nose was crooked.

Wang Cheng glanced at his clenched fist, and continued to say in a brisk and leisurely tone: "What's wrong, do you want to hit someone? I heard that Beijing University is a highly-developed university with a comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic. Do n’t you want to be the rat **** that broke a pot of porridge? If this thing goes out, everyone will think that everyone at Beijing University can go in. It does n’t matter if you break your reputation, what will you do if it hurts others? ”

The prince Yuxi smiled, this kind of remarks really seemed familiar.

Wei Wei's face was not good-looking at all. Her laughter was like pouring oil on the fire, and she only heard one exclaim. Wei Wei punched Wang Cheng without warning, because everyone was close to him because he was close. , And then heard a loud noise, a fixed look, Wei Wei half-handed had already fallen into the position where Wang Cheng was sitting before, and it was simply terrible to lose first.

Tang Xin knew that he couldn't sit back and watch. When Wei Wei stood up and wanted to do something with Wang Cheng, he immediately scolded: "Wei Wei, if you do it again, I will report it truthfully."

The student union of Beijing University is different from other universities. The rights of the student union are great, so many students sharpen their heads and want to enter the student union. This is a brawl that happened in front of her. If Wei Wei is to be involved again, the next meeting The person named was definitely her, and Tang Xin couldn't help getting angry.

But ... she gave a faint glance at Wang Ziyu. One thing she always felt strange was that she and Miao Miao knew that Wang Cheng was Wang Ziyu's boyfriend, but when Wei Wei was chasing her, she never said She already had a boyfriend, but told Wei Wei that she didn't want to make a boyfriend for the time being.

Tang Xin looked at Wang Ziyu and laughed: "Ziyu Xuemei, although this is not your boyfriend's responsibility, it is better to tell your suitor next time, Wei Wei actually thinks you This is the case without a boyfriend, and it would not be so if he knew you had a boyfriend. "

"Yes, it was Wang Ziyu who didn't explain it in advance. I would always think that she didn't have a boyfriend. If she said that she had a boyfriend, how could I be entangled with her, Wei Wei is not obliged to her. Wei Wei, who had just got up, heard her words and immediately climbed up. Finally, she found a little face for herself. Now she has a disgusting expression, and she didn't know who had to confess to Wang Yu in a high-profile way.

Wang Cheng gave Tang Xin an unexpected look.

When Wang Ziyu saw the topic go around her, he stood up and explained, "I think Tang Xin was wrong, I really don't have a boyfriend." After hearing this, not only Tang Xin and Wei Wei froze, the people who were watching also With a look of surprise, how did this plot feel like a turning point? The big handsome guy in front of her is not her boyfriend?

"Xuemei is kidding, you have no boyfriend, who is this handsome guy?" The smile on Tang Xin's face almost couldn't stop.

Wang Ziyu kissed Wang Cheng's arm affectionately. She didn't understand the true meaning of Tang Xin's words at all, and said with a sweet smile, "He is my second brother. He came to Beijing University to see me specially."

The truth is out! !!

The school flower Prince Yu didn't have a boyfriend at all, everything was caused by brain holes, everyone was preconceived, after all, Wang Ziyu was beautiful, after seeing the men who appeared next to her, he would subconsciously think that he was a boyfriend.

As a result, Wei Wei, who looked sympathetically to the stunned, for a long time, and he imagined that the competitor turned out to be Wang Ziyu's second brother.

"Xiaoyu, I will never make a boyfriend like this without quality, and I will not agree, let's go." Before leaving, Wang Cheng gave Tang Xin a look, Tang Xin just happened to come over, and met his sight. , Expression could not help but froze.

A farce was finally over, but then everyone unexpectedly did not discuss Wei Wei, who appeared from the beginning to the end. Instead, there were many girls discussing Wang Cheng. High-quality handsome guys have always been the object of fantasy in girls' hearts, especially the high-quality handsome guys. fighter.

Chapter 161: People Are Unrecognizable

After Wang Cheng left, after Wang Ziyu returned to the dormitory, Qian Bao and Pang Chunjuan reacted greatly. They had never encountered such a thing. For Wei Wei, they had been so annoyed that they would never show up.

However, Wei Wei is very thick-skinned. He always thinks how handsome and powerful he is. He learns the tunes of idol dramas, and is especially dragging. He is cool and handsome, and in fact, in the eyes of most people, he is better than ordinary people. Just a little bit.

"Ziyu, your second brother is so handsome, have you seen Wei Wei's face, it's ugly as if he just got it out of the pit." Baby Qian imagined the picture, and he couldn't help closing her mouth, she He and Milly helped Prince Yu stop him many times, and he was disgusted every time.

"My second brother is very powerful, Wei Wei is not his opponent." Wang Ziyu's worship of Wang Cheng is not less than that of his big brother. Although she rarely shows negative feelings for a person due to her personality, she also has I hate Wei Wei.

Pang Chunjuan opened a bag of snacks and said, "It's not just an opponent. I think Zi Yu's second brother is completely out of Wei Wei."

"No, but this is not a bad thing, at least Wei Wei will definitely not be entangled with Ziyu in the future, and we can finally stop seeing that cheap man." Baby Qian cheered, Wei Wei said in public Everyone has heard those words.

"Mili, you can also say a few words." Pang Chunjuan said.

Baby Qian and Prince Yu also looked at Milly.

Millie usually doesn't talk much, but she can catch the key as soon as she speaks. Her position in the dormitory is like a military division who makes a plan. Wang Ziyu is smart, but her emotional intelligence is low, which is not as good as Millie.

"Although we have solved the **** of Wei Wei, we still cannot relax. Wei Wei is a man with a narrow mind, and no one knows whether he will play some means of revenge."

The three nodded immediately.

"There is one more thing." Milli pushed the glasses on her face, and the lens flashed a fine light. "In the future, if you meet Tang Xin, avoid it, if you can't avoid it, try to avoid it, this woman It's not easy. "

"Why isn't she easy?"

Money baby winked.

The prince couldn't understand. In the cafeteria, Tang Xinxue actually helped them. If it wasn't for her, Wei Wei would definitely do it.

"Is it because of what she said later, right?" Pang Chunjuan was better than the two in terms of human accidents, and her family had some messy things.

"Which words, how can I not understand, you two do not play dumbfounded, knowing that I and Zi Yu's EQ is not high." Baby Qian was anxious.

The Prince Yushen nodded in approval.

Milli explained: "You think back to what Tang Xin said last. She is on the surface helping Ziyu, but she is deliberately guiding everyone. If Ziyu really has a boyfriend and does n’t say it, what would you think? Yu, she must think that Ziyu is deliberately hanging Wei Wei's appetite, then everyone will doubt Zi Zi's behavior, and then think that her usual behaviors are all pretended. "

"Fuck, isn't this too insidious?" Baby Qian was stunned.

"Not only that, she can easily take herself out. Everyone thinks that Chenggong is Ziyu's boyfriend. She understands that it is understandable. Even if someone mentions it, she can pretend to be innocent. relationship."

"I thought Tang Xiaohua was a good one, but I didn't expect it. The woman looked pretty decent on the surface, but in fact she was very embarrassed. It must be because Zi Yu snatched her second place, so she remembered it. At heart. "Baby Qian decided to see Tang Xin take a sip of her heart in the future.

"Forget the baby, we have nothing to lose anyway, even if I and her are working in the Student Union, I have no communication with her. Let them talk about what they want to say, we just ignore it." Wang Ziyu It doesn't matter.

Qian Qian can't take her, "Your heart is too soft."

The prince shrugged unwillingly. She was not soft-hearted, but she didn't want to waste time with such people.

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with paying more attention," said Milly.

"Miri is right, at least I know that Tang Xin's mind is not correct, and she can be wary of encountering her in the future." Pang Chunjuan has seen many women like Tang Xin, who looks pure and harmless on the surface, but in fact her heart is very dark , Just will pretend.

After Wang Cheng left Beijing University, he called Chu Yifeng and knew where he was before he returned to the villa. Chu Yifeng did not conceal him. He directly said that he was with a relative and asked him to return to the villa first. Wang Cheng didn't ask much.

Chu Yifeng put away his cell phone, and the opposite Chu Wenting looked at this scene in surprise. Needless to say, the person he just spoke to should be the man named Wang Cheng. His cousin treated him very differently, and the tone of pampering and petting was just boring.

"Brother, are you really serious?" Chu Wenting couldn't help asking.

"What do you say?" Chu Yifeng asked back.

Pig Wenting didn't answer. The answer was actually in his heart. He guessed when Chu Yifeng came to him.

"I have already said what to say, don't do anything extra." Chu Yifeng dropped this sentence and left.

Chu Wenting was helpless, he knew that his cousin could not know their movements. Since he dared to shoot, he must have guessed that they would have taken action. Now he is not only accompanying Wang Chenglai to the capital, but even came to tell him those words. Not serious, he still doesn't believe it, but things are even more difficult to do in this way. Is he going to run the risk of angering him, or just stop it?

No matter how you look at it, you think the former is dangerous.

When Chu Yifeng's car drove to the gate of Binhai Garden, he saw Wang Cheng beckoning him at the security room. People ran to him. Chu Yifeng opened the car door and let him sit in, and asked, "Why not go in?" The completed fingerprint and iris were recorded.

"I suddenly remembered one thing. There are no ingredients in the refrigerator. Do I have to take out at night again? That thing is delicious, but it's too expensive. I might as well make it myself." Wang Cheng rubbed his hands and said.

"Just call me, I'll just buy it."

"Boss Chu, do you know how to buy vegetables, do you know which meats are good and which ones are not? Do you know what is celery and what is water spinach?" Wang Cheng didn't believe he would buy vegetables, "and everyone is outside It's not bad this time. The weather in the Imperial City is cold, but I have a strong ability to adapt, and I don't feel much now. "

The nearest supermarket is not very far from Binhai Garden. It only took twenty minutes by car. The two went in to buy together, because I didn't know how many days to stay here, and Wang Cheng didn't plan to prepare enough for a week, so he bought two. The amount of three days, it is already more than three in the afternoon to return to the villa.

Wang Chengzheng was about to bring the purchased ingredients to the kitchen and was caught by Chu Yifeng. "This is not busy. Take off your jacket and take off your scarf."

Chu Yifeng took a pair of plush slippers from the shoe rack and gave it to him.

Wang Cheng had to put the ingredients at the corner first, took off his boots, put on his slippers, and took off his jacket. Although it was n’t snowing today, the weather was a bit cold and cold. Staying outside for hours, the surface of the clothes was full of water vapor. Feeling wet with my palm.

Chu Yifeng took the clothes he took off and went up to the second floor. When he came out, he had already changed into a gray and white home clothes. Without black clothes, he was a bit less sharp than usual, and a little warmer at home. He went to the kitchen and saw Wang Cheng processing a duck he bought.

"Aren't there more than two hours before dinner?" He asked, leaning against the kitchen door frame.

"I plan to make a braised whole duck tomorrow. I need to marinate this dish before cooking it. Now I can make it tomorrow." Wang Cheng skillfully cleaned the inside of the duck's abdominal cavity.

"The dish that was called for takeaway last time?"

"Yeah, I think it's delicious. I just want to try it. The steps are all searched online. I don't know how it tastes." Wang Cheng shredded the onion **** and other things into In a large bowl, mix the seasonings and soak the washed duck. Wang Cheng belongs to the action group. Before that, the old monk was a foodie, and Fengxia Mountain has a lot of game, so he often tries to make food that he hasn't made, and he has been used to it for many years.

"Did you see your sister at Beijing University today?"

"I saw it, Zhang Xie. I went to see it today. Otherwise, I don't know that a very cheap man wants to pursue my sister, and doesn't take a photo of himself. Even if he is worthy, he wants to do something with me, but I fell over and fell down in public. "Speaking of this, Wang Cheng was still a bit angry.

Chu Yifeng unexpectedly said: "Is it solved?"

"What kind of person I am, of course it is resolved. I don't think he should dare to entangle my sister in the future, but listening to his tone seems to have a background at home. I am worried that he will go to my sister's trouble. After I leave Just call my brother. "

"My cousin is also at Beijing University, so let him take care of your sister. Your older brother has to work, and it is not close to Beijing University."

"Cousin you mean is the one you saw last time in your office?"

"It's him. It doesn't look reliable, but it's actually reliable."

Lei Yanze suddenly sneezed, who was scolding him?

Chapter 162 Second House of Zheng Family

After Wang Cheng went to Jingda University, he called Zheng Jingen and set the time for the meeting, but Zheng Jingen didn't mind. He later told his father about the arrival of Wang Cheng and learned that his 25-year-old son was missing. Finally couldn't calm down, his abnormality was immediately discovered by Zheng's mother, and made fun of him like a fledgling young man.

"Because I prepared a surprise for you." Father Zheng also knew that his excitement was a bit out of step with his usual image, so he revealed a bit of tone. Mother Zheng did not realize that in the past, in order to make her happy, Father Zheng often prepared some gifts for her, or took her to some fun places to relax, she thought that this time too, she had expectations in her heart, but not particularly big.

"Mom, this surprise was prepared by you and me together with Dad. It is definitely worth looking forward to." Zheng Jingen added that when his father's words were not effective, he added a sentence, hoping to attract the attention of Mother Zheng and give her a little psychological preparation.

Seeing her son being so serious, Mother Zheng thought about it for a moment, but then quickly shook her head and set aside the absolutely impossible idea. She had been looking forward to so many years, disappointed again and again, long ago she dared not What to expect, but she didn't want to hurt the confidence of her son and husband.

"Okay, then mom looks forward to it."

"By the way, this gift also has a sister's share. Let her take a day off tomorrow and go together." Zheng Jingen said.

"What gift is so mysterious, and still going out?" Zheng mother wondered.

Father Zheng interjected: "Wife, you can put a hundred and twenty hearts on it. The gifts prepared by me and Jing En will never let you down. You can really look forward to this time."

Mother Zheng's heart jumped and she felt something in her husband's words.

Every Monday is the family dinner time of the Zheng family. All members of the dinner must come back for dinner. If they do not return, the old man will be unhappy, so no matter how busy, everyone will arrive on time, unless they ca n’t leave, they will call back in advance.

This day was Monday. The Zheng family except Zheng Jingen's aunt, Zheng Ru, had arrived. The empty Zheng family was lively immediately. After serving, Mother Zheng was absent-minded and accidentally spilled the soup. A little out.

"What's wrong with my sister today? I usually don't get so stale and won't be stimulated again?" Feng Yuying said when she saw it.

She is the wife of the Zheng family boss, Zheng Shengming. It is not unusual for the Zheng family's Sanfang Ming to fight in secret, but they all know that the old man does not like to see such things, so he never quarrels in the face of the old man, but the **** are secretly not. less.

"The horse has stumbled, and someone has missed, which makes Dasao worried." Compared with Feng Yuying, mother Zheng behaved more generously, and set off Feng Yuying's small family temperament. Zheng mother was originally from a family. Feng Yuying was provocative. She didn't hurt or itch at all.

Feng Yuying was immediately stunned by her words. She wanted to ridicule her a few words later, but she couldn't answer anymore.

Others were relieved, especially Feng Yuying's husband Zheng Shengming. His wife was just too good, but Ming Ming did not like others but he still liked to have a broken mouth. If it wasn't for Zheng mother who didn't care about her, this was the case. In front of his father, his father will definitely favor the second room. The Zheng family is a big family in the emperor. The owner Zheng Heng is in a high position, and his children have gone his old way. One by one, he has devoted himself to politics. Although the ability of the Zheng family is not so high as to cover the sky with one hand, it is also considered to be an imperial city. One of the best Meiji families.

Zheng Jingen's father, Zheng Shengchuan, ranks second in the Zheng family. Because he is rich and does not like fighting, he is not like his father Zheng Heng, so he is not Zheng Heng's favorite son. Among the three brothers in the Zheng family, his father is on the official court. The position is not the highest. However, with the birth of Zheng Jingen, his intelligence gradually showed off. Among the younger generation, Zheng Jingen has become the adoptive sheep of the Zheng family. The uncle and uncle's sons are contrasted by his light. mediocre.

Although Father Zheng did not get the attention of his father, Zheng Jingen sighed for him. The old man was very satisfied with the grandson, so he often compares him with other cousins ​​in a political family like the Zheng family. However, the sense of competition is even higher than that of ordinary families. Everyone hopes to be recognized by the master, but is used as a negative teaching material. Who would be happy?

They can be jealous of Zheng Jingen, but they can't target Zheng Jingen's room without jealousy. Zheng Jingen is one reason, and Mother Zheng is also an important reason.

Mother Zheng was formerly known as Zhou Hui. She is the chairman of Zhou Shichang ’s most beloved gold. Even though she has been married for many years, Zhou Shichang still loves this daughter very much. Although the Zheng family has the right and power, but can reach this step and today Zhou Shichang's financial support is absolutely inseparable.

With Zhou Shichang as the backing of the second house, the second house's status in the Zheng family is absolutely aloof. Zheng Heng will favor the second house. There must be no reason for this. Besides, there is another secret in it, but that secret is a taboo in the Zheng family. Zheng Heng once Seriously warned them that no one was allowed to bring up the matter again. Everyone was afraid to touch the inverse scale of the old man, and could only hide the secret in his heart and taste it alone. After dinner, the three bedrooms returned to their rooms. The old man called the father Zheng who was going upstairs with his wife and children.

"Shengchuan, follow me to the study."

"Yes, father." Father Zheng motioned the three to go upstairs first, and followed the old man away. Seeing this scene, everyone looked different, and were speculating about the purpose of the father to call Zheng Father to the study.

"Brother, what did Grandpa ask Dad to go to the study?" Zheng Jingxue asked Zheng Jingen, who was standing two steps higher than her.

"The kid asked what these were doing." Zheng Jingen knocked her head.

Zheng Jingxue pursed her lips. "Brother, I'm not a kid anymore." She is already an adult and knows a little about the situation at home.

"You are a child in my eyes, yes, I will spare time tomorrow, and we will go out for lunch."

"Oh." The family rarely asked her to lay down her school naked just to go out to eat. Zheng Jingxue knew that her brother must have arranged otherwise, so he didn't ask him carefully.

"Shengchuan, is there anything you and Jing En are hiding from me? Your elder brother has mentioned it to me once." In the study, the old man opened the door and went straight to the subject.

Father Zheng hesitated, and decided to tell the truth. Sooner or later, his father would know, "Father, there is indeed one thing, Jing En found his brother."

The old man did not respond for a moment, and spent most of his life in the officialdom. There were few things that could stir his emotions. He suddenly heard this. He obviously didn't think that the mysterious act of the father and son turned out to be missing him. Grandson for more than two decades.

"What's going on? Did you investigate it clearly?" The old man's eyes were dimmed and his expression became serious. He was worried that there was something hidden in the matter. After all, the Zheng family was not an ordinary family. The emperor stared at them a lot. Here is a trap designed for their Zheng family.

Father Zheng immediately explained the process of Zheng Jingen's investigation, which completely ruled out the spy theory. "Father, Jing En has made an appointment with him to meet tomorrow. I plan to take Xiaohui to see him."

"Since you already have an idea, I don't say much, but it is better to do a DNA test. You believe him, but others may not. A certificate can at least stop you."

Zheng Fuming's father meant that only by proving that Wang Chengcheng is his son can those who want to make excuses find excuses.

"Father please rest assured that the results of the appraisal have come out now. He is indeed my son and Xiaohui."

"That's good. When do you plan to tell your father-in-law about this?" The old man asked.

"I have no plans for the time being. Jing En said that he has a personality and is a very opinionated person. His parents are very kind to him now. It is still difficult to say whether he will return to the Zheng family. So I told Jing En I plan to wait until I see them. "

"It's up to you, but it's best to persuade him back."

"For Xiaohui, I will work hard."

The old man did n’t say it explicitly, but Father Zheng knew what he meant. Whether or not Wang Cheng returned to the Zheng family was related to the fate of some people. If they knew Wang Cheng ’s existence, there would be no action, so this matter must be kept secret. Zheng Jingen I haven't said it before for this reason.

Wei Wei, who had been shaved in public by Wang Cheng, skipped classes that day and went out with a group of fox friends and dog friends to go home crazy until 10 o'clock in the evening. She was scolded by Zheng Ru who had not fallen asleep. She was such a son and always wanted him. She can be a little bit prosperous. After all, she is a daughter of foreign marriage. To attract the attention of her father, she can only rely on her son. This morning, he also specifically instructed him to go to the Zheng family and brush the presence in front of his grandfather. just came back.

"Which bar did you go to today? Seeing that you are full of alcohol, how can you make your grandfather like you like this?" Zheng Ru hated Tiefuchenggang looking at this unsatisfactory son.

"Grandpa and grandfather, you know grandpa!" Wei Wei was annoyed by his mother and yelled, "Do you know your son, I was beaten up in school today and can't stand in public? I'm so annoying died."

This is the first time his son has complained about the school. Zheng Ru knows that his son has always been playing the Zheng family ’s banner. The school is the same. Although his son is not a direct family member of the Zheng family, he is also a grandson of the Zheng family. Status, outsiders still have to give a bit of face.

"What's the matter, someone bullied you?" Zheng Ru immediately asked, she was very short-guarded, and she could scold her son. Others could not say a word.

Wei Wei hadn't answered yet, Wei Qiqi's voice came down from the floor, Zheng Ru turned around and saw her daughter come down from upstairs.

"Kiki, do you know why?"

"Of course, I know that brother is in the limelight at school today. Unfortunately, others are in the limelight, but his limelight is notorious. Today, I was told by my classmates." Wei Qiqi complained, although the two were brothers and sisters. , But the characters are somewhat self-centered.

"What did you say, did you say that to your brother?" Zheng Ru frowned.

Wei Qiqi was upset and said, "I ’m telling the truth, you do n’t know, mom. I have been chasing a school flower called Wang Ziyu from Beijing University a while ago, but the school flower has rejected him, but the brother has never been dead. Today, the brother from that school went to the school to find her. He thought he was her boyfriend, but he went to the cafeteria to make a big fuss with the other person, and he also did something with him. As a result, they had nothing to do, but he fell in public. Finally The truth is clear, I don't want to describe that picture, it's too shameful. "

"Wei Qiqi, shut up for me."

She didn't say it was okay. As soon as Wei Wei remembered what happened in the cafeteria, the rage opened again.

When he heard that his son was bullied at school, Zheng Ru sank his face. "Who is that school flower and her elder brother? My grandson of the Zheng family has not been able to bully others."

"They are from Shanhai City, they seem to be rural people." Wei Wei immediately replied. When he was chasing Prince Yu before, in order to know that Peter had deliberately asked about Prince Yu's family, although it was not very detailed, but he knew her family. Just ordinary families.

Hearing the three words in Shanhai City, Zheng Ru shuddered.

"Isn't Shanhai a place where Jing En has been frequent on business trips some time ago?" Wei Kai heard the sound of downstairs, and when he walked down, he heard his son's words. He was also surprised.

"Right, Mom, I remember." Wei Wei heard his father's words, and suddenly a flash of light came to his mind, thinking of "One thing, Wang Ziyu's brother looks a bit like Zheng Jingen."

At that time, they were facing each other. He never saw it, but when they left, he just saw Wang Cheng's side, and they really looked like each other from the side. Zheng Ru was wrong.

Chapter 163 Rehearsal

The next day, Zheng Ru appeared in the Zheng family early in the morning. As a married daughter, she often?

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