MTL - Jubo-Chapter 37

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? Come and listen to me. A photo really doesn't explain anything, and this kind of thing can't be taken out for fun. He is still my cousin, but it is the royal family who spread the shame. Wang Ningkai tried to persuade her to temporarily put aside her prejudice against Wang Cheng.

"Cousin?" Wang Xiaoyan suddenly laughed ironically. "It seems you don't know yet, you cousin is not your own cousin, he just picked it up from your uncle."

Wang Cheng stood up sloppily and said with a somber face: "Wang Xiaoyan, I only tolerate you today when it is a good day for you to get engaged with the lobby brother. If you talk nonsense again, I'm welcome to blame you."

Anyone who is suddenly said to be their own parents can't be happy. Everyone also thinks that Wang Xiaoyan is getting more and more overwhelming.

"I'm nonsense? I tell you, I heard it myself. Not long ago, Aunt Li and Aunt Zhang said in the room that you picked it up from your father, and you were not your father's own. Son, if you do n’t believe you can ask them. ”Wang Xiaoyan shouted loudly.

When Li took Zhang to go to the next room, the person who overheard them was her. At that time, she was not deliberately overheard. Li left the bag with her, and she took it with her. I heard the conversation between the two. Although Li told her not to talk about it for the time being, she was unwilling. Wang Cheng wouldn't let her get better, and she wouldn't let him get better. The engagement ceremony was over anyway. She wasn't afraid that the incident would be big, and something would not be her.

Quiet around for a while. There was too much movement here. After all, Wang Ningkai and Wang Xiaoyan were the protagonists of the banquet. Everyone kept an eye on them, and they were surprised to hear the sound of quarrels over there. Li and Uncle comforted the others. The two walked over to see the situation. Father Wang and Mother Wang were also at the same table with them, and both stood up.

Originally, Li didn't want to arrange them at a table. This was so that people wouldn't be suspicious. The couple saw that Wang Ningkai and Wang Xiaoyan were arguing. It was Wang Cheng. Where could they sit and wait for the four to get closer? Wang Xiaoyan said Just passing into their ears, the four changed their faces together.

"I don't like hitting women, it doesn't mean I don't hit women. Wang Xiaoyan, if you dare to make a rumor again, Lao Tzu cares if you are a bride today. The momentum was exaggerated, and Wang Ningshan, who was closest to him, was scared, and his eyes narrowed as he watched.

Wang Ningkai and others were also frightened by his appearance. Although Wang Cheng had the ability to get angry and not pay his life, everyone had never seen him look really angry, and his expression was like he would always do it at any time.

But in front of Wang Cheng, Wang Xiaoyan, who has been cut out, said that she still cares about it, not to mention that her temper is not very good. After having money at home, she is more and more insulted. Wang Cheng dare to intimidate her, the more she doesn't want to make him feel better.

"I'll just say, you're a wild seed, a wild seed that your parents picked up, no one wants it, I don't believe you dare hit me"

With a slamming sound, Wang Xiaoyan's face was thrown aside with a slap, her strength was strong, her face with heavy makeup turned red, and five fingers were clearly printed.

The crowd looked at the shot in surprise.

Not Wang Cheng, but the mother Wang who rushed over, her face was clearly seen, and she showed no mercy, but no one thought that she was wrong to hit a junior, even if Wang Cheng really picked it up from his parents, Wang Xiaoyan is indeed too much.

"How dare you hit me?" Wang Xiaoyan covered her red cheek and stared at Mother Wang in disbelief.

"It's your uneducated one."

After saying this, Mother Wang didn't look at her anymore, and turned to look at Wang Cheng. She did not expect that the secret kept for twenty-five years would be spoken by an irrelevant junior, and she saw her son's severe blow. The harshness of the past turned into intolerance at this moment. Several people of the Li family also heard Wang Xiaoyan's words. When they saw Mother Wang beating Wang Xiaoyan, she wanted to speak but did not dare to touch Mother Wang's main point at this time, especially Li.

Mother Wang saw her daughter being beaten, and immediately brought her father over, but was taken by a few people from Li's family. Li's already understood the situation, and she didn't want the situation to be big.

Wang Cheng didn't believe he really picked it up. He pointed at Wang Xiaoyan and said angrily, "Mom, is she saying that?"

"Chengcheng, listen to your mother ..." Mother Wang came over and wanted to hold his hand.

Wang Cheng stepped back and looked at his beloved parents for twenty-five years. Mother Wang's hesitation had told him that answer. The parents he had called for so many years were not his biological parents? Even if his mentality is so strong, he will not be able to accept the message at one and a half. Wang Cheng turned around and left the Fortune Hotel without hesitation.


Mother Wang hurried to catch up, and Father Wang followed closely behind, but when they ran to the door, Wang Cheng's figure was no longer visible. The two were afraid that Wang Cheng could not open, and hurried to the house, but they never walked Wang Chengkuai When they arrived home, they saw that the car parked in the yard was gone, and there were tire marks on the ground.

"Creating evil!" Papa Wang's eyes turned red, and his face lost his blood color as if he had aged a few years.

Mother Wang also lost her strength

Wang Cheng drove the car for fifty or sixty yards, and the scene in front of him quickly passed past him, turning into a mirror-like mirage, just like the scene he spent with his family for twenty-five years, knowing that he had picked it up It also seemed to turn into a bubble afterwards.

After breaking through two red lights, Wang Cheng came to the quiet community. The security guard saw him and wanted to talk to him. But when he saw that his expression was a bit wrong, he gave up after thinking about it, and opened the door to let him in. There is no such thing in the world. I hope he can figure it out. Although Wang Cheng occasionally hurts him, the security guard still likes this guy.

The security guard returned to work, and three minutes later, Wang Cheng's car drove out again. What happened? It's a pity that the car owner won't confuse him.

In fact, Wang Cheng remembered that Chu Yifeng was not staying in the apartment recently. Today is the last day of Liu Ye ’s vacations. She will go to work tomorrow, so the house has not been cleaned for several days. As soon as he entered, he found the air was dusty. He had to run down in depression, so the security saw him leave again.

At the Jinding Hotel, Wang Cheng didn't dial Chu Yifeng's cell phone. He stopped by the car and went directly to him. I don't know if he was too bad today. Chu Yifeng was not in the suite at this time. Wang Cheng rang the bell. However, no one has come to open the door. He went to the first floor and refused to find the hotel waiter. He thought he could go in and wait for Chu Yifeng, but the waiter at the counter refused, and Wang Cheng said, "The waiter still needs to pass through the guest. To enter, otherwise they do n’t have this right. ”Wang Cheng did n’t want to call Chu Yifeng, so he froze.

"What happened?" Zhang Wu came over.

When the counter waiter saw Zhang Wu, he immediately informed him of the situation. They knew the guests of the suite owner and knew that there was a guest last time, but they did n’t remember if it was Wang Cheng. Even if they remembered, they did not dare to let people go. If you enter, the guests are responsible if they question.

"I know, just do what he wants, and I will be responsible for things." Zhang Wu said after listening. Although he was not sure what Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng were, he was definitely not an ordinary friend.

"Yes, director." The boss spoke, and the waiter stopped insisting, took out the key to the president's suite, and then asked Wang Cheng to go up. Before leaving, Wang Cheng said to Zhang Wu, "Thank you."

Zhang Wuzhen first said, "It's a hand."

When Wang Cheng and the waiter took the elevator, several people came in midway. One of them was Wei Dandan who had not seen him for a long time. When he saw Wang Cheng, Wei Dandan stood at the door of the elevator, and his companions reminded her to react. Wei Dandan glanced at Wang Cheng secretly, and found that his attitude was somewhat indifferent, and his heart was inevitably lost. Wang Cheng was not intentional. He was severely hit today. He was a bit unconscious and couldn't take Wei Dandan's emotions into account. So it seemed a bit indifferent. Until Wei Dandan's floor arrived, the two didn't talk.

Wei Dandan looked back at the elevator that closed the door.

"Dandan, what's wrong with you? You just discovered that you've been looking at the handsome man in the elevator. Do you know him?" A colleague noticed that she had some troubles.

"He is my classmate in high school." Wei Dandan said.

"Wow, you still know such a wealthy person, why not take advantage of such a good opportunity?" You can see the floor he is going to in the elevator, and the colleague also noticed that the waiter who took Wang Cheng up was holding the key and could know The people in the presidential suite must also be rich. Wei Dandan shook his head. She didn't know if Wang Cheng had any money. She also wanted to grasp it, but the other party didn't give her the opportunity.

Chapter 143 Can You Cooperate A Little?

Chu Yifeng did not return to the hotel until eleven o'clock. As soon as he entered, he found someone inside. The hotel side could not make this ignorant mistake, and the thief was even more impossible. So he is an acquaintance? He speculated in Shen Yuan and relatives at home, but he did not guess it was Wang Cheng.

This is easy to understand. Wang Cheng will go to his brother's engagement banquet tonight. It is impossible to come to him at this time. Even if it is over, his parents cannot let him go out in the middle of the night. The idea is in his mind. Wang Chengshi, sitting cross-legged on a balcony lounge chair, was surprised. Chu Yifeng opened the balcony door and went out.

Hearing the sound, Wang Cheng turned around and raised the bottle in his hand and smiled at him: "Oh, you're finally back, waiting for you for a long time."

Chu Yifeng's eyes fell on the four or five wine bottles around him. A spirit of wine rushed at the same time. He had already drank so much. Realizing that Wang Cheng was not right at this moment, Chu Yifeng took his hand. Wine bottle. "You drink too much."

"There are only three bottles, and I can drink three more." Wang Cheng, who is drunk, obviously can't count, it is obviously six bottles, he said half of it.

Chu Yifeng determined that he was drunk. He passed his arm under his arm and grabbed his upper body to drag him up. Before standing still, Wang Chenggong came to kiss him, and then turned against him. Instead of holding Chu Yifeng, he took the initiative Hold the person and eat the other person's saliva as if you were eating Qiongmao Yulu, but this situation can only last for a few seconds. After Chu Yifeng took the initiative, he kissed the person softly. He had no strength to make waves again, and then Hold people in the bathroom.

The hot water was sprinkled on the head, and the wine seemed to be drained away. Wang Chengxi was awake, wiped his face, and leaned his head on Chu Yifeng's shoulder.

"Let's do it."

Chu Yifeng this time was not as anxious as usual. He pressed Wang Cheng against the wall, supported his chin with one hand, looked at him condescendingly, and asked, "What happened?"

Wang Cheng was silent for a long time. "... There is one thing that subverted my Sanguan. I haven't slowed down until now. Can you imagine the feeling that Sanguan was subverted?"

"Which three views?"

You just answer yes or no. "

"I don't understand Sanguan."

Wang Cheng suddenly raised his head and glared at him fiercely, "Did you fight against me, did you not see how helpless I am now? At this time, shouldn't you comfort me and lift me up? Are you still my lover? "

"I'm your lover."

When Chu Yifeng saw that he could still lose his temper and raise the bar, he felt relieved.

"Cut, don't do it." Wang Cheng shook off his hand, and he was so uninterested that he wanted to have sex, bypassing him and trying to leave the bathroom.

Chu Yifeng grabbed his hand and tore him back, locked him again between the wall and his arms, and then pulled his shirt out and pulled off his belt. After a while, Wang Chengcheng slipped, he was not convinced of himself Barely, Chu Yifeng's clothes were still worn, so he took off his clothes. The two were naked, and Wang Cheng's legs could not help but climb Chu Yifeng's strong and powerful waist. The two lingered in the bathroom.

From the bathroom battle to the bed, from the bed battle to the balcony, two people left almost everywhere ... footprints, Wang Cheng has never been so bold, but tonight he can not control so much, the sullen feelings in his heart will always be vented. It ’s comfortable, plus the alcohol in the body re-emerges, and his mind is confused. Perhaps when he wakes up, he will be glad that the suite is the highest floor of the hotel and overlooks most of the night scene of Shanhai City. Unless others use a telescope Otherwise, you cannot see the balcony of the suite.

The result of indulgence was backache and backache. Wang Cheng woke up almost ten o'clock, and his whole body bones were run over by trucks. Nowhere was good. Recalling the absurdity of last night, he had a vague memory, and moaned according to his temple. He went back on his stomach again, never expecting that he would be over-indulgent. However, he vented this channel and felt much better. Wang Cheng calmed down and reorganized what happened yesterday, thinking too much, and did not find Chu Yifeng walking in. He did not return until the bedside slightly collapsed. God comes.

"Breakfast has already been served. Get up and eat something to fill your belly." Chu Yifeng said to him and handed him the glass that had just poured water.

Wang Cheng lifted the quilt, revealing his naked upper body. Last night, because there was no scruples at all, not only was the lower body, but there were many green and blue places in the upper body. These are the evidence left last night, but Wang Cheng can be sure that Chu Yifeng There is no less bruising on him than he is.

There was warm air-conditioning in the room. Wang Cheng didn't feel cold. When he sat up, he took a cup of water and drank it. The warm hot water slid down his throat, as if a warm current flowed through every meridian, and his body was much relaxed. The sequelae of drunkenness have also eased a lot.

"Go out, I want to get dressed." Wang Cheng handed the water cup to his hand and started to rush.

Chu Yifeng frowned, "It's not like I haven't seen it."

Wang Cheng glared at him, "I'm afraid you're in estrus again, I don't want to help you extinguish the fire."

Chu Yifeng laughed: "Rest assured, I am also a very considerate lover. Your enthusiasm has fed me last night and I will stay until next time."

"Go to death." Wang Cheng picked up a pillow and threw it at him, and was taken out by Chu Yifeng.

The breakfast provided by the hotel is mainly porridge, which was specifically ordered by Chu Yifeng. Wang Cheng has no opinion. He has never been a master of respect and optimism. However, he glanced across from him and stared at Chu Yifeng who had no job at all.

"Are you sure you want to keep looking at me like this?"


Wang Cheng almost battered his face,

"You think I'm like ..." The words came to a halt when I came here, and I changed my rhetoric again after thinking about it. "Lao Tzu has never known what it is to be shy, but you always look at me like this and I feel weird. "

"Then eat faster, I have something to ask you."

Wang Cheng went out as soon as he heard this sentence. He did n’t need to guess and knew what he was asking. His behavior yesterday was abnormal. He ate breakfast quickly. The two went to the living room. The living room in the presidential suite was large and almost It's almost the same size as the living room of their apartment, but it's almost the same as home, with study, bedroom, living room, reception room and so on.

Chu Yifeng's computer was placed on the coffee table in the living room. The computer screen was on. Apparently he was still working before that.

Chu Yifeng covered the computer, the prominent brand logo on the front of the computer suddenly darkened, and then sat next to Wang Cheng, "Say it."

Wang Cheng touched his nose, and for a moment didn't know how to start. He just lay down on the sofa, put his head on his thigh, and rested his legs on the edge of the sofa's armrest. He was silent for a while before thinking about how to word it.

"Did I not tell you before that I was going to accompany my parents to my brother's engagement banquet last night? It was going smoothly, something happened midway, and my brother's fiancee had a little dispute with me. "

Chu Yifeng was keenly aware that there was a pause when talking about ‘parents’. Wang Cheng did n’t notice it, and went on talking. "Can you imagine that the parents who have been called for more than 20 years are not their biological parents? Although there must have been many similar situations in the huge Chinese nation, this kind of thing happened to them suddenly, and it was still difficult to accept. "

Chu Yifeng raised an eyebrow, but there were not many surprises on his face. He just asked, "What happened last night?"

"It's not my fiancee's fiancee in the lobby, but the **** did a good thing, even dared to call me a wild seed. At first, I should give her a few slaps before I think about it." Wang Cheng didn't notice him. Expression, I feel disgusted with Wang Xiaoyan from the heart. If it weren't for her, he would not know such a thing, even if it is true, but he still hopes never to know such a thing, his parents are very kind to him, good It ’s better than many parents treat their own biological son. He never thought that this would be the result. People who thought they were biological parents were not biological. People who had never experienced the feeling of a gap could never imagine it.

Chu Yifeng frowned. "What do your parents say?"

"They didn't deny or admit it, so I know that Wang Xiaoyan said that 10% is true. Both my uncle and second elder knew that I knew why the old lady and his wife didn't like me since they were young. "Wang Cheng doesn't have any feelings for these relatives. Now that he knows the reason, he doesn't have much feeling. At best, he just realized it and finally knew the truth. People usually remember the past only when they touched the scene at night, but Wang Cheng started to remember the childhood when he was standing against the sky.

Chapter 144: Reminiscences

"My family had a hard time when I was young. When my father got married, because of the eccentricity of Mrs. Wang and his wife, I did n’t have much business when I married my mother. After getting married, I was kicked out of the house occupied by my uncle. The house, until I was sensible, our family of four still lived in that small house of less than forty square meters. Although we lived very hard and could not eat a few or two meats in one meal, we still lived happily. Until my sister is born. "

Wang Cheng thought he had almost forgotten, but he turned it over carefully, but the past was vividly remembered, as if a rewind video, every scene flashed in front of him.

"When my sister was born, I was six years old and my eldest brother was eight years old. Don't look at our young age, but every meal eats a lot. My parents hurt us so much that we couldn't bear to make us hungry. With a little money, my parents would n’t be embarrassed. At that time, although my family ’s income was not high, I could barely make ends meet. Although there was an extra child, my parents still gritted their teeth and came up. By the age of two, a bad news had crushed my dad. "

Wang Cheng now also thinks that he is really good fortune, and because of this, he left that warm home and became an apprentice to the old monk.

At that time, Papa Wang worked in a factory with a very modest income, but the family of five lived on this modest income. But when he was eight years old, the factory closed down and Papa Wang was laid off gloriously. It was not easy to find a job that year. Without this source of income, their family suddenly fell into difficulties.

Later, there was really no way. The rice in the family was almost gone. They had no money to buy rice and noodles. Their family had to starve. If you do n’t open the pot, you do n’t want to lend money to the father, and the old lady and his wife, the parents, turned a blind eye to it. Later, the father never found them again.

For the three brothers and sisters, Papa Wang washed dishes, served dishes, set up stalls, felled trees, and worked temporary jobs, etc. Almost all the heavy work was done, but each month he made only half of the money he used to earn. My mother also tried everything to be suspicious of money. Everyone else was living comfortably, only they were still running for three meals.

Although the eldest brother is precocious, his ten-year-old boy can't help anything, and can only go out every day to pick up the tattered or go up the hill to find something to sell. Wang Cheng was also sensible at that time. He also wanted to help his family reduce the burden with his elder brother, but the two-year-old Prince Yu needs someone to take care of him, so this burden falls on him. Once, two adults in the family went out to make a living, Wang Ning'an also told Wang Cheng after his parents left to see if he could pick up and let him take care of his sister. Wang Cheng nodded and agreed, but for two hours Then he couldn't sit still.

When he was eight years old, he was as precocious as Wang Ning'an. It was clear that they were a burden on his family. In order to reduce the burden on his parents' shoulders, he thought of picking wild vegetables or tang mushrooms for sale in the mountains. He had seen adults do this before. , But he has to take care of his sister, what should I do? So he brought his two-year-old sister with him. Wang Ziyu would have walked when he was two years old. Wang Chengcheng held his sister in one hand and went up the mountain with a small basket in one hand. Without adult accompany, the two little Doudings were blessed by their ancestors if they went uphill.

The first thing they found was Wang Ning'an. He was out of luck. He didn't find much junk that day, so he returned after the sale. When he ran out to find him, he encountered the father and mother Wang who were going home. I heard that the two were gone and scared them to find the village. Later, a villager told them that they saw two children walking in the direction of the mountain. The old was eight years old and the young was only two years old. They should be their children. .

Father Wang and Mother Wang were so scared that they turned pale and ran staggering in the direction of the villagers' fingers, but before they entered the mountain, they saw an old monk walking down with two children at the foot of the mountain. Two children That is Wang Cheng and Wang Ziyu. It didn't take long for the two to enter the mountain, but fortunately they met an old monk.

After asking the situation, Father Wang and Mother Wang thanked the old monk and even wanted to invite him to eat at their house, but the old monk rejected it. The old monk made a request to make the couple dumbfounded, and he wanted to accept The king became a disciple, allowing Wang Cheng to inherit his mantle.

Worshiping an old monk as a teacher means that he must also become a monk. How could father and mother Wang agree with their son to be a monk, but because the old monk had kindness in their family, the couple did not refuse on the spot. Later, the old monk proposed another one to them. Favorable conditions. After receiving the king and becoming an apprentice, he will give their family a subsidy every year as compensation for Wang Cheng to help him clean the temple. His acceptance as a disciple will definitely make him do some chores. However, this behavior was equivalent to selling his son in the thoughts of Father Wang and Mother Wang, so they hesitated to nod.

Wang Cheng's elder brother already understood this at the time. Instead, he felt that the sale was not a loss at all. As long as he was an apprentice to an old monk, he could help reduce the burden on the family. He felt very cost-effective, so he proposed to his parents. He is willing to go on behalf of his brother.

His attitude was resolute, and he also analyzed the benefits of being an apprentice to an old monk. Wang Cheng ’s elder brother was already very clever. In the end, his parents were really convinced by him. As a result, the old monk disagreed. Wang Cheng is his apprentice, no one else. Wang Cheng was not as smart as Wang Ning'an at that time. He was a small child. He was not happy when he heard that he wanted to be separated from his family. He had been awkward for the first few days. Later, Wang Ning'an persuaded him to let him nod and agree. When he was an apprentice to the old monk, he could often return, but as a result he reached the mountain, and the old monk would not let him go down.

The old monk rarely goes down the mountain himself, usually only once every half month or one month, and he only goes to buy some daily necessities. The old monk is very strict with him, because many things can only be effective when taught as a child, so Wang Chengyi The time of the day is arranged full, there is no time to go down the mountain, and there is not much time to think about it.

Father Wang and Mother Wang have always felt sorry for him. If it wasn't for their incompetence, he would n’t have to be an apprentice to the old monk. Later Wang Ningan and Wang Ziyu grew up, and the situation at home was much better. The couple often let brothers and sisters take them. Some delicious uphills for Wang Cheng, of course, they can't see Wang Cheng most of the time.

Until he grew up, when he was 14 or 15 years old, his family's financial situation was much better than when he was a kid. Father Wang and Mother Wang proposed to the old monk that Wang Cheng should go to junior high school. They volunteered for Wang Cheng to study. Hope The old monk was able to release Wang Cheng down the mountain. Wang Cheng did not go to primary school. They mentioned it at the beginning, but the old monk refused to say that he would teach him literacy, and he really taught it, but Wang Cheng always felt that the reason for his academic performance Not as good as his elder brother and sister because he didn't study in elementary school and did not lay a good foundation.

Fortunately, the old monk later agreed, so Wang Cheng junior high school and high school both paid for him to study at home, but later he was admitted to college, but he did not go. First, he did n’t want to increase the burden on his family. Shi's body has gradually failed, although the old monk is strict with him, but he is really good to him, but the way is different from others, Wang Cheng did not understand before, when he grew up he understood.

However, it only took a long time to meet each other. Later, Wang Cheng still inevitably produced a rusty diaphragm to Wang and Dad Wang. Unlike the kids who often ran around Dad Wang, they were called by their parents intimately, and Zhang Shi also Stuck in it.

After Wang Cheng was able to go down the mountain, he encountered Zhang several times. Zhang had not dealt with his parents since they were very young, so that every time he saw him, he would say bad things about his parents in front of him. Not abandoned by his parents, Zhang always said that he was pathetic, and even hinted why he was not Wang Ning'an. He had to let him go. It was good to say that the palms of his hands were all meat, but his heart was still biased. At that time, Wang Cheng felt that Zhang was so stupid that he could not be saved. He was eight years old when he was sent to the old monk. How can he believe what he said at the age of eight, but experienced what happened last night? Later, Wang Cheng learned that Zhang ’s original meaning of “People ’s heart is still partial”, she was actually hinting that he was not the biological son of his parents.

"For so many years, I never felt that my parents were unfair to our three brothers and sisters. It was so difficult when they were young. They never thought about sending me away. Sometimes my elder brother was hungry. They also Without making me hungry, my parents always said that my brother should let my siblings. "Wang Cheng looked up at Chu Yifeng." You said that to my kind parents, how could I not be their biological son? "

Chu Yifeng touched his head and said, "Maybe God sees you look so handsome, so I want to give you a better family."

Wang Chengbai gave him a glance, "I'll tell you the truth, and I think my parents are very good. As you said, my elder brother looks handsome."

"Your elder brother is very capable now, a good birth is just the icing on the cake."

Wang Cheng narrowed his eyes, "Do you mean I don't have the ability?"

"How could it be." Chu Yifeng shrugged. "You are also very capable now, and it is a blessing to have a perfect lover like me."

"Boss Chu, you still have to get up. Let's sleep in the bedroom at night."

Wang Cheng sat up straight and tried to leave.

Chu Yifeng caught his waist,

I'm talking about the blessings I cultivated in previous lives. "

"It's pretty much the same." Wang Cheng sat back again, but his personality really differed greatly from Wang Ning'an, mainly because he was too much affected by the old monk, otherwise, according to the situation of their family, Wang Cheng should also follow this Wang Ning'an also pursued money.

"What are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do, I don't plan to go back for a while, I'll talk about it slowly."

Wang Cheng hasn't figured out how to deal with his parents who have suddenly become unrelated.

Chu Yifeng seemed to think, and asked, "You don't want to find your biological parents?"

When Wang Cheng heard this sentence, his expression was a bit complicated. "Twenty-five years have passed. How can I find it, if I really have a fate with them, I will meet sooner or later."

Chapter 145 Heart Knot

At this time, Wang Cheng didn't know yet. Guanjiacun caused a stir again because of their affairs. Almost everyone was discussing Wangcheng's affairs. Knowing that Wangcheng was not the father of Wang, there were not many people picked up, and there was only mother Wang in Guanjiacun. Several people in her maid's house, as well as the elders of the Wang family, the juniors almost did not know. After this incident spread, many people were very proud.

Wang Xiaoyan originally planned to expose Wang Cheng's homosexuality through her and Wang Ningkai's engagement banquet. Even if it is not true, it is said that everyone may believe it. Unfortunately, her purpose was not achieved. At the time, she was furious and told the truth of Wang Cheng's birth As a result, this incident overcame the issue of homosexuality. At the time, none of the juniors at the scene mentioned it, and Wang Xiaoyan was accused by the villagers afterwards. Rumors of her uneducated class spread throughout Guanjia Village in less than a day. .

Wang Xiaoyan was dying, but she still felt that she had done nothing wrong, and sued her parents and Li, and they did not blame her. On the day after the engagement banquet ended, Wang Xiaoyan and Wang Ningkai returned to the city in a mighty manner. Already.

However, she later said Wang Cheng's bad words when she met people. She wanted to be known to everyone, but there was no intersection in life, and few people knew about it. It would not affect Wang Cheng at all.

Until something happened, this matter directly related to Wang Xiaoyan's future. The two were not at peace. Everyone also knew at that time. It turned out that Wang Xiaoyan told Wang Cheng's bad words everywhere, but Wang Ningkai, the lobby brother, did not stop. .

Wang Cheng didn't go home, both father Wang and mother Wang were worried, but they also knew that Wang Cheng was not the kind of person who acted impulsively. After the call failed, the couple decided to give him a few days to calm down for a while. . Originally, the couple wanted to go to Li's for an explanation, but when their emotions stabilized, they heard that Li and Wang Hongwei went to the city with Wang Ningkai. At this point, they knew that they were afraid of the third son's accountability.

After Zhang knew it, she also scolded the Li family. She slipped really fast when she thought that the youngest couple would come to her to quarrel, and they devoted themselves to preparing for the battle. As a result, the youngest couple had a little reaction. No, I found out that the two were just as usual, as if they were not affected.

Don't they care about the king becoming? This is impossible.

Zhang knows the importance the young couple attaches to their children. When she was young, she persuaded the two to give Wang Cheng to others. As a result, they scolded her. If they did n’t want to raise him, there was no need to pick him up. Zhang's thinking about their thoughts all day.

Li and Wang Hongwei, who followed his son to the city, had a good time. They were far away from Guanjia Village. They were not affected by the incident at all, or they didn't care about it, even if they had provoked it first.

Wang Ningkai has a real estate of more than 100 square meters in the city. It was bought by the company when the company started. At that time, the price of the house was relatively cheap. It has more than doubled in a few years. A ten-square-meter house couldn't afford it, so his confidence was always inflated.

The next two days, the two seemed to hit it off, and soon they were discussing?

Read The Duke's Passion